Knit Olympics: Day One: LET THE GAMES BEGIN!


  1. What a cute picture! Nothing beats posing in front of the TV. Good luck!

  2. freakin cute!!

  3. Aww, I used to think it was the talents of the photographer, but now I’m thinking it’s just that those kids are danged adorable.
    I don’t have a first day of the Olympics post! I haven’t added the buttons to my blog! I haven’t cast on yet! Ugh!

  4. BTW-I’m using the New Jersey button if you don’t mind. I was born there after all. I’m a Jersey girl!

  5. yup. too cute!

  6. You totally stole my idea! lol Damn!

  7. quit cuddling the kids and start knitting ferchristssake

  8. On your mark, get set, go! Good luck. What a cute picture too!

  9. I love how excited the kids look. Great photo.

  10. Cutest Evah!

  11. 😀

  12. Dang, that is a big ass TV!!!

  13. go cara! cute kids and huge tv – what can go wrong?

  14. Yeah, where’s the knittin’? What a great picture, though!

  15. So cute: just you, the kids, and Bob Costas.

  16. The kids look more fun than knitting would be any day;-)

  17. Go, girl, go!!
    What a cute picture!
    Good luck.

  18. Great picture! Those kiddos are so squeezeable!

  19. How in the world could you knit with all that cuteness in such close proximity!!?!?! And no, I don’t mean Bob Costas. :o)

  20. Hmm, those kids sure look full of games!

  21. you are beautiful. so are the kids.

  22. You are the cutest thing ever. Although the kids are pretty damned cute, too 😉

  23. As a non-olympian, I’ll be cheering you on.

  24. LOL you nutcase. xxo Kay

  25. I think you’ve just won the gold medal in cuteness. Super-duper cute.

  26. Are the kids knitting with you, too? 🙂 Very cute.

  27. I see that Max is in possession of the knitting! Go MAX! (When are you going to teach that kid to knit, anyway?)
    Good luck and knit on!

  28. Here to report the first injury. Tendonitis…will she be able to finish the competition? Her trainer is wrapping her injury and we will see if she will be able to get back in there. She has a good start in the competion so far with the Moebius casted on. We will check back later.

  29. So CUTE!!!
    Good luck!

  30. How sweet! Good luck 🙂