Karma Karma Karma Karma

Karma Chameleon….

Guess what showed up today? You betcha. The packages from Amazon. It just so happens that when I yelled and cried and berated the customer service representative on Friday, she issued me a credit for the items.

So. They’re here. And they’re free.

What to do? I’ll preface this with a little story.

Once, a while back, some friends and I went to a great reading at Barnes & Noble. I picked up the book before the reading so I could read along with the author (the amazing John Dufresne – if you haven’t read Lousiana Power & Light, run out right now and pick it up. Freaking hysterical!). You know how they always have a big display right there, next to the lecturn and stuff? Anyway, the reading was great and I had the book signed. Then we gathered all our stuff and headed out for burgers.

There I was, standing in line at the Port Authority waiting for the 129 bus when I realized I NEVER PAID FOR THE BOOK!!!!

Did bells go off when I left the store? NO.
Did any of my friends say anything? NO.
I just cruised on out through the metal detectors and all without a peep.

I was mildly horrified. The store was closed when I got home. I almost let it go – if they didn’t notice, why should I? C’mon. It’s Barnes & Noble. They shit books for breakfast.

I awoke in the morning with a clear answer. Karma baby.
I’m a writer. I knew something awful would happen to me in the publishing vortex if I didn’t pay for the book. So I called the store and had them charge me. The manager was dumbfounded to say the least. She told me I was a good person. I told her I didn’t know about that, but I wasn’t about to piss off the publishing gods. Besides, I thought it would be a good story to tell at MY first reading at B&N. (Hasn’t happened yet.)

What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Amazon. So I called them and told them what happened. We agreed they should charge me for the items, but not for the shipping. Karma. I’ve still got it!

In knitting news, Grace at Rosie’s Yarn Cellar was nice enough to convince me that I have plenty of Manos to take care of a vest with a nice cable down the front. She could’ve sold me plenty more, but she didn’t. Karma. She’s got it!

And I found a cute pattern for a pullover for my niece in the Holiday 2004 Family Circle Knitting. I’m going to use the fabu Art Yarns Supermerino that was recently reviewed by Clara. I bought some color #108. This is also the yarn that Froggy used for her claoptis. I can’t wait for it to get here!

I had to rip out the Ribby Cardi decreases I did yesterday. Somehow I was off two stitches on one side. Have no idea how I did it. So back to square one. Oh well. No biggy. I’ve got my good Karma to keep me warm.


  1. Glad Amazon.com came through for you after all! What a nice ending to your holiday fiasco.