K is for

The Letter K

The letter K had me stymied for sure. I’ve had a hate/hate relationship with the letter K ever since I can remember, or, more likely, since the first time someone spelled my name with a K. It’s Cara. C-A-R-A. And no, I don’t count knitting as a K word because I’m going with the whole what you don’t hear can’t hurt you routine.

But, if I want to do this ABC thing right (I know I’m late, but I’m determined to get through all 26 letters. Screw the time-table) I have to do K. So today I decided to get over this whole aversion thing and take pictures of the Letter K around the house:

1. A souvenir magnet from Lake Tahoe
2. The Letter K on my computer keyboard
3. Kiehl’s Hand Lotion
4. The scale I use to weigh my yarn and fiber
5 and 6. The world map shower curtain in G’s bathroom
7. Exercise trampoline
8. G’s jeans
9. My new favorite t-shirt.
10. KISS CDs
11. KitchenAid Blender
12. Part of the K shelf in the Fiction Section of my personal library
13. Koigu
14. Alphabet kitchen magnet on my fridge
15. Part of the Kierkegaard shelf in the Philosophy Section of my personal library
16. My current favorite cereal, Frosted Mini-Wheats, from Kellogg’s
17. This week’s New Yorker

Hopefully L is just around the corner. Thank you!


  1. Hehe, that’s pretty funny to me. Being “Kathy with a k” I’ve always felt the same about C ..

  2. Fabulous! A great idea for the letter K, and also reassuring to me to see I’m not the only one who’s fallen a bit behind.

  3. Maybe you’ve said this somewhere in your posts, but what type of yarn are you using? The blanket is beautiful!

  4. Very interesting group of Ks.
    A trampoline? Kool!

  5. K is my middle name. (Kaye)

  6. k is for me!
    love the t-shirt.

  7. I am a little — but only a little — embarrassed to admit that when I saw your scale, my first thought was “hot damn! Cara bakes, too!” Never mind that we’ve already had that whole conversation about cookery. I am a mope. But I’m a mope who recognizes a good Salter scale. 🙂
    For what it’s worth, I love your K list. Very eclectic.

  8. O-Kay – I love the K photos. The Kiehl’s photo reminds me that I need to order some more lotion. Kiss, KitchenAid, Knit, Kute.

  9. LOL! I’m a K girl myself. I’m Kirsten, DH is a “K” our last name is a “K”. . .
    I am so impressed with your organized libraries! I’m just happy if my books are placed neatly on the shelves or stacked on the table. . .but alphebetized by author, amazing!
    I enjoyed your K’s.

  10. You ‘K’ Kicks ass! Great idea!

  11. Cara, Even though I’m not sure what it’s about, I loved your photo montage of “K”. I made me laugh!

  12. S."K"ate says


  13. I have the same Kipling books!

  14. Looks like you have WAY TOO MUCH spare Koigu…………:)

  15. I just bought some Frosted Mini Wheats, too! Are you sending in for the license plate? Ann has a bike basket for HER wheel, why not a license plate for YOURS? License to spin…
    I love all your K’s, even the ones I can’t hear.

  16. lol… and I’m alway’s saying “Kathy with a K” in response to people who go to spell my name with a C.
    (Where did you get that shirt!!!???? I LOVE that shirt!!!)

  17. where did you get that t-shirt?? i must have one… please tell me!! xo

  18. I nearly dropped my keyboard (hey! Keyboard!) when I saw the lotion picture — I thought you had cleverly stolen something bearing my last name in bold colored letters. But, alas, the only similarity was the first three letters. Cool montage, though.

  19. Great K post. Koigu…mmm! BTW- I may have thought log cabins were boring…until I saw yours! Now, I’m inspired!

  20. I will try not to take the hatred against the letter K too personally…..[sob]…..after all, my first name starts with a C and I have the same problem. (What’s with people questioning you on how you spell YOUR OWN NAME? It always amazes me.)
    But mostly – you alphabetize your books? Wow.

  21. I just had to say that I love your K montage, as a Cathy, I totally understand your feelings towards K.
    You really do take the best pictures.

  22. wonderful cara! you inspire me to take out my camera and shoot a bit!

  23. KOOL photo collage! It’s fabulous to see how your creativity presents us the letter “K”.

  24. hi cara, is there a place to go to buy those nice girl tees? i’m having trouble locating a link for that on your site.. can you share?

  25. Am I the only one here who got more excited about the KISS albums than the Koigu? Yes? Maybe I don’t belong in knitblogland after all…

  26. Let’s not talk about late, I haven’t even done my J yet. I know what I want to use but this vacation thing is messing me up. 😉 I love your K! Great pictures, of course. Oh and K is my letter.

  27. Fabulous photo array of K’s!!

  28. Dude! You are totally the star of http://whipup.net/ today! Yay!

  29. I was about to ask if that was a shower curtain then I saw your notes 🙂 We have the same one…dh insisted it was a learning tool.

  30. I love checking in on your blog – you take the coolest photos!

  31. OOOOH. I hate it when people get my name wrong — although they generally mispronounce it (hence the blog name) rather than misspell it. It’s L on wheels.
    Great K! (Who couldn’t love Koigu?)

  32. lol I found this funny because my son who is 4 has a hatred for the number 5 and the letter A. We don’t know why, but he really hates them. If he sees either of them in a book, he will hit it or cover it up with something because he doesn’t want to look at it. He was even eating a yoplait yogurt today and the upc symbol on the side had a number 5 in it. So he took some yogurt from his spoon and squished it onto the side of the containter to try and goop it onto the 5 to hide it.

  33. Geraldine Kiser says

    I’ve recently found your blog & enjoy reading your thoughts. I happen to really like K since our name starts with that! 8^) I also really like your log cabin work & think that will be a great way to use up some bits of yarn that I have around. When searching for the archives telling how you do the log cabin I came across your post about Nancy Crow. I had a 4 day quilting class with her in about 1994 or so. I still think about that class. Nancy is a very intense woman and she shared so MUCH information in those 4 days. It could have easily been more than one semester of art class in college! When I told her that I was happy to finally have an art class that used fabric as the medium, she gave me a big hug. Yes, she DOES ‘get it’! You should contact her & tell her how much it means to you….best wishes, gk

  34. you found some very likeable k’s…i’m partial to the letter myself 🙂

  35. Que? Where’d ya go? I know it’s only been 4 days but you make work (not that I ever read blogs at work) more fun.