Just a Quickie….

Have you seen this? What an accomplishment! The details are seriously amazing. Go congratulate Anna!

I’m going to be braving this today – I have a birthday party to shoot right off the parade route. I’m leaving two hours early to get there – that should give you an idea of the mayhem. Add to that it’s 95FUCKINGdegrees and I’m probably going to have to walk a while amidst throngs. At least the party will be airconditioned!

STAY COOL! (Or warm or whatever you need to be comfortable. I’d do anything for comfortable….)


  1. i’ll be thinking cool. cool pool pic!

  2. love the picture of the water….where do you get these fabulous pictures or do you take them yourself. hope you have a great day and stay cool.

  3. Thanks for the link to Sgt. Pepper — what a fabulous sweater, so creative.
    Stay cool, cookie! (Doesn’t everyone love a parade?)
    ; )

  4. That totally reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with the PR Day Parade. I hope you don’t have to lug all your camera equipment around too far!

  5. Rock it out girl and be thankful you’re not IN the parade! 😉

  6. Thanks for linking to that Sgt. Pepper jacket–so very cool!

  7. I just have to comment on your lovely photography. The post you did of your beautiful niece turning two was just priceless. Then, her birthday….I loved the one you took of her standing, facing away, with the heel of her left foot hitched up a bit. Clearly, you have an eye for the perfect photo. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Now, I promise you I am not saying this to rub it in, but: It’s so weird to read on all of these blogs about how hot it is where they are. I am in San Francisco and it was maybe 72 degrees today. It’s nice, but I would like it a LITTLE warmer.

  9. Hey! I can see you in Safari! Did you fix it or are the blog gods smiling on us?

  10. I’m having a Seinfeld flashback….
    Good luck!

  11. What a great water pic… I am not really big on swimming, but that pic makes me want to dive right in 🙂

  12. I wondered if it was Puerto Rican Day yesterday -I saw a couple of guys decked out with flags on 95 heading to New York.
    I was at the Met last year during the parade – it was an extraordinary experience.
    But much, much cooler.
    Hope it went well.

  13. Okay, that’s weird. I was JUST sitting here thinking how icky and hot it is and how I’d like to go to the gym and jump in the pool but I’m really grooving on my knitting and I’m too lazy to get up…and then…I see your tantalizing pool photo. Byee, I’m going to the gym.