It’s Official.

I’m fat. Yesterday I tipped the scale slightly passed my “that’s it I’m fat” zone. So I’m doing this. I’m hoping that blogging about my success or lack there of will spur me on. Nothing like a little public humiliation to get you off your ass. I did go out and run yesterday – I do the beginning runner’s pyramid program in The Runner’s Handbook by Bob Glover. It’s worked before, goddammit, it will work again! Stayed tuned as I get physical.

[Besides, if we’re thinking about trying again in the Summer — SHHHHH, don’t say it out loud!!! — it might be good to be in some kind of shape. You know, so I can get fat again.]

Thank you Secret Pal!

I received a box from my secret pal!


  1. Man, I can’t wait to see that magazine. I haven’t been able to find it anywhere!

  2. Good luck with your new goal. I’m cheering you on from NC!

  3. If you need another online tracking site for your running, is pretty good. I tried it, but my knee joints are too bad to take much pounding. 🙁

  4. what a great gift from your secret pal! Good luck with the running. I was just saying the other day how I can’t run. I don’t have the motivation – but I hit the “I’m too fat” moment over the holidays. I MUST get doing something. UGH- I’ve been so lazy.

  5. Running? Ugh! I just can’t do it. By the way, my weight has nothing to do with what I eat or how little I exercise. It’s just the way it is. Yes, I’m super freaky. 😉 Have you every tried lifting weights? The cool thing is that you see real changes pretty quickly and the muscle you build up keeps burning the fat … even while you knit. 🙂

  6. I’m glad you like the gift.
    Good luck with the running. I have shot way past my “too fat” weight so I’ve been hitting the gym again. Past few days have been bad and I hadn’t been in. Maybe you will motivate me with your running.

  7. Hmm… I was thinking of starting a blog for weight loss too… I was going to call it Project GOYA: Get Off Your Ass 😛 Maybe this is the motivation I need. Truthfully it is a little discouraging to me, because I love knitting SO much, and it is so sedentary… is there a way to knit while exercising? If there is, that will be my new favorite exercise 😛
    I wish you luck… and I hope I can get motivated to do it too. Take care, Cara, and hope to talk to you soon 🙂

  8. Wow, that’s so funny, I made that sweater, in that yarn!! In that color, even!! (I wish I had good pics of it, maybe I’ll take more one day.) FYI, my row gauge was way off, which, unfortunately, is pretty important for the cable section, so I reworked the cables a bit. Still turned out beautifully, though!

  9. I think I may just have to bite the bullet and try the 20 minute pyramid myself. Never done this before, so thanks for posting it!! Can’t wait to see what you make with the yarn from your Secret Pal.