It’s Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature!

Remember those butter commercials, they were goofy to be sure, but good ol’ MN really showed her stuff yesterday.

I watched the most spectacular storm come across the swamp. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it, but it’s worth repeating. I live smack dab in the middle of a swamp. The Meadowlands to be precise. My apartment is situated in my building so that I look right out into swamp land – due west. We get THE most spectacular sunsets you can imagine. I think it has to do with all the chemicals in the air, but whatever it is, every night has the possibility for a technicolor cornicopia. I’m not kidding. G and I often yell to each other from room to room – did you see it? Look out the window? Amazing.

We talk about moving all the time, and if we ever do (which I hope we do eventually) one of the things I will miss the most is watching the weather from my balcony – be it sun or rain or snow. I have the perfect view.

Besides the sunsets, there is nothing I like better than watching a storm roll across the swamp. The dark clouds barrel down and the sky is often a mix of blue and black. Yesterday afternoon was no exception. I absolutely love the clarity in the air that comes with dark clouds. It’s hard to describe and I know my camera could never capture it, but there’s a glow in the air. The green of the tree leaves is crisper. The billowy grass in the swamp is tinged with gold on the tips, despite the lack of sun.

Yesterday I could see huge bolts of lightning hitting beyond the turnpike. Thick strikes that seemed to last forever. Kids by the pool (by the pool, not in the pool) would yell out, “did you see that? did you see it?” and not two seconds later another bolt would appear a little to the left. A little to the right.

The rains came and the winds picked up and the lighting became fierce! The strikes landed in front of my window, almost literally, in the swamp across the way. The winds were viscious, blowing around pool chairs and deck chairs and I closed the window because I was actually frightened.

The rain descended in torrents and marched across the swamp like ghostly soldiers. The thunder echoed their battle cry. The flag billowing tattered in the parking lot was a stark witness to the war.

I’ve never been truly scared by a storm since I’ve lived here. I’ve seen A LOT of storms blow across the swamp in fourteen years. Yesterday, I hung up on my sister and hid in the bathroom for a few minutes. We have windows facing west in every room of the house. The bathroom is the safest place with no windows.

It passed fairly quickly and I went back to work on my computer. Later on I passed by the windows again and witnessed the redest orb I’ve ever seen. The sky around the sun glowed like it was, literally, on fire. Here’s hoping that sun was a harbinger of a beautiful day with beautiful bloggers and beautiful yarn!

Not from yesterday, but from my balcony nonetheless.


  1. Gorgeous sky. And I hope you have a wonderful time today. And I hope nothing comes up to make me miss it.

  2. Must have been the same storm that blew through here. Great pic of the sky-
    Have a great time with the other knitbloggers in NYC–that sounds like a great time. I have to admit, I am a little jealous! 🙂

  3. Just to make you feel a bit better about the whole “not writing” thing – your description of that storm was as good or better than anything you’d see in a novel. So, blogging is just like writing. Think of your blog as a series of short stories when you’re discouraged about the fact that you haven’t written in ages.

  4. that picture makes me happy. it’s SO pretty.
    p.s. I’m terrified of storms. so I’m glad you aren’t, so you can take the pictures. 🙂

  5. I remember those commercials — the wrath! Have a fantastic time today — I wish I could pop down to New York and join you.

  6. Beautiful photo. Have a great time, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

  7. First, STUNNING picture. Second, my mom says we had hail at our house yesterday. I didn’t see any at the office, but I couldn’t believe how fast that storm rolled up–in five minutes we went from a little overcast to pouring rain, wind, lightning . . . Wow! Mother Nature does, indeed, know how to put on a show!

  8. I *love* violent, stormy weather! Well, I’m not a fisherman or anything like that, so I can enjoy it from a safe place.

  9. Have a fabulous day and thank you for the sunset…nothing like a little western exposure 🙂

  10. Cara…that is amazing writing. The description alone brought that storm into my head. I could feel it and see it clearly. But then, we had similar (not quite as beautifully cruel) weather yesterday and the thunder shook our house.

  11. Good story and beautiful picture!

  12. I love storms. We don’t have the huge ones we had when I was a kid and lived in Kentucky. Here we have some pretty good ones, but not every afternoon for a half hour or so. I loved them.

  13. Lovely descriptions. I love storms, too.
    I heard today was lovely…I hope you had a great time, too. 😉

  14. I just wanted to second the motion. You are a fansastic writer. Reading your descriptions made me feel that I was reading a novel; an excellent novel.

  15. love the you-are-there feeling i get from reading this…i hope you are counting this as getting some writing done!
    i hope you guys had a wonderful time thursday, i’m sorry i missed it.

  16. Beautiful sunset photo!!! I hate thunderstorms…thet are my fear! My house is like all windows & I never know where to go.