If you like Cheesesteaks with Onions and Cheering Mummers on the First

here’s the button you’ve longed for…let’s not be-e dispersed!*

ETA: Wendy’s got the Philly team blog all ready to go! Check it out here. Thanks Wendy! GO TEAM PHILLY! (Oh and I believe, in the tradition of the City of Brotherly Love, that anyone that wants to call themselves a member of Team Philly – or just wants to sport the fab button 😉 , be my guest! The more the merrier!)

I’ll be heading down to Philly shortly – I’ll be casting on there Friday night. I’m going to try to have daily updates for the Knit Olympics – I’ll be back in NJ on Saturday – so if I don’t get you an update Friday Night, look for one on Saturday.

I’ll be casting on in Philly, casting off in Boston, and knitting like a fiend in New Jersey. Wouldn’t want the Garden State to feel left out!

We’re all about inclusion at januaryone! 😉
Knit On Fellow Knathletes! Good luck with the Games!!

* My apologies to Rupert Holmes.


  1. It’s the Tri-State Olympics!

  2. Why do you have all the good buttons?????
    xox Kay

  3. Woot woot! Go go go go go!

  4. Wishing you flying needles! Have fun, too.

  5. GREAT buttons, Cara!

  6. Knathletes! Great term! (and the closest I’ll likely ever get to “athlete.”)

  7. Those are fabulous buttons. Makes me wish I lived much further east of here!
    (Have you seen our beloved Purlingswine? Her blog is MIA this morning! ACK!)

  8. I’m there. Well, actually, I’m in RI presently. But I’m a Philly resident, so I’ll count that if you’ll count that. And with all your travels, how could you not?

  9. After reading your post yesterday I was extremely tempted to sign up for the KO just to be in the Philly team.
    I am, however, a big chicken… and didn’t. I’m now starting to regret it. I suck!
    Good luck team Philly!!!
    (Disclaimer: I’m not from Philly, but will be as soon as I find a job there.)

  10. Great buttons! I don’t actually live in Philly but I’m pretty close, and often work there. So, I think I’ll count that as being a Philly knitter.

  11. Thanks! I can rest easy now that I have a team to join. Go team Philly!

  12. Hi there! Great minds think alike! Kat referred me to you – as we both have the Philly Spirit going on! Your button looks fab – better than mine. Email me if you want to form a bigger, better Philly knitting team!

  13. You know, all the Utah grrls are slugs. No team spirit. BUT, we’ll be rooting you on from wherever you are knitting!

  14. Yay New Jersey!!! I’m stealing your Garden State Button. 🙂 And I WILL finish my Jaywalkers before the olympics start!

  15. Go PANJMA knitters!

  16. What a world traveler! I’ll be rooting for all of you Olympic athletes while I plod along on Butterfly!

  17. If I were doing the Knitting Olympics I would so have the button on my blog! My parent’s were born and raised in Philly. Man, I could go for some butter cake with the cheesesteak!

  18. Great buttons………..make sure you keep blogging from your new destinations…

  19. I love the Team NJ button. Too bad I’m not participating…
    Have a great time in Philly!

  20. Aww the mummers! I miss them…I grew up in that area (pronounced err-ea).
    Good luck in the Olympics!

  21. yo Cara!
    {can you hear the whole Stallone accent when you read that?}
    let’s eat cheese steaks and Tastycakes!

  22. Awww, now I totally with that I lived in Philadelphia 🙁

  23. Let’s get that party started in Philly! By the way, I was also born at Albert Einstein.
    If anyone wants to post to Team Philly Blog, just hop on over, and email me with your email address, etc.
    And, Cara – I just need your email address if you want to Post to T-Philly Blog.
    The button is awesome!!

  24. ha! I first read that as CheeseCAKE with onions, and I thought….ewwww, gross….

  25. Those are some great buttons! What a cute mitten pattern — will be fun to see it in blue and pink.

  26. Cara it seems like you should have some tri-state team (don’t get that confused with the Tri-State Area). Are you gonna run up the steps as part of your Olympics training?? hehe!
    What’s with the Rupert Holmes apology??

  27. I love Philly! Maybe it’s because I grew up in Southern NJ and am a HUGE Eagles fan :o) Great button!!!
    If you have some time could you stop by my blog? I have a survey up about stitch markers. I’m getting ready to be a vendor at Maryland for the first time and am trying out new ideas. Thanks!

  28. Hey, Cara! Thanks for posting to my Ghetto Knitter page (I couldn’t find your email address, so I’m posting right back atcha). Good luck with the Knitting Olympics! You all are so *organized* with your blog and all! You look pretty unstoppable to me. 🙂

  29. Thanks for stoppong by the blog and leaving feedback. It will help me a lot in product development :o)

  30. That New Jersey button is sooo Atlantic City Tourism Board!! :o)

  31. Ha, I just heard that song on the radio in the car this morning. Good luck with your Olympic knitting. I’ll be cheering you on!

  32. i’m cheering for you! go cara!
    (btw, package received by receptionist, it says! woo!)

  33. I LOVE the NJ Button!!! WooHoo! Go Jersey!!! (Can I steal it? My own bandwidth, of course)