I love to knit!


  1. that looks like one comfy sock!

  2. Well dang! Just look at that foot. Where the heck did the yellow go? That is just awesome the way the colors shift themselves around and create a whole new emphasis on the pallete.
    Yeah, I love to knit too.

  3. Woohoo!

  4. Me too! Nice sock.

  5. Very cool! Looks like at least three different yarns, the way it shifts. I love it, and I love to knit, too.

  6. It looks great! Perfect for when the weather gets cooler!

  7. Looks like knitting loves you back!! 🙂 Awesome!

  8. That is beautiful! I love the pooling. How many yards did you end up using for this sock? It looks so comfy and fitted!

  9. Love it, both your sock and knitting. I am particularly impressed with the calf shaping. Since purchased knee socks seem to use elastic (with a finite life span of stretchiness) to stay up, I’m betting that the shaping will function better and longer. Unless you are planning to wear garters? 😉

  10. it looks gorgeous!Im so jealous, Im still working my way up to the ribbing

  11. looks great! 😀 gooooo Cara!

  12. yay!!

  13. That is a very fun sock and the next one of the pair could look complete different. Isn’t it fun!?

  14. Your knee sock came out great. I love how it’s swirling around the leg and then stripey on the foot. Very cool!

  15. that is just wonderful.

  16. I’m right there with you!!!
    Sock looks fantastic 🙂

  17. WOOT!! Great sock!!

  18. that looks comfy. and it’s kind of neat the way the colors shifted like that.

  19. What a spunky sock! Have you cast on the other yet?

  20. Kewl! Or should I say warm! Really nice

  21. So pretty & looks really comfy.

  22. It’s rocking! And I love the pooling.

  23. Beautiful!
    I’m curious to know what your to date stats are, i.e. needle size, guage and how much yarn it took to do one sock. I just got some stripey sock yarn in the mail and am itching to work on a pair for myself.

  24. Very cute! Can’t wait to see you sporting the pair. 🙂

  25. And we love to see your knits! Fabulous sock. I *need* to get working on my knee highs!