Last night G picked me up at the train station and I hopped into the driver’s seat. Man I love our new car. It is SO MUCH FUN to drive. We took the long way pretty much everywhere, having fun getting lost, and ended up at Houston’s for our favorite ribs. I don’t care if they’re not authentic or whatever the rib experts might say, they are the best ribs I’ve ever had. The meat melts right off the bone. The bbq sauce is tangy and sweet with just a little kick. They give you a shitload of ribs. Everything about the meal is perfect from the salad to the fries and coleslaw and lemonade. Ribs at Houston’s never fail to disappoint. (Thanks M!)

Then I was back in the driver’s seat and we were heading to the brand new Tpike exit right near our house that has a sick ass hairpin turn preceded and followed by two great straight aways. Except for early in the morning, barely anyone uses the exit so I was able to swing a uie so we didn’t have to pay the toll (and also ride it twice.) On the second straight away I got the car to 95. G was encouraging me to hit 100, but I was nervous. Once the car gets it’s first ding and I’ve settled into it, 100 mph will be a thing of the past. The car is only slightly less practical than the Acura Legend we used to own; I’m pretty sure we can’t fit a baby seat in the back. (No. I’m not pregnant.) But luckily for me the same car comes in a station wagon. 😉

Have no fear. All will be revealed soon. Suffice it to say I know what my “J” will be.

Fun, crazy times at my sister’s. She getting ready to put her house on the market so things are in upheaval – but I got to spend some quality time with all the kids – alone and together. My sister’s new house is GORGEOUS and I’m equals parts jealous and ohmygod moving is the most stressful thing ever. I was glad to help a little bit at least.

I did manage to get in some knitting time. Voila! A finished sock!

Well, actually, almost finished. I don’t like the toe and am about to rip it for the third time. I’ve grown used to at least 12 stitches at the toe to kitchener – blame the jaywalker – and the toe right now is too tight and pointy for me. So I’ve got to go back and add a few rows before I start decreasing.

I LOVE the sock though! These are going to be super toasty in the winter. I knit the ribbing on Addi 2s and the rest on Addi 1s and the fabric is nice and dense and soft and they’re just beautiful. I can’t imagine knitting anything other than stockinette with this yarn, as I hate ribbing in general and especially in socks and I wouldn’t want a pattern to take away from the beauty of the yarn and the stitches. I did engage a teensy design element though:

I don’t like when stockinette socks just go right into the toe from the foot without stopping. Let’s call it Gold Toe Syndrome. I love when you stop a pattern then do the toe in stockinette. It just looks like the way it’s supposed to be. So I added a garter stitch ridge to my toe on the row before the decreases. I kind of like it. Nice delineation without interfering with anything really. It’s like only I know it’s there. 😉 I never claimed to be sane.

And look at what was waiting for me when I got home!!!

More Sock Hop Yarn from Crown Mountain Farms and Teyani! LOOK AT ALL THAT BARBERPOLEY GOODNESS!!! From left to right we’ve got Pink Cadillac (um hello? Bruce?), American Pie and Say A Little Prayer. I beg you to click on the picture so you can see it bigger. This yarn is just amazing. I’m thinking I need one in every color for sure. I’ll be casting on for my second Heat Wave sock today. Or maybe one of the new colors and I’ll do my patented alternating color second sock thing. (Teyani mentions on the blog that they’re currently out of stock, but you can send her an email to inquire when it will be back in. Patience! This stuff is awesome and completely hand made. Can’t rush genius!)

Today should be a great day. I’m expecting my yarn for my squares and my Amazing Lace project. Oh and check back later for a HUGE annoucement. I also hope to have the Ombre winners sometime soon. Got to get an email out to Ann and Kay. Thanks everyone! Have a great day!

*My use of this movie quote in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM endorses the movie, or said star of the movie, because in reality I think he’s a wacko that’s been brainwashed by the aliens he professes to know and really an anal probe is being too kind.


  1. I love that sock yarn. It might just inspire me to try socks. (Will they be like Pringles, once you start, you can’t stop?)

  2. So much prettiness!

  3. Congrats on the fun drive. I’m settling into my new car. I know what you mean about the first ding. In the meantime, I want to wrap it in bubble wrap. It’s just a little too perfect.

  4. Aha, Cara! You’re the one! I couldn’t remember where I’d seen this yarn, but I knew that I’d clicked on someone’s link and was enchanted. I now have in my possession two hanks of Wild Thing and 2 of Good Vibrations. Can’t wait to knit them up. Thanks a lot for the link…sheesh… just what I needed, another sock yarn that I LOVE!

  5. Those yarns are glorious!

  6. Wow, that sock yarn is tempting me just about as much as Socks That Rock! I can’t wait to hear about the HUGE announcement. Have fun with the new car.

  7. New cars are just the best. So much fun, but I agree w/ Theresa on the bubble wrap. Cute sock and that yarn is gorgeous.

  8. Nice sock! I love what you did with the toe, looks great! Congrats on the new car, enjoy!

  9. Your * reminded me of a movie I do love: John Sayles’s “Passion Fish,” in which, in one scene, an actress recounts having one line in a movie and how many different ways she practiced “interpreting” the line, which was, “I didn’t ask for the anal probe.” Seen it? It’s great. But I’m a huge John Sayles/David Strathairn fan.

  10. OMG, OMG PINK CADILAC!! She had better get more of that soon. You are such an enabler! Another run on a poor unsuspecting yarn producer is born. I have an annoucement too! I am SO EXCITED:-)

  11. Huge announcement? I’m ready, hurry!
    I think I have an idea of what your new vehicle may be, can’t wait to see it though.
    And that sock yarn is gorgeous…you aren’t neglecting your STR though, are you? 😉

  12. Hey Cara – we are so glad that you love our new sock hop yarn 🙂
    We have a little more than a week of fulfilling backorders, then we’ll have it back in stock. It’ll be up on our website soon, thus easier to order.
    Love the little garter ridge –
    and what’s this about 100 mph??? yikes.. I must be getting old.. that sounds soooooo fast! (grins)

  13. Gorgeous sock! I love how the colors give it texture.

  14. Heh. You said “anal probe”. Heh heh. No, seriously, though, I don’t care if he’s brainwashed or not (although, in my personal opinion, he probably stopped taking his meds for his bipolar disorder, but that’s just me). I’m more concerned about Katie Holmes, who has been DEFINITELY brainwashed, and now they’ve brought a child into this madness?!?! Agh!

  15. Love the sock and the yarn! I’m waiting for the big announcement…

  16. I love the little line before the toe. I’ve never thought about it, but I guess I might have a bit of the gold toe syndrome myself. BEEEE-utiful sock yarn.

  17. Hmmm, I can only think of two cars off the top of my head that start with J. And if I were betting, I’d bet it isn’t a Jetta. Which leaves us with a very nice car indeed.

  18. Totally random – but I was reading your “100 things” and love the part about the baby blanket – I still have and covet mine too! Definitely the first thing I would grab in a fire.
    And those socks are awesome too 😉

  19. That’s one gorgeous sock! I think that must be the prettiest sock yarn EVER!

  20. I’m droolin’. Very clever with the toe — my niece probably wouldn’t like that (I can hear her right now: “little bumps, little bumps!”). I wonder how it would look with the whole toe done in reverse stockinette? Might have to try that someday…

  21. What a beauty! Love the sock, C!

  22. We used to eat at Houston’s all the time when we lived in NOLA. LOVE IT! The ribs are wonderful but so is the seared tuna salad with the wasabi vinaigrette and the pieces of mango in it. Now I’m drooling.
    Your socks look wonderful!

  23. I like me a delineated toe line too. Some socks without just seem… odd.

  24. I agree about the Gold Toe syndrome… and hadn’t thought about a little garter rib. Fabu!! And no more pointy toes. Must go finish DSS!!
    I missed what sort of car you purchased. Hope you got a radar detector, too. Sounds as though you might need it.
    Lovely sock yarns. Have Whisper to use up in lace, before I order any more sock yarn. (Food diet, yarn diet, you’d think it was sill LENT or something… grrrrrrrr.)

  25. Help! What is that pattern you are using now? I love it! Can I use Socks that Rock yarn for this pattern? I love the pattern!!! Answer fast, i just got my first skeins of STR yarn today and am dying to make my first pair of socks from this kind of yarn! HELP!! 🙂

  26. Well, you’ve got me curious!

  27. Love the sock, and the garter ridge on the toe is perfecto. I think I’m going to start doing that on some of mine. I’ll use it to remind myself which ones are washable and which ones are hand wash 🙂

  28. J is for Junior?? Gorgeous sock! And oh, the Sock Hop yumminess…

  29. I just thank the lord you’re back and that you don’t claime to be sane. xox Kay

  30. Ann Carpenter says

    Love the new sock yarn. The pinks are scrumptious. Looks like I’d better get out the old credit card again. The car sounds cool too. We have a 1974.5 Lotus Europa which, when new, we could get to 110 but, it is as aged as we are. We have rebuilt the engine three times!
    Ann in Dallas

  31. oh you brat, that yarn. No words for that yarn! Just drool!
    I also like your signature garter stitch row. It’s a nice touch.

  32. The sock is beautiful and so is all that yummy sock yarn!

  33. Cristina says

    You didn’t have to beg me to try to get a close-up of that yarn. I’m green, so to speak, with envy for Say a Little Prayer!
    By the way, you didn’t mention what was on the stereo as you were taking that ramp at 95mph?

  34. awwww you got a SAAB turbo didnt you… Oh how I miss mine!

  35. geez, I thought of the David Wilcox song “Eye of the Hurricane” when you wrote “need for speed” – great song. ah, well.
    I have never loved the Jersey Pike as much as I loved it after being stuck in fucking Baltimore traffic crap for four hours last summer. Whoo hoo! O Pike how do i love theee…