I can stop anytime I want

Really. I can.


  1. Yeah, sure you can stop anytime. Riiiiiight. :o)

  2. Oh, but please don’t.

  3. Do we need to set up some sort of Intervention? 😉
    BTW- I ordered my Socks that Rock! Woot!

  4. You went and got me all addicted too.

  5. Why would you want to? lol
    Looks awesome!

  6. Don’t stop at just one! 😉
    And don’t stop because I’m just getting started on the Jaywalker craze…

  7. Yeah, sure you can. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should!

  8. Why stop? There is no such thing as too many socks, and it makes you happy, so that’s really all that matters. Right?

  9. I am in awe of your knitting speed.

  10. The van with the blacked out windows should be circling your house any day now.

  11. I LOVE that one! You are doing a pair of each possible STR color, right? 😉

  12. Heh. I say the same thing about crosswords.

  13. I am so jealous. Soon you will be able to wear only homemade socks. What a luxury.

  14. Your socks are so great. I loved when you put them all together to get their picture taken. You must have very happy feet!

  15. Formerly just a lurker, I have to finally leave a comment: First: Happy Birthday. Second: I absolutely love all of your Jaywalkers!!! Peace!

  16. You are the head of the STR cult! Bloggers, knitters, sock lovers are following your every word, your every sock and drooling over every pictures of STR you put on your blog. If you stop we’ll loose our way and will have to find something else to worship.

  17. I am loving the color in that sock….it’s my favorite so far that you’ve made. Keep it up. I have been secretly knitting on my jaywalkers and hope to send you a pic of them done by mon…keep your fingers crossed that the kids are good so I can knit.

  18. Heh, you can stop 😉 But please don’t? You are a freebird and I for one get so much pleasure from your obsession.

  19. Well…the first step is always admitting you have a problem ;o)
    By the way, I’ll come clean. I own about 20 skeins of Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock. So…who the hell am I to talk? ;o)

  20. Uhuh. Sure. 🙂

  21. i just casted on finally!! so keep it up Cara! 🙂

  22. JA Jaywalkers Anonymous :-).

  23. But with a great pattern and wonderful yarn like that, why would you want to?

  24. Cara,
    I absolutely love this color and the way it knit up. You know, if you keep it up, you’ll have socks in every color of STR there is. And you’ll be such a great spokesperson for the yarn that the blue moon ladies will have to come up with a new color – and name it after you!

  25. But with results like that, why on earth would you want to?

  26. I’m wondering how hard it would be to size it down for a five year old. How cute would kiddy jaywalkers be?

  27. DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Extremely jealous. Although, my STR obsession is nearing the hight of yours. I’m going to my LYS this weekend to buy about 6 more skeins of the stuff to remake my sock drawer.

  28. Why ? They’re fab !

  29. I love the jaywalkers! I have a question for you . . . are they just fun to knit, or do you like to wear them too? I have found that I’ve loved to knit socks with a bit of a pattern in them, and then I put them on my feet and I lose a little of the love. It’s just not the same as the thrill of having them on the needle. I guess, as some would say, the thrill is gone. Just wondering if you are knitting for the pleasure of the knitting the sock, or if it’s just as fun to wear them.
    P.S. I would wear the tiara all year.

  30. liar! i’ll believe it when i see it!
    i got you in trouble with the blue moon girls, but it sounds like i’m not the only one. asking for colors that cara has on her blog… he he he. even my husband is now obsessed with STR. 🙂

  31. laugh…

  32. I just found your blog for the first time, and I love it! I just love it! You go, you awesome sock knitter! Happy Belated Birthday! I’ll keep reading!

  33. Well, sure, you Can stop at just one, but, why would you ?! And about the ‘normal’ day for a birthday — have a 1/2 birthday July 1st! And, I’m a great fan of having a birthday Month!

  34. You’re not the only one who can’t stop. I just started my 6th pair of Jaywalkers – this pair in Fleece Artist. I’ve done two pair in STR – one in Watermelon Tourmaline, one in Lapis, two pair in Cherry Tree Hill Merino, one in Fleece Artist wine color and now Fleece Artist in Jester. This is the greatest pattern and they fit beautifully too. Can I still join the KAL?

  35. why stop! they are awesome!

  36. Out. Of. Control. …and I love you for it!

  37. Gail Lucille says

    Cara: I enjoy coming up here and looking at all the nice items you have knit, have you opened the birthday candy yet?

  38. But why should you? Another awesome sock!

  39. Ok. That’s the last straw. I gotta make some. And that is the most awesome color combination ever. Ever.

  40. You’re are TOO funny. *Love* it. mwah!