Houston, we have a toddler!

For posterity’s sake:

Cruising by the couch, she turned toward the ottoman and took off! Hands in the air! One step! Two steps!

Then she did it again. Three steps this time. Man, she was so so proud.

My baby girl. My BIG girl!


  1. that’s so exciting! I hope she takes more steps tomorrow!

  2. That’s fantastic. Congratulations on your new toddler.

  3. That is great!

  4. Boy is life about to change for you when she’s more mobile! 😉

  5. Congrats! It is just adorable to watch them, well, toddle about.
    My toddler just turned into a climber. Um, yikes! 😉

  6. I’m crying.

  7. Aww!!! my baby just turned into a toddler too. She took her first steps last week. Isn’t it just a big turning point in their lives. Sigh…..

  8. Aww!!! my baby just turned into a toddler too. She took her first steps last week. Isn’t it just a big turning point in their lives. Sigh…..

  9. Aww!!! my baby just turned into a toddler too. She took her first steps last week. Isn’t it just a big turning point in their lives. Sigh…..

  10. Aww!!! my baby just turned into a toddler too. She took her first steps last week. Isn’t it just a big turning point in their lives. Sigh…..

  11. Aww!!! my baby just turned into a toddler too. She took her first steps last week. Isn’t it just a big turning point in their lives. Sigh…..

  12. Aww!!! my baby just turned into a toddler too. She took her first steps last week. Isn’t it just a big turning point in their lives. Sigh…..

  13. YAY!

  14. That’s fantatic! Hide the car keys!

  15. Now the fun begins!! Next up: Climbing!!

  16. Do we get pictures? Vicki’s right…next she’ll become a monkey!

  17. How exciting!! It’s funny though, you can’t wait for the day they walk, and then you wish they would go back to crawling! It’s so fun to watch them wobble around, and hilarious when they run, arms up in the air flailing around!! It gets scary from here though! Get out the bandaids and ice pack, here come the boo-boos!

  18. Game on!

  19. Oh, boy, laughing at the comment above mine: “Game on!” Truer words were never spoken. Have fun with the chasing! Heh.

  20. Yay! How very fun!

  21. woohoo! I love those first free steps-hands above their head. Toddling a bit wobbly.


  23. Oh, I just love how proud they get when they take those first steps (or conquer whatever first it is). The fun it is beginning!!!

  24. That is fantastic! My oldest walked for about a day, then discovered running. The problem was he couldn’t corner and was always smacking into walls.

  25. All right! Way to go, girl!

  26. Yay Meli!!! Way to go!!!
    Raley may be a bit behind you on this one… we’ll see, but I don’t think she’s in any rush.

  27. “…and nothing was ever the same again…”
    Enjoy! Every stage has its own charms, but I LOVE having a toddler. It’s a blast.

  28. WooHoo! Pictures, please. Better yet, video!

  29. Congrats! The walking can happen so fast. My 15-month old loves the videos of Meli. She talks to Meli as if Meli is right here with her. It’s so adorable!

  30. And how much more exciting both her world and yours is going to become!

  31. Congratulations!!! Hooray for Meli.

  32. It is thrilling and frightening how fast they grow up. Mine has been threatening to stand without holding on for a while. He has little tiny moments where he lets go. I know he’ll be running soon, and I won’t be able to keep up.

  33. Congrats! she’ll be running before you know it!