Here’s a fork

so you can eat your heart out because goddammit if I don’t feel pretty!

Diamond Fantasy Shawl
Pattern by Sivia Harding
Yarn by Sundara – Superwash Merino Sportweight, custom over-dyed – BLACK
Beads by ? – made in Japan, glass, size 6/0. I used a 11/12 crochet hook from Susan Bates to add the beads – I did not string them before hand. (Be careful – that sucker is pointy!)
Needles by Addi Turbo, US size 6 (4.0mm)
Dress by Donna Ricco New York
Shoes by Chinese Laundry
Body by Ben, Jerry, and the fine people at Tastykake.

I cannot say enough about the pattern, the yarn, or the photographer! Sivia’s pattern is a dream to knit. This is my second time through and it’s well written, clearly charted – easy enough for a beginner, but challenging enough to keep you going and the results are phenomenol! Sundara was GREAT to work with – I emailed her and told her my vision for the shawl – how big I wanted it to be, how I wanted it to look, the way the beads would work with it and she helped me decide on a yarn and the color (I knew in the black family, but how dark, etc. I left up to her.) The yarn, while stiff and a little scratchy while I was knitting it up (which actually helped me in the knitting) softened up AMAZINGLY after a Lavendar Eucalan bath and it blocked gorgeously. I would not hesitate to buy yarn from her again – no matter what the project.

And Jen the photographer! What can I say about my friend Jen? Jen was a super sport – not only did she take amazing pictures that I actually feel good looking at, she told me I was HOT. She liked my hair, she liked my dress, she liked my shoes, she told me I didn’t need to wear panty hose – that girl really knows how to boost your self esteem. She fed me pizza and root beer. She didn’t get pissed or flustered when I yelled out photography directions (sorry about that.) And she’s got just about the cutest kid ever.

Thanks Jen & Xavi!!! L, C

PS – Shot on location in Jersey City, New Jersey!


  1. GORGEOUS YOU!!!!!!! Walking right up the street to us! I can’t stand it! Quick! Go out someplace! That wrap is a triumph–lookatcha!

  2. Stunning!

  3. What great shots! Everyone should have such a fabulous fashion shoot in their photo collection. Rock on.

  4. Wow. that is the prettiest shawl i’ve ever seen. 🙂 you did a really great job!!! 🙂

  5. Gosh you look beautiful! And the shawl is so beautifully done too! Great job!

  6. Gorgeous & so *very* inspirational!!!

  7. you look stunning!!

  8. You look beautiful Cara! Love the dress, shawl, & shoes!

  9. Yup, it’s a good look. Funny, I was about to ask about the dress when I noticed that you linked :-).
    Where were the pictures taken.

  10. Your shawl is stunning! Someone better notice it!

  11. What an ensemble! You look beautiful!

  12. Wowowow. The close-up shots were nice, but it really looks fantastic on.

  13. Cara, you know the debate about whether knitting is art or craft? You’ve got art there, baby! Absolutely lovely. Tons of work and it’s fabulous.

  14. I can just hear Jen calling out: ‘Work it!’ ‘Now, pout!’ Did you have a fan running for that windblown shawl/dress look?
    Ya look gorgeous. Who’s gonna look better than you at this shindig? Seriously. xox Kay

  15. Wow, that’s an awesome shawl!
    I’m so glad you posted pics of your face…now I can recognize you at MSW!!!!

  16. You look beautiful and I am sure you will turn more than a few heads this weekend!

  17. You look gorgeous! And most importantly, happy. Have a great time!

  18. MWAH! You look fab, my dear. Simply gorgeous. I love all of it, not only did you spice up the neighborhood goings-on with your sexy walk and that incredible shawl, you actually made the JC look kind of decent.
    I had a blast, today – thanks for all your help with Xavi, too. Can’t wait to hear about the wedding.
    xoxoxo (you hot sexy beast you),
    J & X

  19. You look SOOOOOO pretty! AND elegant. Bravo.

  20. OMG you look phenomenal! Beautiful shawl, beautiful you.

  21. Breathtaking! Absolutely breathtaking. oh and the shawl is fabu, too. 🙂

  22. Wow, Xavi got so big! And you do look gorgeous… and so does my old ‘hood!

  23. IT’s really amazing!

  24. Cara – you look beautiful!!!!! Not just the shawl, which is perfection, but the entire ensemble……you go girl!!!! Have a great time at the wedding!!!!

  25. Beautiful shawl and photos! And of course, beautiful model! You did a fantastic job!

  26. Beautiful shawl and wonderful photos!

  27. DAMN! You look supa hot! Fabulous, indeed.

  28. Oh, Cara, it looks just wonderful! You. The shawl. The dress. The shoes. The smile. It’s all good!!

  29. You really do look fabulous! Have a wonderful time at the wedding.

  30. Wow! Fabulous pictures. Fabulous shawl. You should be very pleased with your fine self.

  31. What a gorgeous shawl! Love it.

  32. you look so happy!

  33. Your shawl is breathe-takingly beautiful!

  34. You are gorgeous! Jen is a SUPER photog — and with that cute little baby on her back? Fabulous. Have fun at the wedding. I hope you keep track of how many compliments you get on the shawl and how many times you actually get to say, “I made it myself.” ; )

  35. Stop-you-in-your-tracks gorgeous! Superb job as usual, Cara.

  36. Just one girl’s opinion (among many girls with the same opinion so it would seem). You look FABU. That second picture is just breathtaking. I know what your saying about the 15-years-ago picture, but GIRL, picture #2 should replace that in your head–really. Truly. Beautiful.

  37. Aw, you look fabulous! So elegant. The shawl did turn out perfectly!

  38. you look stunning and so does that shawl!!

  39. Gorgeous you, and a gorgeous shawl!

  40. Beautiful photographs, you should definitely feel good looking at them. Have fun at the wedding.

  41. Beeeeautiful! (Said with my mom’s new jersey accent)

  42. Yeah. You’re totally stealing the bride’s thunder – gorgeous all around!!! Beautiful dress, by the way, love the line of the skirt.

  43. Gorgeous shawl! But then, you don’t need me to tell you that. 😉

  44. WOW!! You /should/ feel pretty, because you look fantastic!!
    (BTW – someday, if you write a book or something? That second picture should be the one you put on the back cover. 😀 )

  45. Gorgeous. Both you and the shawl.

  46. you FEEL pretty because you LOOK GORGEOUS!!! And the shawl is PERFECT!!!! 🙂

  47. Its perfect. I swear, such patience you have for all of that beading. Great job.

  48. Your shawl is incredible. They should use yours as the model.

  49. honestly, how could you possibly be any prettier? Wow, amazing photo shoot.

  50. Okay, you have made the most beautiful shawl ever and you look fabulous in it! I have been loving the closeups of it, too.
    Way to go!

  51. Beyond gorgeous! And I am not talking about the shawl, which is just stunning btw.

  52. Did I say $5.3 million? I was way off. That is a shawl beyond price.

  53. Stunning! That dress goes perfectly. The whole look just oozes class

  54. Oh, that’s so beautiful on you! If I had made that, I would have been knocking on people’s doors just to show it off!

  55. Great photo shoot! You look awesome and have inspired me to make a shawl! I love it!

  56. You look lovely. And no hose, please no hose. The black on black is pretty stunning and you can see the shawl well. You stopped at the right size – otherwise you’d have a blanket!

  57. You look absolutely gorgeous! The dress is great, the shoes are great, you TOTALLY shouldn’t encase those gorgeous gams in pantyhose, and the shawl is lovely beyond words. Makes me want to hop over and buy the pattern Right Now.
    Honestly, I don’t see how people will be able to stop themselves from asking about the shawl. The whole package is so beautiful.

  58. So. Totally. Gorgeous. Great job!

  59. WoW! Love it and you look very beautiful.

  60. FABULOUS!! It will be perfect for tonight. Jen did a very nice job with the pictures but you did a more than perfect job with knitting the shawl. You will love wearing it forever!

  61. gorgeous! and i can’t believe how well the beads show up. a real masterpiece!!!
    i almost feel inspired to knit lace. almost.

  62. Marvelous, gorgeous, fabulous… Bravo!

  63. I’m tellin’ ya! It must be the whole kids graduating and moving to Australia crap, but when I read this post and saw those pics, I really have tears in my eyes. The vision, the craft and hand work, the marriage of project and very hot dress………It’s, it’s….just so emotional!
    I need to go get a tissue.
    And this is not a joke, there really are tears in my eyes. What a loser!

  64. Wow! You and your knitting look great. I’ll never have to wonder how to wear a lace shawl – now I know. Gorgeous, Cara. You look lovely and confident and that’s sexy.

  65. You look amazing!! I love everything, hair shoes, dress and lets not forget the beautiful shawl. Wow, you knock my socks off. My husband even said you look hot…his words…”who is that?!”

  66. Both you and the shawl look great. I love the pics.

  67. You shouldn’t just feel pretty — you are.
    Great job on the shawl, it is really something to be proud of. You’re right, kudos to Jen on the photo shoot.

  68. You look gorgeous! Oh, and the shawl’s pretty, too. 😉

  69. You were right about the shawl! It IS perfect. Every stitch, every bead. Wow.

  70. Gorgeous! Everything!

  71. You’re Glowing! You should knit something like that EVERY WEEK if it’s gonna have such a wonderful effect on you.
    70 people have said it already, but I’ll repeat….you really are beautiful. Makes me feel kinda teary eyed (which doesn’t happen to me much) to see a REAL person, with a personality that I like, look so wonderful, and so happy.
    I’m not expressing that very well, but it thrills me that you’re lovely, and you look like a model, but you’re wonderful inside, not a shallow carcass, so it makes the whole effect even more beautiful.
    UMM, the explainations are getting even worse the harder I try, so I’ll say “you and the shawl are beautiful” and shut up. There.

  72. You look gorgeous! Adore the dress and I’m in total love with your shawl. I might have to make me one.

  73. Don’t you look lovely!! Gorgeous girl, gorgeous shawl, gorgeous pictures!

  74. Beautiful! You’re going to outshine the bride in that one, girl!

  75. Hello Gorgeous! Hello Gorgeous Shawl! I just wanted to RSVP to the blogger meet up next Saturday at Sheep and Wool- can’t wait to see the shawl in person!

  76. Cara,
    I’ve been using those photo cards you sent me (with my Prove It All Night) and people really love them (I always tell them that you’re the class-A photographer and that they shoule frame the prints!). Anyhow, I especially loved the one of the STR and the baby sheep. Could you email me about ordering some? Thanks.

  77. OMG!!! Cara, that shawl is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and what a perfect model. It’s beautiful & you glow with pride. Congratulations!!

  78. By golly, if that’s not the prettiest girl in the prettiest shawl…

  79. You really do look beautiful. The shawl is breathtaking, and I would notice it right away if someone wore it to a special event–even if I wasn’t a knitter!

  80. Fabu, dah-link. Stunning.

  81. hot to trot.
    Excellent shawl and great pictures!

  82. You are too darling for words. Lovely work.

  83. The shawl is absolutely gorgeous!

  84. You look maaaauuuuvvv-a-lus! I believe your version is the most beautiful of the three or four I have seen. What a work of art!

  85. Stunning!

  86. What an inspiring bit o’ lace. You look wonderful!

  87. Yup. Pretty darn hot.

  88. You look HAWT!!!
    Where in J.C. do you live? You must come over to Chez Chekhov for tea and muffins one day.

  89. OMG!!! Its so beautiful..
    Beautiful job….

  90. wow, how you doin’? 😉
    you look fantastic! the shawl is amazing. absolutely gorgeous. perfect knitting/person combo!

  91. Fantastic! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.

  92. carolyn h in CT says

    B E A U T I F U L! What was “easier” Flower Basket or Diamond Fantasy…just askin’…i’m not tooo good at knittin lace ya know!

  93. Right here, in my den, in front of my computer, for the whole world to hear, out loud mind you, I uttered “Cara, you look incredible, you know how great you look?” Only…I think maybe you didn’t hear it. I think this is one of those, trees falling in a forest moments…I said it in earnest. You do..look wonderful.

  94. Wow! Both you and the shawl look beautiful!

  95. You look beautiful and so does the shawl! Great job!

  96. Cara, you look gorgeous. Those peeps will be jealous as HELL! Beautiful.

  97. Cara, these photos are priceless – they really capture so much beauty! you, the shawl, your lovely outfit… just beautiful!

  98. You look FAB!! You have a personal confidence that shines through. I hope you had a good time. They may have remembered the Cara with the flowing long hair, but they’ll never forget the current you with the rockin’ short hair! (And the oh so fabulous shawl! Great Job!)

  99. Everything was perfect in that shoot! The photographer did a fantastic job. You look super. You clearly are in love the the shawl and the day. And the shawl? WOW. That’s a personal Everest of knitting.

  100. FABBO …… both you and the shawl. You look beautiful, and I can’t imagine you were anything other than the belle of the ball. Can’t wait to read the update.

  101. I can hear you singing – “I feel pretty, oh so pretty … and I pity any girl who isn’t me tonight!”

  102. You look amazing. How beautiful and the shawl is lovely too 🙂 What an incredible piece…thanks for sharing. Oh, and I’ll be at the MD W&S this weekend. For some reason I couldn’t leave a comment on the post about the festival.

  103. I have new appreciation for how pretty Jersey City can be. Please write a book so you can use the second photo as your book jacket photograph – it’s captivatingly lovely.

  104. you look gorgeous. and yes, i think it will go quite perfectly with jeans. 🙂

  105. Wow!! You look just Radiant! What a wonderful example of georgeous womanhood in all its glory!
    Congrats on such a magnificent shawl and a lovely ensemble that brings out your radiance.

  106. Hi Cara! Your shawl is absolutely beautiful! And you look fabulous…cute photos ; )

  107. gorgeous, every last inch of it and you and everything!

  108. Look at you looking like a model! Perfect!

  109. Lovely you. Lovely shawl. 🙂 I MUST MAKE A BLACK SHAWL. Brilliant.

  110. FINALLY! Enough photos to satisfy! Lovely shawl, lovely photos – lovely! Ahh, the blog skimmer in me hit the jackpot today!

  111. Beautiful. Beautiful.
    I still don’t get the beading thing… Were you confident before you started? Did you just plunge in? Did you channel Lily Chin when you were taking a nap? I hope your feet have recuperated from the extra long Greek Wedding. Only once was i invited to a Greek Wedding… (the Greek was actually related to the Onassis’s!!) but I had mono and my spoilsport mum wouldn’t let me go. The ceremony was apparently almost longer than the marriage…. Hope your buddies have a better go of it.

  112. Cara! I’m so late to the party but you are HOT HOT HOT! Smokin’ Hot! Hair: awesome, Dress: fab, Shoes: super-fab and Shawl: HOT HOT HOT! You look so wonderful and I’m so glad you were pleased with my yarn. You knit an amazing piece of work that hopefully will last you a lifetime!

  113. gorgeous! and the shawl’s pretty cute, too!

  114. Chloe from ChloeKnits says

    You are a total inspiration! Love love love the shawl and those green colorways..sheer genius. Gorgeous. Natural. The very breath of spring. As always, you spur me on to discover the artist I know dwells inside me.

  115. Gorgeous! You made me run over and order the pattern!