Fucking DPNS!

I’ve tried to fucking cast on five fucking stitches about fifteen fucking times and I can’t get it to fucking work. I can do one round, and then when I have to start increasing, I fucking lose it. Even sweet Jen tried to help me, and I did fix one thing I was fucking up, but this is crazy. I am so fucking frustrated.

I might be back. Or I might not. Depends on how many people I take out with these fucking DPNs.


  1. step away from the needles…got any calming (tasty) cakes? hang in there, you’ll get it.

  2. Yeah… I am still not a fan of those buggers… but it gets much easier after the first and second row. Good luck, C!

  3. the first few rows are such a tangled mess huh? I think this was the one really worthwhile thing I got from the knitting class I did last year. I think cake is a great idea, or chocolate, or wine? All three?

  4. I thought the pattern looked so lovely that I tried it last night. Hmmpffhh. Extremely difficult. I also think there may be an error in the pattern. Why don’t the increases start until row FIVE? Why not earlier? There must be some secret to doing this but using worsted weight wool and trying to get five fucking stitches on three needles and do yo’s… well, not fun at all. I vote for a new pattern.

  5. You’ve (they’ve – whoever wrote this pattern) GOT to be kidding me! 5 stitches and knit a round???? If you figure it out, be sure to let us know about it. Not that I ever want to try it, but….just morbid curiosity. 😉

  6. oh my goodness. what pattern. you’ll get it. just take a bit of a break from it. good luck!

  7. Oh Cara… please tell us how you REALLY feel! I sense that you’re holding back some…
    ; ) Good luck.