Eye Candy Baby!

I’ve never really been a part of Eye Candy Friday, but today I couldn’t resist!

The baby sweater I’m knitting for Meli is thisclose to being finished. All I have to do is sew in the sleeves and the ends and add some super cute buttons.

Hopefully I’ll have all the details for you next week, in the meantime, there’s lots more candy after the jump.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

More cuteness if you can stand it!

And the dreaded tummy time!

Thank you!


  1. She is so adorable!! and You take amazing pictures. Thank you for the smiles

  2. Cute! Cute! Cute!

  3. Oh how my boys hated tummy time! Thanks for the memories (though Meli’s version goes “Thanks for the mammaries…”)

  4. Wonderful shots, as always!

  5. That was *almost* too much cuteness to handle! She is SO precious — those eyes just kill me! Thanks for the eye candy. 🙂

  6. adorable baby in an adorable sweater…she looks just like Georgie in that 2nd shot…which reminds me that when Chloe was a baby I did bristle a bit when people said that she looked just like her father,handsome as he is and as true as it was! Silly, right? It’s nice that your having had Meli brings back remembrances for us empty nest Moms, so thanks Meli!

  7. Oh, I don’t know if I can handle this much cuteness in one post. The sweater is so beautiful! Oh man, June HATED HATED tummy time with the passion of a thousand fiery suns!

  8. GAAAHHHH!!!! The Cuteness!!!
    Complete Cute OverLoad! So worth waiting for. 🙂

  9. Cute sweater, cute baby and I love the face at the end. My girls loved to be on their tummy and roll over and over. I’d put them down in one place and they’d just roll and end up under a table somewhere. Just one adventure after another.

  10. I’m so embarrassed that I’m so old that I had to google “tummy time” – when my kids were that age, they were put to sleep on their tummies (and YEs, they both survived just fine, TYVM) –
    she’s adorable – tummy time or not!

  11. As we gear up for the IVF adventure, I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to see Meli’s beautiful face and read your story of motherhood. Thank you.

  12. I love the progression of those shots on her tummy – “hmm, this is new, I am kinda bored, I’ll eat my arm a bit, I don’t like this now, MOM!!!!!!”

  13. Oh, Meli and Cara, you made my day!
    What sweetness and smiles! And the little tongue poking out in the one picture.
    And that face at the end is priceless. Someone was scooped up right after that photo was taken, I am thinking!

  14. She is too too much! I wish I had babies for you to photograph.
    I love when the babies get angry, getting all worked up, waiting for you to make it right. And you had to take one last shot! hrmph. (this from a mother that used to take pics when they were crying because I thought it was so cute to see their little selves get all mad.)

  15. Stinkin’ precious!
    What pattern is that for the baby sweater?

  16. For a minute, I wanted another of my own. Egad! Will pine for a grand-baby instead. Darling Darling Darling. (Nice knitting, too.)

  17. That is one very cute little kiddle! She’s adorable.
    The sweater looks so nice. Does she like it?

  18. What a beautiful sweater — almost as beautiful as Meli herself. And the color is great, strong but still girly. Can’t wait for the pattern (a nice expansion of the February sweater, yes?). Your new peace and joy shine through everything. A real mitzvah.

  19. Deborah Bourque says

    Meli is truly beautiful and you take great pictures. I love the sweater. It seems things have become routine, which is great!

  20. I’ve been lurking for a while here, but those eyes finally brought me out. What a cutie! Such big beautiful eyes!

  21. Jennifer says

    Ahhhh!!!! I’ve just gone blind by the overload of cuteness!!!!

  22. Made my day. What a cutie-pie!

  23. This is going to sound crazy, but it worked for our tummy time issues. I sort of draped them over a roll of paper towels. That way there head was a little higher and it prompted them to push down with their arms a little more. I’m sure you hate to see her cry, but dang she is just as cute crying as she is smiling!!

  24. she is as cute crying as she is when she smiles. but oh. she’s just so adorable!

  25. Such a sweetie! I know you are an amazing photographer, but it’s easy to see that your little Meli is a tremendously photogenic baby. Adorable baby, adorable baby sweater.

  26. that is such a cute sweater (and baby!) be sure to put it in ravelry so that i can favorite and queue it. i would definitely want to make that one!

  27. Where did you get such a BEAUTIFUL baby?????

  28. what a special set of photos and such an adorable cute little baby! Oh and the jumper is very lovely too!

  29. She is just so adorable, I can’t stand it! And she looks so placid and happy and sweet natured, too boot. You got a really good one, Cara. Thanks, again, for sharing her with us. That last one is really funny.

  30. Aggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!
    I’m melting in the cuteness of Meli!!!!!
    must try to break away to knit…

  31. What a cutie patootie!

  32. I don’t know if I can stand the cuteness! Meli is adorable.

  33. She is so cute!! Really truly adorable.

  34. Cara, she’s just beautiful! Thanks for sharing her with us:)

  35. You have a very sweet baby girl! I love that sweater what pattern is it and what yarn did you use?

  36. what a beautiful Meli! and what a fun sweater!

  37. gaaaaaaaaaaack*thud*
    (death by cuteness)
    (what yarn?)

  38. She has such bright eyes! Very beautiful. You make great babies, take grat photos, and knit wonderfully!

  39. AWW! She is getting so big, and the sweater is really beautiful.

  40. and i’ve officially Plotzed from the cuteness of these pictures!
    :o) ahhh, yes, i’ve witnessed many a session of tummytime with my niece and they usually ended the same way. Luckily they get better and better at it and omg it’s so CUTE!
    can’t wait to see the sweater as an FO! the color is so great!
    :o) elaine.

  41. she looks so deep in contemplation! i can’t wait to see the finishe sweater.

  42. I hate tummy time!

  43. She really is such a beautiful baby! Can’t wait to hear more about that sweater too. I’ve got a four month of my own that might need one just like it…

  44. Oh, how I’ve missed out on baby pics. Since I’ve been away awhile, let me finally say congrats on the newbie and she is totally adorable!
    That sweater is pretty fab as well. Hmmmm.

  45. Hi Cara,
    I am an ever returning reader of your blog – leaving a comment for the first time. It is always a pleasure to see your little one enjoying life with you. Congratulations on the lovely photos, you are very artistic.
    I have been so happy to see your angel sweater coming along as I am making something very similar to my 6 year old daughter. I started with the same broad weavy pattern on the bottom and I plan to switch to garter stich for the upper part. I wonder if the joining of the two patterns will come out nicely. Can the flat section pick up the weaves without getting too streched? Will the peaks of the weaves stay flat and not getting bumpy at the top?
    Can I ask for a little advise on this?
    Thank you so much!
    (Sorry about my poor English.)
    Orsi (Hungary)

  46. So beautiful! Oh, and the sweater is, too =)

  47. Please don’t take this the wrong way, Cara, but your daughter’s so cute I’d love to eat her on toast!

  48. So adorable – both the baby and the sweater!

  49. Way cute baby you got there, WOW! The sweater is adorable and I can’t wait to see that pattern!
    Keep these pictures coming please, they make for better days!

  50. I must sheepishly admit that I read your blog even more now that there are cute baby pictures on it. Your baby pictures.
    Never enough cuteness. Keep ’em coming!
    And that is some seriously cute baby sweater. Can’t wait to see the shoot with her in it!