Embossed Leaves

God I just LOVE jumping on someone ELSE’s bandwagon. Love it! So I’m making these pretty socks from the Winter 2006 IK in Koigu #P704. I’ve decided that the spackly spotty Koigus are my favorites. What a surprise to knit! Every now and again such a shocking color rolls past my needle – something I’d never expect and seems so out of place – that I have to laugh. Very nice. (Although for the record, STR is MUCH softer than Koigu. Surprisingly so.)

Okay – so the socks. I LOVE the pattern. So much so I’m planning on knitting 8 million versions of this sock as well. There is a problem though. I followed the cast-on directions (even though they don’t really seem like what I thought a tubular cast on was supposed to be) and I did the ribbing on size 2 Addis (3mm) and then after fifteen rows of twisted knit ribs, I started the pattern on size 1 Addis (2.5mm). Now I’m thinking I should’ve done the whole thing on 2s. Or even start over and do the ribbing on 3s and the body on 2s. They seem too tight. All you embossed leaves knitters out there – what say you? Yeah. Yeah. I didn’t do a gauge swatch. They’re socks. Do you really swatch for socks? Isn’t it just easier to rip out and start over? Thanks for the thoughts.

I washed my yarn and hung it to dry and you were all right. It seems a lot better. Thank you all so much for your advice and encouragement (and offers for a good home for the yarn. The yarn appreciates it, but I think I’ll keep it.) I think my problem was I really thought my spinning was improving by leaps and bounds (and I still believe this) but when I went to ply and was reminded of those bits of the spinning where I HADN’T improved – I was disappointed. It’s a one step up and two steps back kind of thing. I’ll get there. I know I will and I can’t wait to spin some more.

Unfortunately though there won’t be much spinning this month. Although I’m going to kick ass to get the Project Spectrum Spinning in. It seems I’ll be on the road a lot this month – G’s away a few weekends in a row and I’m on my way to Philly today. We’ve got some family stuff going on this weekend that I don’t really want to talk about, but I will absolutely appreciate any good vibes you can send my way. I’m awfully open on the blog – but only when it comes to me and me alone. Stuff that affects my larger family I like to keep pretty quiet and it hasn’t been the best of times for us lately. Tomorrow is just another chapter in the continuing changes that we’re all still struggling to get used to. Blah. Let’s all sing together: It’s just another Xanax Sunday la, la! (Apologies to The Bangles.)

I be back home on Thursday, so I’m not sure how much I’ll be blogging between then and now. I’m on kid duty a lot – I’m actually going to help out my sister – so my computer time might be kind of scarce. Look for late night shout outs. Have a great weekend! See you soon!
L, C


  1. Rachel H says

    Sending good vibes and Big Hugs to you and all in your family who can use them.

  2. Good vibes for sure. And whatever else you need, too. Vodka? Beer? Ambien? I’ll send you all of the above.

  3. Hey, sweetheart, have a good trip and I hope the visit goes okay. Big ol’ hug to you.

  4. Oh, and I love the socks. I do not swatch for socks. I have gone as far as turning the heel (twice, I think) before realizing that my sock is actually swatch and having to rip it, rip it GOOD.

  5. I’m making a pair of EL socks right now too and I’m using size 1 circulars. I am using some dye-your-own Knit Picks sock yarn, so I’m not sure how it compares in gauge to Koigu. It’s working for me, however, I did one less lace motif repeat on the foot and it made the sock a little small. If I had done one more full repeat, it would have been too big. But overall, I’ve really enjoyed the pattern and I’m already trucking through the mate!
    Can’t wait to see how yours turn out!

  6. I’m knitting these also. I love the pattern!

  7. I just finished my ELS using that same yarn in green and loved the pattern. It’s very easy so memorize and it keeps you interested all the way.
    I used a regular german-twisted cast on. Now I’m curious…should’ve read the instructions first I guess…
    Sending good vibes your way.

  8. Mmmmmmmmmm, Xanax.
    The socks are lovely!

  9. It’s just another Xanax Sunday la, la!
    Great. You gave me a smile.
    I hope I can send you one in return.

  10. I agree with the swatching for socks. It is sometimes easier just to start the pattern and rip out or adjust if it’s off. Why swatch for something that is three inches wide?

  11. That is one fun pattern…..Love it in that Koigu……(and I agree, STR is much softer)

  12. I never swatch for socks – I mean … it’s a sock, if it doesn’t fit me they’re bound to fit SOMEBODY! I made the EL pattern on US1’s with Cherry Tree Hill and had no fitting issues at all – they’re very very nice. I did change the cast on to a ordinary long tail & did plain ribb instead of twisted but other than that I did it as written, and I really do LOVE the socks.

  13. Swatch for socks? Bwahahaahahahahaha. I rarely swatch for shit. There, I said it. The Higher Power has chosen not to imbue me with the ability to ply, but has given me a sixth sense gauge. Right now it’s a crap shoot which one I’d sell my grandmother for.

  14. I thought I was in the WRONG BLOG. No Jaywalkers. I can’t deal.
    But I prefer the speckly Koigus, or the solids, also, and those socks are gonna be PRETTY.
    Sending good family vibes your way.

  15. Lots of good wishes headed toward you…maybe they’ll be stronger when they get to you as you get closer to Philly.

  16. Sending {{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}} and good vibes to you and your extended family. The socks are looking great!Xanax Sunday, la la la. ROFL You made me giggle. :)I have no Koigu sock experience, just a Charlotte’s Web shawl, but I’d be worried that it would tighten up when washed, since this pattern seems to draw in a bit.Happy Knitting whatever you decide: continue or frog. Can’t wait to see the results!

  17. oooooh, that is going to be so pretty!

  18. That is such a pretty Koigu! I wonder the same thing about swatching for socks… I haven’t made many yet, so I just jump in and start knitting and try the thing on after a while. The sock itself is a swatch, ya?
    Is your brain melting because you’re using a different sock pattern all of a sudden? 🙂

  19. Love that sock pattern!
    Good vibes this weekend & have a safe trip.

  20. One big dose of good vibes coming at you! Love those Embossed Leaves socks. 🙂

  21. Good vibes heading your way … and a gin & tonic, if that would help. It always helps me.

  22. Now I am freaking out. All these people using 1’s for their EL and I am using 2’s.
    No I didn’t swatch. I am with ya on that one, I do not swatch for socks.
    I am almost to the heel turn…..
    Sending you good vibes for your week with the family. Family issues can be so hard…even if they are small because it’s, well, FAMILY!

  23. I knit a whole sock and decided it was too tight. I was using Patons Kroy in a solid charcoal colour, and that yarn is not as fine as others I’ve used. I also decided it was too dark for this pattern. I’m going to rip it out and knit it on 2s this time (I used 1s at first). I thought the cast-on was screwy too, so I did my usual tubular, and when I reknit, I’m also going to do the ribbing on 3s.

  24. Those are beauties!

  25. all my good thoughts and hopes for you.
    Enjoy the munchkins, take care of yourself.
    And keep up the gorgeous knits 🙂

  26. Hey Cara! I used size 1s all throughout but then I didn’t use Koigu–I used ArtYarns Supermerino instead. And I did a swatch first :p Me <– L’ll stinker.

  27. swatching for socks? is that even possible? they look absolutely beautiful. love the colours. now i am starting to question my decision to make solid coloured ones. hmpf.
    good luck with everything this weekend, my dear.

  28. The socks look lovely, Cara!
    Hope things go well with the family. I know I can relate to the whole family saga thing, as I imagine many others can as well!
    Good thoughts!

  29. Knitting a sock that’s NOT a Jaywalker? Good thing I’m sitting down….

  30. Sending your family good wishes.
    My Secret Pal made the Embossed Leaves socks and found them too small… See here.
    She eventually got them where she wanted ’em:

  31. I made these socks on Size 2 Crystal Palace dpns (2.75mm) and they actually came out a little big (for sz 8 feet)… except the cast on, which was like a tourniquet. In fact, I have to cuff them down because otherwise it is like tying a piece of yarn around my calf, really, really tightly. I did like doing the pattern, though. If I did them again, though, I would bump the needle size on the cast-on and I guess downsize the sock part.

  32. Good vibes going down the tracks….

  33. i went up a needle size for my socks. while i was knitting them i thought they were too tight but after wear they stretched out a bit and fit perfectly. i had to add an extra half-repeat on the leg and an extra full report on the foot to get them the right size for me (size 9).

  34. Swatch for socks! What a silly idea. You said it…rip and start again if it’s not right. Because of you and Utah Grrl Eliza (she just finished the same socks) I must move the Embossed Leaves up on my list. They are fabu!
    Enjoy your week and those kiddies. The rest of it will be FINE…breath, it WILL be fine.

  35. I’ve got a pair of ELs going on size 2s and the sizing seems fine. (A great, really fun pattern but I still like my Jaywalkers best.) I’m using Louet’s Gems Pearl, which is very nice but I must say I’m loving your Koigu. I hope all things improve on the home turf. Hang in there.

  36. DUH, I just figured out from reading your better pal’s site that you do photography! So THAT’S why you have so many cute kid pics on your blog! When I’m rich, I want to pay you to come down and photograph my kids. They’re all just darn adorable, but my photography stinks. You know how a good photographer can actually capture people’s personality in their pictures??? Well that’s what I want, and I’m willing to pay to get it when I’ve finally finished sinking all of my moula into my house!
    Love the new socks! Hoping and praying for positive things to happen during your family trip!

  37. I love the way your socks are looking! I had planned to make that pattern for a pair of sockapaloooza socks. Now I’m really looking forward to diving in.
    I never swatch for socks, they’re stretchy enough not to have to be so precise.

  38. Your EL socks are looking great! I made a pair recently, with koigu, on 2.5 addis (magic loop method). They turned out well considering they were my second pair of knit socks. The cuff fits well, but the rest of the sock could have been knit on 2mm. I find the koigu stretches out when worn. You can check my socks out, if you like, under my Feb 17 blog entry. Looking forward to see how your’s turn out!

  39. Cara, every pair of these socks I see are beautiful. Yours as well.

  40. Your backyard is breathtaking. As always, knitting – awesome. Prayers go with you.

  41. I agree with rheagee’s post. I knit mine for the KO and used Rowan Cashsoft (love.this.yarn) I followed the pattern until the pattern repeats for the foot portion. I needed to remove a full repeat (size 7.5 foot) I will make these again but up the needles to 3 on the ribbing and move down to 1’s on the patterns. I alas, did swatch and was right on…..go figure.

  42. Wow! Those are just so beautiful. The yarn color and the pattern! I just finished using Kogiu for a pair of socks. I loved working with it!

  43. I’m doing the Embossed Leaves right now too so I read your post with interest. Couldn’t wait to hear how it was going for you. I didn’t swatch either and aside from hating the twisted rib it’s going well but oooops… was I supposed to change needles? Yeah, well I guess I’m gonna continue with my Addi 2’s since I ‘ve gotten this far.

  44. I guess I am the only one out there who swatches for socks 🙂 I made the EL socks nad used size 2 Addis for the ribbing and sock top and size 1s for the bottom of the leg and the heel and the foot. They apparently fit quite well — they were a gift. More details at http://aswiminknits.blogspot.com/2005/12/christmas-socks-in-detail-with-lots-of.html

  45. I love that pattern and I love the yarn you’ve chosen.
    So sorry to hear about the hard times you’re experiencing now. Best wishes to you and yours and many warm, happy thoughts.