Easy Does It

Enough with the knitting drama already, no? I started the CPH sleeves but you don’t really want to see them, do you? I’ll wait until I’m a bit past the ribbing. It’s just ribbing. Thank you all so much for your support of my tutelage. It’s nice to know that I can spread the knitty love. Win one for the blogs – I never would’ve fixed that miss crossed cable the way I did if I wasn’t writing and reading knitting blogs. I hope none of you will ever need the fix – but if you do – it’s there.

Some random tidbits this afternoon:

Blogless Rachel H. has let me know that some librarians with ties to the knitblog world have weighed in on the whole Bridge to Terabithia movie thing. You can go here to find out what they have to say. Apparently the screenplay was written by Katherine Patterson’s son. While that may save the movie, I doubt I’ll ever see it because that book has a very special spot in my brain and I’m not fucking it up. Anyway – thought I should pass that along.

By the way, I just finished reading The Westing Game and I am astounded at how well it’s written – as an adult and a writer. READ IT. And then go read The Goats by Brock Cole. Another fantastic YA book. This one’s really killer. I’m not sure it’s actually appropriate for children to be honest.

Two commercials that make me hot in a cheesy soft porn kind of way:

DUDE. I am a SUCKER for a good kiss. Seriously – ever since I was a young pre-pubescent I have LOVED the kissing scenes. The easiest way to my heart is to make out with me. Craziness. (The pictures on the Rembrandt website are even better than the commercial.) Gotta get me some of that! Toothpaste, I mean.

The second one is for the new personal lubricant – World of Intrigue. (Oh my god – the website is TOTALLY cheesy!) I couldn’t find a YouTube link to this one which surprises me because it’s absolutely porn. Maybe this is saying too much about me? Who cares….

The last thing I want to say today is that tomorrow is the Blogger (Silent) Poetry Reading. I did it last year, and I’m going to do it again tomorrow. Thanks to Julie for reminding me about it. Get out your poetry books and pick a good one!

L, C


  1. I saw a commericial last night that made my jaw drop. It was for KY!! (I think)
    I LOVE kissing. It’s my very favorite thing in the world and if I guy was a good kisser, well…if he was a bad kisser I kissed him off…we’ll leave it at that;-)

  2. I once brushed off a guy with a $36 million trust fund ’cause he kissed like a fish. (Though the above YouTube kiss looks a little, um, moist for my taste.

  3. ooh poetry! yes, i will defintely pick a good one. hmmm… nothing is better than a good kiss… fixes all ailments 😉

  4. I can’t stop laughing at that World of Intrigue site.

  5. Whoa. I’m feeling all wavy now, like some bizarre cosmic connection music should be playing and Bill and Ted should be here making up-and-down motions with their arms because…I was thinking, given all the kidlit energy in the knitblog world these days, that I should publish a review of the new Newbery winner together with a list of my favorites, and The Goats was going to be on the YA list. “No one,” I thought, “will know this book.” Never underestimate the Cara! Brock Cole was one of my advisors during my MFA. No shit! I also really liked Celine.

  6. Just a comment on the Westing Game. As a young, eager reader in seventh grade I read this book. It made a lasting impression on me. As I have gotten older and have worked as a nanny during grad school, I had recent occassion to go to a middle school library. The book I looked for: The Westing Game. Thanks for bringing back the great memories!

  7. I especially like the fact that it’s KY ‘Brand Marque’ as opposed to ‘Brand Mark’ – must be extra classy!

  8. he wasn’t workin it to much man, she was doing all the work.

  9. The thing about making movies from kids’ books is, the movie is going to give the book exposure that it might not have gotten otherwise. I agree, _Bridge to Terabithia_ is a fantastic book and is one of my favorites, too. The movie probably isn’t spot on, but it might encourage kids (and adults!) who may not have heard of it to go read it. And isn’t that worth it?

  10. LeighB in ATL says

    Ditto, Brooke, and that’s my fave thing about Harry Potter. I really enjoyed the books myself, but I love that they have made kids think it’s cool to read an 600 page book! I always read lots as a kid and I remember other kids acting like I was crazy for reading a book for pleasure, much less a big, thick, juicy book. They would ask why and I was like, “if you don’t get it, I can’t explain it to you.”
    And well done movies almost always introduce a great book to a new audience, so here’s fingers crossed for all you fans out there. I’ve never read this book, but now I want to.

  11. Nothing like a good knitting drama to get me out of bed in the AM.

  12. Ok, I give in, I’m going straight to the library to take out The Westing Game.

  13. I just saw that ad for the first time yesterday and it reminded me of the times that people would threaten to sell tickets every time my now-husband and I would go to our favourite pub.
    I wish the hell that kind of energy didn’t fade on the part of men, because dude, I love to kiss. I swear, my husband needs a refresher course in “How You Used To Kiss, Or, Dude, You’re My Lover, Not My Grandma.”

  14. Oh, yea — that kissing commercial makes me melt everytime. Do you know what song is playing in the background? Love it!

  15. Janice in Camas says

    That KY site is just too, too much. Thanks for letting us in on it. Gotta send the link to my husband now.
    (He’ll probably come home for lunch. That much laughing always gets us hot;)

  16. Several things – where to begin? First, there is a commercial out that showcases a couple kissing quite lovely for Abreva, the cold sore remedy. Next, the K-Y site made me feel a little dirty, but in a good way . . . besides, you can get a free sample. And finally, K-Y has a sampler pack all ready for Valentine’s Day in case your loved ones are hard pressed for a gift. Nothing, and I mean nothing, says, “I love you,” like a little lube! Nearly fell over my husband laughing at Target when we saw it.

  17. “The easiest way to my heart is to make out with me” ha ha… I LOVE that you wrote this. I agree about that commercial – it’s great. And hot.
    As for Bridge to Terabithia, when I saw the commercial I thought, “oh, I thought that was a different book…” Apparently I’m not the only one.

  18. Here’s the thing; it looks like the trailer for Bridge to Terabithia is highlighting the fantasy aspect they’ve inserted, but if you look at the Making Of books (I’m a geek, and I work in a bookstore) it does look like they’ve kept the original story intact; the kids go to the forest for the same reason, but what happens while they’re there is different…and I’m sure the ending will be the same. I hope the ending will be the same.

  19. I am so glad I am not the only one who can’t look away from that commercial. hmmmm!