Dream Lovers

I had a whole post practically finished. Didn’t save the friggin draft and then accidentally closed the window. That blows. Fucking A that blows.

It’s 12:08AM – do you know where your significant other is? Mine’s at the office. Stuck. Apparently there’s a three hour delay on car services in NYC. He should know – he’s in charge of car services (among other things) at his company. I offered to come in and get him, because, you know, I’m the greatest wife that ever lived, but he thinks the reason for the delay is that the roads are treacherous. He said he couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to me. Whatever. I want to go to sleep and I can’t sleep without him, so….

I was disappointed in the Gilmore Girls tonight. Last week Luke and Lorelai got back together with that passionate middle of the night knock on the door your mom’s the biggest bitch that ever lived I can’t believe I let her break us up take her in his arms tongue down the throat moment that I rewound, oh, I’d say about fifty times. (It worked though. Luke was the very happy subject of my nicely naughty dream that night. TV is such a lovely thing. Erotic dreams of Tony on Monday, erotic dreams of Luke on Tuesday, erotic dreams of Josh on Wednesday, erotic dreams of Carter on Thursday…the weekend is all about my Georgie. Uck. Scratch that. It sounds so horribly pathetic. Alas, true. But still pathetic.) I wanted a little more passion between the two of them – I mean c’mon. Make-up sex and all that. Has anyone noticed that Lorelai walks like a duck sometimes? I’ve been watching all the reruns too and you know what? That Dean was a real ASS. And a DUMB ASS at that.

There is knitting to be discussed. Well, not really actual knitting. I tried. I really, really tried. But all I could get tonight was ten freaking rows on the Ribby Cardi sleeves. What is my major malfunction on this thing? I should be shitting these sleeves out in my sleep. Chelsea asked for some tips on how people get motivated with their UFO’s and I have to say, I really liked CJ‘s dice comment. She rolls the dice and whatever number comes up, that’s how many rows she has to knit on the project she doesn’t really want to be knitting. Then she’s allowed to move on to the fun project. I’m totally going to try that.

Georgie just called me again. He’s getting a train to the local station and I’m going to pick him up there. At about 12:50AM. Should give me enough time to finish this post.

I’m dreaming of some short rows….

Yummy Rowan Wool Cotton!

I forgot how great this yarn is. When I made Max’s sweater, I substituted this for Debbie Bliss Cotton Cashmere (which I really didn’t like). The Wool Cotton was a dream to knit with and I think it will be perfect for this pattern. I’m trying to resist the urge to cast on RIGHT.THIS.MINUTE. The baby blanket is languishing on the needles and the baby’s practically here. I was going to make a sweater and hat and other stuff too. I’m tempted to ONLY take the blanket on vacation. To force myself to finish it. But I will probably take the yarn for the short row sleeves. And the baby blanket. And maybe some sock yarn. Where are those dice?

More stash. Got a some backordered Art Yarns today from WEBS:

This will be a cardigan for my best friend’s daughter. It doesn’t need to be completed until Aug/Sep 2005. I’ll cast on today, just in case. I also found a pattern that would be perfect for me – using the Art Yarns Supermerino. I want something for myself in this amazing yarn:

The model looks kind of dorky, but the sweater’s pretty. And it even looks like they used Art Yarns. It’s a Classic Elite pattern by the way.

I also received the Alchemy Yarns Silk Purse:

Sea of Cortez

Add another project to the list. This one I’d like to have finished by May 20th – my best friend’s birthday. Every time I see a new one of these Clapotis (how do you make that plural? Claptoi? Clapotises?), I’m more and more intrigued.

All right. Off to brave the roads for my love. Wish me god speed.
Okay. I’m back. Wasn’t so bad. The anti-lock breaks only kicked in twice. Damn it’s cold though.

Off to sleep. Perchance to dream….


  1. That Silk Purse looks very similar to the color I had for my pullover. It is amazing stuff, and I know that you will like working with it!
    Sorry that Georgie was stuck at the office all night? Were you able to get to sleep with out him?
    The Wool Cotton and the Art Yarns are lovely new additions… the colors are so beautiful in both of them!
    Take care, C!

  2. Oh, I love the colors of ALL your new yarn! I know you’re trying to resist, but I can’t wait to see some short-row action!!

  3. OH. MY. GOD. Someone else who watches the Gilmore Girls!!!!
    I rewound that “what was I thinking, letting your horrible mother cause this horrible rift between us, I must have you NOW” moment a bunch of times too. I think I’m way too emotionally invested in those characters!
    And, you’re right, she does walk like a duck sometimes, which only makes me love her character more. Even with the speed talking… Gah. I wish I was that fast and that witty! I need a script writer.

  4. That sweater is really cute!

  5. Man, I can’t tell you how much I love the colors you picked for your short rows. The Clap will look awesome in the Circles yarn you picked.
    I think I might have to add Gilmore Girls to my Netflix queue. You’re like the 800th person who’s raved about it.

  6. Mmmm… Josh. 😉

  7. Hope you made it back OK! Your yarn selections are fabulous!

  8. You’re so funny! I was laughing all throughout your post….But, Josh?? I can see Noah and Luke, but not Josh! 😉
    I’m loving that orange yarn.

  9. Oooo, so much wonderful yarn! Did you dream of all that fibery goodness?

  10. your yarn is beautiful. oh my goodness, those colours! love that classic elite top. i am getting ridiculous with the patterns. just. can’t. stop. adding. to. the list.

  11. Gorgeous colors for Short Rows and Clapotis! Clapotis in silk, especially, will be so elegant. You’ll find yourself zipping through this pattern, it’s so easy to knit. *sigh* Okay, let me go finish mine!