DING ding ding ding ding….

We have a WINNER!

Brown Sheep Cotton Fine (20% WOOL/80% cotton) in Candy Apple RED. (Vicki – where’s my button? ETA: Here it is!)

So far so good – I like the yarn, I like the pattern, I can see the little baskets coming along (although they look like leaves to me.) It’s on Addis size 6. I only had to cast on three (maybe four) times until I was satisfied. I’m happy with it. I think the red will be good – go great with black – it’s a garnet red – leaning way towards the blue purple rather than orange – and I think it will be nice and dramatic for the event.

Summer of Lace here I come!

Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for all the suggestions.
L, C


  1. It is beautiful! Garnet and black — yum. Do you have some garnet earrings?
    I was all blab this morning and now I need to make a button!!

  2. Yay! It looks just exactly right. And the color is gorgeous. Let me know if you have any of the loopy thingies. Bugged the heck out of me.
    You are right about Jerry Orbach. There are some roles that can never be reproduced by anybody ever. That is one.
    Headed back to my *Reef* shawl. I may finish it this weekend. Hooray, because I am dying to cast on for something new.

  3. Looks like you’ve got a fantastic beginning there. Love the yarn color! I’ll forget the cotton part – at least some of it is w.o.o.l. 😉

  4. ooh! great yarn choice and color.

  5. Lovely yarn. The color is goregous. I thought it was leaves too. 🙂

  6. Oh yeah, that color is gorgeous. I want it for myself. Mmmmm!

  7. Preeeeeeettyyyyyyy….:-)
    Can’t wait to see the triumphant finish…do we get to see it modeled with slinky black thing?

  8. Nice! I agree with every one else–luscious color!

  9. That color will look great with a *little black dress*!

  10. what pattern are you knitting? Sorry you might have said, but I’m just slow. I love the color too. Red is my favorite color.

  11. Can’t wait to see it :-).

  12. Very pretty color. You’ll show those left coasters some style!

  13. That red’s fabby!

  14. The red is stunning! I can’t wait to watch it grow 🙂

  15. It is going to be beautiful. Love the color also. You know…for a second I thought it was Birch because of the leaves. Then I realized it wasn’t. I’m doing Birch & I LOVE it!

  16. Perrrrfffect!!!!! Love the color, too. Glad you found just the right thing.

  17. Super pretty. Looks so great already.

  18. yay yay yay cotton fine! (I first typed cotton foine. hee.) It’s going to be loverly! and fabby color.

  19. Great Red! How many skeins are you using?

  20. Hi, I’m back! MIssed all your posts, now only starting to go through my bloglines subs. You are a prodigious poster. This does seem to be the summer of lace; I think I’m going to start on Kiri as soon as I finish the second sock of my second ever socks. (Gotta have discipline!)
    As always, beautiful photos and beautiful work, Cara. Candy apple red is a great color!

  21. Oh, that is a gorgeous knit! The red is just beautiful. Great work you’re doing! 🙂