
ETA: Okay. I took the plunge and took out the needles to rip back. It wasn’t as bad as I thought and I just knit the 8th row of the 16th repeat. So right at this moment I’m three rows back from where I started today (at 3PM.) I’m feeling quite a bit better about it and hopefully I’ll finish the repeats, if I can’t get to the border.

Man that was a close one. Who knew knitting could give me such drama! At least, for the last couple of hours I wasn’t thinking about any other crap – that’s good for something.

Always look at the bright side of life….

I was so close. So, so close. I’m literally sitting here in tears – I was having a bad day as it was and then I made the mistake of watching The Notebook while I finished off the last repeat on FBS. Stupid, stupid, stupid me! I found an error – or should I say I thought I found an error and tried to fix it and of course ended up fucking it up even more. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to rip out an entire repeat – (I was about 3.75 rows into the last one.) I can’t figure out how to put in a lifeline further down to just really rip, so I have to pull each freaking stitch off the needles. KILLING ME! I’m so, so sad. All I wanted to do today was finish this shawl. I had a shitty morning and I figured I’d just knit the rest of the day away. I’ll be lucky if I can rip it all out today – seriously!

Thanks for letting me vent. I have to go sob for awhile now.

No zen for me, thank you very much. I think I jinxed myself.


  1. So I have to ask…did you like The Notebook though? You said you “made the mistake of watching it”. Can I translate that into “I should have never watched that piece of crap” or “I shouldn’t have watched it while I was working on something that required my attention”?

  2. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that! So glad it worked out okay, but I feel your pain!

  3. What a relief it worked out and you didn’t have to go back far. We’ve all been there and understand your frustration!

  4. I’m taking this as a road warning sign to not get cocky and think I don’t need the lifelines anymore. I’m going to keep putting them in!
    Glad it wasn’t as bad as you worried it might be. And I hope the tears from The Notebook were the same kind of tears I shed when watching it…sad, yes, but cathartic.

  5. OMG, this is not good bedtime reading!! I’m glad you’re working it out, though, and haven’t fallen too far behind. ((hugs))

  6. Oh boy. I am SO not watching that movie for the next, say, three or four years…
    I’m glad to see you ended up in a place that was not as bad as you thought, and sorry to hear you had a bad day. Me too on the bad day. I’m going to go sulk and look at patterns and think positive thoughts about actually completing one of them. Big hugs. 🙂

  7. Oh, how I wish we were always able to look at the bright side of life. I’m glad that you fixed the FBS, and were able to put the bad stuff out of your mind, if only for a few hours. Here’s hoping tomorrow is a better day!

  8. So glad that you did not have to rip back to far. Good luck with the rest, c.
    Uh oh–I have The Notebook sitting right on top of my DVD player–so I am going to bawl my eyes out? I guess that is not a totally bad thing… it helps to get it out every once in awhile.

  9. So sorry you had a bad day!! Those are the worst – HAT it whne the tears won’t stay away. Keep with the FBS – are you coming to Phila soon? I would be happy to help! 🙂

  10. Oops – that should say, “I HATE it when…” I just shouldn’t type before coffee!

  11. shake off that bad mojo girlfriend! glad to hear you’re back on track!

  12. I’m glad that you got your zen back. The torment caused by the should-I-fix-it-or-leave-it syndrome is great, but so is the payoff once the mistake has been fixed.

  13. See? Lace sucks the big one.

  14. Oh, hang in there. It sounds like you are doing okay, and I’m glad. Isn’t it awful when you have to rip hundreds of stitches of lace. Sigh. Not fun.
    As for zen, I think that’s as zen as it gets. It’s all about non-attachment, and there’s no better lesson in non-attachment than ripping back knitting. Me, I’m not so good with non-attachment. 🙂

  15. I’m glad you ripped. You’ll be happier with it in the end. And I’m glad it wasn’t as bad as you thought!!!
    Can’t wait to see it!

  16. Go start a mindless project and you’ll feel better instantly.
    I have a completed FBS and found an error way down (right in the center!) when blocking. No surprises what I am going to do next (yup, to the frog pond for a major splash!)