Crossed In Translation 2 – Questions Answered!

Hey Everybody! Yeah you – the ones from the AranKnit group on Yahoo and the people coming over from the KnittyBlog and anyone else who’s interested in making this fantastic sweater.

Here are some details for you about the KAL:

The Crossed In Translation KnitAlong doesn’t technically start until JANUARY 1. It’s a birthday present of sorts to MOI. (Get it? The name of the blog. My birthday. Ahh. The newbies!) I will be setting up a separate blog for the KAL. It doesn’t have a URL yet. (I’m busy, okay?) It’s been suggested by a few people that maybe I would set up a Yahoo group – I’m not going that way. Basically, I don’t like the Yahoo group thing. I find them hard to navigate and annoying and if I don’t get the eight million emails a day I forget to go over there and check things and the emails are annoying so I never check. But with a blog everyone can subscribe to the RSS feed and then you can be updated the way you are with all your other blogs and everyone can post pictures and questions and it’ll just be one big love fest.

So that’s how it’s going to work. I figure Jan 1 is safe because by that time everyone will have gotten their books and the holidays will be over and we’ll be settling in for a nice boring winter with a wonderful project. YAY!

Hope that answers a lot of the questions. I will try to get the blog up as soon as possible, but I’m not promising anything until January 1. Thanks so much! I’m excited about all the interest and I know that we’ll all make the most fabulous sweaters!


  1. The January 1 idea is very good because I may be recovered from shock by then. My book arrived today and, um, I have extremely cold feet. No, maybe that’s the flop sweat talking. Egad! This pattern will be the death of me. I’m just trying to figure out the matching hat. I figure that will tell me if I should even consider continuing with the sweater.

  2. Cara, you are an angel to organize the new blog and start up the KAL. I am so delighted — finally a beautiful textured sweater that doesn’t look like a box! (I will knit A. Starmore’s textured-knitting designs for my husband but most require major surgery to work for me!). Thanks so much.

  3. Isn’t that book beautiful? Lots of wonderful designs besides Lost in Translation. I’m looking forward to the KAL. Judy

  4. Just got my book last night, there are some gorgeous knits in there! The pattern doesn’t look too hard to decipher with a little help from blog land. It’s tempting to cast on right away, thankfully I don’t have the “perfect” yarn in my stash, darn… an excuse to go to the yarn store.

  5. I recieved my book yesterday, now to translate it and redraw the charts. It is a good thing we aren’t starting until after Jan. 1, then I might have a chance to find THE yarn for it.

  6. Priscilla in California says

    Ordered the pattern. Hope to figure it out and be ready to start by Jan 1. I will need increase the size to fit a 40 inch bust. Ordered Designing Knitwear by Deborah Newton and Knitting from the Top by Barbara G. Walker. Have always knitted from a pattern before, but see that this project will make me go beyond the pattern…This will be my first KAL.

  7. Priscilla in California says

    THANK YOU FOR THE links posted in your earlier blog of NOV 16. These should help with the translation problem…
    Feeling more confident.

  8. LaJuana in Texas says

    Ordered the book, but it won’t arrive ’til after the middle of December – rats! So happy to find this KAL. I love Arans but missed getting the Starmore book ’cause I wasn’t interested in knitting when it was in print. Kicking myself repeatedly for that! When I used to knit, raglans were my favorite style to do, so, finding this Aran has been a real delight. I have several Japanese books in my library on crochet, tatting, quilting and embroidery. None of them are in English, but the charts have always been so easy to follow, that I have come to prefer charts to written directions. Can’t wait to get started!

  9. I can’t believe I actually ordered the book. When I first saw it, I told myself that there was no way I was going to work on a pattern in Japanese. But the sweater is so beautiful! And I always try to knit stuff for me after the Christmas madness. Of course, my Green Mountain Spinnery sweater, the Ribby Cardigan, Birch and other things were already in the queue.

  10. Val Schmitt says

    I was sorting my bookmarks in anticipation of the Aranknit Yahoogroup’s knitalong, and found this link which might help you in your knitalong!
    Japanese-English Knitting Dictionary:
    Good luck,

  11. I found more pictures. The fair isles are beautiful too. Count me in the KAL. Hope I can keep up.

  12. Got my book today….gorgeous sweaters….think I’m over my head….but going to try the KAL!

  13. I got the book, and got the gauge information, although I haven’t seen anyone supply the needle size??? What of the type of yarn indicated (weight etc) for the sweater…and, is the size in the book standard for Size 34 throughout? If so, I’m going to have to wear it open all the time (giggle).
    Okay, so we’re not starting until January 1? Such a LONG time to wait???!!!
    Champing at the bit…


  15. You can also buy the book at, Japan. It is also cheaper. I look foward to start the Knitalong!!

  16. Book in hand and sighing longingly!!!

  17. Just discovered there is a KAL for this amazing cardi. How can I join? Probably, you have posted it somewhere, but I a bit in a Christmas cards writing frenzy, so reading it all will have to wait until after Christmas. (My copy arrived yesterday).