Color Me Wonderful

I’m in a really good mood today. Which is probably the last thing you want to say out loud – or at least out blog – but it’s true. And my morning wasn’t all that great either. I’m going to attribute it to the fact that I -GASP- ate breakfast this morning. I NEVER eat breakfast. In fact oftentimes I won’t eat until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. So I ate some oatmeal with cinnamon and honey and then a couple of hours later I ran and now I’m going to eat I just ate my lunch and I feel pretty damn good.

I had a GREAT weekend with my sister and the kids. On Saturday we went to the Crayola Factory which was, in a word, FANTASTIC! It’s in Easton, PA and I would recommend anyone with kids go there NOW. It’s like one HUGE craft project. Actually, a million little craft projects. You can go from station to station and make all sorts of stuff and the best part is that the three kids, ages 6, 4 and 2 could do the same projects – just each to their own level. We were there for like five hours and I barely had a headache when we left. 😉 This was actually really good practice for me. Kind of like training camp. You see, in two weeks my sister and her husband are going away for a long weekend and they’re leaving the kids at home…WITH ME!! (And G actually.) We will be TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for the lives of three VERY young humans. To say I’m a bit freaked is putting it mildly, but as my sister keeps reminding me, I volunteered for the job. The kids are so super excited about it, and I am too.

Maybe that’s why I’ve been knitting like a fiend on the KH Cardigan. I want to get as much done as possible before I go back down to Philly.

You’re looking at 12″ of back BAYBEE! Another 2.5 to go and I’m ready to start the armhole decreasing. I’m going to go with the size 40.5″ decreases – so that the sleeves measure up no problem. Fingers crossed it all works out. Still LOVING this project. Every time I finish a repeat (or sometimes more often) I lay it out over my lap and run my hand over the yarn. It’s very satisfying.

And in the definitely NOT “Not Your Grandmother’s Knitting” department, I’m sure you’ve all heard that Eunny Jang has been named Editor of Interweave Knits. This is grand in so many ways, but most of all because Eunny, as evidenced by her superior technical skills and innovative designs, GETS our grandmothers’ knitting, APPRECIATES our grandmothers’ knitting, and takes their genius and builds on it. The most original and creative people in the world did not and do not turn their back on the art that came before, they incorporate it into their own work. They feed off of it. Most of all they show the utmost RESPECT for it. Through her blog alone, Eunny has raised the knitting bar for all of us. I, for one, am very excited about what she can bring to IK and the knitting community in general. Whether I ever knit an IK pattern again, I am confident that the patterns that DO appear under her creative direction will be SMART and CHALLENGING. That cannot be a bad direction to take our craft. Congratulations Eunny! I wish you only the best!


  1. i went to college in easton and i never made it to the crayola factory. too bad.

  2. I really love how that cardi is knitting up! You picked a great color. The gauge is too small for me these days. With a baby, my knitting time is limited so projects that finish rather quickly are the only ones I’m working on! I can’t wait to get back to sweater knitting!

  3. Because I can still remember not being a knitter (unlike Eunny or Harlot), I look at that cardigan in two ways. At first, I look at it and think, “neat.” Then I look at it, as a knitter, and I think “oh my GOD that’s a lot of work – there’s laces and cableses and gauges and tinyness and oh lookit how the cables run right out of the ribbing from the very beginning, how cool!!!!” I know my brain wants that cableylacey sweater challenge – and I keep feeding it socks.
    I’m so thrilled about Eunny’s new gig – and you’re right, I think it bodes well for those of us who respect the grandmothers!
    (Do I have to wait to have kids to take to the Crayola factory? ‘Cause I totally want to go now.)

  4. Wow you are rocking out on the KH!!
    Yes, I was happy to see the EJ news as well, good for her (and us!). Given that IK is the only knitting mag that doesn’t suuuuck, I think that is the perfect place for her.

  5. I just read Eunny’s blog entry about and I’m very excited. I don’t have to worry about IK dumbing their patterns down like some mags have done. I think people should challenge themselves in their hobbies and I think she really is a good pick.

  6. (when i read back over it – after posting, of course – it almost seemed like some sort of slight against longtime knitters that i can remember not being a knitter. not in the least…i so envy lifetime knitters and wish i’d found this art so much sooner – my brain still seems to function initially on a non-knitterly level and i just process that it’s a nifty thing you’re doing there. it’s funny that it still takes me a minute to absorb just how much actual WORK is involved, and to see how much fun lies in that.)

  7. I let my IK sub lapse because… well… dull. I am *so* resubscribing.

  8. I’m such a sap — your words about Eunny made cry a bit. I’m just **THRILLED** to see what she will come up with for IK. 🙂

  9. I’m originally from Easton PA! Isn’t the Crayola Factory awesome! Did you take the tour and test out all the new products?
    That new sweater is going to be so amazing when it’s done… totally worth the time it took.
    I’m also so excited for Eunny – she deserves all the best – we’re going to celebrate with her tonight at our knit nite!

  10. Oooh I went to the Crayola Factory waaaaaay back in kindergarten for a field trip.. that of course was WAAAAY before they had the big world of crayons thing they have now. I still remmeber the smell .. it’s one of the few memories I have that young.. and they are VERY few..

  11. I was born and raised in PA myself and have fond memories of going to the Crayola factory in elementary school. The best part was the nice new box of crayons straight off the factory floor at the end of the tour.. probably why the smell of crayons brings me right back to childhood.

  12. fresh new crayons, eunny jang at IK, and a yummy new sweater all at once? no wonder you’re in a good mood!
    plus the kids! of course!

  13. wow, the KH cardigan is looking mighty lovely! you’re cruising through it at a fast clip!
    ain’t breakfast grand? god, it’s my favorite meal of the day. gets your metabolism going!

  14. Sounds like a great time! You’re sweater is really growing fast. (Well from here it is!) You’re one good auntie:) Will there be a few new knitters in the fold? (Bring backup);)

  15. KH looks marvelous! You’re going to have so much fun with the kids and you’ll be e.x.h.a.u.s.t.e.d but happy. Knit up a storm until then. Congrats to Eunny…she’ll keep us all thinking about what we knit and challenging us, too.

  16. Ah, the Crayola Factory brings back wonderful memories of when my kids were little. We used to love going there.
    I’m sure you’re going to be great with the kids. All five of you will have a blast I’m sure.
    I didn’t know about Eunny being named editor of Interweave. That’s fantastic!

  17. Love that green. Just LURVE IT!
    And Eunny at Interweave Knits? Isn’t that just great news? I’ve been chewing on that one all day long.

  18. You make me laugh with how smitten with your knittin’ you are – sorry could not resist. So well put about Eunny at the helm of IK. They could not have chosen a better knitter.

  19. Woohoo! Great news about Eunny. I couldn’t agree more with what you said about her.
    KH looks great so far, a very “springy” green. Maybe it’s what’s coloured you happy?

  20. Barb Outside Boston says

    I think you are saying you are going to your sister’s house to babysit, right? I know from experience that is MUCH easier.
    The sweater looks great–love the color.
    I am another one so happy about the Eunny news–do you think she responded to every one of the 500+ comments?!

  21. Yes- Eunny as the Editor of IK is absolutely wonderful!! Please – where is the Katherine Hepburn sweater pattern?

  22. Babysitting attheir house is a lot easier than the otherway. The kids will all know their routines, and have all their stuff. No doubt, you will be exhausted, but you will have fun. Bring a camera, and in a slower moment,ask them to do their best imitations of Daddy & Mommy, bestfriend, each other,make a mean face, etc. They will get a ball out of this!!
    Also crafts — let them color and paint — you’d be amazed how long kids can do this stuf, and bring stickers to augment their art. Have them help you cook,and they’ll eat.
    Good luck!!!
    Favorite babysitter and Aunt

  23. Oh, yes! The Crayola Factory! I had a great time there when my son was little. That big room filled with crayons and paper and lots of light? You get that wonderful scent of crayons, and feel all excited–like getting a new box of crayons. I like what you said about Eunny. She makes you want to strive to do better–to (happily) suffer the details.

  24. Just noticed Maxwell in your reading sidebar. He’s my all-time favorite. So compassionate. And he loves language.

  25. I hope your weekend goes as well as your trip to the Crayola Factory. It sounds like a really fun place to spend some time.
    I think the biggest thing about keeping the peace in a house with three little ones is many, many, many, activities and things to do. Also, breakfast so you have the energy to deal with all the activities.

  26. Glad to hear that you had a great time. Sounds like you are going to have quite the adventure when you get to watch the 3 kids. I am sure that the 2 of you will do a wonderful job with them.

  27. You had a great day . . . I had a shit day because I found out I don’t get to see my sister in two week’s time. That means: no trip to New York, no trip to Philly, no gin punch . . . a big fat no. Other than that, the day was fine . . . truly fine.
    Glad you enjoyed the Crayola factory (we were within ten miles of you at that time)! The girls loved it as kids and they even wanted to visit when they got their braces off as teenagers. Nothing like the smell of crayons, I say, to brighten your day. Off to sniff a 96 pack!

  28. There’s a crayola factory??!! Why didn’t anyone tell me?? I have to go and take my 3 kids. That sounds so awesome.

  29. speaking of class trips, did your school ever tour the Wonder Bread factory? mmmmmmm

  30. Watching you knit this almost makes me want to try it! I’ve been meaning to ask – are you coming to the yarn harlot event? A friend and I are flying up from Va. for it. Is there anywhere we just have to see while we are there?