Close your eyes…

and feel the sun rest sweet kisses on your shoulders as it sails out beyond the sea. Smell the cool pine usher in the evening. Hear the birds agree to disagree as the violins envelope the night. Bear witness as the oranges and reds and blues battle against the sky, surrendering to a royal purple. Taste the oaky sweet spice of wine caress your tongue.

Iโ€™m still drunk from the evening and Iโ€™m pretty sure that the nine glasses of wine that were set before me at dinner has nothing to do with it. It was an abundance of senses and I hope I can do it justice. What a magical evening! Certainly, though, my favorite part of the night was coming down the dark turning hills in the dense fog, the stars peaking through like beacons, the air thick with seawater and pine, the wind rushing in my face, as I sought a place to rest my head. I wanted to dream the night all over again….

Weโ€™re back home tomorrow night. Much to report. I’ve missed you all.


  1. Glad you are having such a wonderful time. Safe trip home.

  2. Good grief, I don’t want to wake up. Welcome back, dearie, we missed your posts (and photos!)

  3. yes, we’ve been missing you!

  4. Can’t wait to hear all about it and see it, too! A week without Cara is too long.

  5. Sounds dreamy and delightful…especially the wine part ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Can’t wait to hear it all. Hope to have occasional internet along the road!

  7. Last night I used your blue hydrangea card for the shower gift, and as soon as they opened the card, they both oohed and ahhed over it. It was SINCERE — my package was the last one. My package, the wrapping and the contents, was the hit of the evening…it was the first gift that I saw the fiance’s eyes light up with delight. But they specifically mentioned the card, and I told them a friend made it. They were so impressed!

  8. Sounds wonderful — the perfect California night. Look forward to hearing more about your trip ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I LOVE CA also! What a pretty post!