Got Gauge?

I want a t-shirt that says this. Who’s going to help me design it? We can sell it and give the proceeds to charity. I’m not kidding. I need a t-shirt that says “got gauge?” and maybe one that says “swatch-n-bitch“. What do you think?

This weekend was all about the knit, baby. And even though there was some phenomenally BAD news of the knitting variety, I enjoyed the weekend and thinking about my knits.

I’m leading off with the bad, because, well, it’s so bad that I want EVERYONE to read it – none of this skimming through and missing it at the end.

Okay. Here goes.

Friday night, I FINALLY cast on the front of Short Rows. And guess what? I GOT GAUGE!!!! This may seem like a good thing, but trust me, it’s very, very, very bad. Why you ask? Because when I knit the back, I didn’t get gauge. Or at least I thought I didn’t – I seem to remember measuring it a bunch of times. I even remember starting it a couple of times and ripping it because I DIDN’T get gauge. I deliberately, painstakingly decided to move up a size in the pattern – which would leave me with a sweater conveniently between the medium and large size. Nice and comfortable for me. But while I was casting on and knitting the front, something kept nagging at me about the back. It just seemed, so, I don’t know, HUGE. And I kept pushing those bad feelings down, down into the locked closet of my brain that sucks all the bad thoughts in like a hoover – as I’ve been training myself to do. (It’s working. A little bit. Everyday.)

But. I just couldn’t let it alone.

Sunday, I got out a sweater I have that fits pretty good and put the two backs together. Then I took out not one, but three tape measures. Sure enough I GOT FUCKING GAUGE! The sweater matches perfectly to the dimensions the pattern lists for a large. It is WAY too big.

I think you all know where this is going. Do I really have to say it? At least I didn’t get too far on the front (honestly, I was getting bored pretty quickly. What happened to all the love?) I’m going to cast on again for a back. In the size I should’ve done the whole time. I’m going to knit said back, and compare the two. Then I’m going to rip the sleeve I’VE ALREADY KNIT, because I can salvage the yarn easily. I think I might just leave the first back and buy more yarn. The thought of ripping it, after I’ve cut and WOVEN IN all those ends is enough to – I don’t know – NEVER KNIT AGAIN?! What’s a few extra dollars for a project I really loved (once) and want to get right? Don’t you agree? Eventually I can rip out the bad back and make something with the yarn. But right now, I think that would just be way too depressing.

That’s it. That’s my awful knitty news. Feel sorry for me. Seriously – I WANT the pity.


On to the GOOD!

I found a new knitting store this weekend. I was looking through the new VK and came across some interesting notions. When I went on the website to see where they were sold, I found Stix-n-Stitches in Montclair, NJ. They literally opened about a week ago. The store was very nice – nice wood – roomy – lots of cool notions and stuff. Tons of Classic Elite yarns. I asked the proprietress, Sheila, what kinds of new yarns she was going to get in. No Noro or Debbie Bliss, because another yarn store in town is going to carry it. What about Rowan, I asked. Another new store opening up is going to carry that, so no. I found this really, really interesting. What do you think? Is she limiting her business by not carrying yarns that other stores in the area are carrying? I’m not sure what I think about this.

One thing she does have is a full line of ArtYarns – which happens to be one of my all time favorites – so that’s good!

That’s Ultramerino 4 – a new fingering weight yarn. They’ve come out with Ultramerino 6 as well to go along with the 8. Good stuff. Oh and I bought some circular needle size markers as well. They clip onto the wire and clip right off. Never seen them before – maybe they’ll help.

All in all – a nice store that I definitely plan on going back to – Jen – whenever you’re ready!

I spent a lot of time looking through stitch pattern books this weekend. I was pulling together cable patterns for my dad’s sweater and also looking for stitch patterns for squares for the John Glick Afghan Project. Some fits and starts, but I’ve managed to identify all of the cables and I’ve finished one square and started another.

Both squares are from Cascade 220 I had in the stash. I love the blue-green heather color and I have more, so I might make another one with this. The stitch on that one is the Quaker Ridge from Barbara Walker – I figured it was fitting for John since by all accounts he was a peace loving man, traits the Quakers embody. The brown square stitch is called Jacob’s Ladder or Ladder of Life – both of which I thought were appropriate. I’ve tried to infuse the squares with love. I hope they bring comfort to the recipient.

And last but not least, when your knitting gets you down, KNIT SOCKS!

I’m calling these my Walking on Sunshine socks! I’m hoping to remember the bright, warm, NOT HUMID, sunny day I started them on when I’m wearing them on a particularly cold and gray winter day. Also, they match my bright orange flip flops (which I won’t be posting a picture of – they’ve turned black under my toes and well, ew.)

I’m using Trekking XXL Crazy Stripes in Color 38 – I’m loving me some stripes and stockinette and hey, you can never have too many socks, right Margene? (Check it out – she’s got FOUR FEET!)

Lemmings and Lace

Well, my experience in the city yesterday was decidedly UN-Seinfeldian. (By the way, the Puerto Rican Day parade episode has never been shown on TV after the first airing – it’s not even part of the syndication package. Guess it ruffled a few feathers.) Seriously – the whole day couldn’t have gone better: super cute kids, great party entertainment (the kids were laughing the whole time), nice employers. The traffic was fine – if I had a job in the city on a Tuesday morning I would’ve hit more traffic. Thanks for the good lucks. I think they worked.

Without further ado, I offer you boring progress pictures, just like I promised on Friday:

The short row sleeve is coming along nicely. I finished the increases and am about to start the decreases. I love how they say do the increases and knit until you reach 191/2 inches. Guess what? On my last row of increases I’m going to be about 201/2 inches. I realized my row gauge is about two rows over. No biggie, I’m thinking. I like my sleeves a little long anyway. So onto the decreases. Have I woven in any ends? NO! Damn they’re killing me!

Not much progress on the sock – although I did rip it a few more times before I was satisfied. I’m still a little hesitant about the purls at the joins – I moved some stitches around on the needles because the ktbls were looking REALLY bad at the joins – but I’ve tried it on and I can live with it. I’m not sure how to fix it though since I’m pulling the yarn as hard as I can. I swear my hands are completely cramped after only a few pattern repeats. I’m doing the Retro Rib from IK Winter 2004 in Koigu Color #2151. The yarn is definitely more green – think retro aqua Cuban colors. I’m not loving this like I was loving the Purple Socks, but I’m persevering.

Because I have no mind of my own and you can’t turn from one blog to another without seeing LACE, I conveniently became obsessed with The Flower Basket Shawl pattern from IK Fall 04. I’ve never knit lace before, so I immediately turned to the Great Enabler and lace knitter extraordinaire. She, in turn, sent me over here, and she, then, pawned me off over here! (That’s Cassie, Margene and Teresa – in case you were wondering! Damn you girls are good at the enabling!) Anyway, once I saw Teresa’s Flower Basket Shawl (make sure you look at ALL the pictures!) I was a goner.

Suffice it to say, by Sunday I had ordered two balls of Zephyr Wool Cotton SILK (tussah silk to be specific!) from The Knitter in Iris (and about five different kinds of sock yarn. I went a little crazy with the sock yarn this weekend. I’m a little nuts over the whole striping thing.)

Teresa was so kind – emailing me different yarn amounts and advice. I can only hope my finished project looks half as wonderful as hers.

Oh and I can’t discount the help I’ve received from two other sites! There’s an FBS Redux knitalong going on, and through them I found Becky’s gorgeous FBSes. She’s got three so far, I think. They’re amazing. And she took the time to write up this tutorial for lace-impaired people like me! With all that support, how could I not succeed!?! Thank you ladies! I’m eagerly awaiting my yarn. (I even joined this! Craziness, I know!)

I saw two movies this weekend – both made me cry hysterically (think it’s time to up the meds?) – but were about as different as different can be. First, on Saturday, I watched Hotel Rwanda. I’m finding it really difficult to say I enjoyed this movie, but I really did. It was incredibly well done. One of the best movies I’ve seen in a while. The story was extremely well played out and Don Cheadle was amazing. Absolutely HEARTBREAKING. But it made me want to learn more about the region and what happened there. It utterly amazes me – the destruction human beings can carry out.

Then, on Sunday, I watched 50 First Dates. I know, I know, it’s like feast or famine (culturally) around here, but I had seen bits and pieces of the movie at my sister’s and couldn’t understand the end, given Lucy’s situation. So it was on cable, I caught it about five minutes in and knit. Man did I cry! How sad is this movie? I guess hopeful too, but I don’t know it seemed so sad to me. In the end it’s a complete rip off of the existential classic Groundhog Day, but I guess you could say I enjoyed it. Maybe I just needed to cry some more. (Hey Jen – have you seen Groundhog Day? Add it to the list!)

I’m going to leave you with two pictures – one of which is explained in the extended entry.

First, a rose:

If you haven’t already, check out the roses Laurie posted today. Gorgeous!

Last, but not least, I was inspired by Lauren‘s post the other day about her amazing adventures in Israel. It’s been five years since she was there. It got me thinking back to my OWN amazing adventures in Israel – and MY GOD! it’s been fifteen years since I was there! How come it feels like just yesterday? I scanned a picture of me from the trip – one of my favorite pictures of me ever. I never looked as good as I did then –

Yes, that’s me in an army uniform with my long flowing hair – if you’d like to learn more about it, read on….

[Read more…]

I Love Ewe!

DAMN that Margene‘s good! Sitemeter says I average around 200 visits a day to the blog. Yesterday, I had a whopping 473 visits! About 80% of them from Margene! Thanks grrl! And she works magic too. My feeds should be good to go now. I emailed Bloglines and they reset the feeds. Apparently that’s all I needed to do. We’ll see how fast this post comes up.

And thanks to all of your comments on the socks. I SO appreciate it! I’ve got the AC cranking so I can keep them on all day. Crazy, no? Who cares. I made SOCKS!

In other boring knitting news, I FINALLY cast on the sleeve for short rows. I know I’ve said this a million times, but god I love Rowan Wool Cotton. It’s so soft and the stitches are so beautiful. Seriously, if I could only knit with this yarn I would be okay. Better than okay. This is my plan: everyday before I knit on the sleeve I will weave in ends on the short row back. So far I’m good all the way up one side. That leaves the other side and the short rows in the middle. This way, when I cast on for the front, the only ends I’ll have are on that said front and I can weave them in while I’m knitting the second sleeve. I have some plans I might implement on the front, too, that should hopefully cut down on ends considerably.

I also cast on for a second pair of socks. Retro Ribs in Koigu. But I don’t like how the pattern’s looking at the joins so I might rip it (AGAIN) and move a few stitches around after a couple rows. We’ll see.

Here’s a super dooper boring picture:

I promise to spare you knitting pictures like that one. At least until Monday. 😉

But, I do have something cute to show you! I’m sure you’ve all had moments like this. You know, you walk around your house every day and manage NOT to notice things that have been there forever, under your nose, calling out to you “Whohoo! You! Yes, you, over here! See me? I’m a really cute thing to blog about!”

When Jen was here the other day I suddenly turned to a spot in my office THAT I LOOK AT EVERY DAMN DAY and noticed this little guy:

You see, I never realized but my husband is prescient. He bought me this a million years ago – no, really, it has to be over ten, possibly even twelve years old. We were living in the old apartment and he bought it for me for Valentine’s Day. It’s actually a pin (why I have it pinned to a lamp shade is beyond me, but that’s where it’s been since the day I got it.) It came attached to a card that said I LOVE EWE! Did he know that one day I would become wool obsessed? When I reminded him of it yesterday, he was thrilled. More super hero powers for him to go along with his superfantastic dish washing. I’m so lucky!

Anyway, it’s a monsoon outside. Dark, thunder, torrential rains and yet it’s still unbearably hot. Imagine that. So I thought I’d leave you all with some beauty for the weekend – whatever your weather!

Have a good one!

The Harlot Takes Manhattan!

[I want to say that I have purposely NOT read any of the other accounts out there (of which I’m sure I’ll spend the whole day reading) so as to give my own gospel. But make sure you read all the others! And they will have pictures. I didn’t drag out the camera – sorry!]

I’ll start with this: There was wine. There were traveling hors d’oeuovres. There was a GIFT BAG people!

It was, by all accounts, I’m sure, totally nuts.

Jen and I met in Hoboken to travel into the big city. Midtown was crazy – haven’t been there at 5PM in ages (and I’m not going back anytime soon.) Although I have to admit that it was a sight seeing that group of Hasidic Jews outside the Empire State Building mingling with a befeathered and berobed group of indeterminate origin getting out of a van. Only in New York.

We got to Lord & Taylor – and you know – I never read the invite on Stephanie’s blog – just sent in my plea to be included – so I had no idea where we were supposed to go. But we were early so we hit the bra floor (no such luck for either of us!) and then we headed up to the 11th Floor. Which isn’t listed anywhere. It’s like the magic floor.

When we got there – there was already a line and who do you think was at the head? Lovely Cassie, of course! I went over and said my hellos and chit chat as the line grew and grew and grew. Juno soon arrived as well and The Harlot sailed past the line with her handlers. “She’s here, she’s here,” traveled down the pack in hushed whispers.

Soon after, a woman came out and told us they were going to let us in now. We should make ourselves comfortable and be sure to check our bags and stuff – it’s pretty tight in there. I looked at her, a wry smile on my face, and said, “No one is checking their bags. That’s where the knitting is.” The poor non-knitter looked at me askance. “No one,” I said, “is going in without their knitting.” Poor girl. Just trying to do her job.

So we started to move in and they crossed our names off the list one by one and no one checked anything from what I could tell and there were two seats left at a table WAY UP FRONT with Cassie and Juno and Tree (hope I’m spelling that right) and another woman who I’m so sorry I don’t remember your name. It was a wonderful group. Immediately Cassie pulled out her shawl and her new cable wonder (which let me tell you – everyone should consider knitting a yarn on a much lower needle size than recommended – what she’s doing with Peruvian Highland Chunky is just amazing – completely different yarn – so much better!) Juno had her cable masterpiece as well in Rowan Highland and I pulled out my measly Short-Rows sleeve which I cast on for just the occasion.

The room started filling up and there was much jumping up from seats and hugs and look at that’s and what yarn is that and touching and just amazingness. I’ve never been to anything like it. The commaraderie was palpable in a room where most of us were strangers.

The wine was served and the hors d’oeuvres and then it was All Harlot! She was EXACTLY like you’d think she would be – funny and shy and self-deprecating and spot-on truthful and nervous and smart and it was like reading her blog in the flesh – if you know what I mean. We had a knitting demonstration by her (WOW – who knew you could knit with a needle stuck under your armpit! And how fast!) There was lots of picture taking. Questions about Hank and the Guernsey and shopping. I think she said arse twice, but Cassie’s got the official number on that.

All the while Stephanie was doing her thing, pretty much everyone was knitting. I told Georgie this, and ever sensitive to rudeness, he was horrified. “While she was speaking?” he said. “Of course.” “That’s horrible.” “Everyone was doing it. Even she was knitting.” He didn’t get it. It was fantastic! (Of course I ended up knitting then frogging six rows, but what the hell. I was there. I had knitting!)

If you told me six months ago that I would be sitting in a room atop Lord & Taylor surrounded by knitters, knitting, listening to knit blogger extraordinaire read from her book, I’d’ve laughed my ass off. I’m not laughing anymore. (Well I am, but for totally different reasons!)

One thing I was shocked at was the LACK of bloggers. Someone asked Stephanie a question about blogging and if there were lots of other bloggers and she told everyone with a blog to raise their hands. Now my back was to the room, but it only seemed like a quarter of us had blogs – maybe even less. I thought we’d all be bloggers. Go figure. (There are people out there that knit and DON’T have blogs? 😉 ) [ETA: Maybe I’m wrong on this. As I mentioned, Cassie snagged a table right up front so my back was to the room. Other accounts say half the room was filled with bloggers – they’re probably more reliable.]

At the end they gave out gift bags from Lion Brand – yes, people – there was swag! Now before you start thinking that there was fun fur and stuff like that it was actually a GENIUS idea. There was, of course, a signed copy of the book – WAY COOL – and even better a big skein of Wool Chunky with patterns and a pamphlet for the Dulaan Project. Couldn’t have been done better in my opinion. Just wonderful.

Highlights of the evening include – introducing myself to Stephanie and asking her to sign my book and SHE SEEMED TO KNOW WHO I WAS!!! Really. I mean, it may have been in that polite sure I read your blog kind of thing, but I don’t think so. She really seemed to know me which made me feel like I had ARRIVED in blogland. I mean, if the celebrities know you – c’mon! That’s something!

Every other highlight involves people: I finally met Enchanting Juno – whose blog name could NOT be more perfect – a stunning woman. Truly – it was great to meet you! And I finally met up with Cassie again. And I met Kay together with Phyllis – we talked family dynamics and religion – what could be more fun! I met Cari, who was so kind about my photographs, along with Valentina, who asked about the show thanks to Colleen talking me up and Mindy and so many others who I can’t remember! Please forgive me. I can see all of your faces! Really I can. I hope we meet again! And it was so great to be out and about with Jen – my first real knitty friend! Hey Jen – I was knitting, even if you weren’t! That counts right?

Thank you Lord & Taylor, thank you Lion Brand, thank you Craft Yarn Council – and of course! Thank you Stephanie for giving us an excuse to celebrate knitting and well, just celebrate.

If I screwed up your name or link – please let me know in the comments! I apologize!

Paying it forward.

I want to pay forward the generosity I received last night. I had already purchased a copy of Stephanie’s book – way before I knew she was coming. She signed my copy last night. Which means I have the free, signed copy they gave out in the gift bag. I’d like to give that away to a reader who won’t have the chance to see Stephanie in person. Please leave me a comment and tell me where you are and why you won’t be able to see her. I’ll randomly pick a name – you’ve got the weekend to try for it. Peo
ple outside the US are indeed welcome.

Baby’s Got Back!

I was so excited when I got home last night I finished this:

There is some subtle shaping at the waist – so it’s not as wonky as it looks. I am VERY happy with it. The front should be a breeze. I’ve calculated that I knit this sweater three times over already – since I’ve redone the short rows sections about three time each (I’m really not kidding here.) So assuming I can get through the front with a minimal of re-knits – should be cake.

Of course, I’m trying not to think too hard about this:

Cause that might make me cry. (I just flip it over and I’m happy again!) The duplicate stitch is working fabulously:



As I said, I cast on for a sleeve last night. Should go pretty quick – well, not that quick so I can weave in the ends on the back before I start the front. I’m going to be diligent – weave in a few every day – I swear.

Have a great day!


“Two hundred dollars straight in,
Two-fifty up the ass.”

Okay. So you tell me. Is it wrong that I’ve been walking around saying this to my husband all day and all night long? What’s up Bruce? Is your imagination lost on you? I’m all for a some porn now and again, but this song is even beyond your sexy sensibilities. I’m not saying I don’t like it (because, hey, you’ve been the star of MANY a fantasy of mine) but it’s just really, really sad. What did Patti say about it? Inquiring minds want to know.

And for the record, Georgie grins wickedly every time I say it.

Harlot tonight. Cassie will have her red knitting bag, I’ll be carrying this:

In the comments yesterday, Kristen asked if I’d be bringing my camera to the festivities. I haven’t decided yet. You see, bringing my camera means carrying an extra 15-20 pounds of equipment. I can’t just throw the camera in my knitting bag. My camera is huge. And I’d have to bring my flash gear because, well, the lighting is guaranteed to suck and I have a serious problem with perfectionism so if the picture isn’t going to come out to my standards (that’s right Wendy – I’m a NO SNAPSHOT zone!) then why bother taking it. I’m thinking everyone else will have a camera and there will be lots and lots of pictures floating around blogworld. Now, if the Harlot wants her own personal photo shoot – well, now, that’s a different story!

And I might be a tad dirty tonight. The signs throughout the building said they were going to turn off the water at 9:30 AM. Poor Georgie got caught mid-shower shave when they shut it down at 8:59. I thought I had a whole half hour, the bastards, but I didn’t. I can’t even brush my teeth. Well, I could use water from the water cooler I have in my kitchen, but that’s not dramatic enough now is it? My wonderful, fantastic, supercalifragilistic husband offered to get us a hotel room in the city (he’s going out tonight too) so that I could go in early to shower and we could meet up later. Isn’t he the sweetest? But then they made an announcement that the water would be back up four hours from now, which should give me plenty of time to get ready. Drat. We may still do the hotel thing though. I may have to lie. (Either that or drop my prices! 😉 )

I was up late again last night. Short Rows. Yep. Before I finally got it right, I ripped out the first part of the second short row sequence three times. Three freaking times. I kept dropping wraps when I was going back across. So all three times I actually finished the short rows only to lose them in the end. Yet I STILL love this project. I’m past it now and will finish the back as soon as I get off the computer. Then I will cast on for the sleeve so I have something to knit tonight. Can you imagine if I walked in without knitting – they’d probably throw me out at the door. Oh and I SOLVED THE ENDS PROBLEM! No. I’m not going to tie knots and be done with it! I found this wonderful Knitty article and the duplicate stitch works great. I’m loving it. I will take pictures when the back is done – have no fear. The ends are still a daunting task, but I feel it’s manageable. Yay!

Have a great day everyone!

Surely You’re Joking! *

Yesterday’s New York Times crossoword. Check out 40 Down.

Thanks so much for all the compliments on Short Rows! It means so much. I’ll be SO proud of this project when it’s finally finished. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’ll get there. I’ve given myself a projected deadline of June 5th. I’m thinking if all goes well I’ll wear it to The Secret Garden opening. Hopefully it won’t be too hot! I’m thinking a nice denim skirt? Cross your fingers. I did the first part of the second short row sequence – I figured out that decreases were built into the pattern – but in the end I have one stitch too many. So I’ll be ripping out the short rows – AGAIN. Yes. I’m a glutton for punishment (and apparently, chocolate covered raisins.) And the ends are getting really out of hand – so when I rip it, I’m going to try and weave some in. Hopefully clean things up a little so the wires don’t get crossed so much, so to speak. It’s all good!

Yesterday I did a little shopping, but not before having a fabu lunch with my honey! First I got my hair cut – it looks cute and cleaned up – then met Georgie at a doctor’s appointment he had. While we were waiting for him to be seen, I received a mysterious text message. Georgie says to me – who’s text messaging you? I said I don’t know and wouldn’t you know it, the message read KISS THE PERSON TO YOUR RIGHT. He’s so sweet! I’m SO, so lucky!

After waiting forever, it was off to TAO for lunch. Georgie’s been wanting to take me there, and I have to say, the steak I had was very, very good. The decor was neat as well, but don’t you just hate restaurants that don’t label the bathroom doors with GIRL/BOY, WOMAN/MAN, FEMALE/MALE? These bathrooms said YIN and YANG. There was a man that was behind me and we both just stood there and I said this is so not fair. Finally we both chose – and you guessed it – we chose UNwisely. The male attendant (who for the record, was in the women’s room at first) corrected us. Why? Why is it necessary to be COOL all the time? Anyway. The food was very good.

On the way back I stopped at Borders. I needed to pick up this:

I’ve listened to it about a dozen times all the way through – it’s looped on WINAMP – and for the most part I’m pretty happy with it. For all those people I told it was a cross between Tunnel and TGOTJ – I’m revising that. It’s more like a cross between TGOTJ and Lucky Town. But better on both accounts. Nothing’s going to make me cry, (there are a few like that on The RisingMy City of Ruins never ceases to amaze me) but I did get a few chills listening to Long Time Comin’. The woman’s name is Rosie and it’s clear they’ve been together for a long time. (They have two kids and another on the way.) It’s also clear that mistakes have been made but he stills loves her, wants her very much. This is a theme near and dear to my heart. Georgie and I have been together for fifteen years and are very much in love, still. It’s always nice to have that validated. This song did that for me. Okay. Enough Bruce. If you want to talk about it, let me know. Email me.

I also bought a couple of knitting books:

Loop-d-Loop by Teva Durham

Instant Expert: Knitting by Ros Badger

I’m really split on these two. I only bought the Ros Badger because I saw a pattern I liked on Kristine‘s blog (go on over and congratulate her on the new online store!!)

I thought it would be perfect for some Jo Sharp Silkroad Tweed I have stashed. Problem is, the book only gives one pattern size and that happens to be ONE SIZE FITS NONE! You know, one of those anorexic sizes – like if you eat an entire carton of chocolate covered raisins and need to purge for the next week and a half (just kidding!) So, if I want to make this sweater to be able to fit my humongous boobs I’m going to have to do some knitty math – and you all know how much I hate THE MATH! We’ll see if I keep the book. It’s kind of disappointing all the way around.

But Loop-d-Loop? This book is gorgeous genius. There’s a million patterns I’d like to make!

Click for bigger pictures!

Of course, my favorite is this:

Are you seeing a trend here? Can you IMAGINE the ends? Someone stop me!

I highly recommend this book – really – it’s very, very well done.

And finally – a stash addition:

It’s 50% Tussah – 50% Merino from Chasing Rainbow Dyeworks in Mary’s colorway. I’ve got 840 yds. I’m thinking my very own Clap. It’s taken a LOOONG time to get here. I bought it on my Boston visit.

Have a great day!

* Surely You’re Joking is a reference to Richard Feynman – I bought his collection of letters yesterday. I’m thinking I’ll read them out loud to Georgie, since he’s the one who introduced me to this phenomenal personality. Check him out if you haven’t already. It’s worth it. Hey Lauren – I also picked up Freakonomics!


Yesterday, I ate an entire container of Milk Chocolate Raisins from Trader Joe’s.

It was an interesting evening to say the least. I think I’m still on the high. The container says there are 33 pieces to a serving. And approximately 11 servings. 363 chocolate covered raisins is about 263 too many. Especially when I ate barely anything else all day.

24 has restored my faith in TV – especially after the Gilmore Girls let me down so, so hard. (We’ll see if they can redeem themselves tonight.) I think this season of 24 is the best of the bunch – of course, if you haven’t seen the other three, this one is nothing – but it is so worth it if you have! Do you agree?

Short Rows!

Here they are!

Look at those zigzags! They ZIG, they ZAG!

Let’s compare:



Don’t they look great now? Of course, here’s what I’ll have to contend with very, very soon:

But I think it’s very worth it! I’m loving this project. I’m not sure how to proceed – I need to really ponder the pattern. You have to decrease on each arm every other row, but the pattern also calls for decreases in the short rows – I’m not sure if they’re the same decreases, or if they’re different – time for some knitty math.

Okay. I’m off to get ready for a salon appointment and a lunch date with my husband!

One last question – do you Harlot? Who’s going to Lord & Taylor Thursday evening? I’ll be the one with white gloves and pearls. 😉

My Baby Takes the Morning Train

Whew! What a morning!

Georgie needed to be at an important meeting at 7:30 this morning. He’s not a very good morning person. He went to bed around 1AM (I didn’t go to sleep until after 3 – but more on that in a minute) and was out of bed at about 6. Normally, this would get Georgie to work at about 9. You do the math.

I was up worrying that he wouldn’t make it on time. From the coziness of my bed I could hear his morning routine, praying that it was the speeded up version. I calculated the best possible way for him to get to work. I envisioned traffic, accidents, disasters. If he could just get out of the shower by 6:30 (a feat in and of itself!) he might have a shot.

I hear the shower turn off. I get out of bed and stick my head out of the door, the sun shining in from the hallway. “Honey? Do you need me to take you to the train?”

“Yes. Please.”

I throw on my sweats, tuck in my t-shirt, toss on my sweat-shirt and baseball cap, slip on my shearling clogs. I’m good.

Now, my town is about 8 miles from where G needed to be in the city. Google Map says it should take about 12 minutes. HA! It can take me 12 minutes just to get to my freaking car. Apartment living has its disadvantages – like my car is in a garage under the building. I can’t just walk out my door.

So I go to the car, but not without checking my face in the bathroom mirror right by the front door – it’s a silly habit, since I’ve still got zit cream all over my face and lines from the pillow and sleep in my eyes. Yeah. I’m looking my best. I realize as I’m about to open the front door that I’m missing something. Can you guess? Amazingly enough – I’m missing my fucking eye glasses. I’m blind as a bat people! (Are bats really blind?) How have I managed to get myself together enough to drive my darling husband to the train and not realize I CAN’T SEE?

I get my glasses and the car and pull it around to our designated meeting place. Georgie comes out at about the same time. It’s now 6:43. The train leaves at 6:51.

“You’ll have to make the illegal u-turn,” he says.
“I’m way ahead of you,” I say.

The train station is about 2.5 miles from our house. This trip can take a good twenty minutes depending on traffic. We live in the middle of swamp land peppered with industrial warehouses. There are semis every where. Especially in the morning. There are also conviently placed freight trains that like to crawl through town during rush. There’s no rhyme or reason to them. Okay. There’s a reason – to make us late!

The illegal u-turn takes care of all that. It’s risky though – especially in our 2000 Altima that has the WORST turning radius known to man. I handle it with aplomb.

On to the next obstacle. As I race through the YELLOWRED, making a successful left turn only to get stuck behind a car service Lincoln crawling over the potholes, I realize that the gas light is on and the distance-to-go tracker is flashing DANGER! Lack of gas be damned, I hit the left lane – I’m driving into oncoming traffic! The Lincoln is toast. A late 80s Pontiac decides it’s the perfect time to meander onto the road. I fly back into the left lane! A truck’s coming right at us! I dodge a pothole while settling the car back onto all four wheels. Georgie’s either murmuring I love you over and over again or I’m going to die. Either way, after leaning on my horn to move the ridiculously unnecessary BMW SUV out of my way, I get him to the train station at 6:49.

6:53. My cell phone rings. Heavy breathing. “I made it! They were closing the doors and I jumped on the train! Thanks my love!”

7:12. I’m back home, car has gas in the tank, waiting for the computer to warm up. Phone rings. “I’m here. I’m one of the first ones. They have breakfast. Thanks again!”

SuperWIFE saves the day. And it isn’t even 8AM.

Do you think he’ll expect dinner tonight? Because, you know, like, I’m spent.

Short Rows

Why was I up until 3AM you ask? Why, Short Rows of course! I’ve been needing some knitty inspiration, and when I went down to my sister’s for Passover Seder, I pulled some knitting to take with me – knowing full well I’d never get the opportunity to actually knit. I brought Short Rows with me and it was just what I needed. I showed it to my sister and instantly fell in love with the colors and the yarn and the pattern all over again. Georgie came to Seder and took me home Saturday night – so we got to spend a much needed day together yesterday. I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening on the couch, Georgie close by, knitting. I know I’ve said it before, but I LOVE Rowan Wool Cotton. I think I’m going to make a cardigan with it – that lovely Seeded Cable Classic Elite cardigan. I think it might be my next project because I’ve really been jonesing for some cables.

Anyway, back to short rows. I decided that I was just going to slip knot the ends and use duplicate stitch to weave them in later. I had done research on all kinds of joins, Russian, Spit, etc, but none of them really seemed the right option for what I needed to do – too many color changes too quickly. Before I knew it I was finished the first batch of short rows and onto the straight rows and it looked fantastic! At about midnight I announced to G that I was going to have to knit for a while more – I was too into it and could see the end of the first short row sequence. At about 2:15, Georgie snoring peacefully beside me, I finished said sequence. And then I lost it. Somehow I dropped a stitch or I don’t know what but I lost a wrap on a short row and I couldn’t get it back, so I had to rip it out. Then I lost a bunch of wraps when I ripped back and because the color changes with every turn practically – I don’t know what yarn to use on which wrap. Trust me, it’s easier just to rip it back. I really don’t mind. This thing is looking gorgeous! I’m so excited about it! Today I’m going to re-do the short rows and go on to the straights and then I’ll take a picture. With the next short row sequence I already have to start decreasing for the arms – so it should go very, very fast. I’m really hope this thing fits. I mean really. (It should – yes, I swatched. I’m a little bit smaller than gague – so I upped it a size – should give me exactly what I need. Somewhere between the medium and the large.)

Anyway. I’ve got my mojo back – look for a picture tomorrow!

And, I think I may have yet another border for the Pinwheel blanket! If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I think it will though.

By the way, Happy Passover to my fellow tribe members! The Happy Booker had some excellent links to share. By all means, hit JibJab‘s Matzah, Shabot6000‘s Seda’ Club, and Shlepping Through the Alps‘s Passover Greeting. It’s like Chicken Soup for the HipHop Jew! Guaranteed to make you choke on your matzah – assuming your stomach hasn’t already exploded from the bloat! Chag Sameach!

Can you help me? Anyone out there a K1R2 member who’s read Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell and would like to help lead the discussion next week? I’m desperately behind – there’s no way I’ll finish it. Life. You know how it is. So I’m looking f
or a wonderful volunteer! Email me at caraATjanuaryoneDOTcom if you would like to save my ass. Thanks!

I’ve been knitting….

You are Andie Walsh (from Pretty In Pink)!
Misunderstood and full of angst, you are
intelligent, talented and will probably go on
to do great things…once you’re out of the
hell of high school.

Which John Hughes Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I found this quiz over at Kate’s. I’m posting this because it just so happens that I was watching Sixteen Candles last night. And as much as I hate to admit it, I think this one might be pretty accurate. High school was almost the death of me. Definitely blossomed as soon as I got out. [Huh – when I got the link for Sixteen Candles on IMDB, I looked up the actor who played Jake – very, very cute – but did he do anything else? Turns out he was the really cute guy in Mermaids too! Michael Schoeffling.]

Here’s that oft rumored knitting content:

Remember the Pinwheel Baby Blanket? I can’t believe how badly this yarn photographs – the color could not be more off – it’s a much deeper yellow – almost brownish in color. But anyway, I’m into the fourth skein. The diameter is 22″. I have a long way to go. The skeins are going nowhere at this point. Another thing about this project – there’s no way to tell how big it is without taking it off the needles – which is kind of a pain. I’ll get through six skeins before I take it off again. I do like the pattern though – the blanket is looking very nice.

Short-Row Pullover

I can’t help but have a nagging feeling that this is all going to have to be ripped out and started over. Or I’ll get through the back and finally figure out how to make it look nice and then I’ll do the front and want to re-do the back.

As you can see, I’ve started the short-rows. They’re not hard at all and actually kind of interesting. The ridiculous part is you have to change yarn colors every five seconds and you can’t carry the yarn up really. So I’ve been trying Johanna‘s method of knitting in the ends, but I think it’s making my stitches all wonky and uneven. Can you see it in the second and third picture? I’m not sure if it’s because of the short rows, or the ends, but I’m not entirely happy with it. I’m going to keep knitting – even if it does feel very much like an experiment – to see how the rows even out once I do the next short row section. Right now I’m in straight rows. But the next section will even out the left hand side. I still absolutely love the yarn – and I’m really liking the colors too. Georgie’s the best, because he sees it and instantly proclaims it’s the best work I’ve ever done! I say, you say that about everything I do. He does prefer just the stripes though – not the zig zags. I keep trying to tell him that’s the best part, but he’s not buying it. Anyway, I will persevere.

Jen (belated) birthday gifted me with some wonderfully soft Rowan Classic CashSoft DK! She brought it all the way from London! It’s in color #509 which is called lime, but is really a soft pastely mint in my opinion. Another one that doesn’t photograph well:

This will make a beautiful baby something – and it’s in green – so it doesn’t matter whether my sister has a boy or a girl! Speaking of which – did you enter the my guess-the-baby contest? Don’t miss out! She could go into labor any second!

I just noticed that all yarns mentioned in this post are from Rowan. Definitely some of the nicest yarns I’ve ever worked with. They can’t seem to go wrong. When that tax check comes in, I’m definitely going to have to join the club.

Kate asked me some really good rebound questions! You can read my answers in the extended entry. Have a great day!

[Read more…]

Can’t we all just get along?

Okay, I’m being facetious, but really with all the Pink Chibi wars going on I’m about to get all positive on your ass about how much I’m LOVING blogland. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I started this blogging thing at the end of October, and I’m telling you, I can’t believe the friends I’ve made. For instance, just yesterday I was emailing my pal Lauren, who I “met” when she won my contest, and we were going back and forth about Walker Percy and Kierkegaard and then she found me this kick-ass article I was wanting. Let me tell you people, while I have the most wonderful, most generous, most loving husband in the world, the greatest family in the world, the best friends in the world – there is no one in my life I can talk about Kierkegaard AND Percy AND Knitting ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Well, that’s not true because now there’s Lauren in my life. Thank you Lauren!

Jazalicious Jen was my first REAL knitting friend. Know where I met her? Online. It ended up that she lived right near me and we’ve been on many a yarn crawl together. In the short time I’ve known her we’ve been through some heavy stuff – I know she’s a life long friend. She’s also the one who got me blogging.

That Cassie. Yeah, she’s a keeper. Listening to me babble on and on during the cold winter. She was there when I bought my first sock yarn. Still haven’t finished the socks, but whatever. I know Cassie will be happy for me when I do. Where’d I meet her? Duh. Blogging.

Annie sent me my first Random Act of Kindness EVER! Right around my birthday. I was so touched I called up everyone I knew to tell them. This blogging thing is AMAZING! Who knew there were people like this in the world? AND they like to KNIT!

And when I popped up in Boston, Wendy and Colleen were more than willing to come out in the bitter cold to meet and entertain a PERFECT STRANGER! WOW!

I’ve gotten the most encouraging emails and comments from people all over the world, some funny, some serious – all kind (okay, well there was that one comment that wasn’t too nice, but I totally blame Kerstin for that. Spillover, people. 😉 New friends have opened up their lives to me and I just know, in my heart, if I needed support, I could count on them. I see it happening before my very eyes.

Do you need another example? Back at the start of the year I had a little idea. Annie helped me expand it and now Knit One Read Too has over 130 members! This fact completely astounds me.

It’s no suprise that at times the knitblogging community can be insidious and insular, because after all, human beings are behind these blogs and everyone has bad days. But in the end, I think it’s really quite expansive and genuine.

Now, everyone turn to the blogger to the left. Give a great big hug. Now turn to the blogger to the right. Great big hug.

Now everyone go throw up. 😉

All righty. When you’ve all come out of the diabetic coma I just induced, we can move on to my Short Row Pullover. I’ve finished the the straight rows and am about to move on to the short row sections. I first have to read countless articles on how to wrap said short rows. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with the ends. Johanna had a great suggestion to knit them in as I went along – I tried it – still not so comfortable with it. Right now I’m going with the Montse Stanley method that was reinforced by something I found on the Morehouse Merino site. Carry the yarn up the sides and because I have many odd rows (lots of one row colors) I can take advantage of the circular needles I ALWAYS use and just switch sides when it’s time to change colors if the color isn’t on the right side. This means that if I need the navy and it’s on the left when the green I just finished is on the right, I just move to the other side of the needles. This also means that if you just finished a purl row, the next row – starting from the other side – will ALSO be a purl row if you’re doing stockinette. Basically if the right side is facing you, knit, if the WS faces you, purl. Clear as mud, right?

I don’t know what I’m going to do when I start the short rows though because I’m thinking it will be even harder to carry the yarn. Maybe not, because you always have to start where the last row ended? I’m trying really hard to resist the urge to rip the whole thing out and start over. I already ripped out one repeat. We’ll see how it goes after I start the short rows. I can’t think about it now.

Have a GREAT day everyone!