Here’s some stuff I’m absolutely loving right now:
1. WALKS. I love walks. We went for a walk today and I feel SO GOOD. Meli slept pretty much the whole walk, which kind of sucks because she woke up as soon as we got home so I didn’t get to work or anything, but still the walking and being outside felt so good! I had a nice chat with Margene (because I also LOVE my bluetooth headpiece) and got to walk pretty fast and even though it was a tad cold and a bit windy it was GREAT. SPRING IS COMING!
2. Music Choice Party Favorites. I love this music channel. I’ve taken to putting on the music channel on the tv while Meli and I play (or Meli plays and I get five minutes here and there to, say, blog.) It’s always songs I know and they’re usually upbeat (it’s the PARTY channel) and there’s a great diversification. For instance, in the past half hour we’ve heard The Brothers Johnson, KISS, Right Said Fred, Blondie, The Beach Boys and Gloria Gaynor. Nice mix, no? And when a really good song comes on I scoop up DJ MeliMel and we dance dance dance! The best though is when she’s playing by herself and all of a sudden a new song comes on and she starts bopping her head and shaking her little tush and she’s just so cute!
3. Pyrex Glass Storage Containers. One day I was in the supermarket and passed these storage containers. On a whim I bought a bunch of them in all different sizes. I’m so tired of using plastic storage containers and having them get gross after you put one leftover spaghetti dinner in them and with all the news these days about how bad plastics are I thought this might be a really nice alternative. I love them for heating up stuff for the baby. They’re glass. I don’t have to worry! And they get clean. Really clean. No matter what you put in them.
4. Corolle Dolls. For the holidays, Meli received two dolls. Both Corolle. One Babipouce, and one Sorbet Melodie. While the Babipouce is very nice and we’ve been playing with it a lot more lately (she has a plastic face and Meli likes to point to her nose and mouth and smells like vanilla), I just adore the Sorbet Melodie doll. It’s so soft and so well made and it comes in this great box and it’s colorful and bright and really I can’t say enough good things about this doll. In fact, I love it so much I bought the other Melodie doll – Pink Melodie. I resisted it at first because I thought Sorbet Melodie was less girlie and it assuaged my feminist guilt at buying my daughter a doll (and not, say, a dump truck) but I saw Pink Melodie in the store and thought it was so beautiful that I gave in. (Sorbet on the left, Pink on the right.)

The pictures do NOT do these dolls justice. They are perfectly floppy with limbs Meli can grab and go. Unfortunately, as much as I’d love it to be the case, my daughter is not a lovey type. So far anyway. I, on the other hand, still sleep with my blankie. Every night. I even found the same blanket I have and bought her a bunch but I haven’t been diligent about making her love them and honestly all she wants is the boob. But maybe one day she’ll love one of these dolls, and if not, I can love them. Which brings me to
5. Nursing. I’ve been loving nursing lately more than ever. Maybe because she’s getting so old so fast but when we nurse she’s still my baby. It’s so freaking easy now too, she practically nurses herself. Yes, it’s annoying sometimes to still wake up a bunch of times at night but I don’t care. I know that at some point it will all end and even if we both agree that it’s the right time, I will still be very very sad.
7. Sesame Street. Cliche, I know, but there’s this one episode I taped off of On Demand and it’s something like Sesame Street Sing-a-long episode and every skit is a song. Meli LOVES it. Loves it! If I put it on when I need to chill for a minute she’ll dance along and squeal and we sing all the songs together. If she’s being particularly ornery or cranky and nothing I do will calm her down I can put it on and she’s quiet in seconds. Maybe not the best parenting, but whatever. It’s a miracle. Oh and add to this Thomas the Tank Engine. Specifically the episodes narrated by the late great George Carlin. Seriously. It’s like the most perfectly perfect thing ever. (Although, I just read that Ringo Starr narrated them at one point. I would love to hear those! We just watched A Hard Day’s Night the other day and Ringo might be my favorite Beatle. At least today.)
6. Knitting. Knitting. Knitting. And Monkey Socks. And Socks That Rock sock yarn. There will be much more coming on this but for now I think that says it all.
What are you loving these days? Share, please!