Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Julia tagged me for two truths and a lie.

Today is the anniversary of Katrina and it just so happens that G and I will be traveling to New Orleans in a couple of weeks, so my truths and lie are all about vacations we’ve taken.

1) Once upon a time, we were invited to spend July 4th weekend in London, England. The trip included flying there and back on the Concorde (DUDE I saw SPACE!) and seeing The Three Tenors at Wembley Stadium. We had crappy seats at Wembley (although they ended up being good when it started to pour half way through the show and we were under the tin roof) and the sound was totally off so the Tenors sang and we heard it a week later. On the way back to the hotel from the Stadium, we were sort of car jacked. A man walked up to the car and opened the back door (I was in the middle between G and a woman who worked for British Airways) and the man tried to take her purse. I screamed at G to get out of the car get out of the car but he couldn’t figure out how to open the door. Meanwhile the woman sitting next to me was totally fighting with the would be robber and managed to save her purse at the expense of her Rolex. Her husband, who was sitting in the front seat with the driver, ran after the theif. G ran after the husband. I stood in the middle of the road in a foreign country screaming, “Come back. Come back.” Jolly good fun but at least the trip was free.

2) G won an all expense paid trip to Maui, first class – super deluxe suite at the Four Seasons – by winning a tennis tournament for travel managers. I woke up the morning of our flight with a killer sore throat and ended up being sick pretty much the whole trip. Which was fine with me because hallucinating in paradise is kind of fun. The first two days I barely got out of bed, watching the birds chirp along the lanai trailing rainbows behind their feathered asses. The room, if you could call it that, had two separate entrances, two bathrooms, two kitchens and a wrap around balcony bigger than my apartment. When I finally ventured out of the hotel I ran into David Spade at the restaurant near the pool. It was all I could do to keep my breakfast down. Hula-va good time but at least the trip was free.

3) One of the first trips G and I ever took was to the Balearic Islands in Spain. We hit Mallorca and then Ibiza – land of house music – and had a fabulous European vacation. That was until I decided to go topless and ended up with a hideous ITCHFEST all across my chest. The hostel we were staying in had no air conditioning and I was in agony, begging to cut the vacation short. We were in the pharmacy trying to find something to help with my rash when an older woman in the store heard us asking the pharmacist for help. She started talking to us and took pity – you see – she said, her son-in-law was the manager of a hotel not far from where we were staying and she said she was sure he could get us a wonderful air-conditioned room. He did. It was the phenomenol Hotel Hacienda where every room overlooks the sea and the shrimp they serve at brunch are as big as dolphins. We stayed there for the rest of our trip – two nights. Best rash I ever had; at least the room was free.

Let’s make this a contest. Everyone who leaves the right answer in the comments gets a spot in the proverbial hat to win a skein of Mountain Colors Barefoot in Wild Rasberry and some other stuff to be named later. One entry per person please. I’ll close comments on Wednesday.

And I’m tagging some new to me blogs for this meme: Rar Made This and Through the Loops and of course, anyone else who wants to knock their socks off.

A very special, very high energy guest(s) is coming to visit, so blogging might be sporadic for a little bit. And as soon as she leaves, my sister and the kids come, so please don’t expect great things on the blog this week. Have a good one!