Billions and Billions

Yesterday wasn’t the best day. I puked twice in the morning, and one time, while I made it to the bathroom, I didn’t actually make the toilet. FUN TIMES! Have I mentioned too that 9 times out of 10 when I’m puking I end up peeing my pants as well? Talk about adding insult to injury! I had an appointment in the afternoon and after the morning’s gymnastics and the appointment it was all I could do to come home, eat some lunch that ultimately made me nauseated and climb into bed. Poor G. He comes home from work everyday to find me prostrate in the bedroom, lights out, moaning in misery. I’m such a catch!

I’ll tell you what’s making me feel better though! All these GORGEOUS BABIES on the knit blogs! Just seeing these babies lifts my heart and makes the puking bearable. Also, does anyone see a proliferation of girls in the knitblog world? Does this mean I’m having a boy? You know how I like to buck the trend. [Disclaimer: If I did not link to your beautiful baby, it in no way means I don’t think your baby’s beautiful. All babies are heart-stoppingly gorgeous. Trust me. I photograph them for a living, so I know. I just didn’t see your baby in the last 24 hrs so I didn’t remember to link to you. Please forgive me.]

Last night, while I was laying in bed, moaning and miserable, I watched this show on the National Geographic Channel called IN THE WOMB. I’m sorry, but the idea that you can take two cells and create a fully functioning human being is just INSANE! It defies all rationality as far as I’m concerned. The pictures are absolutely amazing, even though some of them are computer generated – but still. And they talked about the test I just had which was very cool. I have to admit I kind of fell asleep once they moved beyond the second trimester and then opened my eyes to see the nice and graphic birth scenes. HELLO! I’m not ready to think about getting the baby OUT! I just spent a million years trying to get the baby IN!

The whole miracle of birth thing really makes me understand the religious. It’s just so far out there that you almost have to give it up to a higher power in order to comprehend the enormity of it all. Me, I just try not to think about it so much because it makes me nervous. In the same way looking out at the sky and the stars sometimes makes me nervous. I mean, look out there! How could we possibly be the ONLY people in the universe? And then, when you think about how ridiculously LARGE the universe is, how can we even EXIST at all? GRAVITY? That’s what’s keeping us on the planet? CRAZINESS! See what I mean? It’s times like those that I have to watch The Nanny or something equally inane. Balances everything out.

I have to tell you, the first time we heard the baby’s heartbeat – at SIX WEEKS! – I was of course completely overwhelmed with emotion. It was the first time we saw the baby and it was all just so new and I was on tons of hormones and well, I don’t think I need to explain. About an hour later I was stopped in my tracks by the fact that OH MY GOD! There’s a heart being inside of me. SOMEONE ELSE’S HEART! It was a total Edgar Allen Poe moment and I have to admit for a few minutes I was like GET IT OUT! It really is so weird to think that there’s this other person inside of me. I’m not sure I’ll ever get truly used to it.

I found out yesterday, from watching the show, that my baby can now hear. Mostly my stomach gurglings and burps and stuff – but probably also my puking which made me kind of sad. But just in case, I sang two songs before I went to sleep last night. The show said they’ve found that if babies hear the same song over and over in the womb, they’ll recognize it when they are born. I had this sweet fantasy of singing the songs to the baby right after s/he’s born and this light of recognition coming over his or her face. There’s my mama, singing that song I know so well. I’m going to try to sing it every night before I fall asleep.

Thanks to all of you for sticking around without the knitting. I actually made a swatch before I went to my sister’s but then her baby got sick, and I got the cold, and the puking continued and there’s been no knitting. I’m behind in everything – work, the house is a disaster!, and I have about a million prizes to tell you about for Spin Out. I have high hopes for today. Wish me luck.

And now, the most self-serving sentence I’ve ever posted: My wonderful friends Vicki and Ann are hosting a virtual baby shower for me. Apparently there are games and fun and treats, but I wouldn’t really know because it’s all being kept a big secret from me. My “friends” think the puking isn’t enough so they’re hoping to torture me for the whole crazy ride. If you’d like to torture me too, you can contact Vicki over at her blog. PLEASE, do not feel you need to knit for me or my baby. The honest to god truth is that when push comes to shove, I wouldn’t knit for you or your baby. But maybe you’d like the opportunity to talk about me behind my back. Knock yourself out! 😉

PS – I puked during the writing of this blog post. At least today I made it in the bowl.


  1. I LOVE the fact that you are in awe of the creation ability. It truly is so fascinating and wonder-inducing. It should incite you to reverence, for it is miraculous. The puking will get better, I promise. Have a Blue Skies day!

  2. I am not now, nor have I ever been, pregnant. However, I have peed my pants while puking– more than once in one night while I was very sick. Something about all of the muscles clenching just seems to have that outcome. I didn’t know it had ever happened to anyone else.
    So thanks, for making me feel normal (or at least like I have company in my weirdness).
    Sorry to hear about the continued puking.

  3. There are actually several really nice coffee table books of photos in the womb that you might want to look for. I bought two during my second pregnancy (already had the rest) and it was amazing to actually be able to see what the baby looked like at every stage!
    Oh, and I actually think it’s a very, very good thing to prepare yourself for birth with real birth videos – and I’m not talking the ones that gloss over everything.
    I’m really enjoying reading about your pregnancy!

  4. as someone who puked for the entire nine months of my pregnancy, the last time being five minutes before my daughter was born, i can offer these consolations: 1. my stomach felt better the minute she was born, and 2. it was totally worth it.
    also, that freaky realization that there is a person growing inside you, a heart beating and little limbs flailing around? totally on board with that. and i still look at her, seven years later, with awe — i grew that. inside me.

  5. Oh the joys of pregnancy! I was sick for 16 weeks with my first, 10 with my second and 14 with my third, my point is that you live, I promise! 🙂 But it sucks in the mean time!
    I completely understand your Edger Allan Poe moment, I’ve had them with each of my children. It’s wild to think that if you’re having a girl, you are also carrying your grandchildren, yep, all of her eggs are inside of you! Then, if you’re having a boy…well, you have a penis inside of you 24/7!!!! It’s just SO wild this whole pregnancy thing. I love it though!
    Chin up (haha, out of the toilet!), 2nd trimester is SO much better than first!!!

  6. I pee when I puke, too. Totally insult and injury. I have to carry spare underwear (and pants). And I’m still puking every day.
    What did we sign ourselves up for?

  7. One of the most miraculous things I have ever or will ever see … my newborn daughter blinking, widening her eyes, and s.l.o.w.l.y. turning her head towards her father the first time she heard his voice. Not 10 minutes after she was born. Makes me teary now, thinking of it.

  8. It was wonderful to hear you tell me about this post during our conversation even before I read it. It’s so wonderful to be a part this event in your life.

  9. So sorry to hear about your continual puking…hopefully it will get better soon. It’s just like labor…it will be over one day! I will say, coming from someone with less than 3 weeks left before my baby is *supposed* to arrive, you never get over the fact that there is another human being growing and thriving inside of you, completely dependent on your body. There are absolutely no words to describe the feelings of pregnancy. I think that God makes us not be able to understand certain things, so we can really be in awe and amazement at His wonderful creations.

  10. Sorry about the puking and peeing. I was told that nature was preparing me for what it’s like to be a mother. They were right.

  11. Sorry to hear about the continued puking. But it must be a pretty large consolation that you’ve got a baby!
    If you think that birth and gravity are brain-twisters, next time you look up and the sky try to wrap your mind around the fact that if your eyes were super-powerful (like the Hubble or something), you’d also be looking back in time.

  12. As the carrier of a boy baby, I can tell you that it’s a fun revelation that there’s a PENIS growing inside of you. Heartbeat, schmartbeat. Thanks for the props on the nursery, too. I’ll decorate your interiors for a chance at a photoshoot anytime. Whatcha singing to that baby? The Biscuit LOVES the Kinks, and always has. He would calm down every time the Mr. would sing him “Have a Cuppa Tea”- from week one.

  13. The amazement and awe continues once the baby comes out. Sometimes when I look at my son (now 7), I can’t believe he ever grew inside me! I think, “who are you? where did you really come from?” A sperm & an egg, a bit of marinating in the uterus and you get a baby that turns into a real person with a wacky personality all their own. Unbelievable. Hope the puking lets up soon.

  14. I know you probably already know this–but the puking is totally worth it.
    As for the heartbeat inside of you–it gets even weirder when the baby is kicking the heck out of you!

  15. Oh, the *things* people are saying about you on the baby shower blog. But don’t worry, I’m sticking up for you.

  16. I’m loving reading about your pregnancy, as the proud owner of a spunky 9.5 month old boy, it just gets more fun here on out. When I first heard his heartbeat, it was about two months after I miscarried, so it was a very special moment. If you haven’t already, check out, they have all kinds of fun info about what your baby is doing week by week, like, “this week, your baby is the size of a bean…” I think maybe all the puking and peeing is just to get you used to getting puked and peed on, as a mom, I’ve found my tolerance level for sick shit has gotten very high, case in point, sucking boogers out of my son’s nose at 1am. I know you don’t know me from adam, but to distract you from the yucky feelings, I’m sending you an invite to baby robby’s blog, he’s been known to cure the yuckies with his cuteness!

  17. OH, thank you so much for telling all your stories and emotions. Makes me go back to when I was pregnant. Thank you for the lovely memories!
    Re: the hearing and the songs. I can totally vouche for that. I love irish music (though I am Cuban – go figure) and I especially love this one song (“the garden song” – “inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow. . . .”). Anyhow, nothing baby related at all but calming in a lullaby kind of way. So, I would listen to that and sing it while working in the garden all throughout my pregnancy.
    So, jump forward to my son’s birth and early months. He was never a colicky baby but he did have his moments of unhappiness and fussiness. I started to figure out that whenever I sang or played the Garden Song – he would stop whatever he was doing to fully take in the song and this look of calm would take him over. I started using it in fussy, heck tantrum moments, AND IT WORKED. My husband and F-I-L would just shake their heads and wonder why an old Irish tune would enthrall him so much. . . . I would smile to myself in utter joy b/c I knew why. It was a secret between me and my baby that I had started way before anyone but me ‘knew’ my baby.
    He’s almost 11 years old now. . . . . and still asks me to sing that song to him at bedtime.
    Enjoy it all. It will all be so special in retrospect!

  18. If you think this part is totally amazing, wait until it’s in sixth grade and the only words it seems able to utter in your hearing are, “Mom, I know.” (The tone in which these three words are rendered and the accompanying body language cannot be conveyed in mere writing, but fully conveys the firm belief that you are a blithering idiot.)

  19. Yup, peed when I puked… when I cough, when I sneeze. It’s lovely.
    We watched In the Womb last night as well and kept telling each other how freakin’ amazing the process is. We both knew it, but to see it like that just shed a bit more light on how truly amazing the entire journey is.

  20. I had a similar freakout moment when I, too, realized there was another human being inside of me. Not so much that I was growing a human inside my body (though that is pretty neat); I was more freaked out by the thought that there was a penis attached to that human being growing inside of me.
    I also enjoyed making the joke that I was so smart because I had two brains, a comment that always frustrated others when playing Trivial Pursuit with me 😉

  21. Actually, odds are that you will have a girl. Recent studies indicate that the ratio of boys:girls born is swinging to favor girls. Also, old wive’s tales indicate girl, too (so much puking = too many female hormones).
    I second the wow, there’s another heart inside of me? realization. Then s/he starts kicking and turning (and making your belly look like a total alien) and you realize it’s not just another heart, but an entire person. And then you really, really want them to finish cooking so you can meet them.

  22. Sebastian gets a funny look when I remind him that he used to live inside my belly. Then he says he remembers it. 🙂 I agree it is ridiculous; it should not work. How amazing!
    Oh, and I did the same song over and over before he was born, and it did work to calm him down after he was born. Just the other night I used it again and it worked, at age 2.5. It was Sweet Baby James. He can’t resist getting sleepy when he hears that song. I think it’s a wonderful idea.

  23. Oh Julie, I totally agree on the penis thing. That was so odd, realizing that I had one for a short time. Hee hee.

  24. Ahhh the alien-inside-me feeling… I can’t wait to hear about the dreams that you’ll inevitably have. I think my favorite (and least disturbing) one was when I dreamed that I gave birth and the baby came out 3 months old, complete with teeth, long black hair, and bright blue eyes.

  25. I sang to my 3 while I was baking them, and I belive they recognized the songs when they came out. I also had that same OMG moment when I heard the heartbeat – there’s another PERSON in there! Plus all the kicks to the bladder…

  26. You’re getting ready to be a great mom!

  27. You have to be singing Bruce to the baby. Right??

  28. Everything you’re feeling about the amazingness of life gets multiplied like crazy after the baby is here. I’m constantly amazed by my kids and their development. It’s all so cool! Hang in there Cara. I hope you’ll just wake up one day and not feel the need to puke anymore!

  29. I think we all respect that having a baby is a miracle. But when you see it close up it is still very shocking (in a good way). I have four and I am still astounded by them, and how they got here, and every little thing that they learn to do. My oldest is six and she still amazes me. It looks like someone stretched her by a foot in the last six months =). I’m glad that you can still see the miracle past the puking, my last pregnancy was NOT the best so I feel your pain. It did not last the entire time so hold on it will pass.

  30. i am so with you on the enormity of it all. sometimes just contemplating our existence, the universe, our evolution to build societies vs what other animals do, the fact that we’re here, are we here? it all gets so overwhelming and i start to feel like what i suspect an acid trip might feel like, where it all starts to come apart a little around the edges and you have to stop thinking about it. ;]

  31. I’ll have to come back and read this post again becauase I really couldn’t get past the Peeing in your pants comment without laughing my ass off and I could hardly read after that.
    Oh, girlfriend, it is all so crazy, and so worth it and someday you’ll be laughing at the next person……..

  32. lol! the telltale heart. that is awesome!
    when you get to the pregnant brain shrinkage moments, it will be hysterical!i can’t wait for you to write about it 🙂
    i hated that, i felt soo stupid and unable to recall words like “car” or “table”.

  33. babies are definitely awe inspiring. i didn’t realize it myself until very recently.. not even until after the nut was born. watching them grow and learn is just amazing. i’m sure that all this puking is going to be so worth it darling! and i’m also sure that the puking will end. i remember, vaguely, feeling the same way. i was crying to KP and saying how i wasn’t sure that i was going to make it 🙂 i thought that i might die from being so sick. but here i am, still alive! (though barely after last night!)

  34. Your post reminded me of a poem by Sylvia Plath about pregnancy —
    I’m a riddle in nine syllables.
    An elephant, a ponderous house,
    A melon strolling on two tendrils.
    O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!
    This loaf’s big with its yeasty rising.
    Money’s new-minted in this fat purse.
    I’m a means, a stage, a cow in calf.
    I’ve eaten a bag of green apples,
    Boarded the train there’s no getting off.
    Thank you for reminding me of a time that is both incredibly special and very, very odd!

  35. Several years ago my sister became pregnant and tried to keep it a secret from our family, but finally the cat jumped out of the bag on the day my sister just up and puked ON OUR MOM. Mom, of course, was immediately aware of what was going on, and now when I recently had an “am I late? OMG AM I LATE?” month, my sister reassured me, “don’t worry, you’re not pregnant until you start throwing up on Mom.”

  36. Yeah, I think most pregnant ladies are quite well used to peeing at odd moments. After 3, I sometimes, well, need to change my undies after I sneeze. Let’s just say that during allergy season, I just wear panty liners. You may want to try something like that too, depending on your level of comfort. Also, a tip from my midwife, for after the baby, you know you’ll have like the most massive period, right? Like for a few weeks? She told me to forget about the maxi’s and just get some of those bladder control pads instead. Apparantly, they’re WAY more absorbant, and they tend to not irritate that part of you that may be sensitive from the birth. But, since you need some now, just start stocking up! It will get better, probably just not as soon as you want. Hang in there!

  37. First, congratulations on your pregnancy. Although you feel miserable now, being pregnant is truly a beautiful thing. It’s amazing the changes the body goes through, and not to mention the final result. All worth it in the long run! It’s good you sing to your baby. I totally agree with the baby hearing the songs in the womb. When I was pregnant, my brother lived with me, and blasted 50 cent of all people 24/7. To this day, 50 cent is my now 5 year old favorite entertainers. I truly don’t get it because I don’t even play the radio in my house, or have cable to watch videos, yet he knows ALL of his songs from his 1st album, and can recognize him on site. His favorite, is go shorty it’s your birthday. So, with some strategic planning your child can come out a musical conniseur. Best wishes.

  38. Hope your praying to the porcelain god will end soon. Been there, done that; it IS all worth it. When you see all that those 2 cells go through, it really is a miracle that anyone comes out close to the model.

  39. Lisa Gossett says

    Girl, if you are peeing now, just wait until you have the baby and your bladder drops! After two babies, my bladder is not strong.

  40. Having gone through the baby creation deal not so long ago (wait, its been over a year since I found out I was pregnant!!!), I am completely there with you about the amazing baby creation power. I can remember hearing my little one’s heartbeat for the first time and being really aware of her position for the rest of the day. For a tiny moment, I knew exactly where she was and how fast her heart was beating. I couldn’t keep my hand off that part of my tummy all day. ah yes, containing a completely different human life within in you is both AMAZING and FREAKY! You are definitely not alone.
    As I was reading your hopes for the baby recognizing you when she/he is born, that is the most amazing thing ever… when the little one settles when they can hear your heartbeat, hear your soothing voice, hear your partner talking. Oh yes. It makes the 10 months of puking, discomfort and total hormonal freak out SO worth it.

  41. I don’t think I’ve ever commented before but had to today. Your post reminded me so much of what it was like to carry a living person around inside of me, and what that felt like (and oh yeah, peeing pants while puking … I remember that part, too). I felt exactly the same way.
    You know, you never do get used to it. My daughter is 10 now and is five feet tall, getting breasts, and has feet bigger than either of her grandmothers. I looked at her just this morning and was thinking … holy crap she used to live inside of me. And I simply couldn’t believe it. The whole thing defies belief.
    Hang in there … the puking will stop. It feels like forever now but will feel like it was no more than a blink when you’re through it.

  42. Suck on ice cubes. You will be amazed on how it helps with the nausea. At least give it a try it won’t hurt.

  43. There’s a rash of non-knitting going on in knit blogs, and I think it’s funny. Jeeze, I thought I was the only one who sat around getting nervous every time I start “thinking” about things. Hang in there mommy. You should see the shower site!

  44. Oh sweetie.
    Here’s to hoping you always make it to the bowl. That should be a greeting card I think!
    As for the baby inside you thing, I liken it to a parasitic relationship. Think about it. The baby embeds in your body and pretty much takes control of it. All those lovely vitamins that you need (the host) gets sucked up by the parasite (lovely baby inside you.) I had this realization when I was curled up on the bathroom floor, pregnant with my second kidlet. 😉

  45. Oh, cripes, you linked to me! I have been so out of it… (all together now) “You picked a fine time to leave me Lu… Stupid Computer!” (Knocking on wood that it’s at work and not home. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!) So far, I’ve been keeping up, but I am WOEFULLY out of the ever lovin’ loop. I just now signed on to Bloglines and even my OWN posts are “unread” (I always try to check ’em out and make sure they’re OK)!
    Anyway, the party’s gearing up and YES, we are Cara’s FRIENDS and YES, we are DELIGHTING in a little TORTURE! (You’ll be invited in soon enough, toots. Most people don’t have showers that last for months, you know… that’s how much we love you.) Anyway, presents are nice, but I’ve always been about the party and having fun — and I know Cara is, too. We don’t ask much, really, so y’all come on over and play some baby shower games.

  46. I always thought being pregnant was like watching someone doing an elaborate science project using my own body. Enjoy every minute…except maybe the puking.

  47. I think the singing to your baby is pure genius. Maybe find a CD that you think the baby will like, too. Newborns can be fussy and hard to comfort, it seems like hearing familiar and beautiful music would be such a calming and comforting thing.
    Now I’m off to the baby shower 😉

  48. ok, i’m not usually into self promotion, but please check out my beautiful 11day old baby on my blog. everytime we had an ultrasound i cried. it truly is a miracle, this whole baby thing. my husband and i are both classical musicians so our baby has heard a ton of music since being in the womb. satya will sleep right through my husband’s practice sessions, and he plays french horn, not really a quiet instrument!

  49. you don’t think you can post a sentence with the phrase “when push comes to shove” without me making some kind of pain of childbirth crack, do you??
    oh push is gonna come to shove. believe you me girlie!
    i’ll call you tomorrow – big shindig tonight

  50. So Cara, I’m a little further along on this ride- 33 weeks today. I’m glad that there are others out thee who can reassure you that the 2nd trimester and beyond is better, becasue to me it has been 33 weeks of hell littered with the exhilerating moments of realization of exactly what is going on inside. It really is amazing isn’t it?
    I just want to let you know that when someone tells you “it’s all worth it” when you are having a particularly difficult day, it’s perfectly legit to yell back at them “It sure as #($&(^#$@ better be!” It might make you feel a tiny bit better.

  51. I hope you are singing that kid some Springsteen! It carries special powers, as you already know. I have put many, many babies to sleep with my warbled version of Thunder Road. Also, my belated congratulations to you and G.

  52. Yeah, it’s neat when there is another heart beat inside of you…but if you are having a boy…you also have a penis inside of you. Interesting.

  53. Sorry about the puking, but I must say I love reading your day to day stories about life… it’s so amazing with the whole baby thing and gives a great perspective!!! 🙂

  54. Sorry to hear you’re still puking. I puked the whole 9 months with both my girls. (I’m actually allergic to pregnancy hormones-if you can believe that!) We went to Kauai, Hawaii when I was 3 months pregnant with the first daughter and all I can remember is all the different toilets I puked in. I think I puked in all of them on the island, plus some planters outside some stores. It’s all worth it though.

  55. actually, I think you talking about all the prengancy stuff is almost as interesting as knitting. ALMOST. I’ve never been pregnant, and it’s nice to know what I eventually will be up against!

  56. The “light of recognition” dream isn’t so out there. I spoke to each of my girls in the couple of minutes after they were born, and both of them turned quickly to look in the direction of my voice with a “so there you are” reaction that no one else’s voice was causing. It was amazing.

  57. awwww! Bless your heart Cara, you are having a rough time of it. I hope the sickies settle down soon and you get to enjoy the miracle alittle bit more. (((hugs)))

  58. I don’t have time to read all the comments so I may be repeating what someone else has said. But I love this typo: “There’s a heart being inside of me.” If that isn’t the most perfect thing you could have said, even though it was inadvertent (I assume), I don’t know what is. And I couldn’t agree with you more. My “heart being” is your age and I just adore her!

  59. I felt the same way when I first heard the heart beat. I was so sure I was having a boy, but last week confirmed it is a girl. Good luck with your morning sickness! I had all day sickness for the first 4 months, but I am now 6 months and feeling way better.

  60. I used to sing a song over and over to my twins while they were in utero. (“Abiyoyo” by Pete Seeger) When they were about nine months old, and getting into books some, I got the book “Abiyoyo” and we sang the song to them. And even though it had been months since they’d heard it (having failed to keep up with singing it to them in the pell-mell of twin newborns), they clearly recognized it. To this day they still will recognize it and ask us to read the story to them.

  61. Cara,I had infertility, advanced maternal age (36 when I delivered), and vomited everyday, including the morning I was induced. From the moment I saw that heartbeat at 6 weeks to this very day, she amazes me. She is smart, funny, creative. The vomiting was so worth it! The vomiting is just a bump in the road. And it is such a wonderful road.

  62. First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!!
    As I read about your early days and read the comments, I can’t help remembering my own early days as a mom-to-be. Well, my babies are off to university and yes, I’d do it all over again. Would that I could, because I do not like this empty nest feeling.
    The music part was so right on. I remember that Footloose was a big hit at that time and my favourite show was Days of Our Lives. Well, No.1 son used to kick me in the kidneys every time that Footloose would play on the radio. And after he was born, he would stop in his tracks at the opening bars to the theme song of my favourite soap. So yes, babies hear and remember.
    Enjoy this time, you’ll forget the bad stuff and have all those memories for the rest of your life.
    Happy pregnancy and happy knitting.

  63. Not to worry about that delivery part. Like you, I was panicked with the whole birth concept. My Mom told me to not worry about it – that’s why God made pregnancy 9 months. Because @ the end of 9 months, you won’t care how that wonderful miracle happens, you just want that baby OUT! And she was right. I know this sounds crazy, but enjoy every moment (and try to tolerate the puking) because you are performing a miracle and that should be savored. It will get better and if it doesn’t, you will get better at handling it. T

  64. I just saw that internet radio will be launching a 24/7 Bruce Springsteen station. Thought of you–might cheer you up from all the puking!

  65. Here’s something that may make you feel better…
    A 24/7 Springsteen channel is coming to Sirius radio! NAYY… just thought you’d enjoy 🙂 I was lucky enough to have a brief period of m/s that ended around 16 weeks… I’m 24 weeks now, and I can only hope you feel this good soon!

  66. not to worry, we’ve got some boys out here too, stop by and look.
    i too had to clean the floor many times during the first few months, and i had no desire to knit through my whole first trimester. but i suggest a little practice with the one handed typing, it takes a little getting used to.

  67. One thing that helped me with the sickness in the morning was to eat something before getting out of bed…sounds gross but it worked for me twice and my friend also. Put some saltines or plain animal crackers and water on the nightstand before you go to bed. When you wake up, slowly nibble on a cracker and drink sips of water while still lying down. If that goes ok, sit up and eat another cracker and sip more water. If still ok, get out of bed and brush teeth and have another cracker. My doctor’s theory was that you should put a little something in your stomach before getting up and stirring up the hormones. Try it, it worked for me. PS: I have two girls.

  68. Definitely try the panty liners. All those times and things in a woman’s life that make her pee her pants are what the marketers really mean by ‘freshness.’ Especially when they refer to the really small and thin ones.
    I think in the ecological scheme of things these little liners must even out with not constantly doing laundry, running out of clean and intact underwear, and wondering how many of the people around you reaaly think you are a bathroomless bag lady when you make a quick run to the grocery store in your comfy house clothes.
    Hope your first trimester doesn’t run over into much more of your term.

  69. Hi there, I landed on your blog by happy accident today (via Karma kitties) and thought I’d write you a wee note to say hi since I am also a mother ship, and preparing to land on planet baby in 8 weeks or so!
    I too have been intrigued by the number of girl blog babies, and wondered if I would have a boy – everyone else seems to think so. I guess if i start a book, and have a girl, I would stand to make a lot of money. Think how much yarn …
    Hang in there with the first trimester. It will get better. now that i’m nearly ready to pop i’m really starting to appreciate how lovely it is to be pregnant, and have moments with just me and the bump. I already think that this one is going to be some kind of comedy genius.
    Anyway – hope the sicking clears up soon.
    I’ll maybe land on this blog again to see how you’re getting on!
    All the best
    Dancingnic. x

  70. It’s good to consider the miracle of God’s creation – especially with a young one on the way.
    The balance, precision and lack of chaos (scientifically, anyway) of the universe is mind-boggling. I mean, when you pass by a brick home do you ever think a brick factory must have exploded?
    Keep on thinking, when you’re not regurgitating that is. Blessings to you and I hope it passes quickly. I’m sure others have told you, but enjoy sleeping as much as you can now. … You’re in for the ride of your life!

  71. I read aloud to each of babies while I was pregnant with them. I read “One Fish, Two Fish” by Dr. Seuss to my oldest during the pregnancy, and it was her favorite book for the longest time after she was born. We ended up reading it aloud all the time when I was pregnant with the next one, and it ended up being his favorite book, too. Now, they’re almost teenagers and they still both occasionally talk about how much they love the book. [They also love Pearl Jam and and REM — I attribute it to the fact I listened to their music a lot while I was pregnant and nursing.

  72. I was pretty miserable because of the puking for the first 8 months of pregnancy. Month 9 would have been allright if I wasn’t as big as a house. But it’s all worth it in the end. And honestly, I love reading your comments on the ride that is pregnancy. Freakin’ hilarious.

  73. so you didn’t mention what song it is you’re singing… could it be from the boss? (heh heh)
    and yeah – my bet is that its a boy – and all those extra hormones that men get are messing you up 🙂 (or is it us that have more hormones? I forget!)

  74. What a wild ride, eh? Birth and death (well, when the person has lived a good long life anyhow) are special times, birth even moreso because you have all this time (9 whole months-or for you a few years and 9 months!) to contemplate, let it work its hormones, etc etc. I was 34 when I had ds, but pretty darn close to 35. I hadn’t even missed that first period and knew I was pregnant (wasn’t trying, but happy for it). I was up half the night on the toilet (one end? the other? both?), had a night terror with shadow fingers, a nightmare about the doc not being able to do a procedure (i think an abortion) because I was pregnant, AND a dream where somebody handed me a dali-esque painting of chromosomes dripping off a plate and told me the title of the piece was ‘trisomy 21’. In the morning I told dh (then db) we are going to the drugstore to get immodium and a pregnancy test kit. The kit tested pos, so no immodium! Turned out THAT part was food poisoning. This is a long comment, so more later… basically-uneventful pregnancy, uneventful birth, healthy baby, and he’s grown into a good kid (now nearly 12!).

  75. One more… I used to read to him in Spanish!

  76. A little good news–starting the 29th, Sirius radio will have a Bruce station. Bruce–24/7.

  77. My daughter, also named Cara, had a baby boy on the 18th. I am convinced that this little guy knows his parents’ voices,and he calms down when his dad sings him a song he’s been singing to him for months now. I am impressed that they found out his gender and could see his little face early on. He was named; he was real from the begining for all of us. He is the calmest baby I have ever seen and I think it is because his parents know him already. It’s beautiful.

  78. You are clearly going to be a wonderful mom!

  79. I so hope that the puking/peeing torment ends soon. I loved feeling the little kicks and flutters… and cannot myself figure out how my 6′ 2″ son was ever small enough to be in the womb.. or even snuggle on my shoulder without his teensy feets reaching my waist. Nothing educates a thoughtful woman like having a child.

  80. Awww, thanks. 🙂
    Yeah, when I was pregnant the whole miracle part of The Miracle of Birth made a whole lot of sense suddenly. That the body knows how to do all that, all on its own. Amazing. That a cell knows how to make a body, all on its own. Totally amazing. The experience of being pregnant and having a child will totally change your perspective on everything.

  81. Pregnancy and all is truly a miracle. I remember when I had morning sickness, I asked my best friend if childbirth was so “natural” why was my body trying to hard to puke up the kid – heh.
    I can totally attest the fact the baby will remember a song. I used to write music years ago, and was busy writing during much of my pregnancy.
    For some reason (pregnancy hormones? lack of interest in anything non-baby related?) I had difficulty finishing the entire song. I just couldn’t get the bridge.
    We didn’t actually get home until 3 weeks after his birth, which is a long story having nothing to do with a perfectly healthy baby.
    Anyway just a day or so after arriving home, the bridge to the song just popped into my head. He was lying in a bassinet just a few feet from my piano so I could keep an eye on him. As soon as I started playing the song, up popped his little head as if to say, “Hey, I know that song!” He continued to react with recognition any time I played the song.
    He will of course recognize your voice and that of your husband, as well as any other very regular guests of your home or family you around often. They have done studies showing newborn babies in a nursery will turn their heads when they hear their mother’s voice, even if other women are speaking.
    As opposed to with my adopted daughter who came home from the hospital at 48 hours old. Of course a newborn will let you care for them because they are totally dependent. But it was almost 2 weeks to the day before she began to turn her head and prefer my voice over others.

  82. Pregnancy and all is truly a miracle. I remember when I had morning sickness, I asked my best friend if childbirth was so “natural” why was my body trying to hard to puke up the kid – heh.
    I can totally attest the fact the baby will remember a song. I used to write music years ago, and was busy writing during much of my pregnancy.
    For some reason (pregnancy hormones? lack of interest in anything non-baby related?) I had difficulty finishing the entire song. I just couldn’t get the bridge.
    We didn’t actually get home until 3 weeks after his birth, which is a long story having nothing to do with a perfectly healthy baby.
    Anyway just a day or so after arriving home, the bridge to the song just popped into my head. He was lying in a bassinet just a few feet from my piano so I could keep an eye on him. As soon as I started playing the song, up popped his little head as if to say, “Hey, I know that song!” He continued to react with recognition any time I played the song.
    He will of course recognize your voice and that of your husband, as well as any other very regular guests of your home or family you around often. They have done studies showing newborn babies in a nursery will turn their heads when they hear their mother’s voice, even if other women are speaking.
    As opposed to with my adopted daughter who came home from the hospital at 48 hours old. Of course a newborn will let you care for them because they are totally dependent. But it was almost 2 weeks to the day before she began to turn her head and prefer my voice over others.