Crap Crap Crap

Don’t you just love it that as early as 10:30 AM you can already have a crappy day? That’s right. I spent 45 minutes this morning dodging traffic jams. I’d get out of one and come up on another. All within about five miles from my house. And it wasn’t the usual commuter traffic either – there were like 47 accidents – something weird is going on out there. Be careful.

And now I just found out I have to go out again. G left something at home – an important something – for a meeting – and I need to bring it to him. Generally I wouldn’t mind. He’s working his ass off too and he was working late last night and forgot it – I’m glad I remembered to ask about it (since I ran my desk chair over it this morning) but I had my day planned out down to the minute for maximum efficiency and it was GONE TO CRAP by about 8:15 this morning. It’s beginning to feel like every minute that goes by I lose another hour. Know what I mean?

Two-fold evidence: A) I worked hard yesterday; and B) I can take a crappy crappy picture.

That’s eleven packages – I think it’s eleven – all ready to ship. If I owe you something, it’s in the mail. (Well all except Janet and Wendy – it’s coming. Don’t worry.) There were actually a couple of more packages, but this is all the knitting related stuff. AND I managed to finish up two jobs that were sent off to the printer last night. Aah. Productivity. AND I joined the fingers onto my Nona’s Serial Gloves. I’m still a little bit iffy about the joins – there are holes, but Margene says that’s okay, so it’s okay. I’ll darn them, darnit. I also cast on a new sock. For me. Because I don’t have enough shit to do ( the Cotton Candy STR was calling out to me) but then I ripped it because something weird happened. I think I dropped a stitch or something, but I need to investigate more what I want to do with this yarn. It’s a sock for sure – a nice long one – but I need some calf shaping strategies.

And I don’t understand why the Harry Potter freaks get all the special treatment. I preordered my 30th Anniversary Special SUPER FUCKING FANTASTIC OH MY GOD I’M DYING HERE Commerative Edition of Born To Run a MONTH ago and it came out today and Amazon’s all like it’ll arrive some time next week. WHAT? Aren’t mailpeople running around knocking on doors at midnight so all the little Harry Potter fanatics can get the book the second it’s allowed? And I HAVE TO WAIT FOR MY BRUCE?!?!? No matter. I was at Best Buy this morning at 9:15 (I would’ve been there at 9AM, but I was stuck in traffic) to pick up a copy. There ain’t no way no how I’m waiting for that shit. And of course, Amazon won’t let me cancel the order either. Fuckers.

I would love to talk about Bruce – it was my intention today to talk about the love and the love and the music and the love, but I’m in a crappy mood. So maybe later. Hope YOUR day is a good one.

PS – In my defence about the crappy shitty picture, I didn’t use the real camera. I thought – eh – I’ll use the stupid crappy point and shoot – these are the pictures it’s meant for – little did I know it takes CRAP PICTURES! Note to self: take the extra five minutes and pull out the real camera if you don’t want to be pissed off.

PPS – And while this may sound like I’m backtracking – the camera doesn’t MAKE A PICTURE. It’s the PHOTOGRAPHER that makes a picture with the control you have with the camera. If I had read the fucking manual on the P&S like I’m always preaching about, I would’ve had more control as to how the picture came out. But I didn’t. So it was on Auto, which gave me a crappy picture. I’m a manual kind of girl – complete control at all times. That way you have no one to blame but yourself. 😉

Season’s End

No matter what the thermometer says, I fear Fall is over. And what a glorious Fall it’s been! I was trying to explain to my nephew how lucky we were to be sitting outside in our sweat jackets playing in the mud on November 13th on a 60 degree plus day. I told him it should be nice and cold by now, like Winter. But, he pointed out, it’s not Winter yet. He’s right. It’s not. But it’s coming. This was definitely the last weekend for the leaves. They’re dry and crackling and the color is gone to a mulchy brown. But we had fun anyway.

Can I vent for a minute? We went to a park near my sister’s – it’s more of an arboretum type place with an open field and a creek and a path – no playground or anything. But there are lots of trees – and therefore leaves – and the kids could run around and throw the frisbee and whatever. People walk around. There are some benches. And of course they bring their dogs.

My niece is afraid of dogs. When she sees one coming she gets that look of abject terror on her face and literally leaps into the arms of the closest adult known to her. Before all you dog owners get all over me about this, we tell her the dog won’t hurt her, that Mommy/Aunt Cara/whatever adult she’s with won’t let anything happen to her. Her grandmother has a dog that she plays with and likes. The neighbors have a big (way bigger than her) dog that she will approach. Sometimes. But generally she’s afraid of dogs.

Well, here we are at this open park. It’s a small area as far as parks go and it’s right on a busy street as well. We’re all getting out of the car going to run in the park and here comes this dog. It look like some kind of retriever mix and it’s coming right at us. OFF ITS LEASH. I have a SERIOUS SERIOUS problem with dog owners who allow their dogs off the leash in places that aren’t specific to that purpose. First of all, from what I know, it’s AGAINST THE LAW. Second of all, I’m sure you love your dog. But guess what? I DON’T. And I don’t want your dog running up to me, or my kids and basically scaring the crap out of them.

I was this close to hitting this woman at the park yesterday. In fact, as I’m writing this I’m getting more and more pissed off. She had absolutely NO CONTROL over her dog. She could not get a handle on him. Every time she went near him he ran off. Right toward the kids. My niece was already back in the van and I’m trying to take care of my nephew who’s now terrified too and the baby’s just sitting in the stroller with the dog sniffing all over him. I told that woman under no uncertain terms that she better get her dog under control – that the dog shouldn’t be off the leash in the first place – and that I was ready and willing to call the police if she didn’t get her dog away from my kids in about five seconds flat. This was after I had already told her “nicely” that she should control her dog. The woman was like don’t you think I’d like to control him. And I said, if you can’t control him, why’d you take him off the leash. I swear to you – no exaggeration – it was a good fifteen minutes that the kids sat in the van while this woman tried to corral her dog. She actually had the nerve to say to me that instead of yelling at her I should HELP her get her dog (which I actually tried to do as I sent my nephew screaming to the car.)

In fact, she never got control of her dog. She just finally realized that she better leave the park. So she did, and I watched her dog run through all of the backyards belonging to the homes adjacent to the park. For the record, every other dog we saw was on a leash.

This isn’t the first time this has happened. I was running once near my house, where I run all the time, and I was bascially attacked by these two small lap dogs. They were nipping at my ankles and I could have seriously tripped and hurt myself. I was yelling at the woman to get her dogs and she was standing about 25 feet away calling to them come, come. Of course the dogs didn’t come. So that woman was slapped with a $200 fine by the association office – it wasn’t the first time she had her dogs off the leash. Next time I saw her, leashed they were.


Okay. Rant over. Thank you for letting me vent. This is an issue that really bothers me.

I did knit this weekend. On the train back and forth. Basically, on the way to Philly, I knit and ripped, knit and ripped, knit and ripped. I don’t know what my major malfunction is with the Prairie Blanket, but I’ve been having a lot of trouble with it. I think I’ve finally got it all figured out though. It really is a wonderful pattern and I hope to be moving along on it. Hopefully before Xavier is a year old!

Nona has the THIRD INSTALLMENT up! Yippee! I’m going to try to get the fingers joined together again tonight. I’m still in work overload, but I’m doing okay and I’m looking forward to a really productive day today (she says optimistically….) Running. Post office. Pictures. Yup! I’m felling bright eyed and brushy tailed.

Norma has brought to our attention a particularly worthy cause – get your charity knitting needles out! This guy needs some purls for his penis. You just know he was DUMPED by a knitter. Help him out!

You’ve got ONE MORE DAY to come up with a name for the new KAL I’m sponsoring. I’ve already got the winner in my mind – so knock my socks off people! C’mon. There’s a prize at stake.

Oh and don’t forget to sign the map. 😉

Map Schmap! Frappr Crappr!

I’ve been nothing if not a broken record…I’VE GOT WORK COMING OUT MY ASS! So, why do you people insist on putting these things out there? Things that by all account are a time suck. Things that if you DON’T put them on your blog, it seems like maybe you don’t really care who reads you. Maybe you’re not all that interested in the people that take all that precious time out of their day to read the meandering blatherings that we so narcissistically post on the Internets. I mean, these gentle readers take the time to lovingly comment, show support, cheer you on…I SHOULD CARE. And I do care, I really do.

Check out our Frappr!

But I need a little bit back from you. If you love me, YOU WON’T PUT YOUR INFORMATION UP! Don’t show me how much you love me – or show me, but do it by leaving your name out. I don’t have the time to check my map obsessively. I’m already obsessed with this blogging stuff enough. Thank you for helping me.

Oh who am I kidding! Fire away! 😉

PS – See Kay for all your Frappr Guru needs.

You Know It Baby!

Ann, honey, the proof is in the pudding!

Your Birthdate: January 1

You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven’t been developed yet.

You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.

Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.

You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.

Your strength: Your supreme genius

Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity

Your power color: Gold

Your power symbol: Star

Your power month: January

As seen on fellow January girl Emma’s blog. Go and wish her a happy THREE year blog anniversary. YAY Emma!

TGIF…sort of

I didn’t knit at all yesterday, although I’ve got a train ride today. I’m working this weekend, but near my sister’s so that means kids, kids, kids! And maybe some new bunk beds with Darth Vader and Dora sheets. My brother’s in town too, so it’ll be cool to see him. In the meantime, I’m super busy. Seems to be a theme around here these days. I know, I’m bored with it too.

I think the leaves are supposed to peak this weekend. Although it’s been so blustery around here, there aren’t any left. Here’s one from the archives given I haven’t taken a picture for myself since, oh, I don’t know, April?

Have a good one!
L, C

E Train. Around 9AM. You were a Blonde Knitting Fool!

Georgie saw you – and he was impressed. He said he could barely hold on and not fall but you kept on knitting away on something green. You didn’t even stop knitting as you were walking up that long, long staircase at the Fifth Avenue stop. When you tripped, YOU STILL DIDN’T STOP KNITTING, even though he tried to help you. You had a red leather alligator pocketbook on one arm and a big canvas knitting bag on the other and you just knit and knit and knit. Georgie wanted to talk to you – tell you that he understood because his wife is crazy like that but he was too shy. I told him I probably knew you.

Speak up oh KIPper!

Lets All Knit Together!

Sometimes I get so excited about things I wish I was Norma. You know, so that the words can come spilling out of my head and onto the screen without delay. Today’s a Norma kind of day.

I’m going to go slow so I don’t miss anything. Okay. Yesterday I was perusing the blogs, as is my main method of procrastination, when I came upon Mary’s admission of love. Wouldn’t you know it?! I fell just as hard, just as fast.

Please click on it for a larger picture.
The gloriousness that is this sweater must not be denied!

Mary started off her post with something of a tease – just a link to the picture (which I’ve shamelessly lifted from Montreal Knits. Thank you!) She added more information later but the results are still the same: I love this sweater with such unadulterated abandon I left Mary three comments yesterday and a separate email.

She’s given me the go ahead – I’m starting the Knit A Long.

Now before you get all super excited to the point you might pee your pants like I have, let me warn you. The beauty that is this sweater will be an arduous journey to attain. Sure it’s got lots of cables and twists and that is always a challenge, but there’s more. Wait for it…the pattern comes from the book, New Style of Heirloom Knitting, which just so happens to be in Japanese. That’s right, my fellow knitters – the nirvana sweater is in JapaFUCKINGnese. (By the way, that’s not a slam on the Japanese language, which I’m sure is very beautiful – it’s a slam on my brain which can’t make heads or tales of the beautiful Japanese language.) We should be able to read the charts, right? Please tell me we can read the charts!!!!! And while I haven’t seen the book in person, rumor has it that they only give the pattern in one size – super small.

Because of this minor irritation, this Knit A Long is going to be a true, true Knit A Long. We’re going to have to put our heads together to make this work – make lots of mistakes – fuck things up – curse, scream, rip out, rip out again. I’m very tempted to hire someone to translate the pattern for me. BUT I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!!!

ETA: Barbara and Leanne emailed some great links to help us out with translating stuff. Go here and here.

So let’s start. First off, we need a name. I’m going to solicit names from all of you and then I’m going to pick a winner. The winner will receive the book!

Please click here for purchase information.

I’ve already ordered one copy and will be ordering another today. I WILL CHOOSE THE NAME, not the random generator. You can enter as many as THREE times. But please, make the entries serious contenders. I’ll close the contest next Tuesday.

Since the book takes a little while to get here and the holidays are coming up and stuff, the KAL won’t officially start until January 1st. Sort of a birthday present to me! I will set up a separate blog for it – I think the work that this pattern’s going to need warrants it. Everyone will have posting privileges. Leave a comment if you want in, or send an email to cara at januaryone dot com with KAL in the subject line.

Let’s establish some ground rules early:

– Rule #1 – It’s just too gorgeous not to knit it.

– You’re going to have to get a copy of the pattern somehow somewhere. I suggest buying the book – Montreal Knits has some other great pictures up and it looks like the patterns are all beautiful – there are some gorgeous shawls in there. DO NOT ASK FOR PATTERN COPIES HERE OR ON THE KAL BLOG. They will not be available. I’m hoping we’ll all be working on the same page so that if someone has a problem with Chart A, for example, we can all pull out our Chart As to help.

– I’m not sure yet if we’ll write up alterations for sizing and stuff – it may be we all just size our own and learn from each other’s mistakes.

– I’m not sure if we’ll each do our own translations and help each other out – or if translations won’t be necessary because the charts are so clear we can each make our own version of the sweater pulling the cables all together.

– There will be no time limit on this project as I suspect it will take a lot of slogging to get to the end of it.

Okay. That’s what I’ve got for now – fire away!


I have no idea what the yarn for the sweater will be – I’m seriously, seriously hoping it’s a DK weight (I guess I can always make it a DK weight) because I’d love to use the ton of Jo Sharp Silkroad DK Tweed I’ve got in my stash. I’ve got a beautiful pink color too. But I’m willing to buy whatever yarn I’ll need to get this right. This is exactly what I’ve been wanting for a long, long time. It’s modern, yet classic. I just can’t wait to start. I hope it’s not too frustrating. I want it to be perfect already.

I didn’t knit much yesterday. I didn’t have to time to re-do the glove hand, but Margene made me feel infinitely better about the holes. Basically she said holes are going to happen – it’s inevitable and a little darning may be necessary. Exactly what I wanted to know – thanks Zen Master! I’ve got a lot I want to accomplish today work-wise, so if I get time tonight, I’ll be trying the join again.

I’m still trying to figure out what pattern my angel socks should be. I think I’m back to a simple, yet elegant, garter rib. I may cast on those today too. I need more size one needles. Actually, I need more size 1s and 2s.

I did knit a little bit (read two rows) on the Prairie Blanket yesterday. It’s so, so beautiful. I wish I had more time in the day. Is there something wrong with me that all I want to do is knit?

Put Your Hand Together

First off, I want to brag about the time I spent yesterday with one Baby Xavier and his family. I’ll tell you, what that kid lacks in size (he’s a teeny one!) he sure makes up with cuteness! And oh my god he is to die for in his Koigu hat. Makes Aunt Cara’s heart go pitter pat. Thanks Jen for letting me hang yesterday. It was so good to see all of you home and so, so happy!

Secondly, I’m anxious and pmsy today. I didn’t sleep well last night – my imagination often gets the better of me. I’m feeling overwhelmed about the amount of work I have to do – I was feeling positive on Monday and didn’t get enough done yesterday and now I have to prepare for class all day today – so I’m behind again.

And I seem to have hit an impasse on Nona’s Superfabulous Serial Gloves. I tried putting the fingers all together last night in anticipation of the thumb gusset entry to come soon, and well, I was decidedly underwhelmed. The first couple times I worked it I got some nice big holes. I kept trying to KTBL to tighten things up but that seemed to have the opposite effect. After two tries, I decided that maybe I needed to go down a needle size and knit reallyreallyreally tight to eliminate the holes. (I mean, what’s the sense of having gloves with holes between the fingers right – kind of built in air conditioning for the winter – not so nice.)

So I tried it on size #2s. And things went pretty well – I even got so far as to add the pinky and do a few rows. Then I stopped to inspect my work – I still had what appeared to be holes between the fingers. I’m not so sure now. I think underneath what looked like a hole were the stitches that come across the two circs to make the barrier if you will between the finger holes. It’s what covers the webbing between your fingers (do you have webbing? I do. It’s a hereditary thing I think. My sister barely has any.) I was all ready to accept this as the way it’s SUPPOSED to be when I discovered some disturbingly loose stitches on the index finger at the join. After playing with it for a bit, trying to tighten things up, I decided it wasn’t good enough and ripped. That’s when I went to bed last night fondling the super easy Sunshine Sock I had stolen the size two needles from – ah stockinette. You call to me. My plan in the near future (I MUST WORK!) is to try again with the size #3s and knit reallyreallyreally tight. I’ll let you know how it goes – in the meantime, any tips or tricks or reassurance I was doing it right would be greatly appreciated.

I got mail yesterday. Help, please.

Cotton Candy and Pebbles. Lots of it. Mmmmm. Socks That Rock. Thanks Toni!

ETA: The reason I bought two skeins of each is because this is Soft Rock and comes in skanks of 200yds. You need two. The Fire on the Mountain and Rock Star came in skeins of 325yds – you only need one. I specifically asked for two of the smaller skeins because I want to make nice long stockinette PINK cotton candy socks!
ETA2: All my STR yarn comes from Toni at The Fold. Tell her I sent you. (Sorry Toni! 😉 )

Finger Fusion

You know how when you get an idea in your head AND IT JUST WON’T GO AWAY? I’m talking about the good kind – not the kind where you walk in the kitchen and every single appliance and/or innocuous tool suddenly can do grave bodily harm – no, I’m talking about the kind where no matter how much work you need to get done – you just can’t UNTIL YOU TRY NONA’S FINGER FUN!

After reading Nona’s second installment in the Serial Glove pattern, I couldn’t help myself. In my defense, I did run (check out One One Run for my progress – I’m running 20 minutes total now!) and do some work (I got about half a job finished) before I cast on for my first Idiot Cord Finger.

There was a problem though. Nona tells you not to be concerned about the ladders traveling up the back of your finger I-Cord because you twist a stitch at the top and work it down the ladder – it becomes another stitch. Okay – ingenious, I’ll agree – but the problem was that it was very loose. Too loose for my taste. And the stitches to either side of the ladder were also loose. I emailed Nona with the problem – and she said she had it too. She told me she was knitting the I-cord very tightly then massaging the stitches into a better place. She also told me to check out Purly Whites – she had knit the fingers using two-circulars instead of an i-cord. Hmmmm. Sounds interesting.

So I went to Purly Whites – she indeed had a fix for my ladder problem. She used a turkish cast on and set to make her fingers. Okay. I’ll try that.

Not so much.

The turkish cast on confused me to no end (and I was only casting on six stiches!) I wasn’t sure where to go with it after I had it cast on (I’m a little stupid.) I went back to the I-cord method. After working a few rows and all of my increases…EUREKA! Why not put it on the circulars NOW? Then I only have to pick up like four or five ladders and I can knit the rest on my circulars! So I tried it.

Here you see the front of the pinky finger.

Here you see the back.

(Any wonkiness is purely my own knitting.)

It WORKED! So I set about making the rest of the hand. FYI, I used the large size finger instructions – I don’t think my fingers are all that big, but the first few mess ups in the medium size were a bit tight – so I went for the large. The thumb was actually the large index finger transformed – it was way too big for my finger and only slightly big on my thumb. Don’t my fingers look cute?

Today, after I do some work, I’m moving on to Installment #2. Time to join it all together! YAY! I’m so happy about this project. I’ve had this Koigu in my stash for a while and it just didn’t seem right for socks. I don’t know. The colors are so muted and I wanted something ELSE for it. Gloves are perfect! They will match my winter jacket (which is a one of those unidentifiable reddish purple but not really purple but with a lot of blue kind of colors. I’d hate to call it burgundy. It’s definitely not a rust. Whatever – pictures will follow when there’s a finished glove.) And it’s going very, very quick! Five fingers in a night – and most of that time I didn’t know what I was doing (like always, ALWAYS knit through the back loop when doing an M1. No matter how you pick up the bar, KNIT THROUGH THE BACK LOOP. Otherwise you WILL get a hole. DUH!) I’m hoping for a pair of gloves very, very soon. Stayed tuned!

Hey, did you know – today’s election day. Whoohoo! You know why I’m so happy? It’s because THEY WILL FINALLY STOP CALLING ME EIGHTY SEVEN MILLION TIMES A DAY!!!!! My sister is always bitching about elections – she lives in a swing state a lot of the time (PA) and they often have some very hotly contested races (think anyone who wants to ANNIHILATE BEAT Santorum) but NJ – well – we’re usually on one side or the other so people leave us alone. Not this year. This year we’ve got a governor’s race going on that WON’T QUIT! I’m so tired of it I almost DON’T want to vote. But I will.

I thought it was pretty cool the other day when I picked up the phone and heard “Hi. This is Bill Clinton.” (Use your best Daryl Hammond southern drawl.) But my brother one-upped me yesterday when he told me he got a call from Warren Beatty asking him to vote against Arnold Schwarzenegger. Only in LA, kids. Only in LA.

I leave you with this final parting shot:


My version of Fuck You. HAHAHAHAHA!

(Oh and Bloglines? You too.)

She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes

And I knew without asking she was into the blues
She wore Fire on the Mountain Socks That Rock
I knew right away she was not like other girls
Other girls.

I’ve been listening to The Dead all morning, and to be honest, I forgot how much I really enjoy them. I’ve been dancing around in my seat letting the arms fly. Of course, I’m wearing my socks. Tina – you are my HERO! I know I’ve gone off before about Socks That Rock and I may be sounding like a broken record, but this is my favorite yarn. Tina – YOU ROCK! (Warning – copious amounts of sock pictures to follow.)

That should do it, no? Jaywalker pattern by Grumperina. Socks That Rock in Fire on the Mountain. Size #1 Addis. PERFECTION.

It was a hard weekend. Meaning, I worked really, really hard. Three shoots – five kids. Now I’ll be strapped to my computer until the next shoot next Saturday. I’ll be so happy when it’s January. Don’t get me wrong – I love what I do and am extremely lucky that this endeavor seems to be working out, but it’s hard with a seasonal business. You get a couple of jobs sprinkled over a month or two and then BAM. Nonstop work. Like I said, I’m really happy about it – just tired.

What’s up next knitting wise? Well since Baby Xavier is here, I better get cranking on his Prairie Blanket. Sorry baby! I promise you’ll have it before it gets warm. Or cold. But not before it gets warm AGAIN. What is up with this weather?!

I need mittens – I want cozy warm handspun mittens from some of the stuff I bought at Rhinebeck. Then I read Nona’s tutorial on i-cord finger gloves and by golly – I know EXACTLY the koigu to use for gloves.

And I have to start a pair of angel socks for the Sockapaltwoza. Weird things happened there with my own angel, but I’m not going to blog about it – let’s just say the effort was underwhelming in the least. I know they’re angel socks, but c’mon. Again, I want to thank Alison for all she did with this knit-along. By almost all accounts it was delightful. And I will be signing up for the next one. Anyway – I’ve got to make angel socks and I think I’m going to do the Go With The Flow sock pattern from IK Summer ’05. I searched the blogs for info on these socks and it seems the consensus is they’re a bit small knitted as written. I will be using the specified yarn (coincidence) but I’d love to hear if anyone made these and had size issues. Right now the plan is to add one extra pattern repeat. Maybe I’ll cast on today.

And the Vesper Yarn is calling me like an obnoxious man with a bullhorn. I HEAR YOU! I may wind it up today. You know, just to touch it a lot. I’ve decided that I will be doing a few rows on the Sunshine Socks every day BEFORE I’m allowed to knit anything else. I want those fuckers finished. If I can make two pair of Jaywalker socks in about three weeks time, I can make a stupid st st sock in a week. Just because I’m so not liking the yarn is no excuse. Besides, I want a month’s worth of socks like Margene!

Question for you all (actually I have two today) – what shoes do you wear to show off your socks? I need some new shoes and I want them comfortable (I generally live in my Merrells) and I want them open a little bit (preferably slip ons) so that my fantastic socks show through. Any and all suggestions welcome.

And my second question? Well, I’m so sad to report that my Almost Everyday Cardigan is pilling horribly. I have one of those stone things and I tried to use it but I’m afraid it made the situation worse. Please help me. I want to LIVE in this sweater – and it’s crazy pilling. Georgie got in the car after the last time I wore it and asked me if I was shedding. I had been pulling off the pills while I was driving and there was a nice little pile of red yarn left for him. Not fun.

Thanks for all the encouragement to run on Friday – I DID! And I’m off to run again now. I leave you with this –

Well I ain’t often right but I’ve never been wrong
It seldom turns out the way it does in the song
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right