T Minus 13 And Counting

My wonderful friend Margene emailed me yesterday to tell me that she sent me a package. But could I please not open it until my birthday. In fact, she wrote, “why don’t you take a picture with the newspaper everyday so I know you haven’t opened it.” What?! Don’t you trust me? I feel like one of Mary’s dogs. Zen gift getting.

There you go, M. THIRTEEN FREAKING DAYS! And damn that box is heavy. 😉 Thank you SO MUCH for thinking of me! I just love presents to open on my birthday!

After all, this is still a knitting blog.

We don’t just bitch about work and give shit away, we actually knit!

Sock one, Jaywalker KAL Pair #3 (Jaywalker Pair #5 total – for those keeping score.) STR Azurite. For Grumpy. As soon as I finished, I immediately (and when I say immediately I actually mean right after I finished) cast on for the second Hard Rock sock. I’m ten repeats in. I think this will be my plan going forward with the jaywalkers and STR. Make one sock, cast on in a new yarn. Make second sock from first yarn, cast on in a new yarn, go back to old color, etc. Works for me. And I seem to actually like the second sock A LOT better when I’ve knit some other color in between. It’s kind of weird that way.

I had a good weekend. I slept A LOT. A LOT. I guess I really needed it. G and I are coming back together – reconnecting after working crazy hours and work dinners and funerals and they’ll be lots of togetherness for the rest of the year. He’s taking off some days at the end of the week and may even do a holiday family thing with me next week and well there’s that Xmas stuff and then BIRTHDAY WEEK! We usually do birthday stuff leading UP to the birthday, instead of the week after. G always takes me out for a special dinner, usually lambchops (read about last year here) and we’ll probably go out, but I said I want lambchops for New Year’s Eve. And instead of champagne I want Moscato d’Asti. So delicious! But still my cherry pie. And a Carvel Ice Cream cake on the actual Birth Day.

So I slept a lot and didn’t get a lot done workwise, of which there is still A LOT to do, but I instead I did something really special for G (and for me.) As soon as he left yesterday for his last work dinner, I went down to storage to bring up these:

I just LOVE my holiday lights. I usually put them up and surprise G – he never helps. It’s my thing. We don’t have a tree – my Jewish guilt won’t let me go that far (but it will let me marry a Greek Orthodox, LOL) but I just love the lights. I mean, c’mon, Chanukah IS the Festival of Lights, right?

Not the best pictures, but in the dining room we have blue lights with twinkling white lights and in the living room we have colored lights with twinkling white lights. And then the clump of lights that hang down in front of the TV. And no, that’s not OPRAH. It was some movie I was watching – The Company. About ballet dancers in Chicago. It was eh. Although I think James Franco is hot.

Looks like Typepad is back up, so I’ll try to update the Jaywalker KAL today or tomorrow. Have a great day!


Have you seen this? To quote:

We Feel Your Pain

We’re not going to beat around the bush about this. Bloglines performance has sucked eggs lately. [emphasis mine] Why? In short, Bloglines has been busting at the seams like the Incredible Hulk.

All of us here at Bloglines have been foregoing sleep and social lives over the past several months to keep Bloglines running and preparing for our move to a new access center (with bigger britches and a very elastic waistline).

So hang tight because there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. The move will happen soon; we’ll keep you posted.

– The Bloglines Team Wed, 15 Dec 2005 7:00:00 PST”

There’s a scheduled outage for tomorrow. The timeline is in the link above. What do you think? I’m all for companies stepping up when things go bad – I mean, nothing is perfect and shit happens. For pete’s sakes – it’s FREE, so how much can we really expect? I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and crossing my fingers things will improve. I’ll also be blogging way early tomorrow, even though I doubt an update will come. 😉

Showcase #3

It’s that time again, folks! TIME TO WIN! This week will definitely be tough, but I think it’s worth it. Here’s what we’re playing for:

We’re taking a trip to the Far East! We’ve got three skeins of beautiful recycled silk made from sari yarns.

I bought the yarn from the Wool Peddler, and had a wonderful conversation with Stephanie. She and her husband just moved to East Newfane, Vermont. G and I eloped in Newfane! She’s got some beautiful, beautiful yarns and the service was friendly and fast and I would definitely shop with her again. Find out what she has to say about this gorgeous yarn as well. Not seen in the picture, but included in the prize, is a pattern from Just One More Row for the very cool Sunburst Sling Bag. A perfect match for the recycled silk.

Also in the package are these amazing Japanese figures – PERFECT for stitch markers! I picked them up while I was out and about with the girls.

There’s also a lantern moon project bag and maybe some other stuff. I’m always looking for little stuff to stick in the bag. Maybe some surprises?

Okay. The moment you’ve all be waiting for – this week’s question.

I have published FOUR SHORT STORIES (one has been published twice – so FIVE publications.)




Here’s how to enter:


Things are going well here in Philly. My dad seems to be doing okay (thanks for all your good wishes) and it’s been nice to spend time with the kids and my sisters, as always. I’m coming back home later on today – I’m in package mode now. All the processing has been done and it’s time to send everything out. Fedex is my friend. That’s my mantra from now until 12/26.

I’ve been knitting a little bit – I’m hoping for a finished sock by the end of the weekend. And maybe a finished mitten if I’m a good girl and make lots of progress with my work. Soon. I’ll be able to relax soon.

Thanks for all the book ideas! WOW! What a great thread! I have to say, I was really suprised to see that I have read most of the books listed – well – okay – A LOT of the books listed. I’m not doing as bad as I thought. I used to be known among my writing friends (and most everyone else I know) as being extremely well read. I’ve been feeling not so well read, although I’m feeling a bit better. I’m thinking that The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and East of Eden are at the top of my list. Also, it’s almost time for my birthday book, so that might be the top option. Thanks again!

Don’t forget! You’ve got to be IN IT to WIN IT! Have fun!

Jaywalker Five!

AS OF MY FINISHING THIS ON FRIDAY MORNING, SOMETHING SEEMS REALLY, REALLY WRONG WITH TYPEPAD. I can’t get any entries past December 10th – and I know they WERE there. So I’m sorry. I hope it gets worked out real soon – whatever the problem. I will try to update the update later on this weekend.

Okay – not a lot of time to chitchat – there are babies to cuddle!

~ Ada‘s got a gorgeous tree up in the house and a SPECTACULAR pair of Jaywalkers! She doesn’t know what yarn she used, but I’m betting if she got some that didn’t hurt her hands, she WOULD make another pair. C’mon Ada. Admit it. You love ’em!

~ Another finished pair! Love the pooling on Alison‘s BRAND NEW SOCKS! And she luuuuurves them too, in Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock in ‘Bittersweet.’

~ Try to ignore the pizza and beer and rather concentrate on the start of Amanda‘s jaywalker. Better yet, check out the phenomenally gorgeous handspun in this entry. Damn that wheel can’t come fast enough!

~ It’s a finishing frenzy over at Anna‘s! An unbelievably gorgeous Ene’s Scarf – I mean really, the colors are beyond breathtaking! – a Shedir (love that pattern!) and of course, a fantastic Jaywalker. Koigu. Tiger stripes. Nuff said.

~ Mismatched? You be the judge. I don’t know, they look freakin’ great to me. And Anne, honey, I think Mom will understand. (But seriously, I really want to know what happened on the date. You know. With the knee. Not sure I’m buying the whole slipped on the ice thing. 😉 )

~ A serious case of malaise has settled in over at Biglug‘s and she’s trying to blame it on the jaywalkers. DUDE! What the? Weather. Always go with the weather. Leave the poor socks alone. 😉

~ Bridget‘s come through with pictures! Way to go Bridget! Love your progress, and lovin’ the new yarn. Either one will be great for your next pair. Glad you figured out a way to make them fit.

~ Carol claims a finished pair. And even though we’ve got some progress pictures here, I’m not believing ANYTHING until I see those suckers on her feet. Oh Carol! Time to get out the camera! 😉

~ After talking and talking and talking about them, Carole‘s finally showing off a finished pair! And they get the seal of approval from the kid set. I’ll bet. They’re fab! So much so Carole cast on another pair immediately after. In Vesper. I won’t say I told you so, but I might have suggested this could happen.

~ Bling! Bling! Bling! Bling! Her schmooness, Carrieoke‘s jaywalkers ROCK! Her pal is going to be so totally stoked! DUDE!

~ It’s drama drama drama all the time over at Christy‘s. First, some real (unwanted) drama! In the ER! So glad Michelle’s going to be okay. And then there’s the sock drama. But don’t let her stories fool you. Socks that beautiful will make you forget all the pain. Trust me. I know from where I speak.

~ Ellie, one of our newbies this week, is taking a decidedly different approach to jaywalking. She’s making anklets, and they’re solid! Definitely check them out! Welcome Ellie!

~ Brag all you want BABY! In the “don’t hate her cause the sock is perfect” category Eunny has hit a grandslam her first time out. THIS is KOOL-AID people!

~ Felicia‘s procrastinating. But with procrastination like that – DAMN GRRL! – all is forgiven.

~ Helen, Helen, Helen. Helen. The Jaywalker is not a “mere” sock. It’s GENIUS! And genius is never easy. Hope the new one is working out better.

~ Reward yourself! You deserve it Holly! Look at those wonderful FOs! Jaywalkers are the perfect prize.

~ Another one who gets it. Feels like st st, but the results – oh so fantastic! Check out Janine‘s sock in Opal Elemente.

~ Go admire Jessica‘s fantastic finished Lucy In the Sky Jaywalkers in socks that rock. And then go make your own South Park character. Do it. Now.

~ Julia‘s rolling now – all the kinks are worked out, we hope. Vive la Jaywalker!

~ I’m LOVING the zigzags in Julie‘s sock – but WATCH OUT FOR THE BLOG! Some SERIOUSLY good food being displayed over there. I checked it out and gained ten pounds just looking. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

~ It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Christmas Jaywalkers that is! Kandy‘s got one pair done in STR Xmas Rocks, and another pair already started. YAY!

~ I’m going to forgive Kate for ripping out her STR jaywalkers because “the color just wasn’t for me.” Huh? Which color? I’ll take it! But oh how lovely the Schaeffer Anne sock!

~ The proof is in the pudding my friends, and KathyB‘s found the mythical chocolate tapioca. GORGEOUS! Stayed tuned for modeled socks. Coming soon!

~ Really liking the colors in Kim‘s newly started jaywalker. Don’t be nervous Kim! It will all work out!

~ It’s all chibis all the time over at Kris‘s. She’s a little concerned about Hard Rock pooling, but I told her not to fret. They will ROCK!

~ The BEST Better Pal EVER (that is, of course, unless my current better pal decides to one-up her. Hint. Hint.) Kris could not withstand the lethal combination of jaywalkers and Vesper. Vakker! (Hope that’s right….)

~ Laura‘s using Jedi mind tricks, but I don’t know what she’s talking about. I don’t see any ladders. Do you?

~ Laura‘s got some kind of crazy idea about jaywalking armwarmers. GO TO IT! But, of course, not until you show us the socks. The operative word there being show. Or socks. Take your pick. 😉

~ Yeah Baby! Almost there is right! Lcord DEFINITELY made the right choice going with the Regia! Excellent!

~ No! No! You heard it wrong! Leah‘s NOT a heel – she HAS a heel. And some awesome stripes. Knitpicks sock garden seems to be working out just fine, thank you very much.

~ Lisa linked to me in a post with the word BLING in the title. I heart her. She called me gracious. Oh yeah and she picked the yarn for her jaywalkers. Go see.

~ Liz loves her sock! Mostly. I love it, if that means anything to you. 😉

~ I’m going to let Manda slide on the whole no picture thing, because it seems like the jaywalkers are a gift, but I’ll be watching. I WANT A PICTURE!

~ Try not to be distracted by all the gorgeous handspun. We’re to look at a sock people. A SOCK! Marie, honey, you’re killing me!

~ Now that’s talent! Melissa‘s only made two socks (I’m assuming they aren’t even a pair) but when the women at school saw her Jaywalker they wanted IN! She’s been wrangled into teaching a sock class in January! Go give her tips. (I think she’s a bit nervous. Don’t be!)

~ There’s a new target in town! Melissa‘s graciously offered to take the heat off of me. You know how you’re all ripping on me because of my STR stash, and my Jaywalker collection, well Melissa is my Lorna’s Laces rival. Go pick on her for a change!

~ We’re not pointing and we’re not laughing Natalia. When they’re done, they’re going to be spectacular!

~ January Jaywalkers. That’s the goal over at Patty‘s. You’re on your way! Excellent!

~ PumpkinMama‘s thinking out of the box! Check out her lime green zebra stripey sock! Please can I get a Woo and a Hoo!

~ Purlpower‘s got one purple sock done! They’re a gift for her mom and will have to be finished in SPAIN. Poor, poor socks. Oh how it sucks to be you. 😉 Have a great trip Purlpower! We want pictures when you get back.

~ Rosemary‘s starting over. It’s all right grrl! Whatever gets the job done!

~ Stacey‘s got more progress on her sock! Sure, a snow day would help, but what’re you going to do…. KNIT!

~ Vera‘s playing catch-up. To me, of course. She’s got one pair done, one pair started – this time in Wildfoote. Okay Vera. It’s not a contest. (Note to self – get knitting! You’re only one complete pair ahead of her! EEK!)

Typepad problems nonewithstanding, if I missed you, I apologize – there are a freaking lot of you! Have a great weekend. See you next week! JAYWALK ON SOLDIER!

1:30 AM

That’s the time right now – give or take a couple of minutes. I’m off to bed very soon, but I’m leaving early tomorrow morning and I won’t have time to blog.

I finished my class tonight. Overall, it was a good class. Left me with the feeling that I will teach again. I’m so tired though I’m numb and I didn’t get that nice feeling of accomplishment now that it’s over. Probably because I came home and went right back to work. It will be nice to be at my sister’s for a couple of days – besides the obvious – the kids – I can use the break. And G’s busy all week with meetings, so I’d just be home alone all weekend anyway.

I think I knit three rounds while I was waiting for my students to come in tonight. If I don’t knit tomorrow on the train it’s because my hands have fallen off my body or some other such travesty.

One of the bright spots these last weeks has been something sweet and simple and reminiscent of my old pre-knitting, pre-blog life when all I did was read: Alice Munro had a new story in the New Yorker a few weeks ago and I assigned it to my class. She is one of my all time favorites and what she does with words and story is true magic. Here’s a link to the story: “Wenlock Edge.” While I was searching for the link I found another one of hers online: “Passion.” I miss reading. I was talking to my class tonight and I need a book. Something big and juicy that will take me a little while to read and I won’t be able to put down and when I’m done I’ll be sad and want to immediately pick up something else. It has to be fiction. “Literary” fiction – yes, the snobby elitist kind. And NO HARRY POTTER. Can you help me? Leave me some suggestions in the comments. It doesn’t have to be new, or old or classic. Just good. Have to read way into the middle of the night and then again at breakfast the next morning good. Make me want to read again good. Go at it.

Tomorrow is something of a milestone in my life. I will be taking care of my dad – something I never really thought would be my responsibility. My mother’s gone off with her new life and my siblings and I are really the only family my father has. I’m so glad we’ll be able to help him tomorrow.

Whereever you are, whatever you’re doing – hug someone today. Tell them you love them. Then tell them a joke. I’ve always said I know I’ve had a good day if I’ve laughed, been kissed and hugged, and said I love you or had someone tell me they love me. See how easy it is to have a good day? Now go out and grab yours.

I didn’t knit at all yesterday. AGAIN!

I guess that’s not entirely true. I knit like one round on a sock in the morning while G was in my office. That didn’t last long and I could barely get my fingers to move.

I will have time to knit tomorrow. Because all my work will be done? Because it’s finally time for some holiday cheer? Why no. Thanks for thinking it though. I have to go down to Philly for a funeral. One of my father’s oldest and closest friends died and my sisters and I are going to the funeral to support him. He’s worked very closely with the man for forty some odd years and while it feels good to support my father (he’s not an easy one to take care of) I’m sad about the circumstances. So there will be train knitting.

But that’s two days I’m out of commission. Two days. I don’t sleep anymore. When I do crawl into bed I dream about all the things I need to be doing. Not very restful.

That said, Jaywalker updates might be late. And Showcase #3 might be late. I don’t know what I’ll be able to get done at my sister’s. If the goods arrive today, the Showcase will go on as planned. If not, we might have to wait until Sunday. And the updates, well, they’ll come soon. Maybe Friday. Maybe not.

I have to publicly flog myself now. It’s all about Sockapal2za. If you remember, I made these great socks for Leslie. (I say they were great not because they were actually great, but because I had such a great time knitting them. Great pattern, great yarn, great recipient – what’s not to love?!) Anyway, I sent my socks out and Leslie was wonderfully grateful and I sat back and waited for my own pair. Which never came. Yeah. I got shafted. But not one to complain about an all around good experience, I let Alison know that I never heard from my pal or received any socks. And I volunteered to be a sock angel. I was given my sock angel’s information and I started thinking about what socks to make her. Honestly, I wasn’t in a rush. Alison didn’t give a deadline (that’s NOT an excuse) and I was doing other things.

And then I received a package. This package was addressed to me and inside was another package, completely sealed, addressed to someone else. Well, the address was kind of ripped off but it was clear the package was going to someone else. Inside this second, sealed package was a pair of socks, and some sock yarn. And a note. The note, addressed to someone other than me, basically said this was the first and last socks that the gifter would be knitting (you could gather it wasn’t a good experience) and that here they were. Sorry they were late.

These were my angel socks.

I was pissed. I never blogged about it. It was what it was and that’s how things can go in these exchanges. If it had been me, I would’ve at least unwrapped the original package and somehow personalized it for the new recipient. How hard would that have been? I have to admit, it soured me. I like to think I’m immune to these things – I mean the whole secret pal thing is akin to lending money – you can’t expect ANYTHING back. But this felt sort of like a slap in the face. I got something, but how crappy is that? I let it affect me. I let the bad feelings seep into my own feelings about knitting a pair of socks for someone else. Because I was disappointed, I ended up disappointing my angel.

When I finally got my act together, I couldn’t figure out a pattern. I cast on a bunch of times. Poured over sock patterns. Nothing felt right. And by then I was starting the whole Jaywalker kick and my knitting time had become very precious and I couldn’t bear to knit for someone else. I suck. I know.

Long story short, I’ve been dismissed as a sock angel. How awful is that? I feel really, really bad about it. Really bad. I don’t like to disappoint. EVER. And when I say I’m going to do something, I DO IT. I guess there’s a first for everything. Here’s a public apology to Alison: I’m sorry for dropping the ball. To Lisa: I’m sorry for disappointing you YET again. And a huge thank you to the Sock Angel that picked up my slack. I owe you one. Thank you.

Please don’t leave comments telling me how great I am or how I’m really a nice person or I didn’t mean it – think about it. If you were in Lisa’s shoes, you’d be sad and disappointed and maybe have some not so nice thoughts about knitters and people who don’t live up to their promises. I certainly did when I was disappointed. It is what it is. We all make mistakes. I know this doesn’t make me a bad person. Or even a good person for owning up to it. I just feel bad I flaked. Done. Besides I want to be in Sockapal3za and I don’t want any bad karma hanging over me.

Back to work. People keep counting down to this wretched holiday, but it doesn’t seem to be getting any closer. There’s still so much to do. Bah humbug!

Give A Sheep!

The Rage for Gauge.

Remember the Got Gauge t-shirts? With all of the proceeds going to Heifer International? To buy a Knitting Basket? Well, Eyeleen‘s done it again! She’s given me my Swatch N’ Bitch t-shirt! The Rage for Gauge!!!! YAY!

She’s also got a new Got Gauge? shirt – in stunning black cotton!

DUDE! Chanukah is eight days! There’s still time for Xmas! GET the tee for your favorite knitter NOW! And help out some kids. And their families. With the sheep. And the llamas. DO IT!

Hi. Nice to meet you!

WOW! Even with the hard(er) question and the email, you people really come out for a contest! Nice to meet all the newbies, hope you stick around! The answer, which almost all of you got, was PURLS OF WISDOM. Silly and pretentions and I changed it after a month or two. The funniest answer I received was from Mrs. Pilkington. She told me she thought it was Purls of Wisdom, but she wasn’t sure. WASN’T SURE?! As of yesterday, she still HAD A LINK TO IT ON HER BLOG!! 😉 I think she’s since taken it down. Love you Missus P!

Anyway, I know you’re not all hanging around to hear me blab. You want to know if you won. I’d want to know too, and since I’m too tired and overworked and anxious today to make you wait, I’ll just give you the winner. Right now. No. Now. Okay. NOW!


Yay Anne! Congratulations!
Showcase #3 is shaping up to be pretty darn good, if I don’t say so myself. The questions WILL be getting harder though, so maybe it’s time to brush up on your January One knowledge. I’m just saying.

Work continues apace. I fear if I slow down I’ll never get back up to speed. There’s still A LOT to get done. So much I haven’t knit for TWO WHOLE DAYS! I know. I’m really feeling it too. I’m anxious. Disjointed. Out of sorts. All because I haven’t been knitting. It’s hell I tell you. Tonight. Tonight I knit if it kills me.

Since I’ve got nothing else to report, I’ll be going now. I miss you all. I feel very unconnected to so many things these days: my blog. My husband. MY LIFE! Better days ahead! I can see the light!

If it’s Monday, why does it feel like Thursday?

It’s a good thing my body just automatically remembers to breathe, otherwise I would’ve been dead two days ago. I KICKED ASS this weekend. KICKED IT REAL GOOD. I actually went to sleep last night semi-caught up on the work – that doesn’t mean I still don’t have shit loads to do, but now I’m not a week behind the way I was last week.

This also means I’ve barely been knitting. Friday I didn’t knit at all. Saturday I did some good work – cast on for the second mitten, made some good progress on a sock. (A new Jaywalker with some STR – blah blah blah. Yeah. I didn’t think you cared.) Sunday I had some time late in the evening to knit – G’s out all this week for his quarterly meetings – but I was so shell-shocked from all the work I did that day I just lay in bed paralyzed. I watched the West Wing wedding (where I really, REALLY appreciated the whole hoagie vs cheesesteak with Whiz moment.) I feel so sorry for Josh. I love Josh. It’s like the more pathetic he gets the more I like him. And why aren’t he and Donna doing it yet? What’s the deal? Then I watched Grey’s Anatomy. Gotta love the DVR – no watiting for the shows. I really like this show. It’s just soap opery enough for me and the characters are funny and stupid and it’s over the top but not too over the top. I gotta say, I’m not so into Dr. McDreamy. He’s such a pathetic wuss ass I’d rather smack him than anything else. But I love Alex. So not my type physically, but he’s got spunk and the whole vulnerability thing. You know what I’m talking about. Anyway. It was a nice diversion for my tired, tired body. Who knew sitting at a computer for ten hours straight was such physical work?

I actually have a shoot tonight. For holiday cards. I’m not kidding. That’s why the push this weekend. God help me if I had to process this new job, in like two days, with other jobs still in the queue. This will be IT until next year. NO MORE. I’m done. I think I doubled my work from last year, which is damn good considering this is really only my second season. The first one doesn’t count since everyone I took pictures of I knew. Last season was my first – the one where I was really out in the world, with strangers calling to hire me. I’m proud of myself, just damn tired.

Don’t forget! Tonight. 8PM. The cutoff for Showcase #2. (See post below.)

NOTE TO SELF: Don’t blog about work. YOU WILL JINX YOURSELF. If you say you are sort of caught up, Fate hears you and DUMPS A WHOLE NEW PILE IN YOUR LAP. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID.