After all, this is still a knitting blog.

We don’t just bitch about work and give shit away, we actually knit!

Sock one, Jaywalker KAL Pair #3 (Jaywalker Pair #5 total – for those keeping score.) STR Azurite. For Grumpy. As soon as I finished, I immediately (and when I say immediately I actually mean right after I finished) cast on for the second Hard Rock sock. I’m ten repeats in. I think this will be my plan going forward with the jaywalkers and STR. Make one sock, cast on in a new yarn. Make second sock from first yarn, cast on in a new yarn, go back to old color, etc. Works for me. And I seem to actually like the second sock A LOT better when I’ve knit some other color in between. It’s kind of weird that way.

I had a good weekend. I slept A LOT. A LOT. I guess I really needed it. G and I are coming back together – reconnecting after working crazy hours and work dinners and funerals and they’ll be lots of togetherness for the rest of the year. He’s taking off some days at the end of the week and may even do a holiday family thing with me next week and well there’s that Xmas stuff and then BIRTHDAY WEEK! We usually do birthday stuff leading UP to the birthday, instead of the week after. G always takes me out for a special dinner, usually lambchops (read about last year here) and we’ll probably go out, but I said I want lambchops for New Year’s Eve. And instead of champagne I want Moscato d’Asti. So delicious! But still my cherry pie. And a Carvel Ice Cream cake on the actual Birth Day.

So I slept a lot and didn’t get a lot done workwise, of which there is still A LOT to do, but I instead I did something really special for G (and for me.) As soon as he left yesterday for his last work dinner, I went down to storage to bring up these:

I just LOVE my holiday lights. I usually put them up and surprise G – he never helps. It’s my thing. We don’t have a tree – my Jewish guilt won’t let me go that far (but it will let me marry a Greek Orthodox, LOL) but I just love the lights. I mean, c’mon, Chanukah IS the Festival of Lights, right?

Not the best pictures, but in the dining room we have blue lights with twinkling white lights and in the living room we have colored lights with twinkling white lights. And then the clump of lights that hang down in front of the TV. And no, that’s not OPRAH. It was some movie I was watching – The Company. About ballet dancers in Chicago. It was eh. Although I think James Franco is hot.

Looks like Typepad is back up, so I’ll try to update the Jaywalker KAL today or tomorrow. Have a great day!


  1. James Franco looks like a more rugged and rogue-ish Heath Ledger to me. Do you see it?
    I cannot WAIT to start Jaywalking — Ann wrote about it today, too. I bought two hanks of the same color, so I could (maybe, if I wanted) even make knee socks. ; ) I’ve been so tempted (and I’ve cast on other things), but that’s my getting through the holidays reward knitting!
    Love your lights.

  2. That’s a pretty sock! But the colorway looks very different from the ball you showed us before. It’s look more purple/grey than blue.

  3. I feel like you are performing a public service. Documenting, for public record, what each STR colorway looks like when knitted. Keep up the good work!

  4. Don’t forget me in your KAL update!

  5. Oooo, I like it! Can’t wait for it to be a full pair!

  6. i love moscato d’asti! yumyum!
    wahey, lights! they look great! the sock is supercute; love the pink and grey combo (very 80s).

  7. glad you’re back jaywalking! i actually just recieved some STR in the mail this past weekend. I cannot wait to cast on.
    I find Franco HOT. But I read an article on him from People’s Hottest People under 30 and it said that he was 5’6! Short sucker..

  8. The lights are peeerrrrfect. Celebrating the week before your birthday is cool, too. You can count down the days of the year along with the days til YOUR day.
    All the hot guys are very short:(

  9. I love that colorway! (I don’t think there is one I haven’t loved yet!) I know before you had noted that you did 57 repeats of the instep/foot before you decreased for the toe – is that 25 repeats/do heel flap/start counting repeats when you pick up for heel/57 total, then decrease? I am at repeat 35 and it’s looking a bit too long! Just want to confirm what I thought and that I didn’t write it down wrong! Thanks for all the photos of the socks! (they rock!)

  10. So, so very pretty! You continue to tempt me, but I am going to have to try again sometime after the holidays. I gave it a go a couple of weeks ago and the sock was too big…..I took this as a sign that I needed to concentrate on my holiday knitting!

  11. Love the pictures of the lights.

  12. Yeah, the Company was so-so. I like Neve Campbell, though. The lights are beautiful, and so are your socks!

  13. Oh, that’s Oprah. Don’t front.

  14. The lights are nice! A nice compromise for the mixed-marriage household! 😉 My niece is also a January One girl, and she’s also going to have about 10 parties this time; (she turns a very momentous 16, and so it must be observed in many and varied ways). I think it’s great that you still get so excited about your birthday — is it the New Year’s thing? I’d just as soon mine went by without anyone noticing….

  15. looks great, cara. keep up the good work! can’t wait to see the FO! 🙂
    BTW, just finished my first pair today.
    I’d love it if I could be added to the Jaywalker KAL. Thanks!

  16. Pretty lights! That`s a nice idea. I must remember it for next year.

  17. Is this where we give our Jaywalker updates? After finally finishing all of my Christmas knitting, I was able to sit down and start my first Jaywalker. I am using STR Farmhouse. I am already loving the pattern! Here’s hoping SSS doesn’t set in!

  18. gorgeous colors in that pair of Jaywalkers! and your lights are lovely–we have lights all over our house as well and the kiddos have already started lobbying for year-round lights.

  19. I have the same method for second sock blues – it works well!
    I love the lights, too – just think of it all as secular. It doesn’t have to mean the same thing for you as it does for other people. I think of Christmas as a family holiday. And Moxie celebrates it even though he’s Jewish (we do both holidays!).