B is for


I didn’t spend much time at the beach as a child, even though I lived about an hour from The Shore. In my years with G I’ve grown to love it – maybe even need it in my life. Some of my darkest days have been rescued by the restorative rhythms of the waves and I hope one day we can have a home on the shore. It’s a dream we both share.

These pictures aren’t my best work – but that’s okay. (Although I really love the last one.) This ABC-a-long is about the challenge for me. I went out Sunday morning, our last day of vacation, with G and brought the camera – just one lens – which is rare for me. I like to have options. The weather wasn’t the best and the beach looked kind of crappy because the strong winds had brought in all kinds of riffraff from the ocean. I was also taken with the colors to be found on the beach – jelly fish, boats, catamarans, old chaises. Hope you enjoy.

Jaywalker Admin Stuff – IMPORTANT!

Tomorrow morning, at 6AM, I will be safely seatbelted in (we can only hope) a first class seat on a flight to sunny FLORIDA. I’m taking a vacation people. A VACATION. That means NO WORK. And as much as I love you all and love my jaywalker updates and I’ve come to love my goofy smileys and I’m so glad you have too – I WILL NOT BE DOING UPDATES THIS WEEK.

After ten weeks I think it’s okay to take a little break. Because DEADLINES are fast approaching, I thought yet another look at the draconian rules would be good:

The rules:

1. Knit a pair (or more – hey – I’m going to start my THIRDEIGHTH!) of Jaywalker socks. I know a lot of you have already started a pair – and that counts. But if you’ve finished a pair already, that doesn’t count. Instead, go on over to Kathy‘s and let her know. She’ll add you to the gallery.

2. You don’t have to adhere strictly to the pattern, so all you Drunken Jaywalker people (you know who you are!) come on over.

3. The socks don’t have to be for you. I know everyone’s crazy with holiday knitting (Suckers. I’m just saying….) so why not make a pair of Jaywalkers for that annoying relative in your life? Nothing like a pair of Jaywalker socks to send that subtle message – I wish you’d go play in traffic! You’re the only one who has to know the sentiment behind the gift! 😉

4. You don’t have to knit the socks with SOCKS THAT ROCK yarn – use whatever yarn you like. BUT the prizes will be Socks That Rock.

5. There are no deadlines on when this KAL will end, BUT

6. On February 14th I will draw three SIX names out of the proverbial Internet hat of all the FINISHED KAL socks and each of these people will WIN a skein of SOCKS THAT ROCK in their preferred colorway. That is, assuming I can get Tina to dye it for you. I won’t tell you how many colors are in the recipe book – your head will spin around. To be eligible to win the socks, you will have had to give me at least ONE update before February 1st. I want you to really be in it to win it you know? No pulling in at the last minute with a finished pair of socks to get in on the lottery. 😉

7. Updates will be on FRIDAYS. So leave me comment or email me and I’ll do the updates then. K? Terrific!

THE NEXT UPDATE WILL BE FEBRUARY 1ST. In order to be eligible to win yarn – you need to have updated at least ONCE by FEBRUARY 1ST and complete a pair of socks by FEBRUARY 13th. The drawing will be held on FEBRUARY 14th. So, if you haven’t sent in an update – now’s your chance. PLEASE, when sending updates, either leave A COMMENT RIGHT HERE or send an email to cara AT januaryone DOT com with JAYWALKER UPDATE in the subject line. At midnight on February 14th I will list all of the people eligible AS OF THAT DAY to win yarn. I will keep the list up for the day and at 11:11 PM on the 14th I will pick the winners. You will have the day to let me know if there is a mistake with the list.

I know I miss people each week. I don’t even know how many people are in the KAL anymore, to be honest, but it’s a freaking lot. Okay? I’m only human. If you’re not sure if you are in CHECK THE LIST. If you aren’t on it and think you should be, let me know by leaving a comment or sending an email. A shining star next to your name means you’ve got a finished pair – if you have a star or don’t have a star and think it should be different, let me know. Please note – if you finished a pair since the last update, the list hasn’t been changed to reflect that. I will change it on Feb 1st.

If you have any questions about anything – please leave a comment or send an email. I will tell you though I suck at math and the best answer I have to the all important question of which came first is this:

A chicken and an egg are laying in bed together. The chicken rolls over, lights a cigarette, turns to the egg and says “Well, I guess we answered that question.”

Have a great weekend everyone. Knit hard. I’ll see you on the flip!
L, C


Am I joining all these things because I’m bitter and want someone else to know the pain of running a KAL that has more than one participant? Of course not! I just want to have fun!


All jokes aside, I’ve done A LOT of joining lately. Groucho would be very, very disappointed.


I’ve got some Ruby Slippers STR that’s begging to be jaywalkers with a picot edge. I’m planning on making the Valentine’s Day deadline. These will probably be started on my romantic weekend in sunny Florida.

I also joined Sockapaloooza.

Even though I was shafted twice and did some shafting of my own, I’m back for another round. I can guarantee my pal that I won’t be making jaywalkers. All jaywalkers are for me and me alone. Unless of course my pal ASKS for jaywalkers, but honestly, I’m going to try to avoid it.

Um. Oh yeah. Just yesterday I joined Project Spectrum over at Lolly’s.

This is an inspired idea! Each month, beginning in March, I’m going to take on a spinning project with the designated colors for that month. For me, a lot of spinning is about color! I love COLOR! And I like the idea of having a spinning project. Something separate from the knitting.

And, yes, finally, I joined the Knitting Olympics.

Actually – I signed up the first day! And no I’m not linking over there because if you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about I don’t know how you can call yourself a knit blogger. Hell – I don’t know how you could call yourself a knitter OR a blogger. It’s that big people.

There’s been lots of interesting discussion about these here olympics. Lots of pro – some con – some wtf? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not but I really like to challenge myself. I love to master new things – I love to learn new skills. I even like to get frustrated and curse and throw things around – and maybe – not often – stomp. Because when you finally do master that new skill, whatever it is, it feels so freaking satisfying! Really. You should try it sometimes.

That’s one of the reasons I truly love knitting. It’s a great way to challenge myself and honestly, usually, no one gets hurt. There are no great disasters if it doesn’t work out – like say – trying to get pregnant and having a kid. Now there’s a challenge I’d rather not be challenged by. But knitting? BRING IT ON! So when I saw Stephanie’s post about the Knitting Olympics I knew right away what my project would be: FAIR ISLE!

I’ve never done color knitting. Sure I took that class last year, but got sick on the second day when they taught fair isle. But it’s something that I REALLY want to learn. So here’s the perfect opportunity! And while I appreciate Stephanie’s call to lose our sanity during the fortnight, I’m not knitting a Dale of Norway Olympic sweater. I’m crazy but I’m not NUTS! My first fair isle project will be the Pirate Mittens over at Hello Yarn. I’m planning on knitting them in Dalegarn Falk in black and neon pink. Or navy and neon pink. Something and neon pink. Neon green and neon pink? Something bright and flashy and CRAZY! I think I can get the mittens done in 16 days. It’s the perfect challenge. I’m ready for it.

Thadnbk Ybliuwo!

What? Can’t understand me? Probably because I had a homemade (yes? no? weigh in BP!) caramel in my mouth!

My BETTER PAL strikes again. This time with a bag of caramels AND a backup emergency supply in the form of JUNIOR CARAMEL baby boxes! YAY! As much as I love me some caramel, the yarn s/he sent it good enough to EAT! Gorgeous, scintillating, fantastic Malabrigo in Valentine’s RED! I love it BP. Love, love, love IT! Thank you thank you thank you!

I do, though, have a bone to pick with you BP. My box came with a lovely return address label from Norma. Now I know for a fact that Norma isn’t my BP. (Don’t ask me how I know this, I just do.) So, WHA? Haven’t we already done this make a fool of the knitblogger thing before? Is this Karmic retribution or something? I called up my favorite super sleuth, Ann (whose birthday is today – but I’m absolutely positive this fact has NOTHING to do with Jan 24 being the most depressing day of the year) and she was, well, bascially, no help at all. Which shouldn’t be a surprise, but like I’ve said before, Ann gives excellent phone. Anyway, I happen to be a pretty freaking good detective myself and I know that my package was mailed from this post office. Again – don’t ask me how I know, but I do and I’m on to you BP. Hell yeah.

My weekend was lots of fun. How about yours?

Seems like there’s always a birthday around here, doesn’t it? This weekend was my nephew’s party. It was great fun – it was at this place where you can do your own cooking. We did the pajamas and pancakes party where all the kids come in their pjs and make muffins and pancakes. They all had a blast and it was very easy on my sister since the place does everything – my sister just had to show up and pay the bill.

I sort of “worked” the party so I didn’t get to taste the pancakes or muffins – but supposedly the kids did a great job and it was all pretty yummy. That was the only time I had the camera out – and I didn’t get pictures of the baby! I’m so sad because he is super duper cute! Curls like his sister (well, almost – they’re coming though) and huge dimples and he’s just all smiles sitting up and starting to crawl. He needs his own photo shoot very, very soon! I’ve really slacked off on pictures of him.

We had a great day yesterday too – Orchestra in the morning featuring the bassoon (I LOVE me some bassoon) and a karate show in the afternoon! Super Nephew actually broke a board in half! Look what you can do when you turn FIVE!

There was some knitting – work on a jaywalker and work on sleeves. We’re going away this week – Thursday morning at a ridiculously early hour we’re going back here. So there will be plenty of knitting next weekend. Plenty.

Promises Promises

If I promised you that I’d send you something – contest winnings, orange chibis, etc. – there’s an excellent chance it’s going out in the mail today! Have a great weekend. I’ll be back on Tuesday, so chances are no post on Monday. DON’T WORRY. You know who you are.

L, C

Jaywalker Ten!

Before I get on with the updates, I’d ask you all to bow your heads for a moment of silence. This is the first week, since October 19, 2005, that I did NOT complete a jaywalker sock. I’ve gone back to some other projects and my latest jaywalker has suffered for it and you know what? I miss the damn sock. Much more than I thought I would. Sniff. Sniff. I’m going to Philly tomorrow for the weekend and I’ll be knitting that sock on the train, goshdarnit!

That said, the Albuquerque STITCH AND BITCH (am I allowed to say that?) got together this week and apparently SEVEN knitters cast on for SEVEN pairs of Jaywalkers ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Was it like a feat of sychronized knitting or were you too busy flipping off the camera in your best Johnny Cash to bother with timing? Carole and Scout have pictures to prove it – as if we wouldn’t believe something so ridiculous! JAYWALK ON GIRLS!

Updates? You want updates? You got it. With new and improved smileys. Don’t forget to read the LEGEND, Ann. I’ve also added superfantastic blinky stars to the participant list. If that doesn’t spur you on to finish a pair, I don’t know what will. Oh and if you’re missing from the updates, it’s because I didn’t see anything on your blog. I’m sorry if I missed you. If you’re worried that you aren’t in the KAL, please check the participant list before emailing me. Thank you!


= Everything’s going A OK! Making progress!

= ^&$#$%@ this ^&$^$#%$#%@ SOCK!


= Special Smiley For Ann





Thank you.

Right off the bat I want to say THANK YOU for all of your comments on my last post. They really helped me. I’m feeling much more positive about any surgery G may have in the near future and a lot of it has to do with your anecdotes. I really appreciate you all coming out to support us – it means so much.

I’m glad that I feel comfortable sharing these aspects of my life with you. I’ve read some posts lately about what makes a good blog and one of the things that struck me (I’m sorry – I don’t remember where) was the idea that people share a bit more of their life than just the knitting. I’m one of those people that puts it all out there – not just on the blog but in my life in general. I have a hard time being anything but honest, so it’s not unusual for me to tell you I’m having an anxiety attack five mintues after meeting you (and please – if I do meet you and tell you this – do NOT take it personally.) I am the way I am and every day I learn to love myself a little bit more – warts and all. I like to share my life with G – at least a little bit – because he is such a huge part of who I am. We’ve grown up together and he is my best friend in every sense of the word. We work extremely hard on our relationship and I am so proud of what we’ve built together – why not shout it from the rooftops? Thanks for indulging me.

I feel it’s important for me to share the not so great parts of my (our) life too. The infertility, the anxiety – all those warts I’ve grown to love. Or at least tolerate. Love might be too strong a word here. Every time I’ve put that part of myself out there I’ve gotten wonderful comments and emails thanking me. Supporting me. If I can help one other person say to themselves – I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS – then I feel like I’ve accomplished something and maybe, just maybe, the pain I’ve had in my life wasn’t just for my own torture. We all have our own pain. It’s NOTHING to be ashamed of – it is what it is and maybe putting it out there smooths the way for acceptance, and hopefully, ultimately, relief. Peace of mind. That’s the end goal always. Peace. Of. Mind.

Which brings me to the point: One of the other things I’ve been seeing in blogland lately is stuff about blog etiquette. Do you reply to every comment you receive? Do you return the comment on a commenters blog? It’s been weighing on me lately because I fear I’ve been really lax with my reciprocity. Back when the blog was young(er) I tried to respond to every email. And comment back to those bloggers who came to visit. I’d like to think it’s how I cultivated my best blog relationships. You see, I take relationships VERY SERIOUSLY. I try to be polite to all people I meet because that’s how I would want them to treat me. (Oh and the guy I flipped off the other day in the car – DOUCHE!) If you are my friend I will give you the shirt off my back with no questions asked. So it’s become a little bit overwhelming to me IN THE BEST, MOST WONDERFUL, INCREDIBLE way to see just how many of you have started reading this blog and coming out to be my friend and give me support. I’m afraid I don’t have enough shirts.

I haven’t had time lately to answer every email and visit every blog and I feel bad about that. Please know (and I’m incapable of lying so you have to know it’s true) I APPRECIATE every visit and comment I get. And I THANK YOU for your friendship and support and well, just plain reading this blog day in and day out.

Between the JKAL and a big project I’ve been working on, I’ve been a little bit nuts. Add to that the fact that I’m crying half the day away, and well, let’s just say it’s a good thing email is paperless. Otherwise you’d all be getting waterlogged drippy letters and how much fun is that? I’m trying my hardest to keep these connections, new and old, alive. I may not be perfect, but I’m trying.

One last note – the Jaywalker KAL. I fear my last post – the big update post about how the JKAL has taken on a life of its own – may have left room for interpretation. I am not turing people away. I don’t want to turn people away. I’m keeping it under my control until the prizes are given away on the 14th. Then, I’ll revisit what the best course of events is for the KAL. I enjoy it. I’m glad people are still getting involved. I just never imagined it would or could get so big. The rest of that post was a philosophical examination on trends and why people decide to get involved or not. Nothing more. Nothing less. That said, the updates will be late today. I’m waiting for the cable guy and have to move crap around in the house so he can get to the TV.

Thank you again for reading the blog. It’s such a warm and fuzzy kind of validation. You know?
L, C

Birthday Redux

[Warning – this turned into a really long post. It was cathartic – but don’t feel like you need to read the whole thing.]

I get so emotional baby, every time I think of you-u-u! It’s emotional hangover time here at the blog, yet again. Slap me if I sound like a broken record. Emotions, emotions, emotions! The psycohological equivalent of Jan Brady, if you will. Feelings, whoa-o-oh feelings! Will someone PLEASE turn it off?! Please?

It’s a monsoon outside today, but inside it’s nice and quiet and warm because the love of my life sealed up all the windows this weekend. We live in something of a wind tunnel and the windows seem to have these huge gaps in them. They also line the entire west side of the apartment. That’s a decent amount of windows. There’s one room, when you walk by, your hair starts blowing around and you feel this arctic blast. We keep the door of that room closed until we do the seal; it always reminds me of the kids’ room in Poltergeist – you know, when JoBeth Williams opens the door and all the toys are flying around? That’s our den, possessed, but not anymore! Georgie! My hero!

Speaking of Georgie, he’s partly the reason for so much emotion these days. I’ve now known G for almost 19 years! And in all of the time I’ve known him he’s been living with some kind of pain. Since he was around fourteen he’s been having tons of trouble with his knees – but being the man he is – he played through it by being on the basketball and tennis teams in high school and college and spending his adulthood playing one or the other sport at least a few times a week. Poor Georgie has the body of a scholar and the mind of an athlete. You know how we love to knit and spin and craft? How about if someone told us we’d never be able to knit again? It would cause us to shrivel up into a little ball in the back of the closet and never want to see the light of day. That’s how my darling husband feels about his tennis. Basketball’s been out of the question for quite some time.

Things were looking up for awhile there. After his fifth knee surgery in seven years it looked like things were taken care of – his knees actually felt good! And then the hip pain started. At first he thought it was a groin pull but gradually it got worse and worse and finally he had the hip scoped down in Nashville. That was in ’03 and the doctor came out to talk to me while G was in recovery. His exact words were “he’s got the hips of an 80-year-old man.” My gorgeous husband is 43. It’s some kind of a degenerative tissue thing that’s basically left him without cartiledge. Back in ’03 we were told that eventually hip replacement would be the only option, but that we should try to hold out as long as possible because, well, he’s only 43 and hip replacements, as wonderful as they are now, don’t last that long. In 20 yrs it’s VERY conceivable he will need another new hip. Well, my friends, it looks like the eventuality has come. My sweetheart can barely walk. He is in so much pain and I can’t even begin to tell you the sadness I feel about this. I can’t do anything to help him. And trust me, if there was a way I could give him my hips I would. He’s in the process now of going to the doctors and getting diagnoses and I guess we’re looking to try and schedule this for early spring. Please, if you feel compelled to share stories of people you know having had hip replacements – DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT ANYONE THAT’S DIED. We see enough of it on the news about young(ish) people dying and I don’t want to hear it. G has had A LOT of surgery in his life – five knees, his hip, a hernia – and he’s come through with flying colors every time but I’m scared to death.

Add to that all the grief I’ve been letting myself feel lately about the infertility crap and you’ve got a sure fire prescription for MISERY! HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s all I can do – try to laugh in the face of it! I’m reminded of that line Dolly Parton says in Steel Magnolias – laughter through tears is my favorite emotion? (I think they’re at Julia Robert’s funeral and Olympia Dukakis and Shirley Maclaine have just gotten into the bitch slap thing – Steel Magnolia’s is one of those movies I can’t NOT watch – not matter how icky it makes me feel.) Or some such nonesense as that? I’m not sure if that’s true, but if I can’t laugh, I’ve got nothing.

My peeps out in blogland have been doing their damndest to cheer me up and I finally got around to some pictures!

So you all know how Ann skims right? Seriously – she’s the ULTIMATE skimmer. I’ll be chatting with her on the phone (Ann gives great phone, btw – you know how some people are just not that good on the phone? Not Ann. She rocks. And Margene too. I get on the phone with them and guaranteed it’s like an hour before I get off. In a good way.) and I’ll say something to her and she’ll be like what? And I’ll just stop. Silence. “Ann. Did you read the blog? It’s all on the freaking BLOG!” And she’ll just start laughing because people SHE DOESN’T READ THE BLOGS! She just looks at the pictures or maybe not even that. Ever notice how her comments don’t really seem to have anything to do with what you wrote about that day? No. Well look. She’s a skimmer. Anyway, I’m READING her blog the other day, because I read your blogs, and leave a comment about the availability of Curious George cell phone charms. I had to have one. For obvious reasons.

Welp not ten minutes later the phone rings. It’s Ann. In a panic. She didn’t READ WHAT SHE POSTED! She only skimmed (so really how offended can we be when she skims HER OWN BLOG) and was all upset that I had run off and purchased a Curious George phone charm, because, she confessed, she had already bought me one.

George and my phone have been inseparable ever since. Not sure what the bunny means, but he came along with George and they seem to get along just fine at the bottom of my bag. I love them. If you refer back to the picture above, Ann also sent me a cutie pie frog prince – a talisman – she explained – against frogging our knitting projects. So far so good. There’s a CG bento box and frankly, a kind of scary snowman basket. THANK YOU ANN! Everytime I use the phone I think of you. You make me laugh out loud every time I talk to you and I so love you for that.

A few days after that my very favorite Bookish Girl checked in for the birthday.

Wendy told me that pretty much everything she sent had been purchased at The Bazaar Bizarre – one of those craft extravaganza flea market type thingies – we’ve got beautiful stitch markers, lovely handspun hand-dyed yarn from Woolarina, super cool patches, a denim zip purse, an orange chibi and a SUNFLOWER! To brighten my day. Thank you Wendy! I don’t think I’ve mentioned lately how much I love Wendy. She was one of my first blog friends that I had met in real life – she took me around Boston – a perfect stranger – and we had an instant connection. She’s as real as they come and she makes me laugh and I know if I called her up crying my eyes out she would listen, not judge, and help me. Thank you Wendy. I love you girl!

This is turning into a pretty long post, but it’s making me feel better, so I’m going to keep going.

I’m also pretty good at making myself feel better. I’ve been feeling guilty about all the talk about stashalongs and such and it’s time to admit, that on my birthday, I did what every self-respecting knitter does on their 36th birthday. I ordered a shit load of Alice Starmore’s Virtual Yarn.

Eleven skanks of 3ply Hebridean. For Crossed In Translation swatches. Right now the front runner is Clover, top row, second from the left. I think it will be perfect for this sweater. Perfect. But I can’t start swatching until I finish this:

TREK WINS! She guessed it – these are the sleeves for Short Rows. Back in the day, before it looked like I’d never knit anything other than Jaywalkers, I’d dare say Short Rows was my signature knit. I finished the back (twice!) and the front and left it. All that was needed was the boring navy blue stockinette sleeves and the seaming and a collar. But the sleeves. I couldn’t do it. But I promised myself I would finish this sweater. I’ve worked too hard on it not to finish and I really love it and I hope to see if it fits someday. So I’m not starting the CIT sweater until this is done. I’ve done about ten increases – I’m doing both at the same time, so it’s kind of slow going. My goal is at least one increase a night. There are 16 before you start to decrease for the raglan. Wish me luck.

Thanks everyone for your comments on my yarn yesterday! I’m very excited about my spinning and I’m so glad to share my enthusiasm.

All right. Enough’s enough. I’ve got work to do and I’ve wasted enough of your day. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.
L, C

PS – Please go and see what made me the happiest of happy today! Margene finished her jaywalkers! I swear it was killing me that she wasn’t enjoying these socks – but that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore. POP ROCKS!

The Skankiest Skanks of All Skanks

Hizzle is my frizzle homizzle biffle, fo shizzle!

Yo, yo, yo! I’m a spinner now, so I will be referring to my Blue Faced Leicester by it’s street name, Biffle. Yo Mama.

Okay, here’s the 411. The green skank is the Spring Green Biffle from Lisa Souza first seen here. Friday night was my first attempt at plying and man did I suck! I’m getting that this whole spinning thing means completely and totally fucking things up on your first few go arounds. Now that I understand, I’m down with that. The yarn (if you could call it that in places) came apart a few times (Knots. They are your friend.) I couldn’t get the two singles to freaking stay on the leader yarn. Eventually I got it all going and man was it fun! To see the little barberpoles wrapping around each other – I was so, so pumped! Once I was done I did the whole niddy noddy thing and ta da! A SKANK! A beautiful, fantastic, oh my god I made this SKANK! I wore it around my neck while I called everyone I knew to tell them that I HAD MADE THIS!!!!! (I even called Lisa Souza out in California, ostensibly to ask her advice on setting the twist, but really just to tell her I MADE YARN!!!!) Of course, when G got home from work and saw it hanging in the bathroom, because, well basically I dragged him in there to see it, he was, as usual, completely and utterly impressed. Thank you my love! Let’s look a few more pictures, shall we?

Oh my god – look how AWFUL! Half of it isn’t even plied and it’s all knotty and loose and thick and thin and isn’t it GORGEOUS?! I will never knit with this, I will wear it around my neck like a most precious jewel.

Clearly I was taken with the yarn. Ya think? So on Saturday I dove into my fiber stash and came up with some gorgeous Biffle from Amy Boogie of Spunky Eclectic in the Popsicle colorway. I’m not sure, but I think I improved A LOT.

Okay so this one is so unbelievably beautiful it made me cry. THIS YARN is exactly why I bought a wheel. I spun the singles and plied it all on Saturday – 4 oz. It’s still thick and thin but I did much better with the plying. MUCH better. And the biffle is incredibly soft. I wear this one wrapped around my neck twice like a fantabulous scarf. With all the yarn wrapped around my neck I look like some kind of ancient queen. I am royalty and I am the yarn I spin.

I was pretty funny carrying the skank still hanging on a hanger and a touch wet along with my wheel to go out for my first spin-in with Jen on Sunday. The Essex County Handspinners, eh, Club, for lack of a better word (I don’t think you can really call it a guild at all) was having a spinning demonstration at Modern Yarn in Montclair and I kidnapped Jen to give her a break. It was really nice sitting around and spinning with a bunch of like-minded ladies. Elisa, the woman who heads up the Palisades Handspinners Guild was giving the demonstration and she brought a long a bunch of samples of her own yarns. She also gave me lesson on the Charkha. Very cool. I had brought some Corriedale to spin – some of my practice fibers and I happily spun along – just like I belonged there. No one pointed at me and laughed. No one looked at my spinning and said Oh It looks WONDERFUL in that tone of voice that tells you god help you woman get a real job. And they all liked my socks. 😉 Jaywalkers. Rock Star. The Originals.

Of course it’s always wonderful to spend time with my great friend Jen. We’ve been through a lot, Jen and I, in the years (has it been two already Jen – or 18 months?) that we’ve known each other. Seriously some heavy shit. And on Sunday we had yet another bonding experience. In a scene STRAIGHT out of Hitchcock, we were attacked by killer pigeons. I SHIT YOU NOT. I parked my car on Church Street in Montclair and Jen and I got out and I went into the back seat to get out my wheel. As we were walking away I noticed all these birds flying around my car. I hate birds. They scare the shit out of me. I’ve been attacked by birds before – don’t ask, but I have. Anyway, so these birds are LANDING on my car. Yeah. With their scratchy pointy talons they’re landing on my car. I think to myself G is going to shit. So I go back to the car and lightly hit the hood and they all scatter. We start to walk away again and I’m all like what the fuck with the birds and then I see them landing on someone else’s car so I’m like okay whatever. Jen and I cross the street and we’re walking up Church to get to the yarn store when I turn back to look at my car and THE BIRDS ARE FOLLOWING US!!!! The whole freaking flock of birds is like chasing us up the street. By this time Jen and I are both picking up our steps and are like what are the birds DOING? Make them STOP! They were EVERYWHERE!!!! We were practically running and crying and saying STOP STOP STOP. Make the birds STOP! It was VERY traumatic. VERY. We finally got into the store all out of breath and completely freaked out. I don’t know what the hell the birds were thinking. I mean it’s not like I have peanut butter mixed with bird seed caked all over my body. Jen can totally back me up on this. It was really freaky scary. I hate birds. Well, not all birds I guess, just the ones that fly around outside all unrestrained and menacing like. Rats with wings I tell you.

But, hell, I’m a spinner. It’s all good.

PS – Happy Birthday sweet boy. Your Aunt Cara loves you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!


Okay – who out there watches General Hospital? I mean, I LOVE Sonny. He’s so freaking hot and I love when he’s getting it on with the ladies because generally he’s smiling then and my god the dimples, but EMILY? EWWWWW! I’m so torn here. She’s so annoying and he’s so hot and he’s getting it on so he’s happy and dimply but EMILY? Crap.

Oh and did anyone catch Jack Bauer on Charlie Rose? G’s home from work today and we caught the afternoon repeat and Charlie Rose actually asked Keifer how many episodes they shoot in a season. Best Charlie Rose moment EVER!

Guess I’m in a posting mood today. I can’t guarantee I won’t be back.