
The knitting goddesses are smiling on us! So. I’ll be the one sweating my ass off in a formal black wool shawl with beads. And dirty jeans. With the mess in the kitchen I didn’t get to do laundry. DON’T FORGET:

In what’s become (or at least I like to think so) something of a tradition, I’m announcing this year’s blogger/knitter meet-up at Maryland Sheep and Wool!

Saturday, May 6th, 1:30 PM
By the Stage, close to the Main Exhibition Hall.

See Fairgrounds Map.

I tried to get everyone into the sidebar. If I missed you, please forgive me! It’s been a bit crazy around here these days and I tried to go through all the comments and emails.

Thanks for all the good wishes about our little mishap. I will be contacting the insurance company next week. The stove’s about 9 years old, so I don’t know what kind of warranty it’s still under. And yes, I know that we probably don’t need a new one, but my god. I looked at this inside of the oven pretty close yesterday and that shit ain’t coming off. So we’ll see. AND THANK YOU for all the offers of socks! You guys are SO FREAKING SWEET! I really don’t need any socks. I, um, kind of have that covered. And generally I go into these exchanges really not expecting anything back. I’ve said this before – it’s like lending money. G always tells me you should never lend money if you need it back. I have had a great time knitting socks for my pals and that’s all that really matters. For the record, I still haven’t heard from my pal. It seems a lot of us haven’t. Oh well. What comes will come.

Wherever you are, whoever you are with HAVE A FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!!!
(Maybe a contest with Maryland goodies when I get back….)

Burn Baby Burn!

Hey little girl is your daddy home
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire
I’m on fire

Tell me now baby is he good to you
Can he do to you the things that I do
I can take you higher
I’m on fire

Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife baby
edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
through the middle of my soul

At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
and a freight train running through the
middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire
I’m on fire


I’m driving in my car, I turn on the radio
I’m pulling you close, you just say no
You say you don’t like it, but girl I know you’re a liar
‘Cause when we kiss, Fire

Late at night I’m takin’ you home
I say I wanna stay, you say you wanna be alone
You say you don’t love me, girl you can’t hide your desire
‘Cause when we kiss, Fire

You had a hold on me, right from the start
A grip so tight I couldn’t tear it apart
My nerves all jumpin’ actin’ like a fool
Well your kisses they burn but your heart stays cool

Romeo and Juliet, Samson and Delilah
Baby you can bet their love they didn’t deny
Your words say split but your words they lie
‘Cause when we kiss, Fire

Words and Musice by Bruce Springsteen.

There is no knitting content today. None. Nada. NIL. It’s like when I finished that shawl I was sapped of all my knitting super powers. I can’t even look at a sock. I’m sad. Anyway, come back, I don’t know, next month? if you want knitting. Thanks!

Last night was NOT devoid of excitement. It was about 9:45PM and I was laying in bed updating the MDSW sidebar (yes, I’m STILL updating) and watching this show about Bette Davis’s life. I love Bette Davis. Anyway, I’m watching tv and computing when G calls me in for dinner. I take my time wandering into the dining room from our bedroom and as I’m passing the kitchen he comes out, frantic, practically running me over.

“I need your help! There’s a FIRE!”

I walk into the kitchen – no smoke or anything – to see what can only be described as a nice bright ember glowing in the heating unit at the bottom of the oven. The chicken he was cooking is still in there and he proceeds to toss water on the coil. And when I say toss I mean throw a measuring cup of water in the direction of the oven missing pretty much everything that might be burning. I say why don’t we take the chicken out of the oven so we can get a better look at what’s going on? I wasn’t really scared or upset or anything because there weren’t really any flames, per se, but it was definitely on fire and it didn’t seem to be going out. We take the chicken out and the grates and watch it burn. G’s so pissed because he made corn on the cob and biscuits even and he’s hungry and I say I should get the camera to take a picture for the blog and he says do whatever you want. Yeah. No burning picture. The ember travels around the coil – so it’s moving – but it isn’t getting bigger. G throws more water into the oven. Nothing. Some sizzling and some sparks shooting out of the coil, but nothing like it’s going out. At all. It seems at any moment it’s going to get A LOT bigger and that’s what prompts us to get out the fire extinguisher.

I keep yelling, “DON’T POINT IT AT ME!” as G’s trying to figure out how to get out the pin. Not very intuitive those things. Had it been a real fire we would have been dead before we got the thing opened. He unpins it finally and takes aim and fires it at the burning coil. Nothing. Nothing, that is, unless you count a HUGE plume of toxic talc in our faces and lungs. Cough. Cough. Great.

About this time I remember that the washing machine and dryer are right next to the stove and that there are still clothes in the hamper on the floor and pants over the door that haven’t been folded or anything since the last time we did laundry so I’m scooping everything up and throwing it on the sofa in the living room and then I remember the big box of yarn that came the other day (I’ll tell you about it later) and I quickly get it all back in the box and close it up and open all the windows and then go back into the kitchen.

So the thing is still burning and now we’re trying water again which mixes with the fire extinguisher stuff so that we’re making a paste that will be impossible to get off ever and the coil is still burning. Then I take control of the fire extinguisher and hold that fucker down so that the ENTIRE house fills with toxic talc. The fire just won’t quit, moving along the track but now it’s getting to the other side of the coil and suddenly more and more sparks are shooting out and the fire blooms up then back to what it’s been and then I notice that the coil is burning bright orange further down the line where the fire is heading and it wasn’t doing that before. I close the oven because I’m thinking if this thing gets out of hand then maybe it will contain itself in there and G says no because opening it will cool it down and it’s STILL BURNING and I’m getting scared now and we’ve sort of run out of options and it doesn’t look like this thing is going to burn itself out and we both feel like the thing is going to explode at any minute. So we do it. God help me this means people, STRANGERS will see I’m a pig, but the house could burn down and we don’t have any choice. G calls 911.

“911. What’s your emergency?”
“We live at __ __ __. There’s a fire in our oven. We’ve tried everything to get it out. There’s not much smoke. (There really wasn’t any – it was just fire extinguisher crap.) It’s electric.”
“Did you try unplugging it?”
“We can’t get to the plug.”
“Did you flip the circuit breaker?”
Blank stares.
G runs over to where the circuit breaker is located, across from the stove IN THE KITCHEN, and we both start flipping switches. I look over to the oven. The fire is completely out. Nothing burning anymore. When I say instantaneous, I’m being slow about it. “It’s out,” G says to the operator. “No, no. It’s out. We’re good. Thank you.”

I’m amazed. In shock. Complete AWE that two incredibly intelligent, resourceful, quick on their feet people could be SO FUCKING STUPID!!!!!!

My house is covered with a fine mist of silt. Soot. Whatever the fuck you want to call this dust that is in everything. Oh and that little fire that probably wasn’t a fire at all – burned right through the coil in the stove. So I’ll be getting a new stove.
I just lay on the floor and started crying. Dude. I have to clean my house. I don’t have time this week to clean my house. I don’t. Next week I can clean my house. I think all the yarn is okay and it’ll be hard to tell what’s normal dust and what’s fire extinguisher dust. There is some good news in all this: the microwave still works.

I should’ve known that when I took this picture earlier in the evening it was a harbinger:

That’s pretty much what the stove looked like on fire.

I’m feeling EXTREMELY guilty about Maryland. We need a new stove. We just spent a fortune to fix our old car and now we’re not using our new (old) car because we need to keep it nice before we trade it in for our new (new) car which god knows when that will come so we’re renting a car to drive down to Maryland. It’s going to be really hard to spend money. Well, it’s going to be hard to spend money guilt-free. G says this year is a rebuilding year like the Mets. I say stop being so goofy and happy when your house almost burned to the ground you big lug. And besides, I’m a Yankee fan. I said we don’t have to go this weekend and he said of course we’re going and now that we’re renting a car it will be even MORE like a vacation. How’d I get so lucky?

Now, I have a favor to ask. I’m feeling really really really negative about my sockapaloooza socks. Somehow I feel like I’ve been cursed in this exchange and that I will NOT be getting a new pair of socks. If you are my pal and read my blog, can you please please send me out a note that says you are knitting the socks or have knit the socks or could care less about knitting my socks? I haven’t heard from you AT ALL and I’m sorry if I’m being a pain but I’m nervous and I don’t want to go to the mailbox every day just to be disappointed. Thanks sock pal. I really appreciate it.

PS: It’s Not Easy Being Green

I’ve been on the phone the entire day today – most of it was really productive. Ann and I ate lunch together. Over the phone. We both had salad. She’s losing weight and I had a pudding pop for dessert. 😉

Speaking of salad, here’s some verde for your Project Spectrum May Day. Enjoy!

The roving is a new colorway, dyed especially for my Project Spectrum spinning by Tina at Blue Moon, called Hiddenite in Biffle (BFL.) I think it will be available from Toni at her booth in Maryland. The yarn is heavyweight STR in (dark to light) Beryl, Jade and Limestone.

Oh and here’s a look at my Sockapaloooza package. Which went out today because I’m slow and I suck – but I think I made up for my tardiness:

Don’t forget Claudia’s MS Drive!!!! I’ve already pledged – have you?

Weather Girl

Today, my pretties, we’re not going to talk about knitting. Yesterday was a really blah knitting day and kind of a blah day in general. (You know, it’s really hard to re-enter the atmosphere after such a fabulous knitting experience. Every project seems, well, pedestrian at this point. I’m sure it will pass soon.) Well, maybe a teeny tiny VERY important little bit about knitting….

Mr. Etherknitter, as most of you know, was in an awful skiing accident a while back and he hasn’t had as much progress as we’d all like in the bone growth department. So as all good knitters are wont to do in a time of need, we’re knitting for GROWTH! Find the details about Mr. Etherknitter here and the details for knitting to make that bone grow here and thank Maryse for the button here. I will be doing my part and knitting a bit today, with bone growth in mind. Pass it on!

Okay, back to the issue at hand. The weather. I’m not a weather person. I strive for comfort in my life, the kind of comfort the great indoors can provide. That’s not to say I don’t like to go outside, on occassion, but the conditions have to be pretty close to perfect. That doesn’t mean sun all the time either – I’m perfectly happy on a cloudy slightly cold day. Or a sunny briskly cold day. Or a warm, but not too warm, breezy sunny day. Or a snowy cold gray day. You get the picture. I just don’t really care that much about winter. If I want to go outside I go outside but most of the time I’m perfectly content to stay in my nice climate controlled home. Not so my husband. While we are perfect for each other, we’re so different in so many ways. He LIVES to be outside. He’s a Leo, born in August, and I’ve always thought that really influenced his love for the sun. (Me, on the other hand, I’m a Cappy tried and true – nothing but the dark, cold, bleak depressing winter for us!!) Anyway, G’s love of the sun and all things warm and outdoors really dictate a lot in our life. He suffers horribly from SAD – the minute the turn those clocks back in October it’s like a death knell on our house. In contrast, the minute they turn them forward it’s like spring and candy and lightness and all things good! He’s out there EVERY weekend, and I mean every weekend, playing tennis, sitting by the pool, soaking in those Vitamin D laden rays. Me? I’m in the house. Knitting.

So G works extremely hard for our family and we like to take vacations – preferably to warm climeates. We were supposed to be away this week. Right this second I was supposed to be on a sunny Bermuda beach with a virgin icy drink in one hand and a half-knit sock in the other. Instead, I’m here with you all! Why? Because G started watching the weather about three weeks ago and it was dismal. When I tell you there wasn’t sun in sight I mean it was rain, rain, rain, rain like you wouldn’t believe. He becamse OBSESSED with the weather in Bermuda. When the forecast everyday was cold and rainy, he cancelled the trip. (Luckily for us there weren’t any penalites.) Then he went about finding some place else to go.

Last week he found it – a place he’s always wanted to go – it’s exclusive, gorgeous, consistently rated one of the best resorts in the world and we’ve just passed peak season so the rates are much lower. Cap Juluca. AKA Paradise. We leave on Mother’s Day and come back on Wednesday – it’s a quick trip but with nothing to do but bask in the sun and eat at 5 star restaurants it was looking to be relaxing and rejuvenating. But…but…

Hmm. Tropical paradise, no? We ended up getting into a big argument about it. We can’t cancel this trip and even though when the weather was looking bad in Bermuda I was all like well we’ll be together and who cares and I can knit in the rain and blah blah blah and then he canceled the trip. THIS time, well, I was in a bad mood and then I was like why bother going if all it’s going to do is rain!? And he was all like what happened to the togetherness and the knitting in the rain? And I was all like well now it’s a world class resort and how can you go in the rain? Of course, we’re still more than ten days out and things can change quickly and I know that in the Caribbean it can rain for like five minutes and be sunny the rest of the day. But I can’t help but be obsessed now.

ETA: Georgie just called me – he called the hotel. (Insanity runs in the family obviously.) While not explicitly saying he was crazy, the woman he spoke to said that yes, it has been raining, but that the mini rain storms come in and out and don’t last and that 80% of the day it’s sunny. He feels better, so I guess I feel better too.

And have you seen the weather forecast for the weekend?

Rain on Saturday. Rain on Sunday. Any suggestions on what we should do about the meet-up? I know I’ve been lax about getting the names up there. I promise to have it updated by Saturday. That’s all that counts, right?

If you’re looking for me in the next week, chances are I’ll be off checking the weather.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Not one person said anything to me about my shawl at the wedding, but WHO CARES!!! YOU GUYS ROCK! Way to inflate an ego. The next time my husband tells me I’m pretty I’m going to tell him he better repeat that like ninety times or else I’m coming here! Although, honestly, I hope I don’t disappoint anyone at Maryland when I show up in my stained jeans (the only pair that fits) and a t-shirt and Merrells. I’ll try to put gel in my hair, but I’m not promising anything. 😉 Seriously, thank you all so much for your comments on the shawl and on me. Truly appreciated – I was feeling all warm and fuzzy everytime I checked my email.

So, my hair looked GREAT. Really great. Thanks Jen for telling me not to cut it. And my dress looked good. The two pieces of cherry pie I had for breakfast really helped it cling. The shawl was gorgeous, natch. And the shoes crippled me. Hopefully not permanently. Who knew you had to stand so long at a Greek wedding? By the time the ceremony was done I was a mess. Hobbled. Limping is being generous. I calculated the exact amount of time I’d have to be standing – maybe 15 minutes at the Church – half an hour at the cocktail part and then I get my seat at the table and I never have to get up until it’s time to leave. Nope. I stood for an hour at the wedding alone and that was it. I keep getting shooting pains up my leg and occassionally my pinkie on my right foot spasms. But I looked GOOD! That’s all that matters, right?

It was a nice wedding, as far as these things go. G was feeling bad for me because no one said anything about my shawl. He’s so sweet. When I got out of the shower and was getting dressed I told him that I’d had this fantasy that I left the shawl at the table while I was dancing and someone STOLE IT! Georgie – you don’t think anyone will steal my shawl do you? Thank god he loves me because the look I got had divorce lawyer written all over it. At one point during the wedding he was talking with a friend and I got up to go to the bathroom and I gave him my purse and threw the shawl over his shoulder. When I got back and wrapped it around myself he told his friend that I had made the shawl and his friend was appropriate in his response, even if it did look like he was on round 42 of 100 Bottles of Beer On The Wall when he said it. My Georgie! He tries.

On the drive home I was just sad that I have no where fancy to wear the shawl again and G said it would look great with a pair of jeans. So maybe next time we go out to dinner. Thanks again for all your beautiful comments!

On Sunday I did a lot of stuff. Knitting wise. I finally re-tackled the collar on Short Rows and I’ve got it where I want it. Now all I have to do is sew the seams. And fix a couple of holes that appeared at the seams of the sleeves when I was ripping and re-ripping out the collar. I have no idea what happened – a couple of stitches on the edges became INCREDIBLY huge and loose. As far as I can tell the stitches aren’t dropped or anything just gaping. So I’m going to twist the back and tack them down. Luckily it’s the navy blue part so no one will be the wiser – and it’s on the seam. To say I’m sick of this sweater is being kind. I hope to have it finished by the end of the week, but it’s taking all the energy I have to sew a sleeve up, so I’m not making any promises.

I’ve been incredibly inspired by all of you! Here’s a pair of socks I’ve started – I think I like it the best of the four socks I have currently on the needles:

I first saw this sock over at Susan’s (April 6th entry) – I’m calling it the January Sock because it’s taken from the January 15th stitch pattern in the 365 Stitch Pattern Calendar. The yarn is STR Spinel in lightweight. I started these socks on Addi 1s (2.5mm) but switched to 0s (2.0mm) and I like them so much better. On the 1s the stitch pattern was getting lost – not enough stretch, but 0s should work great. I’ve decided that 1s are my favorite sock knitting needle size. They feel just right in my hands. My 2s feel clumsy and dull on the edges and the 0s I feel like I’m going to break and they keep bending. Oh well.

Another project I’m really excited about was completely inspired by MJ and Lauren! I bought a bunch of chocolate brown Rowan Calmer ages ago with the express intention of making a long-sleeve v-neck sweater – something casual and comfortable in stockinette. I also have some purple Calmer for trim and maybe some strategically placed stripes.

Both MJ and Lauren used Barbara Walker’s directions for top down set in sleeves. I’ve had this book on my shelf forever and I’ve tried to read it a number of times and even though she says in the intro that she’s going to use plain English and there’s not a lot of math, I still get really jumbled up when reading it. But I’m giving it a go and both MJ and Lauren have both offered their assistance. I swatched the Calmer on size 8s and I like how it came out, so I’m going to take measurements today. We’ll see what happens, but I think this whole top down sweater thing could be a revelation in my sweater making.

Thank you again for being so sweet! Happy MAY Day!!

Here’s a fork

so you can eat your heart out because goddammit if I don’t feel pretty!

Diamond Fantasy Shawl
Pattern by Sivia Harding
Yarn by Sundara – Superwash Merino Sportweight, custom over-dyed – BLACK
Beads by ? – made in Japan, glass, size 6/0. I used a 11/12 crochet hook from Susan Bates to add the beads – I did not string them before hand. (Be careful – that sucker is pointy!)
Needles by Addi Turbo, US size 6 (4.0mm)
Dress by Donna Ricco New York
Shoes by Chinese Laundry
Body by Ben, Jerry, and the fine people at Tastykake.

I cannot say enough about the pattern, the yarn, or the photographer! Sivia’s pattern is a dream to knit. This is my second time through and it’s well written, clearly charted – easy enough for a beginner, but challenging enough to keep you going and the results are phenomenol! Sundara was GREAT to work with – I emailed her and told her my vision for the shawl – how big I wanted it to be, how I wanted it to look, the way the beads would work with it and she helped me decide on a yarn and the color (I knew in the black family, but how dark, etc. I left up to her.) The yarn, while stiff and a little scratchy while I was knitting it up (which actually helped me in the knitting) softened up AMAZINGLY after a Lavendar Eucalan bath and it blocked gorgeously. I would not hesitate to buy yarn from her again – no matter what the project.

And Jen the photographer! What can I say about my friend Jen? Jen was a super sport – not only did she take amazing pictures that I actually feel good looking at, she told me I was HOT. She liked my hair, she liked my dress, she liked my shoes, she told me I didn’t need to wear panty hose – that girl really knows how to boost your self esteem. She fed me pizza and root beer. She didn’t get pissed or flustered when I yelled out photography directions (sorry about that.) And she’s got just about the cutest kid ever.

Thanks Jen & Xavi!!! L, C

PS – Shot on location in Jersey City, New Jersey!


My host server had a DoS attack today, so my websites were off line for awhile. I wrote this post this morning before Jen called and asked me to hang out. So off I went AND she took pictures for me all gussied up. They’ll come later. Patience my pretties.

Build a house and build it high
Build it right up to the sky
See the roof, see the floor
See the little swinging door
See the momma making bread
See the children asleep in bed

This children’s song was going through my head yesterday while I was trying on dresses for the wedding. The red one from Nordstrom’s doesn’t fit. It’s not really bad, in fact, G first thought it was good – the problem is the dress is really nice. The fabric’s nice. The color’s nice. And it sort of fits. It’s the kind of dress you try on in the store and you carry around with you for an hour because you can’t decide so you buy it anyway and end up returning it. Instead I bought it online and now I’ll return it. The fit is just off. It fits through the middle, sort of, but it’s too big through the chest, sort of. And no, I don’t think alterations will help. Plus, as G said, if you’re going to pay $188 for a dress you want it to fit RIGHT. (Please don’t tell him I thought the price was pretty reasonable.)

Anyway, so when I went out to the P.O. yesterday I stopped at some of the outlets around my house, you know, just to see if there were any dresses out there.

DUDE! When did my body get so old?!?!?

I had an older friend tell me once that 25 was it. That you start to lose your body after 25. She neglected to tell me that it’s gone by 36. 😉 It’s not really that I need to lose that much weight (20 lbs would be great, 15 probably ideal, even 10 would make a big difference) it’s just that everything needs to be toned up. I know, I know. The weather’s nicer now and I have no excuse (well this week I do – PMS is kicking my ass – actually my boobs) NOT to start running again and plenty of inspiration to get me going: Ann, Elisa, Chelsea, Lolly, the other Lolly. Hell, everybody’s doing it! Why shouldn’t I? And I will. My arms were enough to scare the crap out of me. I used to have nice arms. I want nice arms again. Not all Angela Bassett muscley or anything just a teeny bit cut.

Normally I’m not one to obsess about my body (god knows I obsess about everything else) but this wedding is one of those high school reunion type things. You see, these people knew me or met me when I looked like this. Never mind the fact that NONE of them look like they did back then, I don’t look like I did. And it’s not that I really want to look like that again – well the body, yes, but the hair was a pain in the ass and I actually think I look younger with shorter hair – but I want to look like I feel and I still feel like I did back then. Only smarter. And wiser. And better. You know?

Now I’m even more happy about the shawl. I’ll wear the San Simeon dress and cover myself with my own handknit luxury.

To assuage my bruised ego, I started a new sock.

It’s Pomatomus in one of the new spring colors from Blue Moon: Dutch Canyon. Sometimes it’s good to try new things because I learned that a) the whole time I was knitting this I kept thinking how nice Dutch Canyon would be as a jaywalker and b) that Pomatomus is an interesting pattern but maybe not so much for me. Especially in this yarn. It will be ripped.

Live and learn people. Live and learn.
Have a great weekend. I will let you all know how the wedding goes. Thank you so so so much for all the compliments on my shawl. It means so much, especially since it will probably be ignored at the wedding. 😉 I PROMISE I will do my best to get action shots. I’m not sure how and I’m not sure when, but I will get them for you! I PROMISE! Jen took them for me! Hopefully they’ll go up sometime tonight. Thanks!

PS – GO TELL CARRIE MAZEL TOV! The Pants asked her to make it legal! YAY!

I knit; therefore I am.

One of the things that makes writing so amazingly incredibly difficult (and also why it makes it so so satisfying – please let me write again! PLEASE!) is that there is this HUGE gap between your imagination and what actually makes it onto the page. I can spend days and hours and days thinking over stories and having it be PERFECT in my mind and it never makes it out of my head exactly the way I want it to be. I’m not sure I know why this is – but it is. It’s probably the same for painting. Such inexactness is what makes it all so precious, maybe. I don’t know. But I know that writing is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life (so far) and that it’s like pulling teeth to get started and full of disappointment and the greatest feeling when you’ve done what you set out to do. I often cry when I finish a story, or at least I used to. Part so glad it’s over part awe that I created this.

I called G yesterday and in hushed reverent tones I said, “That shawl. My shawl. You know the one on the floor? Well it’s beyond perfect.”
“I know. It’s great.”
“No. I unpinned it. It’s amazing. EXACTLY what I wanted.”
“I saw it yesterday. You’re the best.”
“But it’s OFF THE FLOOR. You DON’T understand. IT’S PERFECT.”

I was like Maria in West Side Story, flitting about the house with that shawl – oh so pretty, so pretty and witty and gay. I tried it on while I was naked. (By the way, triangular shawls – not so good with the naked. Those points don’t cover much.) I did Talia Shire in Godfather III pulling it up over my head dramatically. I thought about greeting G at the door with nothing on but the shawl (I can’t explain why this particular piece of knitting is causing me to take off my clothes. I’m not usually like that with handknits) but then I had to pick him up at the train.

The best part about this shawl is that I had a vision in my mind and I GOT EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED!! No where else in my creative life is this possible. With the writing – well I already explained that. With the photography – it depends. Sometimes I don’t know what I want with the flower pictures or the inanimate object pictures until I’ve taken one – liked it – and gone back to try to recreate it or change it slightly or jump off from there. And the kids, well, the kids is a cross your fingers on one hand, let the shutter fly on the other and hope for the best. It’s a split second kind of creativity and oftentimes I don’t remember framing the shot except it’s clearly obvious I did when I look at the results.

But knitting is different. It’s never perfect, there’s always some handknit anomaly somewhere in there, which is a GOOD thing and something my anxiety/control ridden/ocd mind wants and needs, but I can GET my vision! I can ACHIEVE what I set out to make. As soon as I finished my first DFS I had an idea about a DFS with beads. I was at Rhinebeck when I saw some black(ish) STR and thought wouldn’t it be so elegant in black with beads. I bought the yarn and left it in the drawer, oftentimes dreaming about it, and then the wedding came up. I’m glad I didn’t use the STR in the end, because I think the solid black is much more dramatic. And it’s HUGE. When I blocked it out I measured that it’s 35″ on each side of the middle line – so 70″ at the wingspan. And from the point to the top it’s about 35″ as well. (It hits way below my ass, thank you very much.) I feel such a sense of creative accomplishment. I had a vision, and that vision turned out to be true.

Thank you all so much for your comments. I will absolutely try to get pictures of me wearing it with the dress. Whatever dress works out. Wouldn’t you know it – I ordered some books from Amazon on Monday and did the regular shipping (not the free one) and the freaking books came yesterday. I ordered the dress on Sunday, paid for two day delivery – supposedly it shipped on Monday – and it’s not here yet. Today, I’m hoping. And please think good thoughts for it to fit. I would really, really like to wear the red dress and not the black one. The shawl will look SO much more dramatic against the red. 😉 (And I don’t really know the bride – I may have met her once, so I’m not feeling too bad about showing her up!)

I’ll end with this. SOMEONE better ask me about the shawl at the damn wedding. I asked G if he thought someone would ask about it. Did it look really good? Would people be impressed? (I know – Hello my name is Karen. I’m a validation whore.) He told me that I shouldn’t get my hopes up and used a couple of derogatory monikers to describe the people who most likely will be attending the wedding – excluding us of course. ONE person. I just want to tell ONE person that I made it myself.

To say I’m happy would be the understatement of the fucking year!

I have no clue as to how I’m going to properly photograph it. It’s magnificent. If I thought it wouldn’t detract too much from the shawl, I’d go to the wedding wearing nothing but this beauty. The beads are cool against my arm and gently remind me of their presence. The yarn is soft. It’s (amazingly) light. It’s perfect.


as a form of procrastination.

Let’s get ra-andom, ra-andom. I wanna get ra-andom. Let’s get into ra-andom!*

I had two chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Because, you know, I have a wedding in two days.

Yesterday was LOADS of fun. Lorette is everything and more than her blog promises. Although she was a bit quiet so I hope my big mouthed enthusiasm wasn’t too overwhelming. Really. I’m a good listener! Wanna know how enthusiastic I was? Welp, at School Products I pulled out the shawl to show Lorette. At Purl Patchwork I pulled out the shawl to show Kay and Lorette and poor Joelle. Kay had to talk me down from all the glorious fiber. I chose SPINNING as the OTHER hobby. NONONONONONO to sewing and quilting! JUST SAY NO! And then later on I showed Jen and Lorette the shawl at Seaport, where we got to take a survey about vitamin water and got $10 bucks off! I told Lorette is was a business disguised as a yarn shop. It was fabulous to meet Lorette! Great to see Jen! THE BEST to play with Xavi! And, as usual, too cool for school to hang with my world traveler and renowned author friend Kay. (Although I know now that I will have to fight her if there’s a baby in the room!)

Speaking of the Mason-Dixon girls, MAN have I drunk up the Kool-Aid!

I told Kay I bought the Gee’s Bend book and she was all like what made you buy it? Where did you hear about it? Um. Kay honey. I read your book. DUH! And that there on top of the book is some rilly fine Euroflax linen for handtowels. The handtowels in my guest bathroom are looking kind of ratty so I thought I’d spiff up the place. I’m a goner as you can plainly see.

I’ve decided if you come to New York there are three yarns stores that are MUST visits. There are a gazillion yarn stores all over the city (well, not a gazillion, but if you look at it statistically by how many actual knitters there are in this city of 8 million or so people, then there are quite a few.) I’ve actually been kind of down on the yarn store lately – feeling like if you’ve been in one you’ve been in them all and since I don’t really have a knitting community (besides, you know, you all) I don’t have any particular allegience to any particular shop. There are, though, quite a few I actually can’t stand, but that’s another random Wednesday. Anyway, I’m basing this observation on many, many yarn store visits around and about Manhattan. First off, you’ve got to hit Habu. It’s just so out there – the yarns and the shop – that you won’t find anything like it anywhere. It’s quite the experience. (And while you’re at Habu, you might as well stop at School Products, because, well, it’s around the corner.)

The next shop I think you should not miss is Purl. Just for the sheer beauty of it. It’s incredibly tiny and more than five people you’re like looking for an exit but the walls are covered in color. Gorgeous, rich color. The prices are eh and the yarns are all yarns you’ve seen before, but it’s the environment you need to soak up. (The Point is a few blocks away and I know lots of people hang out and knit there. It’s okay – I’m not enamored with the layout – yarn in baskets on the walls – but I do like the big table in the middle perfect for a nice big knitting party.)

The final shop I think anyone MUST see in New York is Seaport. By now you probably now the story behind the store – it’s an actual office with actual office workers working amidst piles and piles and rooms and rooms of yarn. Andrea, the owner, has hands down the best variety of yarn and excellent prices and the fact that they only take cash is a nuisance overcome by the ATM machine in the Duane Reade across the street. She also has the best book and pattern selection anywhere. Seaport is messy and overwhelming and site to behold. A must stop.

I know there are many other stores around the city – including a new one – Knitty City. This might get an add on to the list because it had the best atmosphere – warm and inviting. Sadly you don’t get that very often in stores around the city unless you’re part of the “in” crowd. I’m not “in” anywhere. (That’s why I have a blog so I can pretend I’m in somewhere!) At Knitty City it felt like you were in if you were a knitter – or aspired to be one. Those were the only requirements. And it’s a beautiful store – I just wish it wasn’t quite so uptown!

Wanna come for a visit?

Yesterday was a much needed day of adult (and baby) interaction. I’ve been home alone A LOT lately – G’s been working working working – and while The Donner Party is fun and all to hang with – real people who don’t dine on each other can be a special treat as well. When I got home last night I was so excited and exhausted and exhilirated I set out to BLOCK MY SHAWL RIGHT NOW! So I prepared the guest room/den (pulled up the futon and dumped the clean clothes on my bed) so I could lay out the damn thing on the floor. I got a nice tepid temperature running in the sink and submerged the shawl into a relaxing lavendar bath. And IMMEDIATELY realized I had forgotten to weave in the ends. Duh! (Although the Zen master tells me she does this all the time – weave in the ends after the blocking. Made me feel so much better. As opposed to the HEN master who laughed at me.) I persevered though, on my hands and knees, and blocked the fucker home!

This mofo is BIG!

Unpinned, ends woven in pictures later. Gotta have something for tomorrow and hopefully the red dress will come today and it will be fantabulous on my chocolate chip cookie enhanced body and all will be good. I’m not real worried though because I tried on the dress I wore to my San Simeon adventure and it fits. Worse comes to worst, I can wear that, with my shawl draped over my head so I can look like an old Italian widow. So hot!

Dear Comment Spammer: I’m a little bit worried about you. I know you’re trying to convince me that certain parts of the body, which I may or may not have, would do well with a little enhancement, but maybe this isn’t the best way to go about it:

Basically nothin
g seems worth thinking about. I haven’t been up to much these days. I just don’t have much to say right now. I can’t be bothered with anything , but whatever.


I just don’t have much to say these days, but so it goes. Today was a total loss. I guess it doesn’t bother me.

DUDE! Way to bring the party down! MamaCate, Colleen and I have a suggestion though – it may just help this nihilistic streak you’ve got going.

When the world seems dark and cold, there’s no meaning left in the sun and stars and the flowers, you’re alone with your empty carton of milk and your double thick oreos, I have a suggestion. KNIT SOCKS!

Just keep on casting on my friend. Too many are never enough!

* My homage to my High Energy Friend! GO SEND HER THE BEST VIBES! Love you COMPADRE!