Aunti Meme!

Those Knotty Girls are at it again! They’ve sent us all on a Wild Goose Chase. Have you done it? Here are the rules:

-Your finds must come from knit blogs.
-You may not use a blog for more than one item-all items must come from different sources.
-Finds can come from current entries or archives.
-You must post your answers with the title of the blogs they were found on and a link to the blog/item (permalinks where appropriate) on your blog. If no permalink is available, give us the post date.
-Do not steal anyone’s bandwidth-which means you should not hotlink pictures.
-You need to comment [on their site] and let us know when you have completed this meme.

And here are my finds:

1. A blog which you think people have not discovered.

Kimberly’s blog The Giving Flower – I think she’s very creative.

2. A blog whose author lives close to you physically. Just get as close as you can, it’s all relative.
Jen from Two Purls. A better friend you could not find and she’s like fifteen minutes away. With no traffic. On the other side of the river I’m going with Mason Dixon Kay because I could technically be at her house in like 20 minutes. You know. With no traffic. And Kay is superfantastic cool.

3. An unusual or weird animal picture.
Any picture of my favorite Internet Dog, Petey. He’s always trying on stuff for his hot mama, and sometimes he’s trying to kill her. Or escape. One or the other but either way he’s the best dog on the Internets.

4. An entry that made you laugh and got you strange looks from family or co-workers.
Well, I’m generally reading blogs by myself at home so no one looks at me funny. At least I hope there’s no one looking at me funny. But here are two entries that kicked my funny bone’s ass: A shout out to Jenifleur – STASH WARS was the funniest fucking thing ever. And to my favorite PB Ann for giving us the knitting term Skank. The funniest part of this post for me was that in my mind I could hear Ann tell it – and that made it like a 1000x funnier.

5. An idea you wish you’d thought of.
The ABC-A-Long. One of my favorite things in a long time. It’s been a great challenge for me. Still need to find a kick-ass F.

6. Something you’d like to knit. (Links are to the knits and knitters that have inspired me.)
Am Kamin for sure. The Peacock Shawl. Seraphim. Ingeborg. Pomwhatever Socks.

7. A picture of something you consider beautiful
I think Amanda takes really beautiful photographs, like here and here and here.

8. A blog whose author you’d like to one day meet in person
That’s easy. Margene.

9. A blog of someone you have already met in person.

I’ve been very lucky to have met many, many knitbloggers in person. So hard to choose, but I’m going with Vicki as she’s been on my mind a lot lately. And Bookish Wendy because I love her so and now that she’s famous I hope she remembers me.

JenLa tagged the world. DO NOT DISAPPOINT THEM PEOPLE! Meme on.


  1. Very interesting. I might have to do this myself.

  2. Oh I thought I’d be the first to comment. Oh well. Thanks for mentioning me-you kick butt!!
    I also really really want to do the peacock shawl. Let’s do that one together.
    The ABC along is also one of my favorite things I’m doing right now. I’ve got my F but the pictures aren’t that great.

  3. I’ve got this one in the works. Next week.

  4. OMG, it’s Jaywalkers in a row on your banner picture. I could come here 1000 times a day, just to see that picture change. ; )
    Leave it to Jen & La to come up with something so fun — I’ll definitely be working on this one, too.
    Thanks for all the good thoughts, Cara. ; )

  5. I also laughed myself silly. Yarn Wool-Ho indeed!

  6. I hadn’t seen the Stash Wars before–thank you for linking that! I agree about the ABC-along, too–inspired! And thanks for linking to my Peacock, too, that’s really very kind of you.

  7. we’ll have lots of giggles this weekend too!

  8. Cara you rock! Woke up to a bad morning and came here to a) a fantabulous pic in your banner and b) find that you think I gotz skillz with the camera. Coming from you that is a ginormous compliment. Thanks!

  9. Great list. You, of course, will be on my list for the photos.
    And I have been meaning to ask you what lens you use for your macros? I have to pick on up for my Nikon D50. I was leaning towards the 105mm.
    Suggestions appreciated.

  10. This has to be one of the best meme’s around. The Jenla’s sure know how to come up with the good ideas. I may put this together for Saturday if I have enough time the next couple of days.

  11. Oh what a great idea. I’m going to try to put a post together.

  12. Oooh! Quite a few new sites (and some old ones too) Thanks for playing along!

  13. A gret idea. I will post the questions and translate them into German.

  14. I’ve spent half the morning checking out your blog faves. I may never come out of the knitoshpere. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Petey thanks you and says that next time you need a word that starts with “f” you can ask him.
    He’s been helping me with the crossword puzzles lately, so he’d be a gem for you ABC along.