According to Ann…

I’ve got myself an FO!

I knit this thing ALL DAY yesterday and today. The I-cord bind off alone took OVER two hours. But look how pretty. Blocking tomorrow. I have just enough time to shower – got to be clean so I can get dirty with Mick.


  1. very very nice darling —- and it is a FO!!

  2. Look at miss smartypants with hte bold is. she thinks she is so html smart! Cara your shawl is lovely.

  3. Love it. I’ve so missed your wonderful knitting shots (though I adore the flowers as well). It’s great to see them back!

  4. Oooooh! Can’t wait to see it all blocked out!

  5. what a beautiful shot of a beautiful knit.

  6. Oh, Cara, just gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the beauty after blocking!
    And, btw, I watch Days too. Have we had this discussion? Because sometimes I have memory lapses. Apparently. I can’t remember. 🙂

  7. Yowsa, have fun gettin’ dirty…
    I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s shots 🙂

  8. Cara it’s gorgeous, just beautiful. I hope you had fun at the Stones.

  9. Oh, I love it. LOVE IT!!! I cannot wait to see a blocking shot, and any dramatic angles you want to toss in for good measure.

  10. Beautiful!

  11. Beautiful. Can’t wait to see it after it’s blocked.

  12. Stunning. LOVE the color.

  13. OOoooooh. So pretty. 🙂

  14. Cara, it is lovely!

  15. Definitely finished, definitely gorgeous!