A Tisket A Tasket…

A candy apple basket…

I have three more rows to go on the 11th repeat, which will give me twelve baskets on either side of the divide. My goal is sixteen or seventeen. The pattern is very easy, so easy I keep fucking it up – especially on the first two right side rows of the repeat. Something about the k2togs and ssks is freaking out my brain because once I get past those, I’m fine. And now of course it’s taking a MUCH longer time to get through a row. Those purl rows are killers. I realized why too. You have like twice as many stitches to knit. On the right side you’re always knitting some together and creating yos – on the back you have to purl EVERY SINGLE STITCH. But I’m plugging away. I can see the end and it seems so close.

I’ve also been slowly knitting on my retro rib socks:

I have to admit, these socks aren’t half as fun as my stripey ones. I’m beginning to think I’m a stockinette sock girl – as long as there are funny stripes. But I have been getting loads of compliments on them when I knit in public. People keep thinking it’s a sleeve for a kid’s knit. When I tell them it’s a sock, for me, they look at me like I’m crazy.

Speaking of which, time for more forward progress on my brain. I’m finally admitting to myself I have a touch of OCD – but, of course, without the compulsions that get you a clean, organized house. Just the crazy, wacked out obsessional thoughts! Who knew I could be so lucky!?! Shrink day today, so maybe a meds adjustment is in the works. Although I don’t do too well with medications – of any kind. I’m very sensitive. 😉 Oh and Tom Cruise – FUCK YOU.

I got a new toy this weekend. A new phone! I’ve had my old one for a LONG time. Longer than these things are supposed to last – especially when three babies have chewed through them. But a new toy I have and I’ve discovered the wonders of RINGTONES!

When Georgie calls from his cell phone: DETROIT ROCK CITY!
When he calls from work: UNDER PRESSURE!
When he calls from home: OUR HOUSE!
When my sister calls: BLISTER IN THE SUN! (or maybe the theme from Days of Our Lives. Hers may change.)
When my bro calls: CALIFORNIA LOVE!
When Joe Random calls: 1 THING!

Georgie wants me to work in Tubular Bells. You know – the theme from The Exorcist? I can’t even hear that shit without getting creeped out. Let him put it on his own phone!

I’m having a fantastic time – Georgie and I spent hours (literally – we were at his office) going through ringtones. I’d try to stump him with a polyphonic greatest hits of our lives. No good Bruce tones though. Bummer. Tell me what your favorites are!

Off to do stuff. Thanks for hanging out with me!


  1. I thought I was so clever with Billy Joel, “New York State of Mind” as my ringtone, but now I’m back and I can’t come up with a new one! Perhaps I’ll just keep this as a fun reminder for a while…
    Your shawl is looking GREAT!!!

  2. Just remember…it’s ALL knitting. My shawl might be about the size of yours but I haven’t looked to see how many repeats I’ve done. I love knitting with the Zephyr but think the next shawl might have more weight as I like the way yours looks. My phone goes ‘ring ring ring’ or some such thing;-)

  3. I like the color of those retro ribs. They are annoying to knit but too fun to wear. It’s worth it. I swear.

  4. haha (everyone in the office looking at me laughing..), I love your ringtone list. Now I want a new phone. The socks and the shawl are looking great, I love those colors together as well.

  5. Keep going on your Retro Rib socks, they look great! In the last Sockapalooza exchange, my pal made me a pair of these socks and they are the best to wear.

  6. The Exorcist theme sounds like a good one for in-laws. Yes, Tom Cruise is a shit show.

  7. Your shawl is absolutely gorgeous! You just may have inspired me…what needles are you using for this? I hear that addis can be a bit blunt, but since I’ve never knit lace, I thought I’d see what you think…

  8. I’m limping along on a no ringtones phone that I refuse to upgrade until the “right deal comes along”. Most likely that will be NEVER. Sounds like fun though.
    I really like the retro rib sock, it looks cozy…like something you’d want to slip on for a winter day spent in pajammas while curled up knitting on the couch with a cup of tea and a roaring fire.

  9. That shawl is going to be so lovely. The color is great.
    I was crazy enough to try to find a telephone ringing sound for my phone. 🙂

  10. I hear ya…I gave up on the Flower Basket because of the mess ups. Keep trucking though…it looks great!

  11. I found the Retro Ribs a real PITA to knit. But afterward they are my favorite socks!
    I’m currently knitting the FBS as well and as simple as the pattern is, I still need to mute/pause the TV on every pattern row. Better safe than having to frog that scary nightmare! Yours is looking marvelous. 🙂

  12. Your FBS and socks are both looking gorgeous! I offered to knit Jesse a pair of socks and he said “But I wouldn’t know what to do with them” – uh WEAR THEM! It is amazing how puzzeling people find the idea of hand knit socks.

  13. The shawl and socks are lovely…I love the color you chose for the socks too. Hope things are looking up…I ditto your comment regarding Tom Cruise…I think he’s going a little crazy himself these days. I need to check out those ringtones…I still have the old-fashioned ring tone. Take care 🙂

  14. if you come up with a cool ringtone for me, I will call you!

  15. Love the FBS – the color is so great. Your Retro Rib looks super, too – I enjoyed the pattern, but something about the way the purl parts looked just didn’t do it for me when I was done. Have fun with the ring tomes – I couldn’t figure out how to add different ones on my phone. Oh, and meds adjustments stink!! I hate all the new side effect feelings – ugh.

  16. I think I’m a stockinette sock knitter as well. Cables on socks are okay, but doing ribbing, especially 1×1, slows down my knitting speed by a factor of 5… especially since I’m one of those throwing knitters. Your Retro Rib looks good, though. Keep at it!