
All’s well in the Grand Canyon State! Right now, I’m sitting in our room, the fire blazing, the crickets chirping just past our balcony and Terms of Endearment is on the TV. George is working out.

The weather has been spectacular. Mid-80s, the bluest skies I’ve ever seen, nice breeze and NO SWEAT. Things have been pretty quiet at the pool – which is lovely. Today I read about thirty pages of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell. I’m actually looking forward to reading it tomorrow.

I’m regretting (just a little) the road trip we took this afternoon to two yarn stores in Scottsdale. (By the way – who knew Scottsdale was so big!) The first, Arizona Knitting & Needlepoint, was situated next to an abandoned gun supply store with the most disturbing logo – a teddy bear holding an automatic weapon. It was called something like Mandel’s Shooting Supplies – I kid you not. I so wish I had brought my camera, which I had left behind as we rushed out the door to get there before the store closed. Maybe we’ll go back and take a picture. I don’t know – but it was just crazy.

Anyway, back to the store. It was small on the outside, but had a lot of stuff on the inside. Georgie came with me and asked a lot of questions. (Can you really knit with this? was my favorite when he picked up some tres funky novelty yarn. – yeah, you can, was my reply. But why would you want to? 😉 )

They had a TON of Colinette and A LOT of novelty yarns. A whole back room with baby yarns and a felting yarn wall. Some Manos. I don’t know – nothing really struck me. I don’t really need any yarn and was looking for something special – hand painted, local maybe. Everything there I could get somewhere else – and probably a lot cheaper.

Then we went to Jessica Knits. What a beautiful store! Bright and airy – a coushy couch (and Sports Illustrateds among the magazines to read. Georgie was happy.) and chairs. Lots of different kinds of yarns – all fibers – spread around the store in wood cubbies. Great displays in big glassware containers. Interesting one of a kind bags and accessories. If this was my LYS, I’d be quite pleased. But, alas, again – nothing I couldn’t have found locally or online. The prices weren’t bad, but no great bargains either.

All in all, I’m glad we did the trip because I would’ve regretted not going – but I also would’ve liked to stay at the pool a little longer just a little bit more.

Tomorrow we’re off the Desert Botanical Gardens – it’s picture time! I’m very excited. We’re going to go early in the morning before it gets too hot. I’m hoping for some spectacular pictures. And on our way back, we’re stopping at the Southwest Regional Alpaca Show! It’s at Rawhide, an old-time Western town of sorts. They will have a market as well and I’m hoping to pick up some yarn there.

I have gotten some knitting done – I’m almost through the second skein on the Pinwheel Blanket. It’s looking good.

Alright – time to hop in the shower before dinner. We’re eating at Roy’s tonight. Yummy!


  1. The first time my step mom encountered novelty yarns – she had the same question as George – though being the creative type was drawn in by the colors and textures. We finally decided that many of the yarns would make interesting ribbons for creatively wrapped presents.
    I’m jealous of the AZ warmth you get to enjoy. Still chilling out up here in Ohio. I got the beautiful cards in the mail today! So pretty! Thanks.

  2. Oh yeah, I’m sure everything is fine in Arizona. Yarn shopping AND warm weather? You’ve got it made :-). Glad that you’re having a good time.

  3. Oh, I love the southwest! I miss it a lot sometimes.
    Glad you were able to make it to the stores… too bad they did not have more enticing fibers, though.
    Can’t wait to see and hear about the Botanical gardens–I know this means more of your beautiful photographs are coming 🙂
    Have fun, C!

  4. Hope you enjoyed your IN-N-OUT burger. I agree, they are the BEST! If they ever open them in NY, I’ll be in trouble.