When in doubt…


As you all know, I was crazy trying to find something to knit after Ariann. It was killing me – ask G. I was in a surly mood, flitting from needle to needle, book to book, trying to get my monkey mind onto something, ANYTHING to calm me down. I seem to be having a bout of AFTER anxiety. Know what I mean? You get through the awful thing and you’re in survival mode and then, when everything calms down, you’re like WTF?! Now it’s safe to get all anxious and crap and I needed something to knit.

calf shaping

heel detail

If I told you how many times I went through every knit magazine/book I own – every stitch dictionary, every leaflet – how I scoured the internet for patterns – it would make your eyes bleed and honestly you’d never want to knit again. There was even an early morning Saturday (two days before CHRISTMAS) run into the city for yarn. An impulse buy like I haven’t done in ages. More to come on that because I still need to block the humongous swatch I knit for a sweater I will probably never make out of yarn I’m not sure I even like. THAT’S how desperate I had become.

It wasn’t until I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out Am Kamin (I couldn’t even figure out how to start the freaking SWATCH) that I had an epiphany! There, sitting on the couch next to me, patient, non-judgemental, dare I say it…EASY, were the legs of my NOLA Knee Highs. Quietly, without whining, without begging, without hurt feelings for having left them shamelessly to knit other things, they whispered knit me. Knit me. Knit me. So I did.

Stockinette knee highs, knit using this pattern. Koigu, P852 (variegated) and 2340 (semi-solid). I used two separate skeins for each leg, then split a skein for the feet. There’s a bit left over of each skein. One skein of the semi-solid and there’s probably a little less than half a skein left over from that. So over all I dipped into four skeins of Koigu. Knit on Addi Turbos US#1s. Two circulars, as I knit all my socks. I bought this yarn in New Orleans, so they’re my NOLA knee highs and I love them.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. It was pretty low key around here which is what we like best. Not too much gift giving (that’s reserved for birthdays) but Georgie scored BIG TIME!

Dr Pepper? FOR CHRISTMAS!? Don’t feel bad for good ol’ Georgie because this isn’t your ordinary run of the mill supermarket Dr Pepper. This Dr Pepper is SPECIAL!

This Dr Pepper is CAFFEINE FREE!!! WHOO HOO!!!! As someone (me, well, and Georgie too) who can’t, won’t, absolutely doesn’t drink caffeine, but LOVES Dr Pepper this is a Christmas BONANZA! The mythical Caffeine Free Dr Pepper DOES EXIST! I haven’t had caffeine deliberately (okay – a sip here and there of G’s Dr Pepper because I love me some spicy cherry) for almost 20 years. I found out the hard way that it makes me feel like I’m having an anxiety attack and when you sort of ARE having an anxiety attack why add to it? Caffeine makes me sick. Nuff said. (For those interested, I purchased my caffeine free Dr Pepper from the source, The Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company. I also got a case of the original made with pure cane sugar. G likes the caffeine every now and again and I figured we had to taste if it’s different.)

I’m a Pepper! He’s a Pepper! Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?

PS – Tune in tomorrow for an extra special EXCLUSIVE birthday giveaway only available at JanuaryOne!


  1. great socks! congrats on finishing them. they look great. 🙂

  2. Those socks look terrific!! I remembered them from before and wondered if you would finish! I love those colors!

  3. Oh, btw, I saw a bumper sticker yesterday and immediately thought of you…it simply said “My boss is from Jersey”!!!

  4. wow, i did not know that dr pepper existed in a caffeine free form! how amazing! i can have some caffeine but only before noon. after that i have to remain caffeine free or else i will never sleep again. this would be very welcome in my house 🙂
    love the knee highs!

  5. The socks are stunning!

  6. I love the new knee socks. The pooling on the right leg is especially spectacular!

  7. Ah the memories that old ads bring back. The socks look great! It’s always nice to go back to old freinds when you need to calm down.

  8. Gotta love a new pair of knee socks!!! They look great – the contrasting cuffs, heels and toes are a wonderful touch.

  9. Tammy Deloach says

    when i was a kid, i had a shirt that said, “i’m a pepper” in the dr. pepper font… i think it was an iron on from something contest they might have had going on… not that it would fit, but i wish i still had that shirt. 😀

  10. “Have a Dr. Pepper in your hand at 10, at 2, and at 4!”
    I am definitely a Dr. Pepper gal. They even have caffeine free Diet as well. 🙂

  11. Definitely knit socks at all possible moments . . . but Am Kamin is easy once you get the hang of it! I just made the hat as a swatch, so now I have both.

  12. Oh I love, love, love the knee highs! They are fantastic.
    As for the caffiene free Dr. Pepper – not for me. I love the Dr. Pepper, but I LOVE the caffiene (okay, maybe I don’t love the caffiene, but I’m ADDICTED to it so I must have it).

  13. I was wondering when they were going to make their appearance! Great!

  14. LOVELY socks! And what a great fit!

  15. Well, I’ll be, now I have seen everything ! Caffeine free Dr. Pepper!
    Socks look great too!

  16. Sorry, I’ve been sort of MIA for a while. Damn life takes up way too much time.
    Anyway, I’m sooo happy to hear that G is fine!!
    I adore your new sweater and I can completely understand the let down after finishing it-I go through that plenty of times. Isn’t it amazing how it is so true-knitting can be better than therapy?
    I can’t believe how fast you whipped up those socks-they are great!! I think I need some knee highs now.
    Hope you had a great Hanukkah-I have 2 kids from Israel in my 3rd grade ESL class and we had a Hanukkah/Christmas party. Gotta love it. We all did.

  17. Love the socks! I admire anyone who has the patience to do knee highs, and the hairless legs to pull them off 😉

  18. Love those socks! In the ever present search for sock patterns, I checked out HJS Studio, thanks for that link. Who knew about caffeine free Dr. P?! Enjoy being a pepper!

  19. Those socks are beautiful!! I don’t know that I would have the patience to make the kneehighs, but yours want to make me give it a try.
    Also, your photographs are just simply amazing. I always look forward to checking your blog, with hopes of new pictures. Absolutely divine.

  20. I was surprised when I saw the new Dr. Pepper at Walmart.

  21. Those socks are really special!!
    I’m so happy for you finding the caffeine-free Dr. Pepper, what a great holiday gift.

  22. Geez. And just when I’d decided that I COULD resist the sale over at Personal Threads. Mr. Frick has also given up caffeine. I, however, remained chained to the beast.

  23. Wow — you’re the first person I’ve found who has the same reaction to caffeine that I do. I love your knitting blog, but it took the caffeine thing to bring me out of long-time lurking mode. What kills, kills, kills me about the caffeine is that even de-caf coffee and tea still have some caffeine in them, and I have the same reaction to them as to regular. They are terribly hard to resist, and the vast variety of caffeine-free teas just don’t seem as satisfying. Don’t even get me started on chocolate!

  24. Excellent choice on the socks. I didn’t know Dr. Pepper (the regular) was made with cane sugar. Hmmm. The stuff I learn. For me it isn’t the caffeine, it’s the carbonation. Oh well, water is better for you anyway. Right?

  25. Oh, I absolutely luv thos knee highs. Took you long enough to get back to your roots (tee hee).
    By the way, I got coaxed into becoming a Pepper Head by default. My boyfriend loves the stuff and I’m not even a soda drinker. But when we do go out to eat, that’s the first thing I ask for besides water.
    Hope you have a Wonderful Winter Birthday by the way.

  26. beautiful socks! (cute legs too ;-)) glad your copyright infringment was taken care of! phew!

  27. Beautiful socks!

  28. Well january one, you inspired me. Not only did I purchase the pattern, I ran to my LYS today and purchased the yarn to make it. I can’t wait to get started. Hope it turns out as beautiful as yours.

  29. Those are fab!! I’ve been waiting for you to finish..hehe! I have my yarn and needles and just have to do the math to start my own knee highs! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

  30. I love the socks. You know, I wasn’t really interested in knee socks, but you’ve got me thinking 🙂

  31. I just love your knee socks…oh, I’m a pepper too! I must try some caffeine free Dr Pepper. Thanks for the link.

  32. I have always been a fan of your blog, but you have now reached true goddess status for me. I LOVE Dr. Pepper. When I was pregnant my doctor allowed me one can of DP each day (I don’t consume any other caffeine); I savored this indulgence each day. Finding a source for caffeine-free is a wonderful find. Thank you!

  33. I wonder if the new diet Dr. Pepper popsicles (in a pack with diet Orange Crush & diet Root Beer pops) have caffeine?
    Love your blog!

  34. cool new socks. there is something absolutely perfect about knee socks, isn’t there!

  35. i’m in love with those socks!

  36. Your knee highs are so awesome, Cara! Have a happy new year and a very happy birthday!