It’s come to my attention that some of you out there in the Internets find Log Cabin Knitting insanely boring. I’m just setting out this warning that today’s post will be about log cabin knitting. Please! I beg of you! Do not read this while driving or operating heavy machinery! I would hate to be the cause of an accident or something if you had a narcoleptic attack while reading.
Oh and I completely understand why you might hold the opinion that you do, that log cabin knitting is boring and mindless and just plain awful. There are lots of things I feel that way about as well. Log cabin knitting isn’t really one of them, but I see how it might be the case. There certainly is a lot of picking up of stitches and a lot of knitting – just plain knitting (although it seems that people complain a lot about purling too) and it is a blanket project of sorts so it does go on for quite a while, and well, if I was using crappy yarn in awful colors, I might feel exactly the same way.
As it turns out, I’m incredibly fortunate to be using phenomenol yarn that I could stare at all day and my needles fit perfectly in my hands and it ends up that I’m so good at this knitting thing I don’t even have to look at my hands while I knit (freeing up my eyes to stare at the gorgeous colors I chose for this project). It IS getting big and less portable and I have, in all honestly, spent some time knitting on a sock. (A stockinette sock so, yeah, I’m still knitting.) But I’m still so ENAMORED with this whole random thing and how it just LOOKS LIKE I PLANNED THE WHOLE FREAKING BLANKET but really I’m not that smart or creative so I keep on keeping on.
I’m sorry. Are you asleep? Want me to wake you when I’m done?

I did some good knitting while I was in Chicago and not so much knitting since I’ve been home. Planes are good for that, you know. Work is not. I will have some good time to knit this afternoon so this will go with me. Or maybe the sock. Or both probably.
I’ve begun to feel like I should take up roulette. Or bingo, but definitely roulette. Black keeps hitting BIG time.

Black 20. Black 19. Black 18. Black 17. (Not necessarily in that order.) It’s ridiculous. I think I might break my rule and break into another skein of black. Might. I’ll decide at the moment I have to, but it’s there as a possibility.

Right now I’m in a largish red section – 12 ridges – which at this point is a lot of yarn. But it’s all good. I still love it. The size is about 21.5×24. I think I’d like to get it about 36×36, but I’ll have to see how much yarn I blow through. It is big enough now that I can fold it up and it looks like a blanket.

For those you still awake and loving the log cabin, you MUST go and see Tilkkupeitto’s blankets! Go here to see all 107 blankets. There are three different albums and they are all beyond amazing!
In other news, I’m feeling the Summer Blues again. Happens all the time. Because of that, I’m taking down the Log Cabin Knits button and I don’t know when I’ll be starting that up. I hope I still will, because I think the idea I had is a good one, but I’m trying to take care of myself and the energy I need to expend in convincing myself that there isn’t something fundamentally fucked up about me is too much to start another blog right now. What I’d really like to do is clean this one up a bit. Do some better categories, institute a search bar – just organize and straighten things up. You know, as a way of procrastinating on organizing and cleaning up the ACTUAL home I live in. Also, I will pretty much be gone all of next week. My sister is moving and I’m going down to pack, babysit, and be a general shoulder to cry on/cheerleader. (YOU CAN PACK THE 1,402th BOX! YOU CAN!) I’m not sure we’ll be able to find the computer let alone log on to any Internets, but I’m with you all in spirit. Hopefully MORE boring pictures of Log Cabin Knits when I return! YAY!
Hey! Hey you! YEAH you. The one with your head on the keyboard and a nice puddle of drool around the arrow keys. WAKE UP! I’m done.
Have a great weekend.
L, C
I absolutely love the blanket! I think I’ll have to do this myself…. The randomness is great. Especially now that I have a little bit of yarn for it! You’re the best.
Sometimes I see a skein of Blue Moon yarn and think it belongs in a glass box, untouched – because surely, it will NEVER be any more beautiful than it is right then. And then YOU get a hold of it. And I was wrong. Have a lovely weekend!
Thank you, thank you for the link to Tilkkusisko’s blankets. They are awesome and inspiring. Re: your log cabin. I have to say that imnsho you have improved on the Gee’s Bend colorway. That seemed slightly insipid to my eye, but your brown is just bright enough, has just enough yellow in it, to *lively up* your blanket. Love it!
Some log cabin quilts have light on one side and dark on the other. Yours is coming together in a similar way. It’s OK with me that you put off the LC blog. Maybe winter will be a better time for blankies. Your LC is breathtaking…the colors are perfect.
Even if all the other kids say that log cabin blankets aren’t cool, I still like ’em. I wasn’t bored/sleepy at all and I’m on some major pain meds. I look forward to seeing your update in a week.
Amen sistah. I am feeling the log cabin-y love. But you already knew that. Yours is gorgeous. Brown is one of my favorite colors, and when you mix it with pink? Chocolate covered strawberries ensue!
pretty, pretty!
Your Log Cabin is beautiful. I love the colours and it my just be inspiring me. Sigh. I’m not ready for more inspiration.
beautiful!!!! (no puddles of drool here.)
I’m not going to knit one because I’d rather sew one from fabric. But I never get tired of log cabin quilts – it’s all good and fun with the colors.
Your photography is so amazing. When I grow up, I want to take better photos. Any online resources I can use to help me take better pictures? I just want my best to look half as good as yours!
OMYGOD, is THAT what happened to Nipperknits yesterday? Little did I know it was all YOUR fault, Cara!!!!
You keep on log cabinning. I love it.
I don’t care if anyone else is bored by the log cabin. I like it. π And I’m jealous that you’re using such gorgeous yarn.
still awake over here! looks just down right lovely to me π i’m going to start mine today. i can’t wait. good luck with the packing. i know how hard that can be even when it’s not your own stuff and somebody elses.
Your log cabin is lovely. The colors are luscious. Garter stitch is the ultimate in chic in my humble opinion. You go girl.
Don’t listen to it — Log Cabins are NOT boring! They are wonderful and inspiring and your random numbers version in pinks, brown & black is the reason I am beginning one of my own (not random though, I’m thinking golden section instead). I’ll be looking forward to seeing more pictures of lovely log cabin knitting when you return. Happy packing!
it’s looking so pretty…don’t cheat!
Hey, as somebody who has an intimate acquaintance with the blues, I completely understand when the jollies everybody sees on the outside don’t match up with the lack of jollies on the inside; just don’t do what I did. Being alone was the worst possible thing to do to myself. So enjoy your sister time and every time I pick up my log cabin I’ll think of you.
I love the blanket. It doesn’t bore me at all. But, as you know, I have this thing about the backs of blankets. Is it neat enough back there to just be done when you’re done, or will it need some kind of backing? And what about all those ends, how do you deal with those?
And oh, those summertime blues .. sending good thoughts.
Thanks for the eye-candy–I can hardly believe those blankets! So many! And some of them stunningly clever.
Hope the blues pass quickly.
I’m anything but bored — in fact, I’m inspired. And may make my great-nephew-to-be’s blanket a log cabin. I think one of the hard things about summer is that we’re supposed to be especially happy and having all kinds of great experiences, so if we’re not, we’re somehow lesser creatures. Knitting is definitely helping me get through this not so wonderful summer. Have a good break.
I don’t think you are boring. I think you are inspiring! Yep, and enabling. I bought 6 skeins of the STR heavyweight at BSG. I’ll cast on for a log cabin once I complete the current baby blanket. I don’t know how far 6 skeins will get me, but I figure that I can always get more at OFFF π
I happen to love logcabining and I find it very “mindless” so to speak – there really is nothing to think about except how many garter ridges you are doing for a log. To be nice, phooey on you who don’t like them!!!
Happy weekend
I am pro log-cabin. I get to embroider a name on one I just made for a friend’s son, now that he has been born. So, er, yay log cabins.
Personally, I think winter is better. I think I thought it was going to be winter, anyway. Actually, I don’t know what I was thinking… but I am AWAKE!! Nope; not droolin’, either.
Have a good week. I’ll miss you.
I picked up sick colors of Lion Brand MicroSpun in fun bright colors to knit a baby blanket in the log cabin style and I love the idea of doing the random number thing, but I’m wondering if I’d be better off using an odd number of colors? Thoughts?
Yours is beautiful by the way. I *love* the color choices you made!
Your log cabin is looking like something in a knitting book…what can be more random than breaking 1 little rule? You said you would not, so just add another ball of black if ya want. Will miss you next week, have fun!
Hey Cara…ppplllffftttt!
But seriously, I really appreciated you giving me your take on what draws you to log cabin knitting. And I am SO glad that you didn’t take real offense at my initial opinions on the subject. Brava!
With that being said, I still don’t think that log cabin is for me, as I am sure some projects I have chosen have sent you screaming in the other direction. To each his own. There is no bad knitting, except for non-knitting!
I feel a nap coming on. Just joshing! I think people are always looking for something new on the blogs, so by the hundredth log cabin or, say, jaywalker, they’re no longer wowwed. The thing is, they can’t see it in person, and I think that’s where the real wow! of great yarn comes in. I can imagine how wowwy your log cabin is, even if I can’t touch it. Love the colors.
No drewl on my arrow keys. I love watching your Log Cabin grow. I’ve been working on one too, and you’re right, it’s addictive. The no thinking, no looking, no counting stitches knitting is the best for summertime! I have 2 people telling me (screaming actually) that I have to make it for them. Might just keep this one for myself.
Have fun moving/babysitting/being a shoulder and have a great week.
Sheri in GA
Hey it’s looking good so far. I love when you get to the point that you can fold it and it actually looks like a blanket. I also quilt and have made a few variations of the log cabin with fabric. I haven’t done a knitted one yet though.
Oh yes, I had my doubts about this whole random number generator thing….but now I see that I was sooooo very wrong! Your blanket actually looks like an art piece I would hang on my wall. It’s gorgeous!
Dude, I love you. And the Bruce. Oh. My. God.
Did I mention I love you? π
Not boring…beautiful! I love your random formula (hmmm…oxymoron, eh?) and I adore the colors. Keep on keepin’ on!
You have a good weekend, too, Cara. I have no desire to knit a Log Cabin blanket, but I love to see yours progressing! We’ll miss you while you’re gone!
Hi Cara π I love the random Log Cabin – I cast on for a quick one for a baby gift. I have a question though – are you planning a border for yours? I only have myself 5 colors and it occured to me that if I want a border that does not have a color that touches the existing knitting…I think I’ll be needing a 6th color of yarn! Then again, I could be totally wrong. I’m off to peruse those albums π
Have a lovely weekend!
It is beautiful! I love that because you do them in the same order there is a good balance to the lights and the darks. Even though you’ve used a lot more of the black, it still isn’t a dark blanket. So fun!
I love how this blanket is turning out. I can see how someone would find the log cabin knitting boring, but I love seeing the updates on your log cabin projects. I want to try one of these with your random recipie.
Nope, not me, I’m not one who is bored by log cabins. I’ve always loved log cabin quilts, and there is something so wholesome about good old garter stitch, then there is the fun you get to have with colors. If you ask me, that is a winning combination! Keep on posting about your log cabin, you might even get me off this sock knitting kick long enough to start one of my own!
You know, I’ve never liked the whole log cabin thing but this version is AMAZING and it’s making me want to copy you RIGHT NOW. I have a huge stash of random skeins of Koigu Kersti and every time I see your progress photo I keep thinking I need to get on this. It’s gorgeous! Whoever said this was boring is unbelievably rude, don’t listen to ’em!
Log Cabins are awesome and finally you *all have succumbed. Don’t listen to the naysayers! Knit on!
That random version is amazing. Amazing. And slightly annoying because I know mine would NEVER turn out that gorgeous. But at least I can look at yours.
*more or less
I love it! The color combo is stunning. You’re a real sweetheart to help your sis move — kudos to you!
Love the log cabin. Beautiful.
Pretty. I’m jealous of your photography skills – my eyes just aren’t nearly as good. I like your log cabin, and frankly, you could just take pictures of dirt every day, and I’d still come back. Have fun with your sister.
You are fabulous, but I think I’ve told you that before (maybe in not so many words). Your log cabin squares (LCS) are the best, don’t stop. If someone out there is becoming bored, they can go somewhere else. We all love them and what you do!
There are lots of bloggers now knitting LCS and loving what they are doing, I’m sure, all because of you. Your enthusiasm and the fabulous colours and yarn you use make visting your blog exciting -I’m checking in everyday just to see what you’ve done! Am I addicted or what?
Have a great time at your sisters, even if you are packing, etc. We’ll miss you, but looking forward to plenty (I said PLENTY) of photos of LCS when you get back.
Take care of yourself.
looks great! maybe i will do something like that for my next one…great idea!
Your log cabin blanket is beautiful, and if knitting it pleases you, that is really all that matters. Connecting with the five senses is always good for the blues – good sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches. Knitting with soft, colorful yarn takes care of two. Just add good music, a little incense (if it doesn’t make you sneeze), and a bite of something delicious π
Take care. You are an angel to help your sister move.
there is nothing boring about this. it’s really beautiful, and quite inspiring.
I am absolutely not bored by your log cabin, I keep thinking about starting one myself, except that my focus is absolutely shattered and I’m not even knitting socks!
Take care of yourself, and hopefully the summer blues will lift sooner than later. Helping your sister move should provide some distraction at least.
I was actually checking your blog every day awaiting a log cabin update. It is coming along beautifully! I do hope that you proceed with the Log Cabin Knits site, even if at a later date. It’s a great idea, and you seem to be so inspired by it, summer blues and all.
By the way, thanks for sharing Tilkkusisko’s blankets with us. Very cool work there.
Have a great time with your sister!
I love your enthusiam about the Log Cabin, and your pix of the LC. Keep on keepin’ on.
BTW, my sister-in-law brought her new Nikon D50 to dinner tonight and I was shameless about playing with it. Mmmmm….DSLR.
Hi, the random log cabin is fabulous. Which yarn are you using for this one?
I don’t have much to say but thanks for the pretty pictures – and I love the ball game story w/pictures – the rain delay – everything. It’s all fun and good. Thanks for sharing it all Cara. π
I’m a huge fan of long cabin blankets and just received one from a dear friend. Yours is just lovely!
Dude. Did you say something? I must have dozed off there for a second.
May the force be with you and yer sis. Moving sucks. But moving twice sucks more.
I vote get another skein of black. Let it RIDE!
xoxo Kay
What a lovely blanket! It’s one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.
Count me in on the Log Cabin Knitting fan club. Lloyd and I have been without electricity for seven days now. That blanket is the only thing standing between me and gibbering insanity. (Well, the air conditioning in my pal Bunni’s apartment helps, too, but the blanket is definitely the key.)
And I agree with Wendy: you so have the chocolate-and-strawberry thing going with your blanket — and I’m impressed with how you can pick up stitches on the short edges (along the garter ridges) and not leave big gaping holes. I haven’t quite mastered that yet.
Condolences on the blues! Have ’em myself, every year. I can’t even have “normal” seasonal affective disorder and get depressed in the winter. When I was a teenager, I read somewhere that someone felt that fall and winter were her reward for surviving spring and summer. Hang in there!
I have several other projects I have to get to before I can log cabin, and your site is wonderfully inspiring, and keeping me going until I can log cabin myself. Thanks for sharing so much with us!
Your log cabin is looking very good. Love the colors and how they are blending together.
If you love color and your love knitting there is no way you cannot love log cabin knitting! I love your current square/blanket — your color sense and sense of proportion are right on!
I was inspired to knit log cabins because of you. I picked up some old yarn that my mom used back when she knit (about 30 years ago!!!) and the log cabins are making me love the yarn (even though, to a normal person the yarn may be a bit ugly…)
Keep up the log cabin posts!
I found your blog from Mason Dixons blog. You inspired me with the random blanket and I am having a blast doing one in Rowan denim. Thanks!
oh man – I found you from whipup and I just wanted to say hi – your blanket is amazing and your comment about the summer blues and convincing yourself is something I would say too.
and not to be too big of a dork, but i just read your 100 things – my name is SΓΈren (but yes, I’m female) and I’m excited to see someone who knows who Kierkegaard is. Plus I’m all about the Red Sox
i adore this blanket…
not boring at ALL…
i think it is sweet
and the colors are cool!
one question?
do you have to map it out
as in measure or have some idea
of what sizes you are knitting
or do you just kind of go with
the flow?
like i said,
i love it
i’m in awe of your log cabin blanket. i DID NOT fall asleep at all during the post. π i’d love to know what software you used to generate your color scheme. while i’m quite the knitter and techie geek, i don’t know what software to use to make squares. thanks and take care of yourself.
I just love your log cabin blankets…do you have a pattern? I have so much yarn I would love to blow through some of it to justify…buying more yarn…
Good lord, woman…it’s like the knitting gods live in your house. How gorgeous is that blanket?!?!?
Great post, and THANK YOU for helping me rediscover the Finnish Wonder Blanket-maker. DD and I are doing a blanket in various squares (Log Cabin, Courthouse Steps and Windmill) for her brother and his bride. Plain knitting goes FAST, thank goodness!
Beautiful work. Is there a pattern for these? I’m a relatively new knitter (scarfs only) but this seems like something I could move on to.
I’m a late commenter here – missed this update while I was on vacation so I was “wondering” – you are the reason I ordered Mason-Dixon Knitting – I loved the LCS but I love the randomness of the “generated” one – I took all the info and generated 2 sets of numbers before I went on vacation but it was hot and I just couldn’t get into it. I’m in for the fall/winter – whatever feels right to you. Keep up the fabulousness and thanks for sharing the blanket galleries.