Thank you all so much for your generous comments about my log cabin blanket. It’s OFFICIALLY an FO. I’ve woven in all the ends and finished the border. After consulting with the expert on all things log cabin, I decided to use the patent-pending Cro-Kay method for the border.

Basically, you cast on a stitch then another stitch then bind off the first stitch and continue around the entire blanket. Nice and neat and doesn’t distract from the beauty of the squares. 😉
Take a look at the seam here – can you find the seam?

That’s whipstitch baby. All the way. But somehow I managed to get it nice and deep and have it look like a bind off – just like the squares themselves.

I’m particularly pleased with the wrong side:

Log Cabin Blanket
Pattern: My own design – inspired greatly by Mason Dixon Knitting. Basically I knit twelve squares using three colors – there are four different square patterns. I alternated light, medium and dark greens within each square pattern.

Yarn: Socks That Rock Heavyweight Yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. Two skeins each color: Beryl (dark green), Jade (medium green) and Limestone (light green.)
Needles: Addi Turbo US Size #5s
I absolutely LOVE this project – conception, process, finish. I’m delivering the blanket to the Blue Moon booth at Stitches East later on today. If you happen to be there this weekend – check it out. If you happen to be there today, well, then, see if you can find me and tell me how much you love it in person. 😉
(And don’t laugh at me because I’m wearing the same outfit I wore at Rhinebeck. Gotta get as much mileage out of the knee socks as I can!)
I’m leaving you with some artsy outside pictures of the blanket. I miss it already.

It’s STUNNING, Cara. Congratulations!
gorgeous! absolutely gorgeous!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again — your blanket is a knockout! I hope it will also be traveling to Stitches West next Feburary 🙂 Have fun at Stitches East.
I especially love the last photo. Cara, this blanket is truly a work of art! Congratulations!
Absolutely lovely! Great job on this one :).
I *heart* green! Lovely. 🙂
It looks absolutely fabulous. Congrats on a job well done!
Oh it’s sooo cool. I love how the wrong side looks as good as the right side. Great job! Creat idea! Just thought you should know. 🙂
One question-how could you give it away? I’m too selfish when it comes to cool things like that.
Here’s something I haven’t said in a while-goreous pictures!!!
Absolutely amazing! Great job! 🙂
It’s beautiful, you are the most amazing knitter. The stitches and seams are exquisite! Congrats on finishing.
oh cara, that is beautiful.
‘let’s get through november’ indeed…sending hugs.
It’s absofuckinlutely fabulous, honey!
The yarn, the desgin and the finishing are all so expertly executed that the end result is perfectly beautiful. You should be very proud.
The photo montage is quite lovely too.
What a gorgeous blanket! I love, love, love those greens. I’m so very impressed by your finishing work…I’ve been thinking of trying a log cabin but the finishing scares me a bit. Lovely pictures, too (but that’s always true!).
It makes me want to curl up on the couch with a good book!
Have a great time at Stitches!
Gorgeous! Now you’ll be starting a run on the heavyweight greens. 😉
You’re up and atem early! The blanket could not be more beautiful. You have created a work of art. Enjoy Stitches East…sounds like fun!
Stunning, absolutely stunning. And such great advertising for the newly posted Beryl colorway on the Blue Moon website… I hope you’re getting paid! ;o)
Fantastic, Cara! Have a good time this weekend.
wonderful! i hope you have many great moments wrapping it around yourself in sheer bliss.
Amazingly gorgeous.
Beautiful! I love it!
Beautiful job Cara!
Oh, that last picture is too inviting. Gorgeous blanket!
What a lovely, gorgeous blanket.
it looks great! 🙂 I love it!
That is just beyond beautiful. Truly amazing, Cara.
That is a stunning blanket! I’ve eyed the log cabin section of Mason-Dixon Knitting for a while now, and this is just amazing. I love the colour scheme you chose, it’s understated but very, very sophisticated.
That’s amazing! I need to learn some of those finishing skillz. So you don’t even get to keep it? Or are they just borrowing it?
One word – WOW!
I love the blanket. It’s so pretty.
But tell us, really . . . do you LIKE it??
(It’s stunning.)
It’s beautiful and inspirational! I’m so impressed that you could give it up!
I definitely have to get myself out to the Fold so that I can start my own log cabin project.
Log Cabin d’Art! Beautiful!
Oh no! I see another round of log cabin-ing in my future. Inspired by that beauty of course! Looks great!
It rivals the DFS… no, it’s better than the DFS, being all yours. I genuflect in your general direction.
(Those look like English ivy leaves. Please tell me that’s nice harmless English ivy.)
That is absolutely beautiful! I love it!
And lookie! No poison ivy this time!
It’s wonderful and I’m totally jealous and wish you all the best at Stitches. You are converting me into someone who might actually like green (years of prep school with ugly green uniforms has made me a confirmed loather of most greens).
A masterpiece. A work of art. Simply beautiful.
Yes. Love this, love the yarn, one day I will participate in the log cabin trend that will hopefully not have faded into obsolescence by the time I get around to it…
How big is this blanket?
Not be be repetitive, but that’s gorgeous!!!
It looks gorgeous! The seaming is really great, and I love the colors.
F-ing georgeous!! Have fun at Stitches.
Congratulations on an FO which obviously pleases you so delightfully. I love the natural and knitted shading in that first photo. Well done!
Beautiful job, Cara. I’d love to see the blanket in person at Stitches West next February.
gorgeous! simply beautiful in many ways. i hope that you’re getting the blanket back when blue moon is done with it 🙂
Beautiful blanket. Oh and the colors…. Nice! Have a good time at Stitches.
Its absolutely stunning Cara and I love the last photo.
It looks so beautiful! How’s the other one coming (you know, the random one with all the colors? That one made me drool!)
Great looking blanket! I love the color.
Beeyoooooootiful! You probably answered this somewhere, but I must have missed it. What are the dimensions of the blanket?
Gorgeous!! Your photography is also stunning–shows the blanket sooo pretty
That blanket is gorgeous! Excellent job, that will be an heirloom someday 🙂
It looks beautiful! I love how the pictures make it look as though it has a personality…
Totally amazing
Wow. That is all I can say.
Wow, Cara. That blanket totally Rocks the STR! What a great sense of accomplishment you must have. This project has jumped up on my “I need to knit it!” list. Have fun at Stitches…try to make it by the Black Water Abbey booth and say hello to my Colorado friends Mariyln and Judy!
Love that last photo. And I *too* hope it travels to Stitches West so I have a shot at seeing it in person 🙂
Gorgeous, Cara! And, as usual – GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY! xox, J
Gorgeous and inspiring!
Stunning! Cara, it’s really beautiful. Do you have any links to how you did the whipstitch? It’s really beautiful, and I’d like to try it…
Absolutely lovely. And the inside too! Raising that bar. I’ll have to pull mine out and lower it.
Gorgeous! Love all the photos and details on this project.
I’m in awe of your photos.
I’m planning to buy a new camera and take classes. Can you tell what camera you use? I’m thinking about a Nikon SLR.
Love your blog!
Beautiful work of art, Cara. Congratulations.
GORGEOUS!!! (Even the shot of the little yarn bits is beautiful!)
It’s an awesome blanket Cara!
I thought I recognized the blanket when I stopped by their booth tonite! As great as it looks on your site, it is even prettier in person. Hope you are enjoying SE.
I didn’t see the blanket at the BMFA booth on Friday but I was really excited to see you and Kay! Thanks for putting up with me. It was a pleasure.
SOOOO pretty! I especially love the first picture, and the wrong side looks very cool and kind of industrial. The last picture of it lounging by the water is hysterical – almost like it’s a person.
cara, it is so lovely– i’m gobsmacked…
SOOOO pretty. Must remember to book mark the whipstitch/seaming part. I haven’t gotten that far. Lovely.
It is so very beautiful and I saw it at Stitches East! In person, at Blue Moons booth. I recognized it immediately. Asked the lovely Kaci and she confirmed it. This blanket is beautiful!
Great job. Sorry I didn’t see you- I was looking!
It’s even lovelier up close and in person! The seaming is just fabulous. I made a friend stand with me in awe at the booth today at Stitches.
It is perfection! Will it eventually come back to live with you?
simply gorgeous!
I saw the blanket on Sunday. It is very lovely. Nice work!
love it!
Saw the blanket at Stitches Saturday- it is GORGEOUS. the greens are electric! nice job!!!
Holy wow, that’s gorgeous! Now I think I know what I need to do with the rest of the greens left over from this sweater!
Verde Bellissimo! Let’s set our minds on a date early in December for some cosy dyeing chez moi. After you learn to do that, the next step toward total fiber independence will just be to raise your own herd of Blue Faced Leicesters! Stranger things have happened.
I saw it! I touched it! and I wanted a picture with it, but no go on the pics ;( those Stitches people are crazy with the no-photo rule. Too bad we missed each other! I had to work on Friday, so I went on Saturday and Sunday. One of these days we will have a meeting that is more than a 2-minute hug and squeal ;P
Exquisite finishing. As a person who hates to finish (but spent a whole weekend finishing up what wasn’t finished) I wished I had seen that technique before I spent all that time sewing sewing sewing.
I hope you make it to my comment after all these; you’re blanket is STUNNING! It has made me re-think Log Cabin.
Stunning! I’m awed by the finishing work.
Oy. That is so beautiful. The pictures of it on the grass make me think of Dorothy sleeping in the poppies. What can I say, it’s free association.
That’s not a blanket! It’s a work of artful love, loveful art.