Tuesday means

Saturday SKY!

Sandy – I was thinking of you! Here’s the view from our room on Saturday. We weren’t alone in the sky though:

Apparently big ass ugly spiders LOVE the sky scrapers. Who knew?! They didn’t bother us though – but at one point there were like six of them on the windows. They must be really sticky! Go Spidey GO!

We had a great time (Well I did. G worked a lot.) We went North:

We went South:

And in between met some great people and did a bit of fiber shopping. I’m beat though – we got in last night – and I’m HOT. It was pretty funny – everyone in Chicago kept warning me how hot it was – it was like they thought I lived in Alaska or something. This is what I came home to:

STAY COOL! More about Chi-town tomorrow! Now go say happy birthday to my favorite NORMA!


  1. Don’t worry, it’s about that hot at home right now, too. You’re not missing anything.

  2. Oy, that’s hot! God bless A/C!

  3. Glad you had fun. Can’t wait to hear the details. My DH works in the Loop and always tells tells of the highrise spiders. Yuck.

  4. There must, must be a break in the weather soon! Looks like you had fun (expectthe spidey part).

  5. When I was in college my roommate would spray hairspray on the spiders that would hang outside our dorm windows. The legs would stick together and they’d eventually fall off. But they were really big and gross.

  6. Have fun and stay cool, dear Cara!!

  7. I’m sorry but those spiders are gross. That would have freaked me out.
    I not only wished Norma a happy birthday, I even wrote her a poem. 😉

  8. I was up between 2:00-3:00 a.m. and was an unusually EARLY well-wisher at Norma’s. My butt is dragging now…
    Anxious to hear about all your Chi-town adventures. And welcome home.

  9. Man, I lurve Chi-town. Such a great place. I was there in August of ’04 and saw the LA Dodgers play the Cubs. We sat in the bleachers. Lemme say, the bleachers are the rowdiest, noisiest, BEST place to sit in all of Wrigley. And I totally loved that we could get completely schnockered before entering the park, only to order Mai Tais to quench our thirst.

  10. Ohhhh, I’m your favorite Norma? Does that mean I’m the only one you know? 😀
    Spiders. Let us not talk about the spiders, shall we?

  11. EEEEWWWWWW I don’t do spiders….
    Have fun!

  12. good god! it’s hot here too in cape cod. i’m so tired i can barely keep my eyes open! can’t wait to see more chi-town pics 🙂

  13. See? It’s just like I was there! I could do without the tower spiders, though!

  14. i love chicago, it may as well be Avalon or Far Far Away like in the fairy tales; but please; i can’t quite tell, are the spiders inside the windows or outside?
    i know they make silk, but still…they creep me all the way out….yikes

  15. 104 at 10:04!?! That’s kinda cool. Gotta love summer in the midwest.Bet it was super humid too!

  16. I need new glasses. I thought the spiders were Black Hawk helicopters.