This is how much I love knitting again!

As soon as I hit publish on yesterday’s post I went rummaging through the yarn bins to find some Cascade 220. I started a swatch immediately and knit the whole train ride to the dentist. (NO CAVITIES! NO PREGNANCY GINGIVITIS! NO ASPIRATING ON MY OWN PUKE AND DYING! Thanks guys!) On my way home, I had a conversation with Margene and she said what about Beaverslide, which I used for my CPH, and I LOVED and I said I thought about that but was thinking that the Cascade worked so well with Ariann and Oblique kind of reminds me of Ariann and she insisted that Beaverslide would be perfect. So I got home and consulted with Ann and we agreed that maybe Beaverslide was the way to go. We both consulted our colorcards and settled on THE most gorgeous smoky gray – CATBIRD – and I started a new swatch immediately using some of the leftover yarn from CPH.

Let’s not discuss how I should’ve been working when I got home from the dentist. Let’s talk about the fact that I was so excited about knitting that I totally blew off the work I needed to do. YAY!!!!!!!! Anyway, back to the swatch. We should all remember that Beaverslide blooms considerably when you wash it, so I measured the swatch (and got about 19 stitches to the inch in Moss Stitch – the pattern says 17) and washed the swatch. This morning I measured it and I don’t see that big of a difference, honestly. Maybe it’s because of the Moss Stitch? There isn’t as much room to bloom as there is with Stockinette? The good news is I’m going to swatch AGAIN! (Who knew I’d be so excited about swatching? Things were really really bad there for awhile. One of you guys should’ve stepped in!) I have about two sweaters worth of Beaverslide in my stash (SHUT UP! Who cares that I just bought another sweaters worth? It’s YARN. We LOVE YARN!) and I’m going to use a yarn a bit more similar to the Catbird – re: no tweed – and swatch on size 8s. I used 7s for the first swatch. I bet I get 17 stitches easy peasy. I can’t WAIT for my new yarn to come!! YAY!
There was a comment concerning the yarn change and drape. Yes, the yarn called for is very drapey. It also has lots of fibers in it I won’t touch – like Angora. And Mohair. Sure the Beaverslide has 10% of Kid Mohair in it, but it doesn’t bother me, and I think with the open pattern and the larger needle size the Beaverslide will drape very nicely. My swatch on 7s in Moss Stitch has pretty good drape already. So I’m not considering it a problem.
Hope your weekend is FULL of wonderful knits! Thanks for reading!
You’re such a sweetheart. Love reading that you’re into knitting again! Have a great weekend.
I’m thrilled that you’re knitting again but really did you have to put MC Hammer in my head this early in the morning;)
I’m glad you’re so excited about knitting again! The sweater is really fabulous, so it makes sense. I’m using Beaverslide sportweight for a sweater now, and the gauge didn’t change more than a teensy smidge (like from 27 to 28 stitches over 4″) when I blocked, even though the yarn did fluff up and change texture and appearance. Maybe it depends a lot on the exact yarn and stitch pattern too?
Yay! I’m glad you’re jonesing for the knitting again. I loooove Oblique, and recently discovered that I love Beaverslide too. I didn’t think of putting the two together. Hmmm….
Yes, it will be perfect! I knit the Minimalist Cardigan (also in moss stitch) with Beaverslide, and it softened dramatically after washing… mmmm, Bee-ver-sliiiide…
Those are beautiful swatches. Can’t wait to see the real thing. I’m glad your knitting mojo came back. I went through something similar during my last pregnancy…sometimes you’re almost too tired to sit at the beginning. I’m super glad to hear that your teeth are good. Kid #3 ruined my teeth with all the puking I did. Good teeth…good yarn…you’re all set for a good weekend.
Yay! I’m glad to read you’re excited about knitting again 🙂 And yay for no cavities, either.
I can feel the excitement pouring out of your words in this post. I am so glad you are excited about knitting again. I “pity the fools” who left and can’t get the residual glow from that excitement – I feel it way over here in Colorado.
P.S. Sorry about the Mr.T quote – it fit so well.
Happy Knitting! and we (I) want pictures of the new project.
I’m glad the dentist trip went so well for you. i thought about using C220 for Oblique too. I’m not sure about Beaverslide, as the really hairy angora and mohair tends to make me very physically ill. It sounds like wonderful yarn.
YAY! For knitting love, for Beaverslide love, for the love of yarn.
Thanks for sharing.
I am envisioning this for destashing: i thought about Cashmerino Aran from Debbie Bliss.. the drapey should be fine however will not have the same depth as with the mohair or angora should give.. I will swatch and let you know.
Hooray for feeling better! And also for the self-employed privilege of playing hooky from work with yarn (which I am doing a lot of lately)!
Sometimes running away is the best way to find home. Blue skies!
welcome back! i’m glad that you’ve re-found your stride. 🙂
That yarn is gorgeous! I really want to order some to knit Rogue. I have a sensitivity to lanolin (I knit with Bartlett glen tweed, and my hands were so red and itchy, ugh!). Can I ask, does this yarn have lanolin it, maybe the sheepy smell, itchy?
Love the yarn but then I love Beaverslide.
Oh, I hope I can catch some of your newfound enthusiasm… My knitting karma has been pretty awful lately.
Thank you for going through all of that – now I know some yarn options for my own attempt at Oblique! 🙂
Good dental report.
How wonderful that you feel good and things are going well. And yay for no cavities! Going to the dentist is bad enough when you’re not pregnant and puking. Your excitement and joy leaps off the screen. Have a good, yarny, weekend!
Didn’t know about the fiber thing! I, too, am not a mohair nor angora lover, though I can take it in small doses. The Beaverslide looks great! Yay to less pregnancy woes!
Thanks so much for sharing your enthusiasm with us! That swatch is *gorgeous*.
You know, I think I want to knit that sweater, too. It has a lot of things that I’ve been wanting in a sweater and I’m in the mood. I love your swatching, and the excitement. It’s catchy.
Ha ha. You said “Beaver-slide”. (It’s just never not funny.)
I do believe your excitement about knitting and yarn may be catching… somehow I feel the inexplicable need to swatch… perhaps a KAL is in order?
I’m soo glad that you are excited about your knitting again! The swatches are beautiful, so I know the finished product will be even more so 🙂 🙂
I’d love to know your reasons for tossing the Cascade. When I clicked your link, I fell in love. Oh pretty sweater, I can knit you now!
Glad that the puking is gone & the knitting mojo is back. All is right in the world.
I totally feel you on this post. I have experienced that thrill which comes when you realize that knitting can still excite you the way it has before. I am crushing on Oblique now too btw–so lovely.
It’s so very nice to see you enjoying the knitting again. And thanks for the reminder on Beaverslide – lovely looking yarns.
So glad you’ve got your knitting groove back, and that it’s making you so happy. Enjoy your swatching!!
I’ve missed you! 😀 I don’t mind hearing about the pregnancy, kids, knitting,’s just you have been feeling so poorly and you are always so upbeat. 🙂 Glad things have taken a turn for the better!!!
She’s knitting, her food is staying down, she’s obsessing over the next project……..
I thought I felt the world slip back into is axis. 🙂
You ARE feeling better! I’m glad to see it.
I’m so happy you’re back to your old self Cara.
I keep remembering your woes with your Central Park Hoodie and how you made it so funny with all the pictures you took of it with your hilarious comments. Your state of mind really does come through in your writing and your knitting happiness is very evident in today’s submission.
As soon as you said “cascade” and the pattern, I’m going “no, no. BEAVERSLIDE” in my head.
I’m so glad you heard me.
Oh man, is that Beaverslide stuff like crack for knitters or what? I’ve got lots of it in the stash, and I keep buying it faster than I can knit with it. So glad to hear you got some serious knitting mojo back, too!
Yay Cara! You got your knitting mojo back! Mmm, Beaverslide!
Woo hoo knitting! Gotta love the knitting. But 19 sts to the inch? I hope it’s really 19 sts/4 inches.
So happy to see you so happy about knitting again! Smiles all around.
hey…. the mojo is BAAAAACCCCKKKK
So happy you’re knitting again! And I love Oblique, too, but have to finish my Arwen (which, btw, is in one of the Beaverslide yarns) first.
Now, that is what I call a fiber high.
I had a thought here in the middle of the night. New borns can be pretty peaceful. However. once they ingest anything they tend to spit up and, um, erupt in other ways, so you might want to save the fragile lace shawls for the photo ops only. Then I thought that you have a mountain of sturdy washable cotton miters ready to be sewn up, in increments, into twelve or so smaller blankets that can grow with your child. And they’d look very cute covering the carseat, spread out on the floor for tummy time, tucked around that toddler who fell asleep on the couch, dragged to preschool for naptime, etc. As they need to be bigger, you could add more squares, until finally it is grown up size. Just a thought.
On another topic, you have inspired me to knit a mitered-squares afghan. I LOVE the colors you used, and I think using one color for the background of each square makes the blanket really beautiful. I’m amazed at how addictive it is to knit these squares!! I’m already working on 4 other projects, but right now the squares are calling me…
Yay for knitting! Yay for 2nd trimester energy boost! Yay for wicked cute pics of the baby-in-progress!
Think I might just need to get me some of that Beaverslide yarn. . . .cuz you know I don’t have enough yarn in my life. .. .
Yay for knitting! Yay for 2nd trimester energy boost! Yay for wicked cute pics of the baby-in-progress!
Think I might just need to get me some of that Beaverslide yarn. . . .cuz you know I don’t have enough yarn in my life. .. .
So nice to see you all perky and knitting like a machine again! You “sound” so great!
i could tell it was beaverslide worsted without even reading let alone touching. isn’t it gorgeous and isn’t leanne of beaverslide the sweetest thing on earth.
congrats on the baby, and your dental and mental state :-)) and congrats on the springsteen tickets. nothing better than seeing one’s heroes in action. and the baby will enjoy it as well in it’s waterland.
Crazy question, do you love your dentist? And if so, can you recommend them? I moved to NYC about three years ago and haven’t gone to the dentist in about that amount of time. 🙁