The Pinwheel Baby Blanket

Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE to knit?!?

All Season’s Cotton – Color Tapestry

This isn’t the best color representation – it’s much more yellow, almost like a butterscotch. But the pictures are taken with my new OLD camera, which seems to be working fine (although all my settings were wiped out!)

I’m on the 16″ (which I could’ve switched to MUCH earlier – damned DPNs!) and I can probably move up to the 24″ – if I didn’t have three freaking projects currently on #7 24″s. Lucky 7s I guess.


  1. That is very pretty, Cara! I love it. So glad you whipped those DPNs into shape 😛

  2. Fabulous. Now I want to make something swirly again.

  3. It’s beautiful! I love watching circular patterns grow, lots of fun to knit once you get going huh?

  4. Really pretty! Way to stick with it. (I have had that pattern in my library for years and have always wanted to try it.)

  5. Oh it’s beautiful! So worth the frustration. What a lucky baby.

  6. Yippee! That looks fabulous, Cara! So soft and cuddly. I say, “Lucky baby,” too!

  7. Oooh, that looks lovely! Where’s the pattern from?

  8. oh, gorgeous! those remedies must have done wonders…

  9. Hi! just read about your struggle with the dpns. I just made the Shining Star hat ( and almost threw the entire tangle of needles and yarn out into the snow. I felt like I was knitting with pick-up stix and Medusa’s hair! My husband thought I was losing my mind! Glad you conquered it! The blanket is beautiful. I put it on my “Must do” list.

  10. Oh-la-la…isn’t it lovely?! If you ever just want to start another (and get more DPN practice) you could always make itty bitty washcloths…