The Knit that Ruined Me For All Other Knits

I am so screwed. I love Ariann so much I can’t knit anything else. I’ve got tons of half finished socks laying around – not interested. A beautiful shawl which I’m knitting in beautiful yarn – nah. I printed out a couple new patterns yesterday – Eunny’s Anemoi Mittens and The Mason Dixon Perfect Sweater and neither one does it for me. It’s like when you finish a fantastic book and you want to be reading another book RIGHT AWAY but really what you want is to be STILL reading that fantastic book. That’s how I feel. I want to STILL be knitting Ariann, but also wearing the Ariann I finished. And that doesn’t mean I want to just start knitting another one – you know? I think this also has something to do with what G & I just went through this whirlwind last month. I mean talk about highs and low! My gosh! I don’t want the lows back but Ariann has reached mythical proportions. I finished it – was WEARING it – when I found out G was okay. You can’t get any more special than that. This sweater is IN me now.

So my question to you is to help me find something new to knit. I want to knit another sweater. Last night I went through every freaking magazine and book I have and I didn’t find anytihng. I thought I wanted to knit it from stash but the only yarn I have enough of in stash is Jo Sharp DK Silkroad Tweed and Aran Silkroad Tweed and Aran Silkroad and for some reason I can’t find anything to knit with that. I decided, out of desperation, that I will buy new yarn if I need to – after all – I have a birthday coming up. I don’t really feel like designing my own sweater, per se, but I will if that’s my only option. Which I can’t believe it is with all the talent out there. I think I’d like a cardigan again, but it doesn’t have to be. If it’s a pullover I need to make it a v-neck because I don’t like crew necks. (Besides, the girls look better with a bit of skin showing.) And I want it to be INTERESTING. No plain stockinette thank you very much. Maybe some cables. Or lace. Or both. Something infectious. What’s your favorite sweater pattern? The one that made you want to knit it all over again as soon as you were finished? PLEASE help me. I’m desperate here.

I was tagged again for the weird things meme – so I’ll do it. (First by Wendy and now by Jeanne.) But I’m not sure about this whole weird thing. I mean, I’ve always thought of myself as a little bit different or weird, however you might like to slice it, but I’m not sure there are specific things that make me weird. I asked G what was weird about me and he said, didn’t you just ask me this? So maybe it’s weird that I keep asking what’s weird about me?

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I am currently seeing two therapists. This may not actually make me weird, just insane. But seriously, one I’ve been seeing for FOREVER (actually off and on since the incident I spoke about in this post) and the other one I recently started seeing in attempts to figure out what to do with my fertility or lack thereof. It’s been working pretty well (and NO I am not pregnant.) Obviously I believe in therapy. Which either makes me very weird or Woody Allen. Probably like one and the same.

2. I’ve got lots and lots of phobias. For instance, currently I’m not driving certain distances on highways alone. Put someone else in the car with me and I’ll drive forever. Alone, not so much. I think I can go about 1/2 hour away. I used to be worse, then better, then worse. Maybe I should address this in therapy? Hmmmm…. I also hate to fly and won’t get on a plane without Xanax in my system. And no amount of Xanax would get me on a propellar plane. Or a helicopter. Or a hot air balloon.

3. I know you all probably know this one, but it’s still kind of sort of strange: I still sleep with my baby blanket. Every night. Recently I left it at my sister’s house (where my nephew slept with it to keep it safe) and I was leaving for vacation the next day and I refused to have it FedEx’d to me lest it get lost in the mail so I had to go away without it. I slept with a t-shirt of G’s every night because I needed something between my chest and my chin – you know – in that crook? Or else I couldn’t sleep.

4. I have a Bachelors Degree in Religious Studies and Philosophy, a Masters in Library Science, and a Masters in Fine Arts with a concentration in Creative Writing (Fiction) and yet my current profession is Photographer – for which I have never taken a class. Ever.

5. I bite my fingernails. But only for grooming purposes not for nervous purposes. For some reason I can’t cut them with a fingernail clipper. Which, by the way, I can’t watch other people do – like on the subway or some other public place. TOTALLY grosses me out. For nervous purposes I pick anything and everything on my skin. I’m a scab’s worst enemy. Zits? Watch out! And oh my god the ingrown hair. It’s like orgasmic to me. Gross, but orgasmic.

6. I will NOT eat chicken on a bone. It completely and utterly grosses me out. I will eat chicken breast to my hearts content. I’m a red meat girl ALL THE WAY. Ribs? Send them my way. Lambchops? YUMMMMM! But put a drumstick or a wing or some other sinewy gross foul fowl thing in from of me and I will puke. So don’t invite me out for wings okay? God I can’t even think about it without feeling ill….

So there’s my weirdness. I’m sure there’s TONS I forgot. If you feel like talking about how weird you are, go to it. And don’t forget to leave me your favorite sweater pattern! I’m not kidding! I NEED HELP!

If I don’t get a chance to tell you before the weekend – have a GREAT HOLIDAY – whatever you’re celebrating!


  1. It’s nice to not be alone. For YEARS I’ve been taunted about not eating chicken on the bone. Years, I tell you. Even as a child I was admonished for wasting food. It is just nasty to me. And bird wings!!! Don’t those creatures sweat??? I’m not eating some sweaty ass wing covered in sauce to hide the true nature of the beast. No way. No how. Ick.
    Anyway, Happy Holidays back at ya!

  2. I’m thinking of making the jacket to the suit that’s in the Tracey Ulman/Mel Clark book “Knit Two Together”…

  3. I’m with you on the bone issue. Its just creepy & wrong.

  4. I think you should make Poppy from Yarnplay. That or Edie. Then give it to me. How about that!? I can even buy the yarn….. 🙂

  5. I definitely get that feeling of being frantic to start something else right away but not being able to settle on anything. I thought the idea of the Perfect Sweater was a good one. You can use the Cascade 220 which you’ve just been using, so that will cut down on pre-planning issues/time. Choose a color that you love and continue to surround yourself with those good vibes! If you start to get creative ideas as you are knitting, you can maybe add something fancy to the neckline or the sleeves, but at any rate in no time you will have another comfy sweater.

  6. 🙂 #3s not so strange. i also sleep with a blanket believe it or not. it took my husband a long time not to be jealous of it but now he understands. i just wonder what will happen when the baby comes along and she has a blanket too. will she want mine?
    as for sweaters, i haven’t knit many sweaters so i can’t help you there 🙁 BUT i have found many sweaters online and put them in my bookmarks. so if you’re looking for some inspiration, you can go here:

  7. I’ve got a chicken gristle/fat thing which means that chopped or shredded chicken is my nightmare; I have no control over the trimming of said meat. And, like you, I can no longer board a plane without my pal X. It’s not a fear of flying (although helicopters freak me out), but the anxiousness of not being in control of my environment. I also don’t like any form of transportation that does not have a bathroom, although bathrooms in said forms of transportation are generally gross. I was once on a pretty small plane from Chicago to Albany, and the bathroom door on the plane got jammed shut and no one could get in. I nearly became apoplectic even though I didn’t actually need to use the bathroom. It was merely the thought that I wouldn’t be able to that made me crazy. (That may have been my last flight sans Xanax!)

  8. Well, since you had such lovely success with Ariann, how about another from Bonne Marie? Twist is lovely (although, for the girls, you might alter the collar) or Mrs. CB’s Camp Jacket. Both look snuggly and comfy, with nice detail.

  9. hmm i feel like everything i do is weird too and therefore will find it hard to choose just 6. considering the highways around us (Ahem Rt. 3!!) I don’t blame you for not wanting to drive alone! as for the sweater pattern, i’m eyeing the Central Park cardigan as seen over at Carriokie’s blog from KnitScene fall 2006). I just got the yarn… it’s simple (theraputic) and looks like a quick knit (satisfying)…

  10. I’m a huge fan of my Sunrise Circle Jacket from Interweave, by Kate Gilbert…maybe more stockinette than you’re wanting, but the magic of seeing your sleeve turn into a perfect half circle…Just awesome. And the darts in the back make for a cute fit. Also…there’s the classic Rogue…have you made that one? Either pullover or cardigan…can’t rememebr offhand if you’re into cables. Anyway, wish you fun with whatever you choose!

  11. Some of my friends think I’m a little weird, but I prefer to think of it as uniquely me! I agree with the suggestion of another Bonne Marie or something from Yarn Play. If you’re looking for a challenge, Fiona Ellis’s cable book has lots of inspiration…
    New projects are like pets. When it’s time, the right one will find you.
    Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a happy count down to January 1!

  12. Look here:
    I’ll be surprised if you can’t find something you like. Plus, as an added bonus you can search the patterns by gauge.

  13. Flyingdales may have broken my heart, but it was a ton of fun to knit.

  14. Well, this would be a real change, but what about EZ’s Baby Surprise Jacket, which can also be done for an adult. I’m dying to try it and those who have seems to love it. Check it out.

  15. on #1, I left my career at the time to be home with the kids. Big career mistake-I make about half what I would be making had I satyed. Perhaps I should seek help for that.
    #5-I’m right with ya! I will make a huge red spot where a teenie pimple once was, but hey, the pimple is gone!
    Good luck with the cardi-how about another Arriann in a totally different color? Why not? You did a superb job on it & it looks perfect on you!

  16. You should knit one of these. Not only are they beautiful, they are CHEAP! I haven’t taken the plunge yet, but my birthday isn’t until March. 🙂

  17. I’m in love with my Twist Cardi from Bonne Marie. It’s a straightforward pattern with a nice cable detail.
    So you studied Philosophy and Relgion in college. I got a minor in religion and then went on to get a MA in Theology. Not many people who’ve studied religion, at least amongst the people I’ve met.

  18. I know exactly what you’re talking about with books! I’ve felt that way while knitting, like with my first cami, and new socks, but I just finished a John Irving book this weekend, and when I went to the bookstore, all I wanted was another book just like that.

  19. Not really sure what to recommend for you. Twist might be just the ticket, however. Maybe something will come your way when you’re not looking. Have a wonderful weekend and a big hug to you and G.

  20. Maybe you need another one in a different color.
    Or maybe you need to knit one for a very dear friend who loves you very much.

  21. Hey Girl, I think you should take a look at Wallis or KNotty in Rowan #38.
    And weirdos??? Well, #1:I sleep with my fist as close to my mouth as possible(old thumb-sucking position). #2I cannot stand hamburger at all in any form. The little pieces get to me and the blasted stuff is a gross gray color…UGH! #3: I too have to have a blanket to sleep with…currently it is a pink chenille one that I can wrap my feet in before pulling the other blankets up. I never go anywhere overnight without it. My husband and I went on an Alaskan cruise this past summer and it went with me in a separate suitcase, because it tends to smell like my FEET! #4: I really struggle to eat other peoples cooking…don’t tell anyone! Guess thats it….Merry, Merry Christmas everyone!

  22. people shouldn’t clip their nails in public places. that’s just impolite.

  23. I second the vote for the Central Park Hoodie. I am almost finished with it – just have to knit the buttonband – and though this was my first sweater, I’d say it was a really easy knit.
    Also, thanks to Jen for the link to Cottage Craft – I ordered the Fisherman Hooded Coat kit – just what I’ve been looking for and CHEAP too!

  24. Long time to talk… all is well… I am so with you on those chicken bones-SO GROSS-…. I have a pattern for you, I am currently knitting it and LOVE IT … so I am passing the love to you….Patons Street Smart Must have Cardigan…it’s fun, keeps your intrest, and has cables. I am so glad that all is well with your hubby. I prayed for you both and sent many good wishes. Have a wonderful hoilday weekend. Lots of love.

  25. Okay, it’s not a thrilling knit, but seein’s as it is you that will probably cause me to knit a sweater soon, I’m considerring this one: (the one in the upper right corner). It’s damn cute and we could finally be twins LOLOL.
    As for your weird? I guess we’re both strange then. Multiple therapists..check. Afraid to drive alone on certain roadways…check. Sleeps with some sort of lovey thing…check. No nail biting, no fancy degrees. But won’t eat chicken off the bone…totally freaks me out. Can sorta do ribs, but wont pick them clean. It’s gross. I would have made a bad cavewoman.

  26. I vote for Durrow from MagKnits. It was even originally written for the yarns you have and it sounds like a guy in your life could use a fantastic sweater.
    I’m just wrapping the second of these up for holiday presents and the cables are fun (simple enough that you won’t mess them up but still interesting).

  27. I second the suggestion to try another pattern by Bonne Marie — or try Am Kamin, which is a challenge – but maybe preparing to take it on would be a good transition from your wonderful Ariann?

  28. May I suggest Starlight from Rowan Classic Style?
    This is what I’m working on myself, at the moment, and I’m finding it a really fun knit.

  29. What about Eris – you can use the silkroad DK for that…. it’s only a little cabley though.

  30. A sweater that I just finished and truly loved every minute of is Lands End Labyrinth by Kristen Nicholas. I got it out of a book from the library but couldn’t tell you which one. It’s got tons of cables, a bobble border, optional v-neck (which really was more a scoop neck)…a great, fun knit.

  31. What about something by Anna/My Fashionable Life? I have Flicca in my queue.

  32. Everyday Tweed
    It is mostly stockinette, but it’s not too boring, is it? 🙂

  33. Oh, good, someone else wrote Am Kamin first. Sorry, babe, but that’s the first thing that comes to mind when you say you want to knit a sweater. Have you fallen out of love with it? Will you ever Cross Over While Being Translated???
    I like the suggestions for Twist, though, and also for something from the Fiona Ellis cable book. ; ) Maybe something teensy. You know, when I’m in between, I like to work on something small — not necessarily a hat or scarf — to keep my hands occupied with something that’s not a big commitment while I think about what I might like to do next. Kid suff is great for that — do any of the babies need anything?

  34. How about designing a pair of socks to go with your sweater that uses the stitch pattern in the sweater? You could still enjoy that part of it, and wean yourself off so you could do another project after that.

  35. Why not another Ariann? You say in your post about it (the one with the wondrously happy photos!) that if you had the yarn, you’d knit another right now. Well…it makes you happy – choose another color you love, get the yarn and do another! It’s a GREAT sweater…When something looks that great on you, and you feel that good in it, it’s a crime NOT to have more than one!
    And weirdness is just what makes us each cool and interesting.
    Happy Holidays!

  36. OK, so I didn’t read each comment and I therefore might be repeating . . . . but considering what you went through while knitting Ariann and what epic meaning it has taken on now. . . . don’t you think that G deserves a “woo hoo no more C” sweater/cardigan as well? Or some sort of knit if he isn’t the sweater/cardigan type of guy?
    I think that would be ultimately cool, each of you having a “take F***ing THAT Cancer” knits to wear.

  37. I’m going to try the Cardi in Alpaca & Glitter from Garnstudio. I can’t find a name for it, but I’ll be starting it in Jan/Feb. Actually, it’s going to be my first try in many years with an actual pattern and buying the yarn for the particular purpose.

  38. Have a look at Kim Hargreaves “Fay” from her New Beginnings Collection Spring 2006. It has a nice scoop neck and the pattern is interesting. I’m taking a detour from it right now but can’t wait to get back to it. Find Fay here:
    Unfortunately, it is only available in kit form….

  39. I was inspired by the Yarn Harlots Rheinbeck and Patons Must have cardigan. I learned to knit using EZs knitting without tears so I have made my own pattern. Lovely cables in grey wool blend

  40. Absolutely nothing weird about #2 or #3! I need valium to fly and I sleep with the baby pillow that was in my daughter’s crib (21 years ago!).

  41. Bianca’s Jacket, Interweave Knits, Fall 2006. Some lace, a worsted weight yarn so you get fairly quick gratification, and bell sleeves!

  42. Weird things, maybe…and yet I love you anyway…
    so glad that you and your sweetie are okay!

  43. I just got that same feeling after knitting her Ribby Cardi. I’m deciding what color I want my next one in. Because a girl needs more than one cardigan, doesn’t she?

  44. I know you’ve heard this hundreds of times already, but your Ariann is wonderful! Definitely a new good luck sweater. I really like the lengthening. I’ve stopped at just that point on the waist trying to decide and you’ve cinched it for me (or rather uncinched it since I probably won’t be belting either). Good luck in choosing a new project – something will start calling your name soon.

  45. I’ve always wanted to knit Lily Chin’s “Central Park” convertible coat, which, to me, looks more like a very comfy, wear-everywhere sweater. There’s a nice picture of it here: .

  46. I’m in! I have been hemming and hawing about knitting that gem and I’m sold. Yours looks great. Just downloaded the pattern. Thanks for the push… Merry Christmas!

  47. You are so wonderfully weird, perhaps that is why I love you so much!
    Hope your Christmas was wonderous. With your GOOD news (no cancer) how can it NOT be!
    lots of love,
    Sandy, how is indeed late to every party

  48. I also tend to bite my nails for weird nail grooming reasons. A few months ago, a class I was taking went to visit the archives of a history museum. Some guy in the class took out his nail clippers (in the middle of the museum archives) and proceded to cut his nails while the archive manager was talking. I thought I was going to hurl.
    Also, I don’t eat chicken off the bone either. I have issues with gristle, fat, and that red line (tiny artery thing?) that sometimes shows up in chicken breats. I only eat the perfect parts.

  49. Cara. Thank you for the part about the baby blanket. I thought it was just me. 🙂