First, send out a hearty congratulations to Margaret! She won the contest with a guess of April 29, 2007 at 12:53 PM. She was ONE MINUTE OFF! Way to go Margaret! Just a leetle scary how close you came. (By the way, check out Margaret’s GORGEOUS new sweater while you’re over there.)
It turned out that by Friday, both jobs I had this weekend had rescheduled (that’s what happens when you work with kids – something always comes up and I’ve made it my policy to be very flexible.) So I had plenty of knitting time. And Georgie took me to a FANTASTIC dinner to celebrate – screw the sushi – hands down – best steak in the city. Seriously.
Without further ado, since you’ve all waited so patiently, I give you the last five squares:

Square #26

This square was based on this picture:

Kay called this next square my ode to Lilly Pulitzer. I really love this one.

Square #27

My kindergarten square:

Square #28

And the blue square:

Square #29

Last, but certainly not least, is the square based on the picture of my finger:

Square #30 – THE LAST SQUARE

I’m thinking this square is my signature square. It’s got the one red row to symbolize the blood spilled (so DRAMATIC) and also, I want this square to anchor the piece. The border will probably be dark-ish – I’m hoping this square will blend with the border – just like a signature.
So. I finished knitting the squares. I haven’t cast on for anything new, but I do have a bridal shower coming up this weekend and a planned project for a gift that I haven’t started yet. If I can get yarn today, I’ll start on that. The squares are all laid out on the floor and I’m moving them around all the time and hopefully I’ll have pictures of what will be the final layout tomorrow. I don’t plan on spending too much time on laying things out. I want to take a picture and get it off the floor so I can start on the seaming. I have no idea how long it will take to seam this baby. I’m sure it will go a lot slower than the knitting. That’s all right with me. And I’m undecided what to do about the border, but I hope that will reveal itself as I sew the thing together.
This has been a marathon and to say I’m sad to be finished the knitting is an understatement. This project really has taken over my mind and my heart. I’m so glad to know you’ve enjoyed it too. Thank you!
Cara, you are an artist.
These are beautiful! I am going to miss the squares. And I am not even bitter about losing – 1 minute away deserves yummy cotton classic for sure!
I myself cannot believe the powers of my aging brain!
(blush) thanks so much – and yes, your chef d’oeuvre is going to be a magnificent summer cover for your bed – you are a truly genius artist, your eye for color and detail is amazing – and I for one wish that I had your “stick-to-it-iveness” on projects – you’re my hero in that area…
Stunning, all of them. I can’t wait to see a shot of the whole thing laid out. Brava on a magnificent accomplishment.
(And congrats to Margaret!)
Congratulations to you and your contest winner!
Your last squares are so gorgeoue! I love the blue one, but the finger one is genious.
The final squares are fabulous. I love the kindergarten one but I bet you knew I would say that. I can tell you, from all the times I’ve laid out quilt squares, that as much as you play with them and rearrange their order, it really all works out once you put them together. Have fun with this stage of the process.
I mostly lurk but wanted to tell you that the miters look great. I’ve been following the miter progress from the beginning. I’ll probably never make that many miter squares but it’s been great watching you come up with new ones. Can’t wait to see the final product.
Beautiful – I love the purple one. Looking forward to seeing the final layout!
Way to go!!! I’ve enjoyed every stitch. I’ve spent a lot of money lately, thanks to you!!! I purchased the Gems Opal in red for the Hepburn sweater. I added tiny little red beads to the pattern and have the back almost done. Today I ordered the yarn for Margarets Kauni cardigan. I should quit reading your blog, but I really enjoy it!!! Oh, and I bought yarn for Arianne. Shame on you!!! Can’t wait to see the finished blanket. I’ll stick to quilting for that one!
Wow! That picture of hydrangea freaked me out–it looks so similar to one I took recently:
Congrats on being finished with the blanket!
All the squares are beautiful, but I especially love the idea of a “signature square.”
I can imagine that you’re sorry to see this process ending. We’re all sorry to see it end too!
I absolutely love squares # 26 and 27! Now you don’t know what to do with yourself without any miters to do. We all can’t wait to see the end result.
Love the Lilly square! I hate blood and cuts, so this is saying a lot, but I enjoy the signature square. Very van Gogh-ish.
*applauds wildly*
The final squares are lovely, and I look forward to seeing them all joined together!
Congratulations! I loved watching these squares unfold, and can’t wait to see how the finished blanket looks!
Wow! I love the signature square..well, I mean I love all of them, but I love the way that one is different. It took me an hour to lay out my final blanket, but I didn’t have the whole coordinated groups of four already going on..I did, however, have about half as many squares..Have fun! I love it!
Laughed out loud when I saw the signature square … and the little line of red! Brilliant touch. You’re much more patient than I am, I *hate* seaming and have several UFOs in the back of a dark closet to prove it π
I can’t pick a favorite, they’re all so spectacular. And the signature square is so darn clever. Can’t wait to see the finished work of art.
I, for one, (actually, clearly not “for one” given the number of others who clearly share this sentiment) have loved going on this ride with you. Can’t wait to see what captures your fancy next. Onward and knitward, you!
I absolutely adore the idea of doing a signature square with the thin red line. Amazing.
I had no idea just how much I was enjoying your miters until now – I actually feel a little sick (in a good way, kinda) knowing that I won’t get to see them nearly every day. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful project with us, it has put many bright spots into a series of otherwise very stressful days for me over the last few weeks!
Who knew it could be such fun to watch someone else’s excitement over a project? Thank you.
Oh, they’re all gorgeous! Congratulations on finishing them up, and I can’t wait to see the final layout!
Oh they are all soooooo pretty!!! It is going to look absolutely wonderful! I hope that the seaming goes faster than you think.
i just love looking at all of your awesome squares and the unique and beautiful color combinations. congratulations on finishing the last square. can’t wait to see the whole blanket.
These last are truly the piece de resistance… were you holding out before? The signature square is a true miniature work of art. Kudos…
Congratulations, Cara! That signature square is absolutely brilliant. Seriously. Brilliant.
Your color combinations are truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing them with us.
It has been lovely to watch you on your miter journey. There is a lot of beauty to be found by delving into a project and immersing yourself. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I have an obessive streak in me at times. Lately, it has been socks for me. I love socks. I am getting tired of socks, but I can’t stop. I finish one pair and want to start another. I am tired of the idea of knitting socks, but not with the process of planning or knitting socks.
Yay, Cara! Can’t wait to see the afghan. It’s gonna be gorgeous.
I was reading Ann’s post and noticed your comment about withdrawal & knew! I love your signature square with the boo-boo and all. Very creative. I hope we’ll be seeing this in 2008 in the new book? Can not wait to see it all put together, Brava Cara!
That signature square is dramatic – but in a good drama way, standing out as a signature does on a canvas. Now the seaming, it will be like a trip down memory lane “Oh the fifth square, based on…”
Gorgeous. The whole reason I read your blog is your blankets! Well most of the reason.
I’m going to miss the squares, but can’t wait to see a finished (and semi-finished) project. I’ll probably keep coming back and thinking “this is my favorite — no wait, that’s my favorite — uh, maybe that one.” Great job!
I love the idea of the signature square. It reminded me of snow white pricking her finger to add the red berries to her needlepoint. Very dramatic!
Congrats to Margaret! I love that purple square. (Well, I would.) The signature square is also very cool.
Stunning! Your color work is inspiring, and the signature square is the perfect anchor! Congratulations.
Wow! I can’t wait to see them put together! I love the idea of taking the colors of the squares from photos you’ve shot!
Cara, I have enjoyed your journey immensely. So much so, that I have cast on miter #1….
Wish me luck!
You have a fantastic eye for color! It’s beautiful! You should have a seaming party with some friends! (They can help you seam or they can just bring over their own things that need seaming!)
That final square is a masterpiece: inspired, inspiring and memorable. I have been keenly following the development of this particular incarnation of the Mitered Blanket. Bowing in your general karmic direction…
Congrats on finishing the squares! I think that lilac one at the top is my favorite one yet! Can’t wait to see the whole thing!
I have been following your squares and I like them. My preferred one is #26 (maybe because of the Hydrangea). The signature square is really dramatic. I canβt wait to see the whole thing sewed together. Congrats!
And it’s on to the next step! What about an I-cord border?
Absolutely gorgeous and brilliant. Especially the last square. I can’t wait to see it seamed up!
Congrats! I laughed out loud at the square based on your wounded finger. It’s a lovely square and probably my favorite. Although all the squares are gorgeous!
CONGRATULATIONS!! This project inspires me sooo much – the colors, THE COLORS! I want to make my own, now. I’m sure it seems a little anticlimactic to let the madness go, but it is magnificently gorgeous. I’ll admit that I had trouble envisioning it when you showed each square, one by one, but when you had the almost completed set laid out on the floor – breathtaking! Magical! I am IN AWE, totally humbled, and totally ready to start one too!
CONGRATULATIONS!! This project inspires me sooo much – the colors, THE COLORS! I want to make my own, now. I’m sure it seems a little anticlimactic to let the madness go, but it is magnificently gorgeous. I’ll admit that I had trouble envisioning it when you showed each square, one by one, but when you had the almost completed set laid out on the floor – breathtaking! Magical! I am IN AWE, totally humbled, and totally ready to start one too!
Congratulations on finishing the squares! Also, my friend works as the receptionist at Bond Street so I’m glad you had a great time there!
You finished on my birthday! Hooray! I blogged about my renewed effort on the miter squares this weekend too. Thanks for the inspiration.
Who loves ya!
This makes me want to pick back up my squares and get going again. So beautiful.
Damn fine job, I say!!! Thanks for sharing the obsess….er, I mean…journey so devotedly with us!
And yet again folks- Cara Davis Knocks It Outta the Park!!!! It is a Grand Slam! True Poetry in Motion! Why Folks, we haven’t seen this sort of thing since, well…I can’t remember when we have seen this much stamina, beauty and fluidity in one individual, ever!
Shouldn’t we all be quiet for a moment and take in the grandeur of this tour de force?
The knitting world is lucky to have her. Miters will never be the same for any of us, now will they?
(end bad sports announcer voice)
You’ll find seaming goes a lot quicker than the knitting…and it’s just as addictive.
That signature square is awesome! I think the idea is a great piece to add to any project, however you did a great job capturing the work you put into this. Congratulations!
Ha! I absolutely love your signature square. And yay for you! All done but for the seaming.
CONGRATULATIONS!! This project inspires me sooo much – the colors, THE COLORS! I want to make my own, now. I’m sure it seems a little anticlimactic to let the madness go, but it is magnificently gorgeous. I’ll admit that I had trouble envisioning it when you showed each square, one by one, but when you had the almost completed set laid out on the floor – breathtaking! Magical! I am IN AWE, totally humbled, and totally ready to start one too!
Sorry – my computer is screwing up! I didn’t mean to comment a million times! If I knew how to delete them, I would.
I wish you would make notecards out of the colorful pixilated pics on your blog!!!!
Square 26 is my favorite. It has been really fun watching the process. Thanks. I also loved the photo shop color fun!!
Love your miters, Cara! I think I read something wrong… How was I off by an entire week!? Sending you good vibes for all that seaming!
Wow! Congratulations on a monumental accomplishment. I love your “signature” square. It adds just the perfect touch.
Amazing that Margaret got it within a minute!
Just stunning, Cara. All of it. I so admire and feed off of your creativity, passion, and devotion.
BTW, please post your wedding present project (when the time is right). I’m having an internal debate about what’s appropriate and what’s not. Would love to know what you’re churning out.
That’s the perfect type of photogenic project for this blog! So, you having a seaming par-tay?
Simply delicious, Cara! Can’t wait for the end result!
Wondering if you saw this take on the miters?:
I love the red stripe! I bet it will make you smile each time you see it, despite the injury. Nice job.
You are truly an artist, Cara, and your creativity is an inspiration! Thank you so much for enriching our lives!
Congratulations! The whole project has been a pleasure to follow. And the drama of the blood spilled and all… π The red line is very clever, I like the idea of a “signature”. Can’t wait to see the whole thing sewn together and with the border and all!
I LOVE the signature miter. Ingenious!
I didn’t think it would be so easy, but the last ones are my true favourites.