Sweater Weather

Yesterday it turned cold again and I was so happy because I got to wear this!


My new sweater!! It’s Oshima, by Jared Flood and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it pop up on Ravelry. I have been dreaming about a cozy, sweatshirt type pullover with a HUGE cowl neck for a long time. My plan was to pick a really soft yarn and sort of wing the pattern, but when Oshima appeared with it’s gorgeous brioche stitch detailing, I had to make it!



The pattern calls for you to use fingering weight yarn held double and let’s just say there was NO WAY I was going to do that, so I set out to find a nice worsted/heavy worsted yarn to use. I’ve discovered over the many sweaters I’ve knit in the past couple of years that while my knitting doesn’t appear tight, my gauge is always much smaller than the pattern calls for when using specified yarns. I knew that a heavy gauge yarn would most likely work well for me, so I went with Madeleine Tosh Chunky, which is really an aran weight.


I’ve also learned from knitting sweaters that swatching is A MUST. I make big swatches, sometimes multiple swatches, to figure out the best measurements for my sweaters and so far I’ve had pretty good success in having the sweater fit the way I want.


Oshima was a great pattern to knit, but it’s got some sticky spots. The body is knit in the round, as are the sleeves, in mostly stockinette. You also change needle sizes A LOT. I think the pattern calls for something like 5 different needle sizes, which is a bit excessive if you ask me. I swatched with a couple different needle sizes in the stockinette and then moved on to the brioche stitch.


I’veĀ  never knit brioche before, and even though it adds some time and eats yarn, I fell in love with it! So squishy and soft, like you’re knitting air into each stitch (which I guess you kind of are!) Here’s a fun fact for you: I was able to get the gauge I wanted with size 9 needles when knitting brioche FLAT. To get the same gauge in the round , I had to go down TWO needle sizes to size 7 needles. The pattern makes no mention that there might be such a discrepency, so knit at your own risk!


The pattern really is very nice when it comes down to it, and besides adding length to the body, which I usually do, I didn’t change anything. The increases and decreases within the brioche stitch are really lovely! They twist and turn and just work perfectly!



I’ve heard lots lately about gauge swatches lying and such and even though I had a few moments of panic that the sweater wouldn’t fit the way I’d anticipated, it finished perfectly! I made the 42″ size to get a 39/40″ sweater and that’s just what I got. The pattern calls for 4-5″ of ease and it’s just enough to give you that cozy, sweatshirt feel I wanted!


I love it so much I don’t know how I’m going to take it off! It better stay cold for a long, long time!

imageWearing my new favorite boots, my new favorite jeans and my new favorite sweater!

I used about 8.75 skeins of the Tosh Chunky in the Nassau Blue colorway, the same colorway I used to knit a sweater for my daughter and the same colorway I plan on using for many other knitted goodies. It is a SPECTACULAR colorway! Find the project on Ravelry here.



  1. Gorgeous!! The color is amazing and it makes the brioche pop! I also love those boots–do you mind sharing the brand?
    Lovely work!!!

  2. YEA! The sweater looks amazing! I love it SO MUCH. You really rocked the sh*t out of that pattern!

  3. It’s gorgeous, Cara!!

  4. You’re willing to put in the rework and you end up with perfection every time!! Nice, nice, nice!!

  5. I drooled over that pattern, too. Yours is fabulous! I love that color — you look great in it!

  6. Beautiful job and you look great in the sweater!

  7. Absolutely lovely! Looks great with jeans and boots, too!

  8. Gorrrrrrrrrrrrgeous!

  9. I didn’t give that pattern a second look when I first saw it, but your sweater makes it sing. It doesn’t hurt that you look great in it!

  10. Lovely! And being able to change up yarn and figure out how to get gauge – wow… would love to have that skill!

  11. the sweater is beautiful and the color looks amazing on you!

  12. Everything about this is beautiful! Including the model and the accessories. Just a great project and the lines are stunning!

  13. Lovely! That color is fantastic! I had to go down to a 7 for my brioche too. I’m at the collar on mine! Can’t wait to be able to wear it.

  14. gawjus! jest gawjus!

  15. Love this so much that I immediately went on a hunt for the Madelinetosh Tosh Chunky in the Nassau Blue! I had been drooling over this color for a while and this just pushed me over the cliff! Now to clear the needles…

  16. You rock!! Anything you knit looks amazing. Im glad you are knitting again. My Mojo has been missing for a year and a half.

  17. You look fantastic!!! Gorgeous sweater.