I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I last posted. That’s ridiculous. Life has been kicking my ass, but we’re hanging in there. I’ve been at my sister’s for the past two long weekends, and when I’ve been home, I’ve been literally pulling all-nighters in order to get the work done. I have some packages to get out and one more card to do and then I’m done for the year! I’m grateful for the work, don’t get me wrong, but it sucks that most of it gets condensed into a six week period.
Meli turned nine months old while we were away and she’s doing all sorts of fun stuff. She talks nonstop, pulls up on everything (especially her mama) and is FINALLY cutting two teeth. Of course, she also has a cold at the moment so we’re talking copious amounts of snot, drool and tears. Poor baby girl! She’s absolutely miserable, which is so unlike her.
Here she is at a happier time!

At my sister’s, we celebrated Hanukkah early as they’re away for the real Hanukkah and Meli had lots of fun with her cousins!

Of course, when it came to opening presents, she was way more interested in eating them than opening them!

Her cousins gave her a new doll that she liked very much!

I know I’m biased, but she’s too cute!
I’ve had lots of fantasies about what I’m going to do with my self when I’m back to being unemployed (things get VERY slow in the winter.) Besides clean, organize and babyproof my house (ah, what delightful fantasies!) I’ve been dreaming of knitting again (REALLY!!!) and blogging again. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I’ve been seriously considering trying to blog every week day for the month of January. I really miss having something to say and someplace to say it and just thinking about things. My mind feels so blank. Probably because I’m exhausted, but I think blogging may just jump start my brain again. We’ll see how I feel in the next week or two. I have a birthday coming up as well (DUH) let’s just say Good Ol’ Jack Benny and I will finally have something in common. Well, if he wasn’t dead, of course.
I hope you’re all doing really, really well and I hope to see you very soon!
PS – All photos courtesy of my sister. I tried to take pictures of Meli for our holiday card yesterday and they all came out crap. I guess I’ve used my good camera mojo for the year. Wasted it all on clients. 😉
Not wasted!
oh man, you must be exhausted!!!! get some rest over the holidays and enjoy yourself! meli is just as cute as ever 🙂
The first thing that went through my head when I saw her eating presents was, “Nom nom nom Mommy.”
She’s such a beauty! Teething is tough on everybody. So is the isolation of winter, when you can’t go outside and walk it off. Sending you good thoughts and a big hug!
Oh, how we loved those dolls! My daughter’s was called (so original) “pink dolly,” and we gave them as a first birthday present to many many friends. THey’re just perfect for kids that size.
She is adorable. I guess this means my birthday is coming up too. 😉
Glad to hear that all is well. The teething bits were the worst, but colds and all the snot was a close second. Still can’t get over how much Meli looks like her cousins (genetics are wonderful). Hope you don’t get hit by the latest snow heading my way.
I can’t believe how big she has gotten. She is adorable!
Hurray, you’re all ok!! I was just thinking, as I was surfing on over to your website, “if she doesn’t post soon, I’m going to be seriously worried abou them…” And there you were, safe and sound, and cutsie pictures of Miss Meli too boot!
Stay warm, stay sane, try to get some rest…
Its delightful to hear from you. Enjoy your time off from work, and I hope it comes quickly!
I love the look of determination on her face in the pictures where she’s chewing on the present!
My daughter had a dolly like that too (“Fat Dolly”) and she adored it – until suddenly one day when she was around 18 months she decided she liked her pink cats better and she’s never really got into dolls again. I like it though!
Meli is adorable as always 🙂
Two sisters with such talent for photography! Those pictures are priceless.
9 months is such a great age. Enjoy!
Despite all the craziness of the season it looks like you two are having a lot of fun!
Well, I am not biased and I have to say that Meli is definitely too cute. Love these pics of her.
I know all about the blank mind and exhaustion, and it does eventually pass (or should I say it ebbs and flows). Parenting is the most taxing thing I’ve ever done. You’ve earned the exhaustion!
Best to you!