Spin Out: The End of It ALL!

Yesterday two goofs came over to help me pack up all the prizes. Surprisingly – given there was much hijinks – we actually got A LOT done. Thanks (my) Ann and Kay!

These are the LAST of the PRIZES – until next year at least! 😉 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED PRIZES AND DONATIONS! This whole thing was about a million times more than I EVER expected it to be!

PRIZE #17:

— Two Grafton Fibers batts generously donated by Cat Cooper
— 8 oz Hand dyed Superwash Wool/Mohair/Nylong blend in the Purple People Eater colorway by The Gabby Knitter
— 4 oz of Handpainted Blue Faced Leceister from Spunky Eclectic
Adam Mielke Spindle from Jeannine Bakriges
Spinning Designer Yarns by Diane Varney from Spin Off/Interweave Press
— Fibre Wash and Fibre Rinse kit from Unicorn Fibre
And the winner is…

Selma Kaplan

Prize #18:

It’s a FIBER FEST! We’ve got:
— Hand painted Blue Faced Leceister roving from Woolarina
— 100g Bluefaced Leicester, handpainted, from SweetGeorgia Yarns
— Hand dyed Merino Mohair roving from Stone Leaf Moon
— 8 oz American Pie Sock Hop Superwash Merino Roving from Crown Mountain Farms
A handmade Jenkins turkish drop spindle from Crown Mountain Farms
Spin It by Lee Raven from Spin Off/Interweave Press
— Fibre Wash and Fibre Rinse kit from Unicorn Fibre
And the winner is…

Luise Erdmann

Prize #19

— Three skeins of various hand spun fibers from Brooklyn Handspun
Green Mountain Spinnery Painted Hat kit which includes the pattern and two colors of Mountain Mohair and a carry bag
— One Silk Lace hank and three skeins of DK Silky Merino from Sundara Yarns. Winners choice of colors.
— Four Felted Bag patterns from Black Sheep Bags
And the winner is…

Lisa Dusseault

Prize #20:

— A HUGE gorgeous pink batt of wool/angora from Woolybuns
— 16 oz of hand dyed targhee in any colorway – winner’s choice – from Spinning Bunny
— A Merino/Firestar handblended Batt from Spritely Goods – winner’s choice of colorways
— Signed copy of Shannon Okey‘s new book, Spin to Knit from Shannon herself
— Fibre Wash and Fibre Rinse kit from Unicorn Fibre
And the winner is…

Amy Singer

Prize #21:

— 3 oz hand dyed Merino/Firestar Batts from Brooklyn Handspun
— 4 oz. hand painted 100% Wool Roving from Susan
— a beautiful braid of Handpainted 80% Merino/20% Tussah Silk from Hello Yarn
— 2 skeins of 50% superwash merino 50% tencel sock yarn in any of her colorways – winner’s choice from Spinning Bunny
Homespun Handknit edited by Linda Ligon from Spin Off/Interweave Press
— Fibre Wash and Fibre Rinse kit from Unicorn Fibre
And the winner is…

Sandra Burkett

Prize #22, 23 & 24:

(There are three prizes here – everyone gets pretty much the same thing, but some stuff may vary.)
— A copy of Mason Dixon Knitting
— A skein of Euroflax donated by Ms. Mason Dixon herself, Kay Gardiner
— A Knit Big T-Shirt! (Seen modeled over here.)
— A signed Lucy Neatby “A Knitter’s Companion Mini-Sampler” DVD
Knit Notes from Major Knitter Jennifer
And other fine swag!!

And the winners are…

Kandy White

Jen Wysokowski

Nathania Apple

With that, I hearby conclude SPIN OUT 2006!

PS – Anyone know where I can rent a truck?


  1. Well done and holy shit! Can’tcha fit all that in the volvo? How ’bout onslow?

  2. bull diggers and hijinks ….. that’s a surefire recipe for fun!

  3. You did it. Could only imagine you all laughing so hard and spinning together to the point you couldn’t do anything. Nice work, lucky grrls.

  4. Wow! What a haul of prizes to deliver! And what a haul you raised!

  5. Whew! I’m getting tired just looking at that stack of boxes. Great prizes! And you did such a mitvah for so many! I guess that would be mitzvot, wouldn’t it? hmmmm. XO!

  6. Doesn’t the post office have that sign in the package online and your mailman picks it up thing? I think this might be a great opportunity to try that out.
    Kay’s post cracked me up.

  7. You should be commended for all your hard work, and organizational skills……..(oops, I almost wrote “should be committed……)

  8. What great prizes, and what lucky winners! You are doing this again next year, I presume?

  9. Wonder what Amy’s going to do with all that wool!

  10. I just about laughed my skirt off at the photos over on the Mason-Dixon site. Heiffers for everyone! On the house!

  11. wowsers! look at all that loot!
    i think that the post office will pick up if you have more than one outgoing package actually. check with your local PO.

  12. Woohoo! Thank you so much for organizing this effort, Cara. Amazing what a few people can do, isn’t it? I’m going to dye up some sock yarn and put together a prize package to start out next year’s giveaway stash.

  13. I would look into the USPS Click’n’Ship thing on their website… You buy the postage online, print out the labels at home (and tape them to the packages), and it comes with free delivery confirmation. Once you have all of the postage done, you can call your post office and have it all picked up.

  14. Hee. Amy’s prize looks like fiberglass. Are you playing a cruel trick?

  15. DUDE..Amazon.com could use you chuckleheads in their shipping department! Now get out on that balcony of yours and REEELLLAAXXX!

  16. Amazing – you three made a great team packing up all of the boxes.
    Congrats again to all of the winners!
    Cara, this was an amazing project, and I am inspired by the support you rallied for it! Brava! 🙂

  17. Well done! (Wow, Kay was right — that does look like insulation.) I knew there’d be a scuffle over the Bakelite. ; )

  18. Jennifer says

    *gasp* I won something!!! So excited! Mazel tov on your accomplishment–I’m very proud to have contributed to such a worthy cause. Thanks!

  19. I spotted that reference to next year….count me in to do it again.

  20. Great job Cara and Ann! You have come so far since the idea started in April. I have loved watching the progress and the money for Heifer add up. Two people, one idea…sweeeet.!

  21. Impressive! From the pictures at Mason Dixon, one couldn’t tell that anything was actually being accomplished. 🙂 Great job, Cara! You are an amazing event co-ordinator.

  22. I am so excited to have won a prize!! But I also want to thank you for organizing this event. What a huge success for a great cause. Thank you very much.

  23. oops. maybe I should mention which prize I won. (I just read the post at Mason -dixon knitting.) I won the needles and case. I am very happy. If you are ever in Kalamazoo, stop in and I will show them off to you!!!