Spin Out: 17360

Honeys, I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?

The good news is 17360. That’s right.


That’s how much money we raised when I tallied this morning. That’s over $3,000 in ONE FREAKING DAY! Nothing like waiting until the last minute! LOL! I checked this morning and the registry was closed but I opened it up again for just today. I WANT $18,000!!! This whole thing started out with a “To Life” theme with the whole Double Chai and everything. Well, there nothing more CHAI than 18 (which is the number the hebrew letters for the word for life add up to) so let’s do it. I promise I won’t ask for anymore money. Well, at least not until we do this again next year. GO HERE TO GIVE! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I’ve got ONE MORE PRIZE to annouce as well. This one was actually offered up pretty early, but stupid me lost track of the email when things got going so she gets her very own spotlight.

The original Knitgrrl, Shannon Okey, has generously offered one winner a personalized signed copy of her not even released yet book, Spin to Knit.

The book isn’t do to be released until October, but the winner will get their hot copy right off the presses a bit early. THANK YOU Shannon! This is definitely one I’ll want on my book shelf!

Okay. I said there was bad news, right. Well, it’s not really bad, it just impatient kind of bad. I know I promised you a great long post with lots of pictures about last Saturday’s actual Spin Out. I kinda sorta lied. But I didn’t know I was lying!!! I swear. Turns out when the fabulous chicas, Jillian and Amy, at Knittyspin found out that Wild Fibers didn’t want my article anymore, they pounced! So I’m writing the article for them – look for it sometime next week. And, of course, when it’s there you’ll hear from me! This is a really really good thing for all of us, but I’m sorry if some of you are disappointed.

Of course, now I have to go BACK to writing the article. My sister and the kids are coming today and I spent all day yesterday cleaning bathrooms and I was going to write all night and then I fell asleep. It’s coming Jillian! It’s coming!

Tomorrow I will annouce our final Heifer total and I will start awarding prizes on July 4th – at which time I will pick the GRAND PRIZE SPINNING WHEEL WINNER! Then I will announce a winner or two every day until I’m done with prizes. I’m hoping to have at least 15 VERY impressive gift bundles. Maybe more. Prizes are STILL rolling in!

I know I’ve said it a million times, but this time I mean it. 😉



  1. I am in awe of this community, and of you!! I just know you’ll get that last push today. Looking forward to the article…and maybe a gift bundle? Fingers crossed…
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hello!
    Did you recieve the box I sent you? It contained a spindle and some sock yarn for the prize baskets. Please let me know if you didn’t get it and I will track it down.

  3. It really is amazing. Amazing. I’m thinking I should go back and give MORE money now. We must get this to 18.

  4. are we supposed to tell you when we donate? i’ve been meaning to for more that a few days and just now did it. i could only afford some chicks, but every little bit helps, right?
    you’ve done an amazing job with this whole project-thanks very much!

  5. I bought some chicks this morning. 🙂

  6. I’m smelling a sequel.

  7. ok, your killing me here- so I triple dipped- emailed my third donation—-chicks and an extra 10.
    Let’s get it to that nice even 18,000!

  8. I got paid a day early so I bought a share of a sheep! That’s another $20 to the total.

  9. Are you SURE you’re only one woman?

  10. Hi Cara!
    Just wanted to make sure you received the package I sent (my computer ate your email along with several others).
    Hope you received it, and all went well!

  11. You just know I had to buy a share of a llama. 🙂
    You rock, girl.

  12. Okay, I pushed the total up just a bit more, and I’m so looking forwar dto your article in Knittyspin! Awesome job with everything!

  13. Woo! I just got a share of a sheep, so there’s another 10 or $20 or whatever to the total. 😀 Good lucK!!

  14. MAZEL TOV, chica! Great, great job with this!!

  15. Rock on Cara!

  16. That’s freaking incredible. Wow!

  17. Have a blast with your sis and the kiddies. You are a force with which to be reckoned: over $17K for Heifer? You rock!!!

  18. To Life! To Life! L’chaim!

  19. Holy shit! That is freaking amazing.

  20. OMG! This is TOO cool! You should feel really proud of what you were able to accomplish. This is fabulous!!

  21. More chicks from me! This is my favorite charity and I’m so glad you’re doing this!

  22. Alright, Cara – I did it. I bought you (us? me?) a share of a sheep and a share of a goat. So add that $20 to your total, kiddo. 🙂

  23. Lisa Arizmendy says

    Hi Cara,
    I Finally got around to donating – 2 heifer shares (one for each of my daughters). What you have done is amazing!
    ps dont forget to floss

  24. Thank YOU, Cara for showing us how much better the world would be if knitters and spinners ruled!!!

  25. Ok Cara. We all took a vote. Your next assignment: Do something about the price of gas!

  26. It did cross my mind about a week ago, “wouldn’t it be cool if she got to $18,000?” So I donated again. You’re gonna make it, I just know it.

  27. Got a little share of rabbit in honor of my little girl who loves rabbits. Hope it helps in reaching the $18,000 mark!

  28. Cara!! This is such a wonderful thing you have done! You’re SO gonna make it!

  29. To a thousand lives which are actually 18 thousand lives! Hebew Rocks!!!

  30. Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn, woman. (And, uh, wow.)

  31. another $30 to add to the total from last-minute charlie here ;o)
    $18000…boggles the mind doesn’t it?

  32. Can’t wait for the Final Total! Tap, tap, tap! This is awesome!

  33. ok, i’ve added a goat just now to the knitting basket from before. it’s a wonderful thing you’ve done, Cara. From Caro

  34. WOW! That $$ amount is AMAZING! I think Heifer Intl is going to be offering you a job soon! WOW!

  35. Write me down for another $10.00 on my payday!

  36. It wouldn’t let me in last night but I just got in probably under the wire at about 12:05 AM today to give two shares of sheep. This is a wonderful thing and I am so glad that I got to give what little I could and hopefully help reach the goal of 18,000!!!!
    I will be watching for your article!