Since the Cock Freakin’ Crowed

Yeah. That’s how early I was up this morning. Not because of any god damn good reason – because I’m in pain! About ten years ago Georgie was on a business trip and I slept in our big bed all by my lonesome. I slept in a weird position in the middle and it got a little too cold in the bedroom – so I froze like that. Literally. The next day I couldn’t move. My neck and my back between my shoulders was unmovable – and if I tried to move – excruciating.

So now it’s my weak spot. Every now and then I get a little cold and stay in one position too long and WHAMO! I’m in pain all over again. I’m up early today because it hurts to sleep. Every time I want to roll over or change positions, I have to wake up and move my whole body at one time. Then you’re up and the wacky, crazy, not enough medication in the world thoughts start and whatever. You might as well get out of bed. Why lay there if you’re just going to suffer.

Before you all start telling me how wonderful chiropractors are, I went to one once. I went a few times actually. I think the guy had a crush on me or something because he seriously started wigging me out. Then I went once and I never went back again. No, nothing I would testify to in a court of law, but I did not feel comfortable. Sort of gave me a bad taste in my mouth as far as back-crackers are concerned. Besides, it’s a total muscle spasm type of thing. If I dig my fingers deep into the muscles below my shoulder blades, I can move my head/neck with no problems, no pain.

I can still knit, so don’t feel too bad for me. I always feel guilty about my pain. My husband’s been in some sort of pain since he was fourteen years old. Literally. He’s had four knee surgeries, hernia surgery and hip surgery within an eight year period. He has the hips of a man twice his age. That’s what the doctors told me. He has the hips of an eighty-yr-old man. My pain will go away. Therefore, it’s not so bad.

One good thing happened to me that I forgot to mention. Mrs. Pilkington gifted me with the most outrageous project book.

The book, Knit An Enchanted Castle, by Jan Messent, has instructions to knit not just a castle, but talking trees, a unicorn, a wizard, knight on horseback, princess in the towers, DRAGON – it’s crazy! I’m afraid to show it to my nephew because he will insist I knit every last item in this book immediately! And the kid never forgets, so I’ll be reminded of it every five seconds. Better I just knit the dragon – and maybe the castle – and surprise him. Thanks Mrs. Pilkington! You made my day!

I’ve been a downer this week huh? Sorry about that. Tomorrow is my sister’s due date. She goes to the doctor this morning. Today is your last chance to enter the contest. Don’t delay! There’s a baby on the way!


  1. Hi Cara,
    I had pain much the way you are describing a few years ago. It was the muscle group that is behind the shoulder blade. They were all knotted up and the cause………..too much power knitting at the time. I spent a few months going to physical therapy, cut down on the knitting and finally it got better, but it took some time.
    Hopefully you can get some relief… is so painful.

  2. So freaky, Cara, I experience much the same kind of pain and for the same reason — and have been feeling it this week!
    I’ve had back problems since high school and I used to go to chiropractors for the fix when I was in really bad shape. The last time was about 14 years ago when, in repeated attempts to (apparently) get a good crack out of my back, the guy nearly dislocated my hip. I hobbled around like an old lady (with a baby) all summer.
    Ever since then, if I’m in a bad, bad way, it’s massage all the way, baby. It’s not instant relief (though for me, often temporary) as with a chiropractor, but much better long-term.
    Can’t wait for baby news!

  3. I was sure from your title that it was going to be about babies today. Sorry, but that’s where my mind went! Have a great weekend.

  4. Rolfing, baby. You’ll be a new woman, a new woman with all the old pain chased out of her tissues, a spring in her step and a song in her heart.
    I swear to god.

  5. Two words: massage therapist. Really, I love mine and I don’t get to see him often enough.

  6. that book is SO cute!! I might have to pick that one up.
    I’m sorry you are in pain….I hope it feels better soon!

  7. OMG! I love the book – any clues on it to whether or not it’s still in print?
    Feel better – I have that same between-shoulder-blades pain that recurs whenever it feels like it. Not fun.

  8. Dude, I want the pattern for a princess! How freaking cool…

  9. Hi Cara,
    I know exactly what you mean about your neck/shoulders; I had the same thing happen to me about 15 years ago. I used to love to sleep on my stomach, with my head cranked to one side. Then one morning, I woke up locked that way. Incredibly painful and awkward. At the time I worked at a physical therapy clinic, so I was able to get one of the PTs to “unlock” me — a move which involved a sharp push with the heel of the PT’s hand to my upper back. It worked, and I felt immediate relief of the pressure, and within a few days the residual muscle pain subsided…but never again have I slept on my stomach, because ever since then I have had on and off neck and upper back pain, and I NEVER want to get locked up again. And like you, I don’t dwell on the pain because it’s just a part of my life, like having brown hair. I recommend physical therapy instead of chiropractic. PTs, to my knowledge, and I’m not an expert, but PTs have to have more schooling, but chiropractors get to call themselves “doctors”. I think that’s weird. As I said, not an expert, but I worked with some genius PTs that I would trust my neck with anytime. Only problem is, a doctor has to refer you to PT, you can’t just make an appointment like you can with a chiropractor. Anyway, feel better. I’m a new reader and I really enjoy your site.

  10. Oh boy do I know that pain, I hope you loosen up soon. I had luck with a physical therapist once, but by the time I see the doc & get the referral I’m usually loosened up. Looking forward to winning the baby contest 😉