Let’s see how many of you are still out there reading….
The other day, with Rhinebeck looming in my mind, I started thinking, yet again, how much I miss my blog and my community. I thought to myself – you should have a contest. You used to have really fun good contests! Why not have another one? You could really jumpstart the blog!
Enter fate, via an email from Carrie at Onlineshoes.com! A while back I blogged about a pair of Dansko clogs that I bought from Onlineshoes.com that were perfect for my handknit socks. (See them here!) Apparently, this blog post did not go undetected by Onlineshoes.com and they came to me with a proposition. Would I be interested in telling all of you about their new contest? In exchange, they would give me a $100 gift certificate to Onlineshoes.com to give away to one of you! I emailed Carrie back. “Let me clarify – I mention your contest on my blog, and you’ll give me a $100 gift certificate to give away?” She wrote back YES! I said – SIGN ME UP!
So here’s the details on the Dankso Contest at Onlineshoes.com!
Onlineshoes.com is giving away a pair of Limited Edition Dansko Professionals to two lucky winners! All you have to do to win is tell them HOW DO YOU DANSKO?

Enter for a chance to win one of these!
Enter their contest here. It’s open to US residents only and there is no purchase necessary to play! The contest runs through November 10, 2008. GOOD LUCK!
One of the things I loved about this opportunity was how it coordinates with the end of Socktoberfest! Unfortunately I did not knit myself a new pair of socks this Socktober, but I know many of you did. What better way to celebrate than with a new pair of shoes! But I’m not just giving away a $100 gift certificate to Onlineshoes.com, I’m also giving away yarn for your next sock adventure! A $25.00 gift certificate to Blue Moon Fiber Arts for your very own pair of Socks That Rock!
Fortunately or unfortunately, this lucky grand prize winner must live in the United States – basically because Onlineshoes.com only ships within the US. BUT! I can’t let all you non-US readers get away without a chance to win as well so I will choose a SECOND winner, at random, and that winner will receive a $25.00 gift certificate to Blue Moon! YAY!
What do you have to do to win?
Leave me a comment. Tell me about your favorite pair of shoes ever. Or your favorite sock pattern. Or just say hello and tell me that you miss me. 😉 I don’t care. Please only leave one comment. I will choose a GRAND PRIZE WINNER at random – after verifying that they live in the US, I will forward them on to Onlineshoes.com so they can claim their $100 gift certificate and send them the Blue Moon gift certificate. If the first winner I pick happens to live outside the US, they will automatically win the second prize of a Blue Moon gift certificate. I will then continue to pick winners at random until I find someone who lives in the US. If the first winner I choose, at random, lives in the US, then I will choose a second winner, at random, and they will win the second prize regardless of where they live. Comments will be accepted through 11:59 PM EST Wednesday, November 5th!
So. Leave me a comment. C’mon. You know you want to!
[ETA: Please note that I have absolutely nothing to do with Onlineshoes.com or Blue Moon Fiber Arts other than I have patronized them in the past. I don’t work for them. I will receive NOTHING in return for promoting them – not even free shipping. 😉 ]
I am currently knitting my first pair of socks – with yarn that i won from your last SpinOut. I think that i could get addicted to this sock knitting!!!
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years but never get around to commenting. I have enjoyed watching your knitting and seeing your beautiful family. Your little girl is gorgeous.
Favorite shoes ever? I had a model of Dansko sport clog that is discontinued (always the case!) that I wore until they were unsafe. My favorite sock pattern is probably the Anastasia socks I just knit. And finally, I’m glad to see you’re posting again!
My favourite pair of shoes were a pair of black flats from FeetFirst that I wore out not once, not twice but three times. They were the greatest shoes. Dressed up or down nicely, never ever gave me blisters, not even when brand new. Plus, every time I bought them, they got cheaper!
Also, Hello! We do miss you a little bit, but we’re happy to know you’re having fun with Meli.
Hi Cara – I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years now – linked to you through Mason Dixon Knitting blog.
My favorite pair of shoes is this strappy black summer heel where the soles are cork. They’re Cole Haan and I got them on sale. They’re my favorite, not just because they’re so cute, but because a great friend helped me find them, convinced me I should wear shoes so cute, and bought them for me for my birthday (and a pair for herself, too).
I always look forward to your posts. Glad you’re not trying to be super blogger and seem to be really thoroughly enjoying your time with Meli. 🙂
Okay, I’m going to sound like a total brown-noser here, but this is the truth: Danskos are my favorite shoes. In my late teens and early 20’s, I was a shoe collector, the wilder the better. I had upwards of over 100 pairs, and it didn’t matter to me that I often had to buy an outfit to match a pair of shoes that had struck me as impossible to leave behind. I found Danskos when I was working as a labor & delivery nurse. Shortly thereafter I began to replace my many, many impractical shoes with the sensible, comfortable Danskos. I love their look, their comfort, their style, and the little bit of extra height they give me. I wear them both for work and for play now.
Thanks for the contest! It’s wonderful to have you back posting. We’ve missed you!
My fave shoes aren’t ones that I can wear now. Nope. they were my kindergarten shoes. I remember them so vividly. Navy blue leather, with a hole-punched design and a ‘natural’ rubber sole. They were mary jane style and had a buckle. I loved them.
They were the first time I got to choose my own shoes.
My favorite pair of shoes were actually three pairs, since I kept replacing them: Enzo Angiolini Liberty black flats. There’s really not anything that special about them. They aren’t the cutest little shoes ever, they aren’t particularly expensive and they’re probably not the most comfortable shoes ever. But they were comfortable for me, they stayed on (I have a slightly mangled foot and that can be a problem) and the leather felt so soft, I felt like I had something luxurious.
I love reading about Meli! (I have three aged three and under myself!) I just knit myself a pair of socks from a patter in Designer One Skein Wonders. It’s from Regia yarn, but I don’t remember the name of the colorway. I knit the picot-edge socks, and I just LOVE them! I’ve knit socks for other people, but this was the first pair that was mine. 🙂 My favorite shoes are my LL Bean slip-on Mocs. (I live in Maine, it’s practically a REQUIREMENT that I own shoes from LL Bean!)
PS– Love your blog, but don’t worry about how slow the blog has been, Meli will grow up too fast!
1–Hi! I miss you!! & LOVE the Meli pics–she’s such an adorable wee bairn!
2–favorite socks: my first pair that I knit for myself out of yarn dyed by me–sportweight, anklets, roll top cuff, orange with flecks of bright yellow & red
3–favorite shoes: red sneakers. They’re my “happy shoes” because really now, I’m 39 and it’s hard to be sad/angry/upset when wearing RED SNEAKERS.
I have two favorite pairs of shoes and they are both Danskos. They are just the best. I have had a pair of the professional clogs for years and they are the comfiest. A few months ago I got the Merrie clogs and they are now my very favorite shoe.
My favorite sock pattern has got to be Cookie A’s Monkey socks.
I agree that I look forward to your posts but totally understand about not getting the time with working and having a precious baby!
Hmm…I’d have to say my favorite pair of shoes are my 20 hole Dr. Martens. My favorite pattern for socks? I don’t really have one, though right now I’m all about plain old stockinette socks with a short row heel.
I do miss you and hearing about Meli and your life adventures.
My favorite pair of shoes was a pair of red suede clog type shoes from Land’s End. I wore them everywhere. Until they were just too scary to wear.
My favorite shoes are Chacos. Ok, ok they’re sandals, but they are the most comfortable footwear I own. I even made a pair of thong socks (with flames!) to wear with them when it’s too cold to wear them alone, but not snowing yet.
P.S. Love them baby pics! Keep ’em coming!
Hi Cara, you are starting to have a spring in your step again. My favorite pair of socks is the monkeys with the picot edge – thank you so much for that! And my favorite pair of shoes is a pair of Red Dansko Professional clogs – the are cherry nubuck and I love them!
Hi – love your pics and your baby too. I’ve never commented before but I’ve been reading your blog for years. Congrats on your beautiful baby. Shoes for you – Naot! Any style. Soft like butter.
well, i do miss you, but that’s besides the point. I think my favorite pair of shoes, or at least the one that started me on my life-long love affair with red shoes, was a pair my folks got me when I was a tiny little girl of about 2 or so. My mom used to tell me that I was so utterly taken with them that I wouldn’t let her take them off my feet, and protested so loudly and for so long that she finally put me to bed in them. I was reportedly thrilled about this, and put my feet up in the air so i could gaze up at them before i fell asleep. I still have a weakness for shoes in general, but for red shoes in particular.
My favorite pair of shoes ever are my green clogs that my mom bought for my birthday several years ago. I even named my blog and my little business after them.
I hope the contest jump starts your blog for you! I definitely miss reading january one more often. Wish I could participate in that Onlineshoes.com contest, but much as I admire Danskos from afar, I don’t have my own pair. Someday.
My favorite sock pattern might be Pomatomus. I keep meaning to make another pair, then I remind myself that the heel FLAP took me an entire movie to complete… so maybe my favorite sock pattern is All. I love trying new sock patterns and new sock yarns.
My favorite pair of shoes were a Dansko Mary Janes in black patent leather. They were a bit plainer than the current Mary Janes, but new enough that they had the thick foot bed that I just heard is being retired.
That pair lasted forever, looked good forever, and protected my feet from the cold radiating up out of the pavement.
Of course I’m still reading…just don’t comment, hardly ever. Other than people mentioning Danskos on their blogs, I’ve never seen one in person! But I love my handknit socks!
It is nice to see you blogging! I’ve got you in my reader, so when you do post, I do come read! My favorite shoes would have to be my Dansko brown nubucks. I wear them everywhere. My favorite socks? Hmm. I have on my “Healthy Spine” socks right now, and my feet are really happy!
My favorite shoes are my Birks. I have really square feet – a 6.5 E, to be exact – and shoe shopping is difficult. (Although, that’s a bit like saying the Titanic sprung a leak.) I wear my Birks year round these days – with lots of gorgeous handknit socks when needed!
my favorite shoes ARE danskos. i have a pair of mirabelles, at least… not, they’re marcelle. and they’re red mary jane-like shoes that i love. one of the heel inserts broke and i’ve had it replaced by a local cobbler, but he didn’t do a great job…. anyway, they’re lovely and i cannot wait to wear them again… i’m 36/37 weeks pregnant and cannot wear ANY of my favorite shoes… though i have to give a shout out to birkenstocks, i can STILL wear my bostons and zurichs, hooray!
I *do* miss you. How dare you concentrate on your family and leave all of us hanging?! 😉
My favorite pair of shoes are my knee-high Doc Martens…yeah, I’m the cliche recovering goth. But they’re so sexy and so comfy! My only complaint is how hard it is to find replacement shoelaces.
Hi and I miss your blog, but I know what a new baby can do to free time. I guess my favorite shoes are my 10 year old Doc Martens. They’re so comfortable!
Favourite sock pattern? So many! I’ve not gone back and knit any twice yet and I’m just getting around to Monkeys, Jaywalkers and Pomatomus. Still my current fave pattern that I have completed a pair of socks in is Primavera.
I’m sure I’ll win :o) So just to make it easy for you to sort out I’m a UK resident.
My favorite shoes are, in fact, Danskos. I wear them with handknit socks, of course. My favorites are probably my Charades.
Those shoes are so cute. Damn. Well I guess I am still eligible for the $25 for Blue Moon! 🙂 Yeah, I live in Canada 😉
Natasha A.
Yeah! You’re back! Sadly I’ve never owned Danskos, although many people swear by them. My favorite pair of shoes…ever?
I’m going old school here. They were a pair of Doc Martins, t-straps that I bought at THE Doc Martins store in London in 1998. The were black, super comfy and went with EVERYTHING. I literally wore them out after several years of constant wear. I just threw them out in my recent move even though they’ve been unwearable for years.
Unfortunately they were pre sock knitting, although they would have been the perfect show off shoes as well 🙂
Welcome back!
My favorite pair of shoes are my Chaco sandles… all 3 pairs. I wear them almost all year, even though we get below zero in the winter. The thing I love the most about them (besides they’re even better than being barefoot) is that I get a cute little zig zag tan across the top of my feet 😉 I’m glad you’re still writing! I still stop by for the cute baby pics!
My favorite pair of shoes were my wooden Dr. Scholl’s. I wore my way through two pairs. I just looked them up. Apparently they are called Dr. Scholl’s Original Women’s Wood Exercise Sandal. I loved those. Maybe I need to get a new pair when the weather warms up again.
My favorite pair of socks is my Embossed Leaves in leafy green Koigu- great pattern, great yarn, great fit!
Miss you and your knitting obsessions, but the kiddo is so cute she makes up for it!
My current favorite shoes are my Keens! I just got a pair of Amsterdams yesterday. Danskos are on my list of shoes I want to try, I’ve heard great things about them.
I love your blog! I think my favourite pair of socks to knit are the Jaywalkers. Oh, and I live in Canada, so no shoes for me!
Hi! I miss you! You know I do!
My favorite pair of shoes were the sparkly fancy ones that I left outside a chateau in France where I had just attended a wedding last May. My feet were killing me, I had had a *bit* of champagne, and it was raining a little and I didn’t want to ruin my shoes. SO, I stepped out of them and into my sandals, right here on the rented cobblestones of the old French nobility. I then got on the bus back to Paris.
Leaving my shoes on the stones in the rain.
But don’t enter me in the contest. I don’t knit socks and I always nearly bust my ankle when I wear clogs. Just wanted to feel sorry for myself about my shoes.
xo Kay
So good to see you blogging again! My favorite pair of shoes was probably my first pair of sling-back heels. They were black patent leather, and I bought them for a formal freshman year of college. Sadly they have since gone on to shoe heaven and I’ve yet to find another dressy shoe that is as cute and comfortable as these were.
My favorite sock pattern, hands down, is Cookie A’s Monkey. It’s the first non-standard sock I knit. The pattern is beautiful and so well written, it was the first time that I did not panic over turning a heal
My favorite pair of shoes was a pair of old school navy blue pumas. I loved them to pieces, literally. Unfortunately – they’re no longer made and all the similar type shoes are just not the same!!! PS – I miss you.
My favorite pair of shoes ever are super high strappy sandals that wrap around the ankle and have a strip of mirrors that go across the instep. Mirrors! I wore them to my bachelorette party and will never get rid of them because they remind me that I actually am fabulous.
In my history, I have three favorite shoes of all time.
1) A pair of Steve Madden leather and wood clogs from high school. The wood and the leather were both a really deep brown color. They had adorable flowers on them and I loved them so much that even after the inner soles were worn out, I wore them. I only stopped when one of the straps that held the buckle, and thus my foot in the shoe, broke off. 🙁
2) A pair of Liz Claiborne flex wedge sandals. Heels had never been, and haven’t been since, so comfortable as those shoes were. I loved them to death. I think I even still keep them around because I loved wearing them so much. There’s a divot where my pinky toe used to reside.
3) I recently bought a pair of Cole Haan/Nike Air flats. I wear them all the time, and to trade shows. They look really classy and feel so comfortable. They’re probably one of the most expensive shoes I’ve ever bought, but you know what, in NYC, it’s important to have good shoes.
Favorite sock pattern: probably monkeys – because they are so fun and easy to knit. No favorite shoes, sadly, because my feet are “exotic” :).
Also, I still love your blog!
Hi, Cara! I have been reading your blog for years now and have never commented, but I figured what the hell! (I never win anything anyway, so just saying hi.)
My favorite pair of shoes are a pair of sheering lined clogs that are so old that the label is gone. I haven’t knit any socks (completely) yet, but I am working on my first pair.
You have a beautiful baby! I am really happy you and George were finally able to have such a doll.
My favorite shoes were my Blundstone boots. Very comfy, but I loved them more for sentimental reasons…they were given to me actually in Australia by an old friend who I had a major crush on. He didn’t share the same feelings, but we were able to remain good friends anyway.
Sadly, my feet have grown since college and last year, I finally got rid of them.
My favorite pair of shoes was a pair of Eloise shoes when I was about 10. My mother bought me a sailor suit like Eloise, a straw hat and a pair of blue flats with ankle straps. I loved these shoes and was horribly disappointed that I could only wear them on Sundays.
I do miss reading your blog on a more regular basis.
My favorite sock is wonderful yarn with just a plain vanilla sock worked up with cat borhdi’s new sock math. I just love toe-ups and then working almost the whole leg in ribbing!
My fave shoes are the antithesis of Danskos. They are a pair of heeled slides. They are very comfortable, perfect for when I’m feeling extra girly. And they have my favorite detail ever…a bejeweled crown.
So far my favorite pair of shoes are a pair of Hushpuppies clogs that I bought last fall. They’ve been put away for the summer since they are too hot, but it’s time to pull them out again.
Cara, I SO thrilled that I ran into you and Meli at Rhinebeck! I’d seen the pictures…now I’ve seen the baby!!! Favorite shoes? A pair I had in 5th grade. Remember when Mom would take you shopping for back-to-school clothes and shoes? It was always so exciting for me. And in 5th grade I got these WONDERFUL shoes, I think they had two eyelets for the laces. Can’t tell you much more about them except that I remember them 45+ years later!! Socks? A simple 2×2 rib, top down, in a handpainted yarn from Sophie’s Toes. Can’t remember if the color is latte or mocha, but you get the idea! Thanks.
My favorite fall shoes are a mary jane from Dansko. Comfy and I can show my handknit socks off! Speaking of which, I’m about to cast on for my first pair of Monkeys — yes, my very first monkeys!
I used to joke that the dansko clogs came out of the uterus right behind the baby, because every new mom in my mom’s group had the same pair of black dansko clogs. Perfect shoe for the new mom.
I’m now wearing my mary jane dansko clogs, which I love to wear with hand made socks. My last pair were my own design – full knee length socks in Green Mountain Spinnery’s Maine Organic yarn. Perfect for cold winter evenings in the snowy hills of western Massachusetts.
Hi, I know I don’t comment, but I read your blog all the time. I loved when you had the knitting, and now I love it even more with lovely little meli, she’s so cute!
My favorite pair of shoes was a canvas sneaker from LL Bean, that they replaced this year with a style I don’t like as much (color: red!). All of my socks have an equally special place in my heart!
Oh man. You found my weaknesses — SHOES and SOCK KNITTING. I have always wanted a pair of Dansko clogs. And as for Blue Moon — Socks That Rock is perfect for knitting my favorite pattern. Monkeys!
Hi there! We miss you, but are happy you’re having a full life of experiences with your little one!
My favorite shoes were these red heels I got for $5 on sale at Esprit in high school. They were that perfect red, t-strap, and man, I could do anything in those heels. Got my husband wearing them, too ;). I wore them for 6 years, wore them out twice, got them repaired twice, and finally gave them up when the toe strap completely snapped. Sad day. I’m still trying to find another pair that is close to them.
I love Monkey socks! But I knit them toe up. I actually find it hard to knit another pattern.
I love my Danskos, and have for almost 8 years now. They’re great.
By the way, through your inspiration, Jaywalkers were first fingering weight socks. And they fit me perfectly…I now know what all the fuss is about!
I’m in the process of knitting my first pair of socks. The pattern is from one of those 365 days of the year page-a-day knitting calendars.
I love the yarn, and have worked through the heel (that was tough, trying it for the first time, but I did it). And now I only have to finish the toe, but now I’m stalled.
Hopefully this contest will give me that added boost that will get me to finish that sock (and then on to the second sock).
Thanks, Cara!
Favorite shoes are my Double H work boots. Not pretty, but otherwise fantastic fit, comfort and support.
I have a different favorite sock pattern every week, so I guess I’d better tell you about my favorite pair of shoes. They are a pair of leather flats that I bought in Copenhagen a few years ago. I’m not sure if it is the shoes themselves or the memories of the wonderful trip that they evoke, either way, I love them!
My favorite pair of shoes is a pair of Nine West black Mary Janes with big chunky heels. I bought them in high school (luckily they still fit!) for more than my prom dress cost, but given that it’s 12 (eek!) years later and I still wear them and love them, it was worth it!
Thanks for the contest!
Actually, my favourite shoes were some Nine West ballet flats that I found recently at Savers for $4. Trouble is, my dog ate them a couple of weeks ago :{ It was revenge, because I hadn’t taken him for a walk in a couple of days, due to work being crazy.
BTW: Can I just say how much I loved your post on writing from a few weeks ago; it struck a cord with me.
Be well–, K.
Favorite shoes and sock pattern change on a regular basis, but I’m currently wearing my dansko mary janes as my go-to work shoes 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes were a pair of black leather Anne Klein sneakers. They had tan laces and were the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned. I wore them until they literally fell apart on my feet!
I DO love my Dansko’s as I have a high arch and they help my feet. I can’t wear the professionals however for the same reason- I also Love BMFA and Tina and the gang!
My favorite pair of shoes ever were some I got for Easter when I was probably 7 or 8 or something. They were white Mary Janes, but with a little flower cutout in the toe. But this flower cutout was filled with seethrough, irridescent pink plastic, so you could see your toes through it, but it was sparkly and girly. God I loved those shoes!
My favorite pair of shoes ever were some black sandals I bought back in the summer of 2000. They had just the right amount of platform-ness and looked totally Greco-Roman. I wore them until they became completely disgusting and I miss them to this day!
I love your blog!
I so want to knit a pair of socks, but I haven’t worked up the courage.
My favorite shoe? It has to be a toss up over the pair of warm brown Topsiders I wore to pieces or the ox blood penny loafers that fit my overly large (and WIDE) feet perfectly. I went through two pair in High School!
Oh how I love shoes. Although I stopped buying so many becuase they all hurt my feet. My favorite pair of shoes would have to be this pair of black sandles from areosoles. They are so comfy and the heel is just right! And of course I miss you and wish you would blog a bit more, I don’t mind the lack of knitting content, I read for everything.
I have two favorite pairs of shoes: A pair of brown Skecher oxford-like walking shoes that I’m currently wearing with a new pair of handknit socks (Groovy pattern in Vesper’s Neopolitan self-striping yarn) and a black pair of Mary Jane Borns. I liked them enough to buy a pair in brown, which, sadly, aren’t as comfortable.
My favorite pair of shoes are a discontinued style of Dansko’s they are similar to loafers with stitching across the toes. I already had one pair in this style but I lusted after the blue color. Upon hearing that they were discontinued, I searched high and low for a pair. It came to the point that I no longer trusted the websites to have them in stock even if they said they would so i broke down and started calling. Finally I found a pair in Wyoming. Those Blue shoes get worn quite alot and I love them. Sadly my feet have gotten a hair wider so I can’t wear most of my hand knit socks with them.
My favorite shoes are my black leather Birkenstock clogs. Birks have saved my back, my knees, my sanity. Thank goodness I don’t find myself having to wear heals often any more. I’d be miserable. Those Danksos are sooo tempting…
I think at the moment my most comfortable shoes are 1) my Croc flip flops and 2) my Airwalk clogs. Due to foot problems, when I can I do live out of these and with colder weather, the clogs are winnings. When the feet start, then its off to either my New Balance or my Nike sneakers.
It sucks to get old and have things starting to bother you!
My favourite shoes are a pair I’ve kept for sentimental reasons for over 10 years, now, though they’re quite worn out. In those shoes, I set foot in six countries and three continents. They were also the first pair of shoes I bought which cost more than $10: I was in early adulthood, and had been raised in a very frugal fashion.
My favorite pair of shoes ever were a pair of used combat boots that I bought at an Army surplus store. I bought them in high school, and wore them probably 5 times a week until I finally wore them out sometime after grad school. Who knew it was possible to wear out combat boots?
Of course, I didn’t knit yet, otherwise I would have had to find another pair of shoes that showed off hand-knit socks.
Welcome back! We miss you!
My favorite shoes are my Dansko clogs and my Polo galoshes. The clogs help my feel like and adult in ‘good’ shoes, and my galoshes remind me that nothing beats jumping in big, fat puddles.
Okay, I’ll bite. 🙂 My favorite shoes EVER were a pair I had when I was little: red Mary Janes with those punched-hole decorations on them (like on wingtips). They were so awesome and beloved that I have been trying my WHOLE LIFE to find shoes like that in my giant grownup size…
I’m glad you’re blogging and feeling fulfillment in re-connecting with your community. Don’t be too hard on yourself for falling out of sight once in a while–being a mommy is hard work!
My favorite pair of shoes were the first thing I purchased for myself with money that I earned when I was 15. They were London Undergrounds, big leather clog-looking shoes, that had wooden heels. I thought they were awesome, and I wore them all the time.
In retrospect, they’re a little ridiculous, especially for the amount of money I paid for them.
My favorite shoes are the most comfortable ones in my closet (or on my feet) right now! Birkenstock Arizonas, currently, but saddle shoes, converse, keds, and rockports have held the title in the past. Does Meli have favorite shoes yet?
My favorite pair of shoes ever were a simple pair of brown leather birkenstocks. Then my puppy at the time chewed one of the straps in two. lol
I still love the birkenstocks, I just haven’t had a pair that were as broken in as that pair I used to have.
Hooray! I’m wearing danskos right now and have ways to get shoes to Canada (mwah ha ha).
It’s good to have you doing more contests!
Hi Cara! My favorite pair of shoes ever was a pair of clogs from Clark’s. They were chocolate brown with a cute leather stitching diagonally across the front and etched daisies on the sole. I got them for Christmas in 1998 and wore them everyday for a couple of years until they were totally ruined. I have owned a couple of pairs of clogs from Clark’s since then, but it’s never been the same. Maybe I should give Dansko’s a try?
BTW, my son is 9 months old and his favorite shoes are Isabooties.
I’m not a big shoe person, preferring to wear flip flops or go barefoot most of the time, but I LOVE socks. Socks are where it’s AT. I love all my handknit socks, but I really love my hand spun hand knit socks, so I want to spin more yarn and make more hand knit socks.
And, I totally miss you! I miss all your posts. I don’t check your page that often anymore, but I have you friended on ravelry so I don’t miss anything.
I do miss you! But I am guilty of the same thing – I rarely post (tho not because I dont have time, but because I’ve been feeling the blog-posting blahs).
That’s funny! I was just thinking about how my favorite danskos are getting so old that I have worn a hole in the toe (they are also so old that my doggie tries to roll in them, which is less impressive); and I was just wondering how you are doing, so I wandered over here.
Long time lurker; first time commentor. or is it er? i’ve got 6 pairs of danskos – primarily sandals!!
Well I’m one of your Canadian readers which puts me out of the running for free shoes. Deep sigh. My favorite pair of shoes is a pair of leather all stars. They are so comfy and look remarkably stylish for a pair of simple runners. They are starting to wear out, though, so soon I will be on a quest for another pair.
My fav socks are my first pair of handknit ones. I’d rather wear them dirty than store bought socks that are clean! Just a basic sock pattern, in Lion Brand Magic stripes. I’m so proud of them that they stripes line up!
I got sock yarn in the post that smelt of Gingerbread (available here). All yarn should smell that good. Though some does without the extra. Oh, I’m in a kerfuffle. Its nice to see you posting lots again!
I’m going to have to say that my favorite pair of shoes ever are a pair of black patent leather mary janes with a big ol’ stiletto. They are my perfect shoes. They were made for me. They are the love of my life. I would leave my boyfriend if they asked me to. I love them.
My roommate’s cat chewed on them.
I still wear them if I am going somewhere with low lights.
I love them.
Hello! I’m glad you’re back!
I can’t resist a chance for a new pair of shoes. My very favorite bright red Earth shoes are nearing the end and I will be mourning their loss, I’m sure.
I wore (out several) a pair of shoes in the late ’70’s. They were closed back wooden clogs. My mother used to send them to me from Germany. I think that they were Birkenstock.
I wear Danskos now. Much more comfortable!
I love ALL my handmade socks and so do my family and friends. I have a huge basket of socks that I make presents of. Everyone should have at least one pair of hand knit socks.
My Danskos are my favorite shoes of all time. Well, I did have a pair of penny loafers when I was four that I loved at the time, but I think that look is out.
I enjoy reading your blog, mostly because I totally admire your eye for color. Have fun raising that baby though, and just come back for more regular posting when you and Meli are ready!
I started reading your blog when you became pregnant because I was due right about the same time as you were.
Therefore, I have a small baby, which is why I have no socks to show.
But, I have a cool pair of clogs that I love wearing my handknit socks with. I have no idea what brand they are and I have worn it off of the inside of the soles.
Welcome back! I met you briefly at Rhinebeck. Beautiful baby girl.
My favorite shoes, ever, are totally impractical, pointy-toed, pony-hair slingbacks from Coach, that a scored on a sale so deep I would have regretted it FOREVER if I’d passed them up.
I’ve almost bought danskos twice now. One of these days I’ll pull the trigger.
Hi Cara! Well I do miss reading your blog but I totally understand why (I have 3 kiddies). You will be back when you can and that is fine.
My fav shoes are my Mary Jane like with a .5 inch heel shoes. I bought them at Target (I was desperate for shoes had no time to go looking around) and they turned out to be the best. You can see my sock and the are comfy and they were on sale. Less the 20 baby! I have worn then so much that they are starting to show signs of wear =( and I am hunting for a new pair of great shoes
My favorite pair of shoes are the red boots that Ariel Moore (played fantasticly by Lori Singer) wears in Footloose. Not even joking.
Perhaps I should get out of the house more?
Hi Cara! Glad you are having a contest! I have missed you posting on your blog regularly and I do understand that Meli is currently #1 on your list – – BUT I do miss seeing you update us on your current and upcoming projects! Whatever happened to that random blanket you started before Meli was born did you actually get going on it? I was so looking forward to seeing your version of this blanket. Love that you are slowly making an effort to return to the blog. Loved the pictures from this past weekend and LOVE the hat Meli is wearing it is beautiful and she looks gorgeous with it! Love the family picture! Hope to see your posting more regularly or whenever you can!
Still here, still reading, yay for RSS! Although I really should click through more often because your pictures at the top of the page are awesome and I love them all.
Those shoes look really yummy…I want some. I don’t live in the US, but I do have a US postal address (aka friend who lives a little bit south of the border and comes to visit regularly and is happy to transport random packages) … so maybe I’m not actually eligible, but I’m also dying to try out some STR. Speaking of shoes, I’m currently in love with my Columbia spring-weight hiking shoes, they don’t show off the socks, but they are so light I hardly feel like I’m wearing anything.
My favorite pair of shoes are BCBG hot pink, 5″ heels with pointy toes. I got them brand new for $15 and wore them as much as possible before my feet grew during pregnancy 🙁
I still haven’t knit a pair of full size socks yet (just booties and baby socks) I need to do it!
My favorite shoes? Probably a pair of heeled clogs from LEI that I’have had for over 7 years. They keep my feet dry in rain and snow, are comfy and sturdy enough that it doesn’t matter that I’m in heels and the ground’s wet.
My favorite pair of shoes ever were a pair of red cowboy boots I wore when I was a little girl. They were BEAUTIFUL! really. I wore them until, well (sigh). Until I couldn’t anymore. Geez, what a sad day that was. My Mom gave them to one of my younger cousins after I’d outgrown them. I still get a little lump in my throat when I think of the first time I actually saw my little cousin wearing those amazing red cowboy boots.
I’ve had other pivotal shoes since then. Other favorites. There were my shiny penny loafers, the summer sandals that seemed to go with everything, of course, the ever-sexy red suede pumps (it was the ’80’s), but nothing will ever compare to those magical, wonderful, red cowboy boots of my girlhood.
Love the pics of Meli, keep up the cute-blogging!
Oooh let me tell you about my favorite pair of shoes. Cole Haan High Heels, with NikeAir Technology. Normally I’m not a heels gal–nor am I the kind of girl who can spend $300 on shoes!–but with graduation and many many job interviews in my future, I knew I needed a great pair of nice shoes. These shoes really are as comfortable as a pair of sneakers and I wear them EVERYWHERE. Best purchase I’ve ever made.
Hi Cara! I love you. My favorite Danskos are my one-size-too-large plain black clogs that are perfect with my thicker handknit socks. My favorite sock pattern is, um, um, um, I can’t choose!
Hi Cara! I’ve been reading for a few years now and this may be my first comment.
I love my Crocs Alice shoes, a mary-jane style, that show off my handknit socks (so far only 3 pairs) really well. They’re nice and dressy/casual, and leather-free (which turns my crank). Thanks for the opportunity to enter this contest!
I don’t miss you 🙂 In the sense of, I still read and really enjoy your pics and updates about your new, babyful life. I remember those days fondly (even where my son is just turning five!)… and it’s nice to see your updates, whatever they contain.
My favorite ever pair of socks is the pair I knit for my knitty pattern, bmp (the stranded space invader ones). They were a collaboration, a love letter, a joke that turned real and I learned a lot along the way.
You have been missed and Im glad you’re blogging again. I have never knit socks before so Im ready to try. Also, your baby girl is adorable!!!
Hi Cara!
What better time for me to de-lurk than for a chance to win BOTH of my favorite obsessions: shoes AND sock yarn???!!! Yummmm to both!!
My favorite pair of shoes… I have pretty much everything from stiletto’s to clogs, but my favorite shoes all time are my Reef flip flops (not so sock-friendly, however). I could live in them year-round if it wasn’t for New England weather… *as I look out at the dreary weather*.
Yay, new words from you!
My favorite sock patterns are Undulating Rib and Bellatrix, at the moment, and my favorite yarn is Colinette Jitterbug! So Snug!
My favorite pair of shoes ever were this pair of Duff skate shoes. I was 15 and they were my first pair of cool shoes I bought on my own… with my busking money (like when you play your music on the street and people throw in change?).
They were beige, a little big for me, I wore them with the laces tucked into the shoe under my feet… it took a while to get used to but it looked cool dammit.
The second day I had them I wore them with a brand new pair of jeans. yeah… they had blue marks on them after that… but i decided it made them look so much cooler. I had those shoes until they rubbed through the back heel into the plastic. I still kept wearing them… then the plastic broke… mum couldn’t understand why I kept wrecking all my socks. I tried to buy replacements but I always went back. Eventually I got a replacement pair that I love, but I still kept these shoes for 3 years after that. I miss my Duffs.
Thinking about this, I have had lots of memorable shoes over the years. My favorite kind to wear with knit socks are Birkenstock Bostons. I can slip them off and make people look at my socks. 😉
My favorite pair of shoes are Josef Seibel clogs – they are the only shoes I can wear my handknit sock with (fat feet and thickish socks are hard to stuff into most shoes).
Hi Cara! My favorite socks are made of Trekking XXL, in the most lovely colorway number 78. I always wear them when I want to make a good impression, although most people don’t even look at my socks.
My favorite shoes were probably a pair that I had when I was 12. They were basic flats that were sparkly, but dusky blue with a bow on them. I don’t know what was so special about them, but I wore them until I wore them out. 🙂
I always watch for your posts, and so I’m glad when one arrives. I’m not even sure that I’ve ever seen Danskos, and certainly not worn them, and I can’t think that I have any favourite shoes. Looking forward to your next post, and yes, I’m in Canada.
Why are you so unhappy with your blog??? I found your blog through Lovin’ Comfort Knits ( now a dear friend of mine), when you were about halfway through your pregnancy. When you first mentioned how your (and other) blogs were changing (when Ravelry started up, etc.), I just assumed it was a sort of nostalgia for your pre-baby blog, because everything, simply everything, changes when you have a baby! I’ve enjoyed your blog from Day One, Ms. January One! I love to hear what that beautiful baby is up to, and your thoughts and musings. And knitting, when there’s time. Happily, with rss feeds, I am Johnny-on-the-spot when you post!
As far as my fave shoes…flip-flops!! But I live in the wilds of cold, cold Maine, so for the other 46 weeks of the year, I have to say my old, worn, rebuilt many times over, Birkenstocks…16 years and counting! (Don’t forget we’re in boots here much of the year.) They’re so old and nondescript, my socks get all the limelight. Blog On, Cara!
Over the summer I picked up some mary jane style shoes from Privo and love how they show off my socks.
Love the blog and will continue to stick around!
Hey, I’ve been reading your blog for about 2 years but I don’t think I’ve ever commented. I loved hearing about your baby adventure and all of your beautiful knitting too.
I’d love to be entered into the contest and I really have missed you posting regularly although I completely understand why. 🙂
I got my first pair of Danskos earlier this year, and have been loving them ever since they were delivered at my door. My FAVORITE pair of shoes, though, is an old pair of flip-flops I got on clearance while on vacation at Lake Tahoe.
Favorite pair of shoes? A pair of patent purple heals. I don’t get the chance to wear them too often, but I rock them when I do!
My favorite shoes are actually slippers-well slipper flip flops. they are Ugg slipper flops and even tho I hate traditional ugs these are the best things ever! I swear I have worn them every single day since getting them on Xmas day! Im due for a new pair, hope santa brings them to me!
My favorite pair of shoes are the FitFlops I bought this summer. However, I’d love to try Danskoes (especially if winning a gift certificate).
Also, I do miss your daily blog posts…but you have the best reason to not blog ever! She’s adorable.
Hello! I’m one of those people who read all their blogs through a reader, and so I don’t comment all that often. But I’ve been enjoying your blog for a while now, and even now and then passing on links to pictures and entries to a non-blog-reading friend of mine who is a new mom. She’s been loving them, too. 🙂
My favourite socks (so far) are some Monkeys I knit up with Yarn Love Juliet. The colourway is one that I think only I could love as much as I do. And they match just about everything I wear.
My favorite pairs of shoes were a pair of Camper Pelotas that I wore almost every day for four years. They were perfect with skirts, with pants, with jeans, casual, for work, anywhere. Anytime. Riding my bike. Going hiking. It was awesome.
Sadly, they wore out and Camper no longer makes them in my size.
(I also read through a reader, and I hardly ever comment.)
My favourite socks are my spiral boot socks.
I live in Canada so no shoes for me but I’ll never say no to yarn!
My favorite shoes are the pair of blue Fluevogs I wore at my wedding.
Hi Cara!
I totally miss you. My favorite pair of shoes is actually a pair of John Fluevog boots. They are black, knee-high, have a lug sole with a Victorian heel and purple embroidery on the sides. I’ve never tried Danskos, but I would be more than happy to! Even if you don’t post that often any more, Cara, we know you still rock.
My favorite pair of shoes ever? Freshman year high school, light grey, soft as a baby’s butt leather penny loafers. I got them at the Oakland Mall in Troy, Michigan, but I can’t remember the name of the store! I could show you where it is though! I wore them until they had holes in them. I miss them! I’ve never found another pair like them!
I’m relatively new to your blog and I love it! My babies are all grown so I love when you post stuff about Meli, I live vicariously!
Of course I still read! My favorite pair of socks are my duck socks, which I got at senior lock-in right after I graduated high school. But of course I’m always in love with the ones I knit, too.
I’m usually far less enthusiastic about my shoes than I should be.
I love my Lands End clogs. But they are starting to look a little tattered and all my shoe money is now going to college!
Favorite socks are my generic toe up handspun by me! Nothing better.
Meli is a beautiful little girl.
Oh! What fun that they picked you to promote their contest! And you’re so generous to offer gift certificates on top of that!
My favorite shoes are a pair of TUK mary jane shoes that have a kitty face on them. They’re ridiculously comfortable, and everyone who notices them loves them! They’re great for drawing attention to handknitted socks!
I love reading about Meli! Just wish you had more time to blog more about her and yarn and knitting and such. But of course, you probably wish that too. 🙂 Thanks for having such a great contest!
Yes, I miss regular updates on your blog. I keep checking every day and love when there is a new posting.
My favorite sock pattern is Vine Lace Socks, but according to the pattern they knit up too small. I changed the k2 in the pattern to k3 and all is good. I’ve knit this pattern for my grandmother and for myself. Love it!
Thanks for the contest!
Gotta admit–I love my Danskos.
It’s really fun to see Meli. My son is about 6(?) months older than she is so it’s really nice to compare milestones.
HI Cara, I don’t have a pair of Danskos, but they are the next pair of shoes I want to buy! Specifically, the red cordovan mary janes. I want to be able to show off my handknit socks, as well! I’ve long enjoyed your blog, and although I miss your knitting, I am also the read of many a ttc and baby blog, so I enjoy reading it in its current incarnation as well. Thanks for a great contest.
I love Charade socks. Now I just have to find the perfect yarn for a pair or two.
My most favorite pair of shoes ever is a pair I had back in high school. They were black patent leather, lace up, with patent leather reverse applique all over them – big red lips, music notes, a cat face. They were FANTASTIC. My mom bought them on a whim for me, and was both stunned and thrilled when I wore them the very next day.
They even have their own shot in my senior yearbook. Ah, memories.
My favorite pair of shoes were brown leather high-heeled sandals with 1″ wooden soles and about a 3″ heel (maybe a 2″ net heel, with the soles). They buckled at the ankle and were the only heels I could wear without falling over, maybe because the weight of the wooden sole kept me upright like a Weeble. One day, my apartment flooded from the neighbor’s water heater, and the closet got soaked. When I got the shoes out, the soles were saturated, and they started growing new colonies of life, and I had to let them go. Boo.
My favorite pair of shoes right now are my Crocs with the faux wool lining. So light and comfortable and they keep my tootsies warm too!
I love me some danskos…they’re what I’m wearing right now. They’re not clogs, they’re black and kinda strappy, and they were the only shoes in the entirety of Burlington, VT, that would fit my fat feet last year when I was pregnant with Lucy.
I started reading your blog when you were going insane — I mean, when you were in love with — over metered squares (I’m not spelling that right), and I stuck around for baby stories and Meli. 🙂
Cara I missed you I missed Melli I missed you blogging. As for my favorite shoes years ago my dad gave me a pair of Italian driving shoes. I don’t know what brand but I wore them until they fell off my feet. I’ve always wanted another pair but never found one the were as comfy as the first ones.
Hi! I love looking at the pictures of your little girl! She’s adorable!
My favorite sock pattern is Monkey! It looks great in my favorite sock yarn Socks that Rock. I love knitting them, and they look so pretty!
Hey Cara!! I really love reading your blog, and my face lights up whenever I see one of your new posts on my RSS feed 🙂 🙂
My fave sock pattern is probably the Monkeys…of course you know all about those! I’ve made 1 pair of top down monkeys and 2 pairs of toe-up monkeys…it’s the only sock pattern I’ve ever made more than once, so that says something right there!!
I don’t know about favorite shoes ever, but yesterday I got a pair of Frye Campus boots and I must say, I am in love. I am going to need to knit taller socks, though.
I’m loving Earth Shoes right now. I can stand up and walk for hours in them, and my feet never hurt.
i think my favorite sock pattern is embossed leaves. and my favorite shoes? hmm. i don’t think i could do better than my 5-year-old self’s favorites: raspberry, velcro sneakers with a little zipper pocket on the side. so cool!
I don’t think I’d be able to narrow down my favorite shoes to just one pair. (My husband calls me Imelda.) I do have one pair of blue mary jane danskos that are a little too big for me – the store didn’t have my size – but they were so cute I bought them anyway. I just wear two pairs of socks with them!
I love your blog, and never get tired of pictures of Meli!
its great to see you blogging again so frequently, we missed you! but then you come back with oh-so-cute shots of Meli and well, she’s too cute to resist.
favorite shoes ever? that’s a hard one, but probably the red flats with the cute flower I had until 3 years ago. finally had to throw them out when the sole almost fell off. it was very sad day. but they were so comfy!!
as for favorite socks, those would be whichever pair i just finished. oh look! another pair made from STR just came off the needles! 😉
Hurray for a new post and a contest (well multiple contests even)! My favorite skein is one I purchased at Stitches East from BMFA in the January One color way. I have yet to use it cause it’s my favorite! My favorite pattern so far has been the Spring Forward pattern from Knitty. My favorite shoes are a pair of black Dansko mary janes I tried on but could not afford.
Thanks for the contest! 🙂
I just love shoes and I want to see more baby photos!!!
My favorite shoes are my Birks (Arizona–the 2 strap style). I wear them so much I have Birk tan lines on my feet. My favorite socks that I have knit are a plain vanilla one in a leafy yellow green….my favorite color!
p.s. Meli is sooo adorable….
What a great contest!!! My favorite shoes are coincidently Dansko’s. My feet feel so good in them, and my fovorite sock is the Through the Loops Mystery Sock KAL that is going on right now. It’s been really fun working on a new clue each week. Glad your back!
When I was in college I had clear plastic buckle shoes that I loved. They had little cut outs on the sides just like little girls shoes. I used to wear my Polo striped socks with them and felt so cool. I wish I could have worn those shoes forever. Alas the plastic heels wore down. They would have been perfect with hand knit socks.
I’ve missed you posting regularly.
My favorite pair of shoes were these terry cotton slippers my mom got me as my going away present, when I went to live for a year in Ecuador. They were so comfy, so cozy. I wore them all the time. And they went with me to college, and I still wore them all the time, but now I started wearing them around, so they got even more cozy (read: ratty). I wore those slippers every day (they were 10 years old!!) until my husband replaced them with new ones right before I had our daughter. Apparently, he didn’t want to be embarrassed by my footwear during delivery.
I do miss those slippers!
I had a great pair of Doc Martin’s when I was in university and drove a scooter. I loved them because they made me feel like a rebel.
Even if you can’t write Cara, post a picture of baby Meli. Please!
My favorite pair of shoes are probably my baby shoes, I love little, itty bitty shoes! I haven’t tried Danskos but would love to someday. I don’t have a favorite sock pattern, I knit a different one each time to try something new 🙂
I like shoes, I like Socks that Rock in my shoes, I miss you. There, I think I covered all the bases.
Hi Cara, I’m a rare commenter, but I do enjoy reading your blog very much! All of your Jaywalkers & Monkeys helped to spark my now-enduring love of Socks that Rock. My DPNs, stash, and feet thank you! 🙂 My favorite shoes right now are Dansko closed-back clogs in dark red. And I love Earth mary janes – also great for handknit socks!
Hi! Glad to see you are doing so well.
I think my favorite pair of shoes are my Birkenstock Clogs that I got from Ebay. They are a grey color and I wear them all the time!
My favorite pair of socks are the Spring Forward socks I made for my mom! They even won 2nd place in the county fair.
Birkenstock clogs! Best shoes in the whole wide world!
My favorite shoes were a pair of Evan Picone two-tone soft grey pumps that I wore at my first “professional” office job in the ’80s. I remember paying as much for them as a suit, but they were so comfortable. I work them for years, getting them resoled at least twice. After 5 – 6 years I was no longer able to get them repaired any more and I had to part with them. Of course now that I have had a child there is NO WAY they would fit my feet anymore, but I can still dream about them. Thanks for the contest!
How could I not enter, Socks that Rock are my favorites, I knit my first pair of “real” socks in their yarn and I keep going back to them… and Danskos are my absolutely most favorite shoes, so here it is, maybe I’ll hit the big one!!!
My favorite pair of shoes are my clear converse’s. I match my socks to what I wear and it looks like I have a pair of shoes in every color! Not too many people know my secret b/c I usually wear those shoes with jeans! Btw, welcome back!
Fun contest! I’m not an American (Canadian) but my favourite shoes are:
When I was 6-months pregnant with my eldest daughter, my husband and I went on a road trip to Boston. We went outlet shopping on the way back home. I couldn’t get any clothes for myself and my feet were ACHING after all the walking in Boston with old yucky shoes so I was a bit grumpy. My husband went up to a sidewalk sale at Bass Shoes in Waterloo, New York, picked up a pair of backless loafers in my size, handed them to me and said, “I think you’ll like these”. I didn’t have to bend over to put them on and they were like walking on clouds (good deal too). I’ve barely had them off my feet since (this was 4 years ago…they’re getting pretty beaten up but I refuse to throw them out).
My favorite pair of shoes is currently from Born… I’m just waiting for it to get cool enough here in southern CA in order to where them again. My favorite sock pattern is plain old boring stockinette. The reason it’s my favorite is that I can do it wherever I am without having to think about what I’m doing. Sock knitting is what I do when I’m waiting for my son after school, at swim lessons, at baseball practice…you get the idea. I don’t have to tote or memorize a pattern – I can just knit.
Well… first I must say that I miss you! I wish I had seen you and the LO at Rhinebeck – and so you could see me all pregnant and with the porn star boobs.
Anyhoooo – I must tell you about the new berkenstock mary janes! I jsut got a pair, and they rock hard. Not only are they great for showing off a little hand knit sock action – but they are comfy.
Nothing like a contest to get people off their duffs to comment. I’m encouraging a bouncy chair to get the boy to quiet down, so I’m tied to the computer anyway 😉
My favourite pair of shoes were black stilettos with an ankle strap, and little pink leather flowers on the toes. They went with one of my skirts perfectly.
My favourite sock pattern is Crusoe (in Knitty Spring ’03).
And, Hello! I do miss your posts – especially the ones of that gorgeous baby.
I bought my first pair of Dansko clogs just a few weeks after I started working at a hospital. I noticed that Danskos were totally universal – men and women wear them, with jeans and with business suits and with skirts. It seems that you can’t go wrong – no matter the gender, the position, or the attire, if you work at the hospital, you can wear Danskos!
I like to knit socks as a way to hold my memories. I knit them on vacation, or as a way to remember a person or event. When I wear my favorit purple trekking socks, I remember that I knit them on my way to run my first half-marathon. And, my rainbow River Rapids remind me that my grandma saw me knitting them and told me they were ugly!
I’m still looking for my favorite pair of shoes… I had a pair of platform sandals that came close, but they wore out too fast.
A pair that would look good with my hand-knit socks, though, how could you get better than that? And just in time for the winter chill.
My favorite pair of shoes ever are my Clarks Poe’s in a plum color. They are so comfortable and versatile! I wish I would have gotten them in every color. Next time I’ll learn!
Oh, and I do miss your posts!! I miss getting my daily dose of “realness”!
Favorite shoes ever? My black, knee-high suede boots of course! 🙂
Favorite sock pattern: Monkeys made with STR yarn
And yes, I miss your posts, but I’m in the same baby boat with you sister!
BTW, Alex says “Hi!” to Miss Meli and that she rocked those Rhinebeck pictures with that red hat! 🙂
I have a pair of Keen’s that are really comfortable. Problem is they are super ugly. 😉 I hope you post some more pics of your adorable daughter soon!
My favorite pair of shoes, well I have 3 and there is a funny story behind them. My favorite shoes ALWAYS seems to be shoes I buy on vacation because I didn’t have shoes for whatever activity. Then it turns out I love them and wear them for years and years.
First I was in Pennsylvania for a ski trip and has no proper snow-ish shoes. I wound up with some BASS shoes from an outlet, fae suede with a bit of waterproof. 5 years later I hiked 3 hours in Nova Scotia in those great shoes. I still have them.
Next up I got a pair of lovely birkinstock sandals in Australia at Bondi Beach. I wore them the entire time I was pregnant (even the winter) and then again after I had Sydney I wore them because they are so comfortable. Going back to heeled boots was weird!
Lastly I got a pair of kick butt sparkly black sandals branded as walking shoes, super comfy but cool enough to wear with black pants to a club. Not really sparkles but shinny material in a sort of snack-skin imitation. I still wear those also, and plan to wear them in Orlando next week (80’s!).
Knowing how much good luck I have had purchasing shoes on vacation i always keep my eyes open for a new and interesting brand and something ulta comfy.
Other than Keds (don’t ask, they just are), my favorite shoes were a pair of black pointy flats I “borrowed” from my sister in high school. I wore those puppies out.
I’m a big fan of sandals, I like for my feet to breathe.
Like many others, I’m a lurker….I love your blog and your adorable Meli and of course, your knitting.
I own 6 pairs of Dansko clogs, but my favorite are my black mary-jane style ones, simply because they show off my knitted socks. My favorite pairing are my monkeys, knit in a purple/black lorna’s.
Whenever I see someone with Danskos, I 1) assume they’re cool (I mean, come on — they’re wearing Danskos!), and 2) think that there is an 80% chance that they knit. 🙂
My favorite shoes are bright, flower-patterned 3 1/2″ platform sandals that are completely impractical and uncomfortable and I don’t care because they are all kinds of fabulous. 🙂
My favorite shoes are Naot. They are the most expensive ones I have ever bought, so far. I would like to try Danskos!
Hey Cara!
I love your blog! Beautiful photography great knitting and baby cuteness. What’s not to love?
My favorite pair of shoes has to be red Steve Madden “Glare” heels from 3 or 4 seasons ago. I heart Steve Madden.
I’m still here. Still love your blog. And I would love some free Socks that Rock sock yarn. 🙂
My favorite shoes?? Are a little silly…They’re red and they look just like old Converses, except that they have white hearts on them! They are children’s shoes…I am lucky enough that I can wear a women’s 6 or a kids 4 if I really like the kid shoes 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes were pink and white saddle shoes. I was five. Oh, for the street cred to pull them off now…
Crocs are the shoes for me! Comfy and funky, and they make my poor left foot fell not so bad!
My favorite sock pattern is very boring – toe-up, all stockinette, with a toe-up German heel and a little bit of ribbing in the cuff. Works every time for me, is completely brainless knitting (good for travel then), shows off pretty yarns and handspun yarns well, and doesn’t take too long to finish. I sometimes knit a pair of fancy socks, but I always go back to my toe-up socks because they’re so easy and pretty and nice to wear.
Which reminds me, I probably need another pair…
My favorite pair of shoes, ever? The white, patent-leather dress up shoes I had when I was about 7. I loved the tap-tap-tap they made as I walked, I loved their shininess, I loved that they made wearing them a special occasion. Loved them!
I have two favorite pairs of shoes:
1. Dansko professional in black leather because they go with everything.
2. Merrell fleece-lined clogs because they are so cozy warm in the winter. I’m so happy cold weather is here so I can start wearing them!
My favorite sock pattern is Yankee Knitter’s Classic Socks for the Family #29 because there are many sizes and gauges to choose from.
Hey Cara – I am totally still reading! Don’t always comment, but definitely always read along. Nothing like a contest to bring out the lurkers, eh?!
BTW – my favorite shoes must be my black Dansko Mary Jane’s. I wear them almost all o =f the time, rain or shine…
My favorite pair of shoes was a pair of leather soled dance shoes that I got mega cheap at some big sale when I was 15. They were white leather and I wore them constantly until I wore holes in their soft soles!
Nothing like a contest to bring out all of us lurkers! Favorite shoes? Danskos have been my favorites for years – clogs, soft-soled styles. Can’t get enough. Current favorite socks are Monkeys. I’m currently on my fourth pair. I don’t think it’s as bad as your Jaywalker obsession, but close 😉
So sorry I missed you at Rhinebeck, I really did think Id run into whoever I cared to see. (?!) Clearly delusional. I feel very strongly about shoes, I sold them in high school and after college, I am embarrassed to say I still judge people by their shoes. I prefer red shoes when I can get away with it, but am getting very interested in those reddish leopard print danskos!
My Favorite pair of shoes is a brown pair of birkenstock clogs. They are so comfy and personify warmth and comfort to me. I wear them every winter with crazy socks and pants to work. Oh and I love the blog and I’m still reading.
In high school I had some Simple shoes and they went perfectly with my corduroy pants. I miss them.
Thanks for the contest!
Who says knitting socks is an economy? Think about it — expensive hand-dyed sock yarns, rare wood needles (or slippery metals if you prefer, silver I’ve heard is nice), and then a proliferating shoe collection to show off each amazing creation to best advantage! Let’s not even mention the number of patterns and books purchased to support the careers of struggling “indy” designers!
A $100 gift certificate would really help in these tough economic times.
Just saying…
The first pair of shoes that comes to mind were some Tevas that had purple flowers on them. I’m not normally a fan of purple or floral patterns, but I loved those shoes. The only thing I can say against them is that they would have looked stupid with socks.
I have a miserable sock completion rate, but I love wearing my handknit socks and would love more sock yarn and/or new danskos!
Most favorite pair of shoes ever- Cheap knock off Birkenstocks from Payless. I’ve had them for 13 yrs and *still* wear them 🙂
And yes, I miss your posts. Especially the awesome photography!
Hey Cara. I miss your steady blogging, but I understand because I have little ones too.
I’m not a shoe person so much anymore. Right now my favorite pair of shoes are my chucks. They’re all black and match everything that I own. I think they look particularly great with handknit sweaters 😀
My favorite pair of shoes ever was my perfectly broken-in black Converse All Stars. I literally wore them until they fell off my feet. I’ve replaced them many times, but the first pair was definitely the best.
My favorite shoes are a pair of doc marten clogs!
I always swing by to check out how the fam is. My current faves are Dansko Sports (no longer manufactured) in a blue/grey color.
Hey Cara – I am totally still reading! Don’t always comment, but definitely always read along. Nothing like a contest to bring out the lurkers, eh?!
BTW – my favorite shoes must be my black Dansko Mary Jane’s. I wear them almost all of the time, rain or shine…
I have always wanted to try danskos, but just haven’t gotten them yet, maybe I will get lucky 🙂
Just wanted to say that I still love your blog. Mine is only about knitting every so often, so I get it. Keep up the good work.
My favorite pair of shoes aren’t fit to wear out in public anymore. They’re an old pair of New Balance sneakers I bought about 8 or 9 years ago. The laces are gone, they’ve got holes all over the tops, but hey, they’re my comfy “I’m at home, don’t bother me now” shoes. 🙂
I need a new pair of shoes! My much loved five year old Danskos are about to bite the dust. Thanks for holding the contest.
It seems like I am always shopping for just the right pair of shoes to wear with hand knit socks. Yours are adorable!
My favorite pair of shoes are a pair of Birkenstocks that I bought about 3 years ago. I had always wanted them, but couldn’t afford them, so I usually got the cheap Walmart knock-offs that would last all of about a day. I finally found a place near my home that sold Birks for around $25, so I finally got myself a pair! They have never once faltered in their uncomfortability, even though they look like they might be a tad on the smelly side now. They are the only shoes that I wear, except at work. Actually, I almost went to work with them on this morning, lol.
Favorite shoes? Why, those trusty pink Keds I had in high school.
Favorite socks? Right now, it’s my new pair of Slippery socks.
Oh….and I do miss ya! Your blog has taken a different turn, for very understandable reasons, and I still pop over when you show up in Bloglines, but it is always nice to read about your knitting or knitting related type stuff. I hope I win! Those shoes look mighty comfy.
I’ll take this opportunity to reveal that I check your blog often mainly to see which photo is used in your header. I adore your photography!
I’ll take this opportunity to reveal that I check your blog often, mainly to see which photo is used in your header. I adore your photography!
I’ll take this opportunity to reveal that I check your blog often, mainly to see which photo is used in your header. I adore your photography!
I do miss you, your blog and your knitting! Those pictures of Meli do make up for it though. I just finished my first pair of socks. I’m hooked. Getting ready to start a pair of monkeys next!
favorite all time shoes = purple duck boots in the 6th grade. they were all the rage at St Peter’s.
i had a baby girl 2 months after you and have loved watching you and Meli grow up. it’s like a little window into my world in a few months. thanks so much for sharing!
(Whoops, sorry for the triple post, I thought my computer locked up. Um, duh.)
If I win (the yarn, not the shoes; european…), I will take it as a sign from Fate that it is time I learn how to knit socks… 🙂
I had a pair of platform converse low-tops that I wore in high school. They were rainbow striped and oh, so, cute. I tried to wear them recently, however, and just about broke me neck trying to balance on the 3 inch platforms.
Hi Cara, I’m glad your back, but I know how life gets in the way! I’ve been wearing Dansko Professionals for about ten years now, my Freaky Consort bought me my first pair then, he had been wearing them for about 4 years. I’m a Registered Nurse, but mostly I do professional window cleaning by choice, and my Dansko shoes have saved my feet more than once, both indoors and out. I’m literally on my feet all day, carrying equipment, climbing ladders, working hard. At the end of the day, I’m able to change into my dance shoes and teach Argentine tango and dance for several hours more, which I could not do 10 years ago before I was introduced to Dansko Professionals. I have even danced in them occasionally, when I forgot my dance shoes. Thanks for the best friends my 60+year old feet ever had, wish I had known about them years ago.
My favorite shoes (right now) are my flat mary-jane’s that I bought in Poland last fall. They are so cute and comfy (and excellent for showing off the hand knit socks!) that I bought them in both colors!
Well, I had to delurk, because my favorite pair of shoes ever is my pair of brown Dansko clogs — serendipity? They do work perfectly with handknit socks, and since I’m on my feet all the time, they save me. Thanks for sharing the wealth 🙂
my favorite shoes were a pair that i bought from the garnet hill catalogue, from the children’s department. they were red shoe-bi-do’s, stitched with yellow thread, and they tied. made of the softest leather ever. the only pair of italian shoes i have ever owned. i wore them out. now i am addicted to red shoes.
every year i buy a new pair of dansko clogs, in a different color. i have pairs in black, green, red, purple suede, and dark blue. i love wearing my danskos with my hand knit socks. my favorite pair of socks are purple ones i made from the yarn tree’s sock club last year, made with nature’s palette yarn.
i do miss the more frequent posts, pre-meli. but each post now islike a special present.
Hi Cara, I’ve been following your blog for a couple of years, and have seen how it has evolved from purely knitting, to pregnancy woes, and now to watching your sweet baby grow. It’s all good!
My favorite shoes are not elegant. They aren’t cute and they aren’t very protective, but I love them. They are a pair of Birkenstock Wuppers, which are a high arch version of the Floridas. But man do they make my feet feel good and show off lots of hand-knit sock. I’ve worn them so much that they are in dire need of repair, but I just can’t let them go long enough to go to the shop.
Hmm, looks like just a FEW readers still! Who apparently really like shoes! (and sock yarn)
My favorite shoes EVER were the white go-go boots I had in 3rd grade. I was So Cool. Or I thought I was. Then I ran headlong into a sharp corner and got blood on them. Wah! Ruined! Oh, well, things don’t fit for long in 3rd grade anyway. But for a brief shining moment there, I was the height of fashion in Rochester, Minnesota, I tell you!
Hi there from California, USA! I love knitting socks! Years ago, your blog turned me onto the Jaywalker pattern! I love Nancy Bush’s patterns, too. I always have a pair of socks otn; right now it’s the Through The Loops Mystery sock. (You can see it on my Ravelry projects page). I usually wear my hand-knit socks with Tevas or Land’s End All Weather Mocs, but I’d love to try out some Danskos! I’m glad you’re trying to blog more — I have missed you!
My favorite pair of shoes ever were Clarks sandals. I wore them nearly nonstop for three summers and LOVED them to pieces. The replacement pair of Clarks were almost as good, though nothing can compare to the lavender sandals I found on sale at Nordstrom.
I love my red Bjorns– they go with everything!
Look at all those readers making comments! I started reading your blog because of all your gorgeous sock photos. But I don’t mind gazing at gorgeous baby photos instead!
And I have yet to find a perfect pair of shoes to wear with knit socks. I once bought a pair of clear vinyl shoes, but they were so uncomfortable, I never wore them after the first time. I need a good cushy sole, not a vinyl wedge, under my feet!
My favorite pair of shoes are Simple clogs.
I’ve never had a pair of Danskos, but I’d love to try them!
Such pretty shoes. I would love to try them, but since I have never worn them I can’t enter the Onlineshoes.com contest. Do they come in narrow? I have narrow feet and I can never find anything to fit me.
I too bought a pair of Dankso mary-janes so I could show off my handknit socks. And they’re definitely my favorite shoes.
my absolute favorite shoes are from rocket dog…they’re grey..wonderfully comfortable…and super great!!!
My favorite pair of shoes for my old high school self were burgundy patent leather sneakers, which had a small platform heel. I wore those shoes to death, and loved every minute.
My favorite shoes are pictured on your blog – the Danskos in the upper left. We refer to them as my knitting shoes!
I blogged about my favorite shoes for hand knit socks here: http://standardd.net/skyblog/?p=541 …I’m hoping they never die because I doubt I’ll be able to find them again! You know how it is with shoes… when you fall, you fall hard for them!
I do have favorite shoes (Birkestock), but mostly I just enjoy reading your blog.
My favorite shoes have to be an old beat up pair of no-name clogs I have, followed quickly in line by a pair of earth shoes I have. Love me those earth shoes. Danskos look like they might also be feet friendly. Great to have you back in the blogosphere!
Hi Cara, I guess people are still reading your blog! My favorite pair of socks is usually the one I finished last. This time, tiny cable socks knit out of super nice Sophie’s Toes sock yarn with contrasting toe and heel.
My favorite shoes are my black Keen mary janes. They show off funky handknit socks, are easy to get on and off and always get my compliments.
Hi Cara! I’m glad to see you back. 🙂 My favorite pair of shoes are a pair of sketchers–a very comfy sort of mary-jane look that shows off handknit socks. I’m actually mainly knitting socks for my nephew, lately (he’s four and has excellent taste), but I’m pretty crazy about how well my one pair of STR socks are holding up.
My favorite shoes are a pair of Stuart Weitzman pumps. They are the most comfortable heels I have ever worn and go with everything from jeans to dress up.
Danskos are my favorite shoes, I am wearing my black Dansko Mary Janes right now, they are the best!! Favorite sock pattern is the Monkey. Your blog and photography are always inspiring!
Hi Cara,
I still read your blog. But i understand too. I have a 9 month old and since she was born, my blog has suffered too. But anyway I love my dansko’s. I have about 6 pairs and plan on buying more. I have a pair of mary janes that are perfect for showing off handknit socks. i can wear Maryjane everyday ans would be perfectly happy.
Hi, I read your blog on a regular basis, though I’m not very good at commenting. This contest is a really cool idea!
My favorite shoes are in fact DANSKOS! I have several pairs, both winter and summer, though my favorite is my cordovan tie oxfords with a punched design on the toe.
My favorite pair of old shoes are some Cherokee sandals, I wore out the beige pair, but still cherish the red ones – I think they are about 20 years old now. My current faves are some Duck Head clogs, one pair in black, one in, what else? RED. But I think the ones I am most proud of are my combat boots, worn through 20 years of active duty in the US Army.
These are my favourite pair of shoes:
Chris got them for me for my birthday after fifteen months of coveting.
My fave shoes are a pair of Keen presidios – so comfy!
i’ve been reading for a couple of years now. love the pics of you adorable baby and also your knitting.
favorite pair of shoes: right now…black maryjane’s that show off hand knitted socks. just started knitting socks and love it!
OK, you lost me on the inside and outside US thing but I’ll throw my 2 bits in anyway. You do realize that $25 US is worth, like, $50 CDN, don’t you? LOL
My favourite shoes are my slippers – sheepskin, love ’em.
I’m a pharmacist. My shortest day of standing on my feet is 7 hours, my longest is 14. My Danskos are pretty close to the only pair of shoes I wear, they’re definitely my favorites!
OK, you lost me on the inside and outside US thing but I’ll throw my 2 bits in anyway. You do realize that $25 US is worth, like, $50 CDN, don’t you? LOL
My favourite shoes are my slippers – love ’em.
PS – my daughter was a New Year’s baby too!
You ROCK with these awesome contests. Favorite pair of shoes? Right now, my Privo mary janes. SO comfortable, great for showing off those socks. I’m thinking Dansko’s would be even better!! 🙂
Hi Cara! Glad to see you posting more, I think we all miss you and Meli!
I love STR and living in the UK makes it even more rare and exciting. I love wearing my Monkey, Spring Forward and Nutkin socks with my Dansko’s for work and Crocs for running around.
Please post more often, we miss your knitting!!
Still here! I love onlineshoes.com…I’ve gotten an amazing deal or two from them in the past. My current fave shoes–sadly, not from there–are a pair of Merrell flats which will be awesome once they’re fully broken in.
What a great contest. Everyone needs good shoes and great socks. I love your Meli posts. She is a real beauty.
fav shoes: my black danskos OR black ankle boots w/heel. both are perfect for longer pants AND crappy winter weather.
favorite sock pattern: jaywalkers, of course!
I’m just writing to say that I’ve missed you and your updates, but I understand completely! 🙂
About 30 years ago I bought a pair of beaded moccasins at the Paramus Park Mall when it first opened up. I still have them, but they are so holey I use them for house shoes. Can you imagine, having the same pair of shoes for 30 years?
I love danskos! I’ve got two pairs, (brown and black clogs) and am always on the lookout for the next great pair. Many of my coworkers have them, and more often than not nearly everyone on the shift is wearing a pair!
My favorite shoes are my Birkenstock Rio sandals. So comfy, arch support and I can just have them resoled when they wear out! None of that trying desperately to find another pair in the same model and finding out they’ve been discontinued… 🙂
My most favorite shoes ever are Mephisto lepoard print sandals. When last years pair wore out (because I wore them nearly every day), I just walked into nordstrom and said “I would like another pair JUST LIKE THESE” and they brought me the box…..I was shocked to find out the price had DOUBLED in just one year…..I didn’t even bat an eye….the shoes are that good.
I love your blog! My favorite shoes are a pair of Bobbi Blu heels, impractical but cute. I have never owned a pair of Danskos, but I hear they are wonderful.
I love Danskos so I must de-lurk for this! 🙂 My favorite pair of socks are the first pair I ever made. Just a basic stockinette in a yarn similar to trekking (can’t remember the yarn name). These socks have lasted 5 years with no signs of wearing out and they’ve been on my feet on every continent! 🙂 Lots of memories and they still get worn regularly most of the year.
Great to see you blogging again. 🙂
Hey there! I really enjoy your blog! I started reading your blog around the time you knit a bunch of monkey socks with picot edges out of STR. Then I started putting picots on all my socks too!
Too cute!
I knit some socks for Socktoberfest but they don’t have picots 🙁 But they are stripey noro knee socks.
Thanks for the contest and the fun blog!
My favorite sock pattern is the basic stockinette socks with a 3 stitch garter edging on the heel flap. I have tiny feet (size 3ish), so normal people socks never fit me! I love having socks that actually have heels in the right place. 🙂
Ack! I love Danskos, your blog, and contests!
My favorite pair of shoes ever: hands down a pair of bumper toe red sneakers I got at J.Crew like 6 years ago. I wore those shoes to the ground, and then they didn’t sell them anymore.
I love my red/brownish/black dansko clogs so much they are a close second.
Cara, I love your blog. I can feel your love for your beautiful girl through the screen as I read.
I only recently got a pair of Danskos, but I adore them. I’m a lawyer, and I skitter around the courthouse everyday in high heels, so slipping on comfortable shoes for the commute home is a lifesaver.
I love reading your blog, and I love seeing the things that you’ve knit!
I’m a labor and delivery nurse, and somehow I have never owned a pair of Dansko’s! And I think I should! So, I would love to win your contest!
I also need to knit more socks, so the other prize would be great, as well.
Favorite shoes – I LOVE Dansko – especially their clogs, but also some sandals they made a few years ago.
Favorite sock pattern – Monkeys or a simple stockinet stitch sock.
Would you believe that I have never knit with Socks that Rock. How unbelievable is that? I own a pair of socks knit with it, but haven’t ever used it.
Favorite shoes? too many to name! 🙂
I found your blog during the jaywalker craze and though I’ve missed regular (almost daily) updates, I’m very glad for you and daughter.
Thanks for holding the contest!
wow shoes and socks 🙂 what a great prize.
My favorite shoes are my ugg boots. They are so warm and comfy…too bad they don’t show off hand knit very well. And I have a couple of favorite sock patterns. One is Waving Lace Socks by Evelyn A. Clark, another is the Penllyn pattern…and I love my STR socks that I just recently finished in the Denmark pattern by Nancy Bush. Thanks for having a great contest running…we do miss you!
Glad to see a post from you- I am glad when you pop up in the RSS reader!
My favorite shoes are brown pleather flats with a super wide elastic band holding them on. They’re cute and comfy, but sadly they have the water-resistant properties of toilet paper- they get retired pretty early on in a Michigan winter!
My fave pair of shoes ever were my Doc Martins. I got them with all of my back-to-school clothes money my junior year of high school. I still have them 10 years later, a bit beat up.
ps: not to brown-nose, but I love reading your blog!
Hi Cara,
I was so happy to finally get to say hi to you last week at Rhinebeck. Thank you for being so gracious.
My current favorite pair of shoes is an old pair of Merrell Hiking Boots. I bought them for a trip to California which turned mean. Then I tried to destroy and lose them. About a month ago, I realized that they were really comfortable shoes so I am now committed to wearing them out.
Small child + own business + Fiber Festivals = We forgive you.
BTW, my favorite pair of socks has got to be the first pair I ever made for my mom. Pomatomus in a fabulous shades of fushia by an etsy dyer. If they were’nt so apperciated by my mom, I’d almost wish I hadn’t given them away.
Small child + own business + Fiber Festivals = We forgive you.
BTW, my favorite pair of socks has got to be the first pair I ever made for my mom. Pomatomus in a fabulous shades of fushia by an etsy dyer. If they were’nt so apperciated by my mom, I’d almost wish I hadn’t given them away.
Love reading your blog even if you aren’t talking about knitting. It’s great to see Meli growing up. I don’t have a favorite pair of shoes but the Dansko clogs look great!
I’m still here! Always have been, always will be. How’s that for optimism!
Wow, great contest! My “first” favorite shoes were the sparkly, plastic high heels I got for Christmas every year. That’s what started my love of shoes!
I miss you like mad! and I can’t wait for you to have a little more time for blogging, until then I wait and offer you a tiny sock story. I have made a couple of pairs of wool socks, but I can’t wear them with shoes, the gauge is too big, they feel weird, I don’t know, so I only wear them in the house with no shoes. I wear a size 9. My 16 yr old daughter wears a 6, and along with tiny feet comes cold tiny feet. When she complains, I say where are the wool socks? She wears them, I wear them and believe me it is the only thing that will ever fit (sort of) our feet.
I miss you like mad! and I can’t wait for you to have a little more time for blogging, until then I wait and offer you a tiny sock story. I have made a couple of pairs of wool socks, but I can’t wear them with shoes, the gauge is too big, they feel weird, I don’t know, so I only wear them in the house with no shoes. I wear a size 9. My 16 yr old daughter wears a 6, and along with tiny feet comes cold tiny feet. When she complains, I say where are the wool socks? She wears them, I wear them and believe me it is the only thing that will ever fit (sort of) both of our feet.
I miss you like mad! and I can’t wait for you to have a little more time for blogging, until then I wait and offer you a tiny sock story. I have made a couple of pairs of wool socks, but I can’t wear them with shoes, the gauge is too big, they feel weird, I don’t know, so I only wear them in the house with no shoes. I wear a size 9. My 16 yr old daughter wears a 6, and along with tiny feet comes cold tiny feet. When she complains, I say where are the wool socks? She wears them, I wear them and believe me it is the only thing that will ever fit (sort of) both of our feet.
I miss you like mad! and I can’t wait for you to have a little more time for blogging, until then I wait and offer you a tiny sock story. I have made a couple of pairs of wool socks, but I can’t wear them with shoes, the gauge is too big, they feel weird, I don’t know, so I only wear them in the house with no shoes. I wear a size 9. My 16 yr old daughter wears a 6, and along with tiny feet comes cold tiny feet. When she complains, I say where are the wool socks? She wears them, I wear them and believe me it is the only thing that will ever fit (sort of) both of our feet.
My favorite pair of shoes happens to be Dansko’s Mary Janes. They stopped making them a few years ago, but they are the most fantastic shoes for showing off handknit socks (aside from yours, of course).
It’s fate I tell you, FATE. Two weeks ago I purchased my very first skein of Socks that Rock, and on Saturday my SIL showed me her DANSKO’s. Patent leather Dansko’s that are so cute I must have them. Thank you Universe, in advance, for letting me win this wonderful contest.
I love danskos! I have two pairs, one of the professional series and a pair of burgandy mary janes. perfect for handknit socks!
Since I got pregnant and couldn’t reach my feet ( 11 years ago!) It’s been Dansko all the time. My latest pair? Red Patent leather Mary Janes! I love them for showing off socks!
I’m currently in the market for Danskos now that I’m not a poor college student. I haven’t yet found a pair of shoes that has a minimal or no high heel, looks professional and feels comfortable (I’m an engineer currently in a teaching position) and maybe also shows off my handknit socks. I was planning to purchase a pair soon anyway, so thanks for bringing this up and pointing me to a good vendor!
Just a note to say that I really enjoy reading your blog. I fell in love with your photography and was hooked reading about your obsession with the mitered square blanket. I dig seeing your pictures of your beautiful baby and reading about motherhood.
And socks – handknit socks are a guilty pleasure. I only have knit 3 pair so far, so I have to switch off regularly to keep them in good shape. I have to get knitting!
My favorite pair of shoes ever were green and fuzzy and they said Rocket Dog on the side and had a little picture of a dog… they were the most comfortable most awesome bestest shoes ever! I totally wore the heel through and had to recycle them. My favorite socks are my Knitis Vinfera socks that I designed in Brooks Farm Acero.
Wow, looks like you sure do have lots of readers our there still!
I am not a big shoe person, more of a sock person, myself.
In fact, the only reason I wanted to learn how to knit was because I envisioned some toasty warm and fuzzy socks… What a slippery slope that was! Needless to say, I’ve made a lot more than socks with sock yarn!
Glad you’re back to blogging…I did miss your beautiful photos (and thoughts!)
My favourite shoes are actually my Birkenstock sandals – so comfortable! Not wanting to sacrifice comfort for style, I even wore them to my brother’s wedding. My sister-in-law’s sisters were very stylish with their high heels sandals, but their feet hurt so much they couldn’t even touch the dance floor. I, on the other hand, totally rocked the dance floor all night long and had a lot of fun! I’d never wear my Birks with socks, though, not even handknit ones – I just can’t!
My favorite shoes. Ah there are so many. I’d have to say my faves are my Naot shoes. Love how they look, I get so many compliments on them and they show off handknit socks perfectly.
Great contest! I just got a pair of Dansko Merries – Mary Jane style clogs. They’re fabulous – perfect with my handknit socks. Definitely my new favorite shoes.
I love your blog – especially the pictures and stories about Meli.
Hi Cara! I just wanted to say that I missed your blogging and I get really excited whenever I see a new post from you. You’re one of my favorite bloggers (and always will be!)
I’m almost done with my first pair of socks, and I must say, my favorite pattern is plain stockinette (since that’s the only thing I’ve knitted so far!). My favorite shoes are Privos (made by Clarks) similar to these but without the strap (they don’t seem to have my exact make anymore). They are a lovely (and surprisingly versatile) shade of pink, and I believe I’ve matched them up with every sock yarn I have to make sure they go together.
I’m the rare gal who find shoes more of a necessary evil than anything else, but I very much like have comfortable, well-cared for feet. Currently my favorite pair of shoes is a pair of Ulu clogs I got at a close out sale for our local Chaco factory. They’re warm and comfortable and go well with my handmade socks–I wouldn’t ask anything more from a pair of shoes. Well, except for better arch support.
OK, Yes, I miss your blog, but I don’t ever get tired of waiting for Meli pictures–I’m the patient sort…
Best shoes ever? Way too hard.
Top 3, OK
1. Dansko professionals, first ones listed-with the yarn–camouflage for my knitting room!
2. A pair of Red patent pointed lace up shoes from the eighties-think Joe Jackson, Look Sharp.
3. Dark Green cowboy boots, ogled for months in a store in Santa Barbara, finally broke down and bought them 3 weeks before I graduated from college. Still have them 18 years later.
Not sure if Texas is considered in the USA (I think Texans still think this is a separate country) but here’s my contribution. I’ve never tried Danskos but now I’m dying to! One little contest and, man, 294 comments. People are still here, Cara. Loyal readers (contest or no)!
I’ve been working on the same pair of socks since September and they probably won’t be done by Friday but that’s cool.
I still click on your blog and least once a week and I give a little squee every time there’s something new. Even though this is a blog-light season in your life I’m glad you’re still updating sometimes.
I’ve been working on the same pair of socks since September and they probably won’t be done by Friday but that’s cool.
I still click on your blog and least once a week and I give a little squee every time there’s something new. Even though this is a blog-light season in your life I’m glad you’re still updating sometimes.
I miss you. I love to see Meli updates! I just bought a sock book. I haven’t knit a pair yet. I’m scared to start.
Yay! A Contest!….No pictures of Meli? Oh well, maybe next time.
….by the way…”Hi’.
Favorite shoes? Doc Martens that my husband (then boyfriend) bought me our first Christmas. I have had the worst luck with socks, every pair I’ve knit for myself had been ruined somehow. But I just made myself a pair of World Series socks (go Phils!) with a Blue Moon rare gem colorway and the Thuja pattern from Knitty.
FREE SHOES! Sign me up, baby! Seriosly though, I enjoy your blog and I thank-you for your posts about color theory especially.
As far as shoes go, this brings back memories…9th grade, Converse low tops with red & white striped sides, the tongue was blue with white stars. I loved those things…and wore them trying to play baseball in the summer, walking around the neighborhood meeting boys, those were the day. Until finally they simply got too ratty to wear and were literally falling apart. I kept them a bunch of years after that…not sure where they ever ended up. Those were THE pair. Nowadays, I wear my shoes out, not quite as quickly as a teenager always looking for my next adventure!
Went into the local birkenstock store to buy a pair id seen online. The lady didnt have them in my size but said just a minute ill be right back. She came back with a great mary jane style. And I asked where did you go? She said down in the basement…I said can I go down in the basement too..No she said only on the sale day which happens only one day a year…I never have seen it advertised though….Still waiting for my chance at what lurkes in the basement…
My favorite shoes are my black Converse Chucks! They are sooo comfy, and go with practically everything!
As for sock pattern, I really like Monkeys!
i just finished my first sock! only took eight months, but maybe the cold weather will speed up my fingers for the second? and i’ve loved your blog for a long while… take however long you need with meli, we’ll still be waiting 🙂
I’m a lurker that is happy you are checking back into the blogging world!
I absolutely love my 3.5″ Via Spiga black pointy toe heels. I’ve gotten them broken in to the point that they feel so comfortable on my feet (no, really) and look great with dress pants, jeans, skirts, etc. Unfortunately, they’re now reserved for nights I go out because as a teacher, heels just do not cut it. At least not for me. My other favorite shoes are any of my flip flops.
I have missed reading your blog.
I hope I win, because since getting married our finances have become craptastic. It’s frustrating, and I want to go get something from a yarn shop, but I can’t because we need things like food and electricity.
My favorite pair of shoes are my running shoes- they inspire me to get moving!
Thanks for having a contest! Fun!
My fav shoes are dansko closed-heel clogs in black. So practical and comfortable too. Got my first pair in 2000 and wore them out enough to justify a new pair last year.
Hi! I don’t know if I’ve ever commented, but I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for a while now. We were pregnant at the same time for most of our pregnancies (my son is 2 months younger than Meli), so that was fun– even if others didn’t enjoy reading about your pregnancy, I loved it since I could relate! Anyway, just thought I’d let you know that.
Also, my favorite sock pattern is the Monkey. Easy, fun, beautiful… can’t beat that!
My favorite shoes are my Dansko clogs. I own 3 pairs. The first 2 pairs I have had for 5 years and they are the most comfortable shoes ever. It was very hard to convince my husband that I needed a new pair, but somehow I did. Would abolutely love a pair of the limited edition clogs!! The leopard print are gorgeous!! What a great contest!!
We all miss you…..but babies are important, so it is all fine. 🙂
As for my favorite pair of shoes….the red patent leather mary janes I had when I was 5. I want some now. They were so cool and I remember trying to fit in to them long after I had grown out of them. Heck, if I could make them fit now! LOL
Hey —
Let’s see. My favorite shoes are Merrill Chill Slides, which are sort of like clogs but with a shearling lining (sheepy!) and nice rubber traction bottoms. I like the black shiny leather version.
Love all baby updates. My baby daughter was born in August. She’s fabulous and needs her mother to be inspired to knit for her.
Hello! Delurking because contests are quite fun!
My favorite shoes are a pair ballerina flats I bought in Germany several years ago. The flats are bright pink with a crazy psychedelic pattern. And they have a story behind them. I was spending the weekend in Austria Saturday to early Monday morning. I was walking around Salzburg at night when I spotted those shoes in a store window. I fell immediately in love. Unfortunately, the shop was closed and would not reopen again until after I had left Austria. I thought those shoes would never be mine and I would forever dream of the shoes that could be. Later in the trip, I was touring around Munich when I spotted my shoes! YAY! I was so happy! And we live happily ever after.
First, I have missed you terribly. I congratulate you heartily on your baby, which I know matters more to you than any knitting, which is a very good thing. However, I still miss your blog.
Second, as for a favorite pair of shoes, it’s very hard to pick. I have two pairs currently that I love, but I’ll pick the ones I wear more. They are a pair of heeled, black, leather Mary Janes by Clarks. They are extremely comfortable and have traveled far with me. I love them dearly.
And I love the new Spirits collection on STR. Dude. Those are flippin’ crazy.
You know – after seeing how many people have already done this – I am thinking that this is futile. (however, I just read the SECRET, so I am trying to be more positive!!)
I dont own DANSKOS….but – that is just because I do the Farm life – and I am not seeing them as “farmish” sort of shoes.
Those brown leather clogs look pretty comfy tho – and
I think they would show off a newly pair of hand knitted socks just stellar, thankyouverymuch!!
I love reading about your adventures in mommyhood!!
I’m so happy you’re back! I have crazy huge feet and usually end up in men’s shoes, so I’ve never really had my own favorite pair. But my little brother has had lots. He started skateboarding when he was about 6. His shoes usually got worn out from the grip tape long before he grew out of them. Eventually Mom refused to keep replacing the expensive skate shoes every two months, so he started putting Shoe Goo on the instep. You could always tell which shoes in the basket were his – the ones that looked like they got sneezed on. :/
My favorite pair of shoes are Dansko too! I have a wine colored pair that go with just about everything (black, brown, olive, etc.) They are good for professional wear with kahkis or cords or with my favorite pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. Oh, and will be great with the gansey socks I just started last weekend…in frog tree alpalca! So yummy!
Love your blog, your struggle with infertility hits home with me…I am so glad you finally got your BFP – still waiting for mine. 🙂
Due to extremely flat feet, my favorite kind of shoes are those that hace enough room for my orthotic supports. Unfortunately, Danskos don’t fit that bill. My favorite pair of socks are the I Love Gansey socks by Jeanette LeCrais, designed for the Six SOX KAL on Yahoo.
I love that you share Meli with us all. She is such a happy beautiful girl. Her smile is contagious!
Favorite shoes-a pair of fisherman sandals made by Bernardo (I think, at least it started with a “B”). I wore the soles paper thin and finally split them in half. To this day, I keep looking for some like them, but none are quite the same.
Favorite socks-when I was in Jr.High I got some rainbow toe socks. They were fun, long, and perfect for Wyoming winters!
Good to have you back!
long time reader – first time commenting… only because I want to say how much I love clogs as well, though I prefer my Svens to the Danskos. As for favorite sock pattern: Hedera from knitty.com all the way: easily remembered pattern + fabulous results every time = love.
What a great contest! I have to say it’s perfect, because my favorite shoes are probably my Danskos. I have two pairs, but the ones I wear almost every day are basic black that I’ve had for at least five years now. I’ve worn them all over two cities and they haven’t failed me yet. And they look great with hand-knit socks!
Hi! I think my favorite pair of grown up shoes are a pair of dark red peep toe kate spades…but they do not show off socks! My favorite pair of sock show off shoes are my Privo mary janes (Tip–seems to be discontinued). Comfy but with hight! My current sock obsession is Spring Forward on Knitty. Thanks for having a contest!
Favorite pair of shoes – that’s a draw between my Tigers and my Danskos. They each have excellent qualities. Though I’d have to say, being able to fit a knit sock into the Danskos is pretty excellent.
Hi! I love your blog and have missed reading it. My favorite pair of shoes are a pair of soft leather flats that I got at Coldwater Creek a couple of years ago. They are so comfy. I don’t have a favorite sock pattern because I haven’t tried that many. Most of my socks are of the plain vanilla variety, boring I know. I’m trying to branch out and try some patterns though.
Love your blog. I’ve been reading for about 2 (or more) years now. I’ve been drooling over Dansko’s here lately. Just discovered them and have yet to own a pair. I have done alot of research and only see and hear good things about them. I’m excited to be in your contest. I’ve really never had a pair of favorite shoes, but I’m sure I might have one in the near future even if I have to ask Santa (wink, wink).
Good luck to all!
My favorite pair of shoes for showing off socks are these: http://www.journeys.com/catalog_detail.aspx?c=Guys&s=Shoes/Athletic&id=63450
Gotta love it! You don’t even get the swamp foot!
I do miss you!
My favorite pair of shoes EVER was a little pair of suede mary janes that had flower petal cutouts in the toes. I was probably in the 1st grade when I had those gems. Sigh. I miss them.
My favorite pair of shoes for showing off socks are these: http://www.journeys.com/catalog_detail.aspx?c=Guys&s=Shoes/Athletic&id=63450
Gotta love it! You don’t even get the swamp foot!
I love, love, love my Ecco Mary Janes. They saw me through the cankles that arrived in my second trimester and I’ve worn them almost daily ever since – almost 18 months ago!
I LOVE Danksos. All I wear for work are Dansko Professional Clogs, Boots, and Born flats. In fact, I pretty much wear Dankso or Born shoes unless I’m working out or hiking.
We do miss you, but I still enjoy your original posts!
Hi Cara! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now. Your little girl is adorable. I remember you have knit a lot of Monkey socks. I think you should try the No Purl Monkeys next 🙂
Wow! That’s a lot of comments so far. I still read your blog. 🙂 Cool contest too. I’m el cheepo when it comes to shoes. I dream of someday owning a good pair of life long shoes. Maybe I’ll get lucky and you’ll randomly pick me. I’m shameless I know.
Check your blog every day to see if you have added anything new. Love your posts. Am knitting my first pair of socks, and am realy enjoying them. Already have the yarn for my next pair.
My favorite pair of shoes ever is my pair of Franco Sarto Nolans. They have high, chunky heels, and they make a nice authoritative “clunk” when I walk. They look equally nice with jeans or a suit. I love them so much that when my black pair wore out after three years, I bought another pair exactly the same! They are absolutely awesome.
Oh, blog, and knitting how I miss thee. But, Oh how I love my 14 week old baby! It is so nice to see you when you surface from your own babyland! :)I could use a new pair of shoes!
My favorite shoes ever are Keen Calistoga’s:
No time to knit socks… I’ve been spending all my free time with my 4-1/2 month old son 🙂
Of course, we all miss you! My favorite shoes have all been Danskos, oddly enough. I have a pair of Mary Janes I love and two pair of the professional clogs, but my favorite pair of all time – now in sad shape and waiting to be replaced – were a pair of the classic backless clogs in black oiled leather. They show off hand-knit socks so well!
My favorite pair of shoes are my Danskos! I have a pair of Mary Janes that are perfect with my handknit socks.
Oh, I do miss you! And those wild days of knitting in color, photographed from every angle. And still, I love the photos of little Meli, photographed from (almost) every angle. Always happy to see a new post of yours pop up.
Favorite pair of shoes? Right now, a pair of Keens I got on sale last spring. They are so comfortable, wide-toed and narrow-heeled and stable, like snow tires. I walk all over town in them. And, of course, my Garmont hiking boots (discontinued, alas) which fit my feet like they were custom-made and have never given me even a single blister, though I’ve worn them slogging through the mud for days with a 30-lb pack on my back. And my Ariat clogs with the soft comfortable springy sole. And my mary jane Earth shoes. Oh, and don’t forget the Birkis… You see how it is. I’m not really a shoe girl, but the ones I love, I really love.
Favorite pair of socks? Always the last ones I knitted. Or maybe the lace ones I knitted for my sweetheart for her birthday—it’s really fun to make someone you love smile like that.
My favorite shoes are Birkenstock sandals, because they’re the only ones that fit my size 6.5 triple-wide feet! Unfortunately, Danskos are too narrow for me. I’ve tried and tried; as with most shoes, even double wide ones, I’m like Cinderella’s wicked stepsister–my foot just won’t go in.
Meli is adorable, and I love reading about your adventures.
I love my Dansko Mary Janes. They are the best shoes to show off my handknit socks. And my favorite pattern is the no purl Monkeys. They are easy to knit and they look great!
My favorite pair of shoes was a pair of birkenstocks. And I am working on completing my second pair of socks. I completed one, then made a pair to give away in a swap. Now I have to make the second one for me!
I love shoes. One favorite pair was the first red ones I bought as an adult. I loved wearing red dresses and red shoes.
Looks like you still get some viewers, huh!?! 😉
My favorite shoes were ‘earth shoes’ that I wore in high school. I wore them so much that I wore a hole in my toe. My mother was thrilled that I still wore them. Ah, the family disgrace!
1. Yes I miss you ( well your blog, we have never met LOL)
2. I wish you would blog more, but with such a cute baby who can blame you.
3. I wish you would knit more sock for me to admire.
4. Favorite socks lately are plain vanilla w/ Wendy’s heel
I don’t think I have one pair of favorite shoes EVER. I used to have 2 pair of Dansko clogs that I adored. I’ve worn thru several pairs of birks (not cute, but so comfy). I think my current favorite pairs are a pair of brown leather mary janes from the Naturalizer, and a pair of magenta colored keens that are so special.
I discovered Dansko years ago when I was helping my
DD care for her horse and tried my first pair on at a tack shop. They were so comfortable that they are now the only shoe I wear. I have clogs, sandals, dress shoes – all Dansko. The fact that the clogs are wonderful for my hand knit socks is a big plus.
Of course we are still reading! And of course we miss you! 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes is my Crocs. I love them beyond reason. I hate trendy things, and I love them anyway! And besides just loving them, they give me a great excuse to make more socks. You really need a few pairs of nice heavy ones for winter wear.
I’m wearing my favorite shoes right now. Doc Marten Oxfords. I’m on my second pair in 8 years, and they’re the only shoes I’ve had any luck with so far for my wide, achy, diabetic feet (no pinches, decent support).
I enjoy following Meli’s adventures. She is just a few weeks younger than my first grandbaby, who lives far away from me. So, I live vicariously. He is 10 months old today. I made him his first hoodie – the back zip kind. It’s perfect! So far, my favorite sock pattern is… whichever one I am working on at the time!! Right now it is Seaweed Socks – I loved the Turkish cast on for the toe-up.
i love shoes, my faves are the ones my husband buys me to celebrate my birthday. i love each pair because he buys them. and my fave sock pattern is rainydaygoods tidepool. on my fourth pair right now!
of course I still read your blog! I like how tickled you are to be a mum. plus your kid is awfully cute and you take great pictures of her 🙂
as for my favourite shoes ever, they’re probably burgundy with pink trim round toe suede pumps that I found for $8 at a thrift store — they fit perfectly and are in great shape; I wore them to the non-prom event I organized. though I wear my Doc Martens more (and green dansko sandals in the summer)
My current favorite pair of shoes are my blue (formerly blue) oiled leather Dansko professionals. Sadly, there is a growing crack across the sole of the right one. I discovered just how much that crack has been growing today, when wearing them to walk in the rain. This makes me sad and puts me in the position of needing a new pair of favorite Danskos.
However, in full disclosure, you should know that my favorite pair of shoes of all time were a burgundy pair of t-strap wedges that my Mom let me have from Fayva Shoes when I was a kid. They were not so appropriate for back-to-school shoes but they were fabulous and I wore them until they fell apart.
i do miss you and your knitting 🙂 but it’s fun reading about meli! it’s kind of nice that we all get to watch her grow up with you 🙂 thanks for holding a contest! you rock!
My favorite shoes have to be Danskos. They’re pretty much the only shoe that I’ve worn for the last 6 years. I have 3 pairs that I wear regularly & I particualarly love my mary jane version.
Favorite shoes? Probably my Saucony jazz sneakers. The lack of arch support and bendy sole are perfect for my flat-ish feet. They walked me all over Japan and are still going strong nearly three years later! Now I call that value. -_^
Love those Danskos and wish they shipped internationally!
I couldn’t possibly pick my favourite sock pattern, so I’ll tell you that my favourite shoes are my Birkenstocks (Brown Boston ‘clogs’). I wore them so much this past winter that I need to have them re-heeled. They’re so comfy and perfect for handknitted socks.
My tan boots that have a witch eating cake on them.
I had a pair of pink & turquoise high-tops when I was a kid, with some kind of patterned shoelaces that tied the whole color scheme together. I remember feeling like the coolest kid *ever* when I wore them!
Hi! We miss you!!!
And I love Danskos, too. Favorite sock pattern – well, I’ve never knit any socks twice (except for boring stockinette/ribbed versions). I’m trying to summon up the courage to knit Pomotomus again (if you remember, I almost finished my first pair only to have them tragically disappear from an airplane during a layover “cleaning”) because I love how they look. But at the moment, I don’t really have time for that!
Hope you two are doing well!
I can see that a few people ARE still reading! We all love a good contest. (THANK YOU!!) Favorite shoes of all time – a pair of black T-strap shoes that looked like cowboy boots – the heel, the toe, the tooling – only no boot top – just a cute, low, t-strap. Adorable. I wish I still had them, I wore them until they fell apart – they would look great with hand knit socks. Now I’m a dansko and keen girl. Favorite sock pattern (so far) Pomatomous (I’m not looking up the correct spelling) by Cookie A. found on Knitty.com . I love reading about your sweet girl, motherhood is such an adventure. Love it!
I can see that a few people ARE still reading! We all love a good contest. (THANK YOU!!) Favorite shoes of all time – a pair of black T-strap shoes that looked like cowboy boots – the heel, the toe, the tooling – only no boot top – just a cute, low, t-strap. Adorable. I wish I still had them, I wore them until they fell apart – they would look great with hand knit socks. Now I’m a dansko and keen girl. Favorite sock pattern (so far) Pomatomous (I’m not looking up the correct spelling) by Cookie A. found on Knitty.com . I love reading about your sweet girl, motherhood is such an adventure. Love it!
My favorite sock pattern is from Knitty, the Thuja pattern.
there are certainly a lot of us out there reading still i think. ;0)
my favourite pair of shoes ever, without a doubt, were these adorable little brown ankle boots with a buckle at the front, that my family sent from switzerland. I still have them today and wish constantly that they were my current size, of course i grew out of them when i was about 4 years old. but oh, i just adore them.
My favorite pair of shoes are my two pairs of Sketchers, actually, but I’ve heard awesome things about Danskos!
I’m glad you’re back! Meli looks so cute in the Rhinebeck photo!
I’m going for the fibre! Outside the US I’m afraid, so I have no idea what Dansko is… But, I AM from the country of clogs, The Netherlands, and I’m sure these baby’s are more comfortable than the wooden ones the old farmers used to wear here…
And… we’re still reading…. 😉
1. Yes, I do miss you.
2. My favorite shoes are comfortable. I’m a Birkenstock fan because my feet are so weird. Right now (and it is 37 degrees out, F) I’m in a rugged sandal (http://www.footprints.com/product/2668/33). The bonus is that they’re great for homemade socks. Downside: they don’t go to work.
So sweet of you to think about the “rest of the world” as well!
And of course we miss you! But we all know you’re having the time of your life with Miss Meli! And the longer we’re patient, the more pictures we’ll get, right? Right??
Now, whyever would I stop reading you? 🙂 I enjoy the updates on your journey. Thank you!
Too bad I don’t live in the US and can enter the shoe-competition! But, I wouldn’t mind some STR either so I’ll comment anyways… 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes ever — a pair of Charles Jourdan burgundy leather pumps that I bought in Paris. The shoes are lovely, but they are my favorite pair because I bought them on my first trip to Paris as an adult, and every time I wore them I remembered that wonderful time. I still have ’em, but really can’t wear heels anymore.
Oh, and of course I bought the matching handbag at the same time!
Hmmm favorite shoes… I think I’d have to say my daughters first birthday shoes. They weren’t mine but they were so cute – light green with pink and green sequin flowers at the toe. I splurged on them and of course she only wore them twice but I kept them!
Of course we miss you – and your GORGEOUS photos of Ms Meli. I may have commented once but I check weekly.
I want to be a sock knitter – does that count?
Favorite pair of shoes – horribly impractical but make me feel drop dead sexy strappy jimmy choos sandals.
(I’m in the U.S.)
Favorite socks: Diana’s Trail Sock from Mountain Colors Weaver’s Wool. They are partially felted (not on purpose) and really warm.
Favorite shoes: Birkenstocks (sorry Dansko)
Cara’s blog: I miss the knitting passion blogging frequency but I’m so happy that you are a Mom now. And I’m really happy you are no longer pregnant.
I love reading your blog as I had a baby in October last year. I don’t know where you find the time to knit and blog! I have yet to find my perfect pair of shoes, but my favorite right now are a pair of Mephisto Allrounders.
I love me some danskos…they’re what I’m wearing right now. They’re not clogs, they’re black and kinda strappy, and they were the only shoes in the entirety of Burlington, VT, that would fit my fat feet last year when I was pregnant with Lucy.
I started reading your blog when you were going insane — I mean, when you were in love with — over metered squares (I’m not spelling that right), and I stuck around for baby stories and Meli. 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes were my clear jelly sandals that I wore when I was 3! I know, it’s hard to imagine that I can remember wearing them, but I can. They traveled all over in my suitcase. I wore them in the ocean to protect my feet from stone fish in Bora Bora, when we hiked along the mountain side and panned for gold in New Zealand, when we visited Disneyland, when I played outside in Saudi Arabia and until they just didn’t fit anymore. I loved them so much!
That would be like picking my favorite child! I love all my shoes! (Just ask my DH)
So easy…my Dansko professionals. They sit in my back room (laundry) and whenever I slip them on my two mini dachshunds, Oscar and Butch, think it’s time for a walk! Sometimes it is, sometimes I have to go to work, but the shoes are wonderful for whatever I need to do and I love them!!! And my little doggies do too!
Hello!! I missed you, I read your blog all the time but I rarely, if ever, comment. My favorite pair of shoes ever were probably the little black and white saddle shoes I wore as a child. I wore those to death. As an adult, I like them all!! Just bought a pair of plaid peep-toe heels on Saturday actually, very cute…but its a little cold in Ohio for peep-toes right now.
Ha! and you thought no one was out there. I come back again and again for the cute baby pictures!
Favorite shoes are brown leather clogs I paid WAY too much for at a time I couldn’t afford it but have gotten SO much wear out of them and they still look great.
Oh how I wish I could win the shoes!! As a shoe shopaholic from Canada you have hurt me deeply. But since I love to knit socks as much as I love shoes, I’ll forgive you. My favourite pair of shoes is a pair I’m still wearing. They are a pair of Birkenstock Boston clogs that I have had for about 10 years. I’ve put them through hell in that time but they keep loving my feet. The cork is worn down in a few places now so they’ll have to be fixed this winter, because there is no way I’m getting rid of these babies!
I’ve missed you and your knitting!
hi cara! nice to see you in blogland again! it’s funny that you post about dansko’s – i’ve been trying to decide what my next pair are going to be. i love ’em too. and they ARE perfect for hand knit socks. take care!
Cara, I do enjoy your blog and miss you when you blog less frequently. Although, I must admit that baby is a really good reason not to blog so often!
I think my favorite pair of shoes had to be the Dansko sandals that I bought a few years ago. I’m saving my money to get a pair that is better for cooler weather but sock yarn keeps interfering!!
As a mother of a daughter, you’ll appreciate this! My favorite pair of shoes? Hands-down, absolute favorite for all time, forevermore, will always be the pair of red patent-leatherish first-walker boots that I bought for my daughter. She didn’t walk until she was 17.5 months old – two days before she was scheduled for an MRI to find out why she was so delayed. Sensing the permanent worry-based cold sores on my lip, she got up and walked across the room on her first try. To celebrate, I bought her these shoes. They had two pairs of shoelaces – one black, for sensible days, the other a filmy red ribbon, for fancy days.
She’s nine now. I miss those days of two pairs of shoelaces and daily “firsts”. I love your blog because we get to see your girl’s firsts. Thanks for sharing.
My favorite shoes for the last year have been crocs! I bought a pair at Disneyland last year and haven’t worn anything else since.
Before that it was a pair of Birkenstocks that were several years old.
Socks, well, right now I’m making stuff for the grands and like the Blueberry Waffles!
My favorite shoes for the last year have been Crocs! I bought a pair at Disneyland last year and haven’t worn anything else since.
Before that it was a pair of Birkenstocks that were several years old.
Socks, well, right now I’m making stuff for the grands and like the Blueberry Waffles!
hi there – thrilled to see Meli in the flesh the other night! and of course happy to see you as well – you both look mah-velous!
I love to wear my fuschia Danskos with my crosshatch lace socks I made using cherry tree hill in a wonderful pink/blue/purple colorway.
I don’t really have a favorite pair of shoes ever, but my favorite sock pattern is just the basic cuff down stockinette sock. Quick and simple, to show off the yarn.
Glad you’re back. Miss the Meli girl… My socktober socks were for my husband. Size 11 feet. Lots of knitting. Now I have a pair for me on the needles. Don’t know if I’ve ever seen Danskos in person but they look very comfortable. My go to shoes are flip flops half the year here in FL but I wear clogs with my handknit socks (5 pairs of Jaywalkers, 3 monkeys, and various other designs) in the cooler months. Hurray for the 30’s we went down to last night!
In high school, I really wanted a pair of Mary Janes, but all the other girls had those. While browsing the mall, I found this pair of shoes that looked EXACTLY like the ones Holly Hobby wore (dating myself much, what?)!!!! I loved those shoes so much that I wore them until about 3 years ago (for those doing the math at home, I kept those bad boys alive for about 15 years).
I look for your blog every day. I enjoy hearing about your day to day life with your family and I love looking at your knitting talent. The socks are so colorful and the Danskos look great with them.
I miss your updates and I also want to see more pictures of your adorable little girl. 🙂
My favorite sock pattern is the Jaywalker pattern and my favorite shoes ever are a pair of Ariat Fatbaby’s in Bomber Brown(http://zeta.zappos.com/product/7264225/color/7898) that I lusted over for a 6 months (I kept telling myself that I wasn’t a cowboy boot kind of gal) before finally caving and buying them. I’m so glad I did.
My favorite pair of shoes wasn’t actually mine, they were my daughters, it was only recently that she learned it was actually SEVERAL pairs of shoes. We got them when she was two, to go with her Halloween costume, I made her a cinderella dress, and despite many arguments, she insisted on getting the red glitter shoes to go with it. After that she wouldn’t wear anything BUT red glitter shoes. Her red glitter shoes were magic, as her feet grew, so did her shoes, and each time they grew, they looked just like NEW. Anyway, my daughter went round with red glitter clad feet until midway through 1st grade, when something or someone spoiled the magic for her. But every time I see a little girl in a well worn pair of red glitter shoes, I can’t help but smile.
I miss you too! I always find your blog so inspiring, whenever you do get a chance to update.
My favorite shoes have always been boots. I’ve loved all types, Doc martens, Ariat riding boots, classy ankle boots and tall sexy boots. I always smile each fall when I pull my boots back out of the closet.
Those Dansko clogs are quite attractive! FUN-ky!!!
Oh my, my favorite pair of shoes ever? Hrmmm… My very first pair of Clarks sandals. I hiked many many miles in them and they survived for about 10 years and 2 soles. My puppy thoughtthey looked really tasty and used them as a chew toy when he escaped his daytime confinement at 10 weeks old! They don’t make that style anymore but I still loved those shoes!
Hmmm. I’m a shoe addict, but I love almost everything Steve Madden. The toe box is wide and comfy for trendy shoes.
Glad you’re back!
Yummm – love my Danskos and my Birks. But what I really love is reading about your baby!! Seriously. I know it’s a sickness. 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes are not favorite because they are comfortable more the memories of thinking I was being rebellious wearing knee-high turquoise Doc Martens in high school.
Hi, I miss you! I love seeing pictures of your adorable daughter. I also love my new Uggs, a brand I never thought I’d wear!
Of course I miss you! You’re a daily stop for me.
My danskos are actually my favorite pair of shoes ever. I can run after my three-year-old in them, *and* they give me enough height to compensate for my short monkey legs. Plus, hand-knit socks. They’re manna in shoe form.
Just a great opportunity to tell you that I do miss YOU!! Back in “the day” (what the hell does that mean anyway?)when you used to write each day and there weren’t many blogs of any quality to read, I would be so excited to read your great entries. I know you are doing the most important job in the world right now but promise me that when she starts playschool you will post more often????
Just a great opportunity to tell you that I do miss YOU!! Back in “the day” (what the hell does that mean anyway?)when you used to write each day and there weren’t many blogs of any quality to read, I would be so excited to read your great entries. I know you are doing the most important job in the world right now but promise me that when she starts playschool you will post more often????
Apparently we all really want free stuff… 🙂
My favorite, favorite shoes are my Born clogs. they are super comfy and make me even taller!
I love your blog! Miss your great pictures. My favorite shoes have to be my new Danskos. I just bought my first pair of Danskos this month. I’ve been wearing them more than any other pair of shoes I own. I look for excuses to wear them. I want a pair in every color! Of course, any handknit socks are great but I also love some new socks I just got at The Walking Company (their house brand).
Yes, you are missed. Luckily I’ve been too busy to really miss much – in fact sometimes I’m happy when I can catch up quickly 😉
Oh, and I’m in Canada btw.
First of all, I really enjoy reading your blog. As a first time mom and a knitter/spinner I am interested in everything you write about.
Now, as for the shoes, my favorite was a pair of suede clogs lined with shearling from Merrell. I wore them for so long that by the end they no longer had shearling on the inside. I had worn through it all and the insides were shiny!
I miss you
Wow – looks like a lot mroe than just me miss your regular posts (More Meli, please!)
My favourite pair of shoes are my flip flops – nothing special – just regular flip flops – all colours, all types. Surprisingly, I am a fairly prolific sock knitter – mostly to give away, but I have my favourite pairs of socks for the winter (I live in Canada). They get worn inside my antithesis to the flip flop – my stiletto heeled boots…
After having a baby in August, this baby *does* need a new pair of shoes, and Danskos sound like they’d be perfect. I’m working on the first pair of handknit socks for me (finally). Glad to see you in the blogosphere!
I still don’t own a pair of Danskos, but I really want to. I want to show off some handknit socks with ’em on! I hear they’re so comfy too.
My fave sock pattern so far as someone else mentioned are the Monkeys with the picot edge. Those just look too friggin cute and I can’t want to start on another, this time with the picot edge.
I really enjoy your baby posts (and your knitty-type posts as well, of course). Whatever happened to the mitered squares? I have to confess, that’s how I thought of you when I first found your blog- the mitered square lady! They were completely stunninly beautiful, as I recall.
I don’t have a favorite pair of shoes – isn’t that so sad 🙁 I’ll have to try a Dansko though cuz I’d luv shoes to go with my socks!!!
Also – miss you and Meli is ADORABLE!!!
I love my Danskos… they show off my socks and make me taller!!
PS: welcome back
I can tell you that the pair of shoes I am wearing to work today would not be my favorites. My favorites are a pair of pull on, no laces tennis/hiking shoes purchased from the clearance sale at LL Bean about 4 years ago. At the time I was very pregnant, and I thought shoes would make me feel better. Nevermind that my feet were so swollen I could wear only one pair of clogs that were horrible stretched and mis-shaped, and that I had to put them on first thing in the morning or they would not fit at all. When these wonderful shoes arrived, there was no way my pudgy feet would fit. So they sat, until that wonderful day about 3 1/2 weeks after the arrival of my son when the water weight finally went away and my ankles returned. My only regret is not buying about 5 pairs of them, as they no longer make them.
Thank you for sharing!
Hi and yes, i do miss you. 🙂
Since I’ve been dating my bf I find myself searching for flats (he’s at least 2 inches shorter than I am and it kinda bothers him). Lately my fave pair of shoes are a pair of Keen mary janes, the Portlands I think.
My favorite pair of shoes were knee high cordovan colored leather boots with the perfect heel height. I wore them for years until the shank broke and they squeaked with every step. It was a sad day when they were retired.
Favorite socks were knit with Noro for my brother. I love that he loves them and enjoys the different color patterns on each foot.
I really enjoy your blog and look forward to future posts.
Thanks for the contest,
I’m not sure I can enter the onlineshoes.com contest since I don’t (yet?) own any Danskos. 🙁
My favorite socks were a pair of Hedera socks I knit in alpaca.. fine enough for dress socks, and so elegant and *warm* on those cold midwestern winter days trekking across campus for meetings!
My favorite shoes are the Cole Haan/Nike Air shoes. I bought my first pair after foot surgery 6 years ago and keep getting new ones.
I live in Canada! But I still knit socks and would love a pair of those shoes. Maybe someday… I’m currently knitting a plain vanilla pair of socks using the Kaffe Fassett inspired yarn from Regia. It’s wonderful to knit with and the colours, of course, being Kaffe related, are super. I read here all the time, but don’t post a lot. I do miss when you aren’t posting. 🙂 samm
Tricky! My favorite current pair of shoes are the Merrell Jungle Primos in Dark Brown that my sweet fiance bought for me so that I would have comfortable shoes to wear when I was in lab all day. They’re super comfy and they go with everything! Sadly, I just went online to see if I could order another pair since I’ve worn my current pair out and it looks like they’ve been discontinued. 🙁 🙁
Wow, 428 comments – looks like you don’t have to worry about losing readers 🙂 But I do miss you. And even though I enter contests every day (via Prizey), your Spin-Out raffle is the only one I’ve ever won so here’s hoping you are good luck for me. Thanks for the contest!
I’ve been eying up Danskos for a while now just because I love how handknit socks look with them and also because I need more shoes that aren’t sneakers – I never quite kicked the kid habit of living in my tennies.
Favorite pair of shoes is a toss up, and both are discontinued so I can’t link to them. One are a pair of Merrel boots with suede accents up the sides that make them look like wellies gone pirate. Wearing them right now. The other are a pair of Chucks (Converses) that are a burgundy brocade fabric. I have never see anyone else with those shoes, and they make me feel really cool. Dress up sneakers!
(Also, I blame you every time I shop at BMFA. My STR collection is getting way out of hand. But I still thank you for it every time I buy some as well. :))
My favorite shoes ever are a pair of Born slide-ons (mules?, clogs? whatever?). I like Danskos too–it must be the European/Scandinavian sizing, they just fit my feet better!
I don’t have any Danskos, but I have a pair of Halflinger clogs which are great – 10 years old and still kicking, pretty good for a wool and cork shoe! Although, I admit I don’t wear them outdoors much anymore.
I haven’t made many pairs of socks, so I can’t say which is my favourite pattern, but my FIRST pair of socks were Jaywalkers with a Regia yarn that I thought would be self-striping, but weren’t. However, I still love the socks, and it just gave me a reason to make another pair…
My favorite shoes were these plastic-y shoes I once had. They had a patent-style toe and heel and the rest of the shoe was clear and seeee-throooough. I loved those shoes because you could see my very fluourecent colored socks through them (hey, it was the late eighties). Those shoes were definitely not comfortable, but they were fashionable and really make me think I’d like another pair to show off my handknit socks.
BTW, been dying to try some Dansko shoes, so if I am lucky, this might be my shot! Woot woot!
Cara, it’s good to see you back! I know how crazy life gets with kids. It barely leaves time for brushing your teeth, much less blogging! So, it’s always good to see you! 🙂
Well Hello….and I love your blog! Gad you statrted posting again and got to feeling better! I missed you:)
As for favortie shoes. They would be my chocolate brown birkenstocks. Plain, simple and comfortable as …well as an old pair of shoes:)They are my easy to slip off and on at work when i am feeling funky go to shoes.
And as for favorite socks pattern/yarn i don’t have one yet but i know when i do get up the guts to knit a pair of socks it will be with some socks tha rock yarn;)
Well Hello….and I love your blog! Gad you statrted posting again and got to feeling better! I missed you:)
As for favortie shoes. They would be my chocolate brown birkenstocks. Plain, simple and comfortable as …well as an old pair of shoes:)They are my easy to slip off and on at work when i am feeling funky go to shoes.
And as for favorite socks pattern/yarn i don’t have one yet but i know when i do get up the guts to knit a pair of socks it will be with some socks tha rock yarn;)
My current favorite sock pattern is plain stockinette stitch with whatever heel/toe I feel like. I love varigated and striping sock yarn and as I knit, the color changes keep it interesting enough for me.
Thanks for having this contest, Cara!
Love your blog, and I did miss you. I have never owned Danskos, but I’m intrigued and would love to try them. My most loved shoes to date have been Birkenstocks and Earth Shoes. I have very touchy feet and need great support and comfort is everything to me. Keep up the good work.
My favorite pair of shoes is Clark’s – the Artisan Collection. They come in wide width and the soles are so pretty. They’re a pattern of flying birds.
My favorite socks pattern is a bit tougher. Lately I’m into lace socks and solid colors and really think Embossed Leaves is beautiful and hope to knit it again in red or green really soon!
I’ve missed you! And I really don’t have a “favorite” sock pattern yet ~ I was late to the sock party and I’ve only tried out a few basic ones. And I need some good shoes that “go” with my hand knit socks, so bring it on!
My favorite pair of shoes…hmmm..it’s a tie between my purple Doc Marten Boots (I saw someone wearing on the street and had to have them. They weren’t sold in the US anymore. I bought a pair in red to tide me over and found a pair of the purple on eBay. Love!) and my pink metallic maryjanes from Clarks (style and comfort and not too flashy to wear to the office).
Great contest. Love the blog. Bloglines makes it so easy to keep up with everyone, especially those who don’t blog daily. Don’t sweat it!
Hi Cara! My CURRENT favorite pair of shoes is my metallic silver Birkenstocks with rhinestone buckes. I wear them to ALL my formal events@
Current sock on needles is a ‘vanilla’ pair with Jitterbug. LOVE that yarn. I have two skeins of STR that are in the wings for a fairisle pair when I get up the nerve.
My favorite shoes? So difficult! My favorite comfy shoes are felted black Dansko clogs. My favorite uncomfortable shoes are a pair of black and white cow skin heels.
As for my favorite sock pattern, currently that’s Monkeys.
I love my Sofft shoes. They are black, of course, and comfy. I actually went into a Dansko store at a mall once but they didn’t have my size in the style I wanted. I was looking for a dressier style. Although now I would want a style that is good for kicking around on the weekend.
Nothing like a shoe contest to kick start the blog!
My current favorite pair of shoes for showing off my favorite pair of handknit socks (Maelstrom by Cookie A) are my Merrill Circuit Mary Janes.
My favorite pair of shoes are my trusty Birkenstocks. I wear them from the end of April to the middle of October (or whenever it decides to start snowing) almost exclusively. I’ve yet to find a winter shoe that is as comfortable, yet still warm. The advantage with the Birks is that I can also show off my handmade socks at the same time. Right now, my favorite sock pattern would have to be Jaywalkers. They are just snug enough that they stay up all day, but aren’t constricting at all. Plus, they do great things for varigated yarn.
I do miss the blog. I still check it almost everyday to see if you’ve posted. And I love hearing what is going on with you and Meli. I had a baby boy in January and I love looking at everyone else’s little ones. 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes was a bright red pair of clogs with wooden soles from Denmark (my mom has a matching pair that she can still wear). I got mine when I was 5 years old & am hoping to track them down for my daughter. I cried when I could no longer squeeze my feet into those shoes.
I love the Meli updates (my little boy was born in January, so it’s fun to see Meli’s development)
I have an old pair of Ferragamo loafers that have been resoled three or four times over the last 10 years. The only downside is that they don’t work with handknit socks. So my next favorite is a pair of Dansko Mary Janes that are perfect with all manner of socks — particularly my very favorite Lenores. And it’s nice to hear from you!
I just bought my 1st pair of Danskos & I really like them. Super comfy & cute. Glad to have you back posting but just post pictures of your cute girl if you don’t have time to tell us what’s going on. 🙂 She is just darling!!
My favorite pair of shoes is Haflingers…the felted clogs… I bought my first pair after a day of shopping on South Street in Philadelphia…bought them, put them on right away! And I’ve loved them ever since. I also really like my black clogs from Clarks for whenever it’s too warm for the Haflingers. 🙂
Favorite pair of shoes ever – red Mary Janes when I was around 5.years old I can still see them in my now way older warped mind. They probably fit for about 15 minutes given how freakin’ fast my feet grew.
These days my Birks (Arizona type) are my faves due to foot surgery this past September – they’re basically all I can schlep around in these days. GOod thing I stocked up when there was a sale.
My favorite shoes are red patten leather mary janes. I have them with stilleto heels now, but have had them in some incarnation for most of my life. So versatile.
I have only knit one pair of socks and they were just a basic pattern. I am working on my second pair now.
Hi. I would say that I miss you but I’ve been reading on Bloglines. So if you’ve missed me here, that’s why. Sorry.
Anyway. Shoes. Not exactly what you were looking for, but here goes. One of the things my husband used to tease me about were how many pairs of black shoes I owned. He decided to move out last March. Guess how many pairs of black shoes I have bought since March? 😀
Sometimes I miss having a partner, but I sure love buying shoes whenever the heck I want!
My favorite Danskos were my red Lolita sandals. I worn them till they were not fit for public use, that’s how much I loved them. I love clogs too, but those sandals were the greatest! I like the look of patterned socks but enjoy knitting a plain or ribbed sock in order to have some mindless knitting to meditate with.
I always enjoy your blog!
I used to have a pair of flat slingbacks that I wore all summer. LOVED those shoes. My very first dog decided to find them for me after my move and ate one of them. Only left the sole and the slingback part.
My current fave(s): Summer: Croc flip flops. Love these. Can wear them all day. I can even walk the dogs in them.
Winter: My Danskos. They’re particularly good for when I’m lecturing for a long period. I originally got them for a four hour lecture period and I’ve never regretted the investment.
My favorite pair of shoes ever were a pair of old-school red Saucony running shoes. I was in a rowdy, I-don’t-have-to-be-dainty-if-I-don’t-want-to-be phase of my life, and wearing them was like having super powers. My uniform was khaki cords, vintage-looking t-shirt, silver puffy vest and my red Sauconys. I loved me then! 🙂
I check your blog every day, just in case! 🙂
What a fine idea Cara. Thanks for letting us join in the fun. My favorite shoes were the black cowboy boots I bought in 1992. They are comfortable and still fabulous though very beat up. The soles are worn through and my feet get wet during Seattle’s wet winters. But I love them anyway.
Hello there and I miss you !!!
I <3 Earth shoes! Thanks for the great contest!
I absolutely adore your blog!
My fave pair of shoes are a pair of giraffe print heels. They don’t go with much but they’re definitely a conversation piece!
I do miss your blog but I understand it’s a lot of work (and fun) with the baby, so I don’t mind that much. Just glad glad you still post once in a while.
Well, nothing like a contest to get me to come out from the lurking I’ve been doing here for two years now! I do miss you but I know you’re busy with your new little one. My favorite pair of shoes: I don’t remember the brand but they were black suede with a stacked wood heel and had cut-outs in them so you could see your socks. I wore them all over Paris (the one and only time I’ve been there) while pregnant and my feet never hurt. I wore them until they fell apart and I’ve never been able to find another pair like them since. So sad for me 🙁
Thanks for keeping on keeping on with the blog. And thanks for the contest – baby needs some new sock yarn!
I love this!!!! My favorite shoes ARE Danskos….I have 5 pairs, really! I love the professional style, enclosed clogs. They are the most comfortable shoes ever. And of course my favorite thing to knit is socks….is this serendipity or what?????
Hi – glad I got to see you at Rhinebeck, as I really do miss you. 🙂
I’m so glad you’re enjoying your fabulous daughter, but you are greatly missed!! You have always been a great knitterly inspiration, especially when it comes to socks.
Yeah a contest. I love my newest shoes: El Naturalista cherry red clogs. Link to blog post with photo of my new shoes and my latest pair of handknit socks: http://yarnyoldkim.typepad.com/yarny_old_kim/2008/09/p-is-for.html I can no longer wear store bought socks. Handknits have me spoiled forever!
Funny thing is that Danskos are my favorite shoe. They are the only shoe that make my really cranky feet happy. I love their longevity too! I’ve had the same pair for over three years and I wear them 4-5 times a week. Amazing shoes!
My favorite pair of shoes are actually a pair of Softt high heel slides. They fit my uber-fat feet perfectly and comfortably even while wearing handknit socks! Truly amazing for me!
My favorite pair of shoes are Hanna Andersson clogs!
Love reading your blog and hearing about your family, as well as your knitting. Am always cheered by seeing a new post.
My favorite socks for hand knits are a pair of White Mountain Mary Jane style casual shoes. They’re super comfortable and show off the hand knits quite nicely.
Oddly enough, my Danskos are my favorite shoes. My favorite sock pattern is “Django” by Cookie A. 🙂
Hi Cara,
I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years. How exciting to find out that you were having a baby at the same time I was! It’s been so much fun reading updates and seeing photos of your little one and seeing that our babies are doing the same things. I don’t have a favorite sock pattern. I sometimes buy yarn with a pattern in mind or find the perfect pattern for yarn I already have. Thanks keeping up with your blog!
I was crazy about the white go-go boots I had as a kid. They were hand-me-downs and had to be worn with fishnet tights. They made me feel so grown up. These days I mostly wear my handknit socks with my LL Bean clogs (or with a stretched out pair of black faux lizzard pumps they I can’t quite bring myself to throw out.)
I love your blog, especially the pictures. Meli is a spectacular model.
My favorite shoes have been crocs. I have foot problems and although not very beautiful, they are VERY comfortable. I would love to find something as comfortable but more professional looking for work.
Did you really think any of us had abandoned you? Never!
My favorite shoes right now are my MaryJane Crocs. (Brown and Black) They work great with hand knit socks. I do love Danskos but I need a new pair. Mine don’t fit since my pregnancy. So sad.
I think my favorite pair of shoes are my house slippers. I even have some at work under my desk. But, anyway, please post more pictures of that beautiful baby!
My favorite pair of shoes are my landsend slippers. Perfect for warming up after a cold Chicago day.
I have admired the sock yarn STR much from your blog. I would love to win some. Thanks.
Woohoo! Shoes and sock yarn? The best!!
I’ve had two pairs of shoes that I loved. The first were a pair of Doc Marten Mary Janes that I bought when I was in England with my family. I had them the whole time I was in college and they were SOOOO comfy!
The other pair was a pair of clogs that I bought right after we got married. They were so comfy and I wore them every day for about 10 years…..they finally had to be tossed because they were so sorry looking!
I am so in love with my Ariat Fatbabies. I wear them all the time, summer, winter, whatever. I have these ones: http://www.bootbarn.com/itemview/view/view/view/view/10093
I miss your blog, and sure I would like to win your contest !!
I do miss you, but totally understand with work and Miss Meli you are a very busy girl!
My fave pair of shoes ever were this cute brown leather clogs that I got at Payless of all places. They were super comfy and looked awesome. About a week after I got them our dog at the strap off of them that went across the top. I was so upset but took it to a shoe cobbler in town. They fixed it for the cost of what I paid for them. Of course about a week later the dog did it AGAIN! (hubby left the closet door open) I was very sad, but wore my chewed up shoes for about 2 years until my mom tossed them while I was sick and “tried” to replace them. Ugh, I still haven’t forgiven her for that.
Hello, I miss reading your blog. My favorite shoes are my slippers.
Knitters apparently love shoes.
I’m still sad about Rhinebeck.
My latest favorite shoes are my new black Dansko clogs, Merrie. They are so comfortable, and they show off my socks nicely. Yesterday, I wore them with some STR socks in on of the Raven colorway. Too wonderful!
Hi! And I do miss your frequent posts, but I guess a gorgeous baby girl is a good excuse 😛
My favorite pair of shoes are my silver glitter low-top Chuck Taylor’s. They’re sparkly and FABULOUS, and I think they satisfy both my outer tomboy, and my inner glamazon 🙂
My favorite shoes were some chunky black ones, open toed, strap, chunky heel; I wore them when I was teaching. Loved them, miss them! Thanks for the contest!
Hi Cara,
I’m glad you’re still finding time to blog! My favorite pair of shoes is the pair I only dreamed about – I wanted white go-go boots as a little girl 🙂
If bedroom slippers qualify, then my boiled wool slippers are the most comfortable footwear Evah! 😉 For public wear, my Danskos really are the most comfortable, versatile shoes I own!!
My favorite pair of socks is usually the one I just finished! My favorite shoes are my 10-hole Doc Martens – not the most attractive shoes, and they don’t show off my socks, but they fit well and are sooo comfortable. And they last forever, with the occasional trip to the shoe doctor to repair an eyelet.
I looooove Danskos – I got my first pair this year (red felted clogs!) after my knee started acting up thanks to a ski injury that lead to arthritis. I added on with a pair of black clogs and brown casual shoes. So comfy! I also just bought a pair of Merril Mary Jane’s that are great for showing of handknit socks. As soon as I have more than one pair to put into rotation 🙂
Hi, I’m a fairly new reader (although I can’t seem to remember how I found you!). My favorite pair of shoes are actually my black Danskos–they go with everything and dress up or down really well. I’m a grad student who commutes to Boston and has to look nice for work, usually all in the same day, and it’s nice to have comfortable shoes that do everything. My favorite sock pattern is just plain old socks knit with awesome hand-dyed yarn, as I’ve just recently rediscovered.
I’ve never had a pair of Danskos, but I’ve been eying them for a while now. I think they’d look great with the pair of plain-jane stockinette but fun stripped socks that are on the needles right now.
I never win anything, but it’s always worth a shot. I’m always glad when you check back in — it’s like getting a visit from an old friend!
I just bought my first pair of Dansko’s (Regina) two weeks ago… from none other than ONLINE SHOES!!! So far so good… I wore them out for the first time this saturday night and danced my booty off… I am not going to lie, my feet did hurt a bit at the end of the night, but at least my feet looked super cute! thanks for the fun contest. I love your blog and your honesty with us all… thanks for letting us know we are not “alone” out there in our thoughts. Meli is a doll baby!
I think you got your wish! Look at all of these comments 🙂
I would tell you about my favorite pair of shoes, but I am somewhat of a shoe-holic and we could be here all day!
well, that certainly did net you a lot of comments! 🙂 i definitely miss you! and my favorite pair of shoes are my black patent leather dansko clogs, no joke. i was so sad when my feet ballooned while pregnant and i couldn’t wear them!
Let’s see… Actually I have had three favorite pairs of shoes. The first is a tan pair of Mary Jane Doc Marten’s. I wore them through college and absolutely loved them. When I was teaching, my favorite pair was a red pair of Dansko Mary Janes. They were comfortable, stylish, and red. Can’t beat that. Right now as a SAHM, I’m loving my Privo slip on sneakers. I can’t be bothered with snaps, ties, etc. and still want comfort. These are the best.
your baby is delicious.
my favorite pair of shoes. I had this amazing pair of birk sandals that I got for like $40 at EMS because I have pygmy feet and they didn’t fit any real grown-ups, so they were dumping them. I wore them and wore them. I wore them and wore them and wore them until there was nothing left but a worn piece of cork remaining. My mother insisted that she could take them to a local cobbler and he could resole them. She would not let up, so finally I let her take them away. $50 later they were returned – with the wrong size footbed. He didn’t have a 33, so he used a 35. 33 could not possibly be right anyway, he reasoned. After all I was 26.
I cried. Ruined. Ruined, and gone forever. I tried. I wore them for a while, but in the end I threw them away.
I love you, your blog, shoes, and STR!!! 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes were a pair of Ralph Lauren sandals that lasted 10 years and were oh, so comfortable. At the time I bought them I really couldn’t afford them but I loved the way they looked on my feet. In the end, they were a bargain.
My favorite? My earth shoes from 1975…loved those shoes. Of course you can still buy them, but they do not wear the same without the 70’s surrealism to back them up.
Hello! We once sewed together pieces of blanket when Meli was still a cute bump- i do miss your more frequent posts, but totally understand that you have more important (and louder) things in your life. I hope I win- i’m so broke and want pretty shoes!
My all time favorite shoes were a pair of white and navy spectator pumps. I would buy new outfits so that I could wear those shoes with it. I wore them until I got a hammer toe and they longer were comfortable.
I also missed your regular entries on your blog. You do have a great reason to be preoccupied-that beautiful baby!
Holy Schmitt! 506 replies by the time I got here!
I am so bad at sucking up..so I am not going to do it. I do love danskos, but have not been able to afford any in a while.
I understand they make little ones, for little ones? When will Meli get her first pair? I wonder?
Karin in Albany, NY
My favorite socks are Monkeys! Thanks for the contest!!!
My favorite pair of shoes are my neon yellow KangaRoos. It totally takes me back to being in elementary school, when the first wave of Roos hit the streets. Plus, the color looks like tennis balls, and are an immediate attention-grabber, and are super-comfortable.
And now, I can’t get enough handknit socks in the winter! I need to keep knitting more!
I’m sticking around, no matter how long between posts! Meli is so cute and your knitting content is always great 😀
My favorite shoes from the time I toddler until probably middle school were those standard, white leather-or-canvas Keds. They were so neutral that they never offended my delicate childhood fashion sensibilities (I was an odd duck…) But anyway, those were great. I have, however, gotten a bit more fashion-forward in the ensuing years 😉
I’m sticking around, no matter how long between posts! Meli is so cute and your knitting content is always great 😀
My favorite shoes ever, were from the time I toddler until probably middle school were those standard, white leather-or-canvas Keds. They were so neutral that they never offended my delicate childhood fashion sensibilities (I was an odd duck…) But anyway, those were great. I have, however, gotten a bit more fashion-forward in the ensuing years 😉
LOVE your blog as much as I love my Danko’s. I’m still working on finishing my first pair of socks that I love, but it is not for lack of yarn or desire. 🙂 Here are my favorite shoes: http://www.new.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3951613&l=1e021&id=746510102
It’s nice to see more frequent posts from you again! Missed reading about your life and knitted life. You always had rockin’ contests- thanks for the opportunity for free cute shoes!
I love my black Dansko’s. I have a sweet pair of Clessidra socks that I can highlight with my Danskos and feel as though it represents me and my style. You know how sometimes what you wear just feels right and is a true representation of your style?
My favorite pair of shoes are comfy J-41s. They’re cute yet feel good on your feet–a win/win! Unfortunately they’re pricey so I only have one pair–so far. 🙂
Fav baby pics: Meli!
Fav shoes: Borns in a style no longer produced
Fav sock pattern: Cookie’s Monkey socks!!
Thanks for hosting this contest!!
glad to see you posting. I hope you’ll be doing that more often!!
Hey, don’t think I’ve ever commented before, but really like your blog, whether you are blogging about knitting or baby, doesn’t matter to me! I have never even tried Dansko’s (can’t believe I spelled it right the first time either!) but sure could use another way to show off my knitted socks! I love knitting socks, favorite pattern right now are toe up jaywalkers, but right all I have are cheap walmart sandals! I need something more wintery!
How could I pass up a chance for yarn or Danskos??? My favorite shoes are Danskos. I wear my professional clogs all the time unless I am wearing my Marcelles. Those are extra fun because they show off hand knit socks.
I love how happy and positive your blog is! LOVE it!
my favorite shoes? My bright red Keen sandals.
(i have always wanted Danskos, but could never afford them)
my favorite sock pattern? Cookie A.’s Pomatomus!
thank you so much for the contest!
I love my Danskos. My favorite pair has to be the green pair I found on clearance. I swear I wasn’t going to buy anything that day. But how often do you see Danskos on the sales rack? I immediately called a friend who could understand that the new shoes were meant to be mine!
Bet you never knew you had so many readers, huh?
People love your blog and I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t love Dansko’s!
So a few thousand comments wouldn’t surprise me!
I’ve been reading your blog for years…don’t give it up! I love it.
I love your blog and I am glad you are able to blog a bit more often.
Recently, my favorite shoes were an inexpensive pair of black nylong and suede shoes. They were light and flat and comfy. Unfortunately, I ruptured my achilles tendon, and they are not really working for me anymore.
Dansko Professional are my #1 choice of shoes. So comfortable. They are my everyday shoes. This summer I bought a pair of Dansko sandals – very nice as far as look and comfort but they turned my feet black every time I wore them. That would be scary if a new pair of hand knit socks were worn with them!
Thank you for having this contest. I am a big fan of your blog.
Ecco maryjanes. I had 6 pairs, each lasting about two years of everyday wear, before they stopped making them. My feet do not feel the same.
Hmmm…favorite pair of shoes are a pair of Mudds. They make me feel tall and are super comfy. I have two fave pairs of socks: RPMs in Puck’s Mischief and Lenore in Lenore. Sadly, one Lenore is lost.
Hmm, I love reading about Meli and your adventures. I am also a huge Monkey socks fan and I lived in a pair of Born shoes until they died a tragic soleless death. Keep it up!
My favourite pair of shoes is a black pair of strappy vinyl pumps that I bought on a holiday to Mallorca last year. I’ve worn them so many times since I bought them that they are starting to crack here and there and the strap is looking worn. They eat my feet up after a couple of hours, but they are so cute that I don’t care.
Btw, I have read for a long time but don’t know if I’ve ever commented. 🙂 I love hearing about how you and Meli are doing!
I don’t do Dansko–YET.
However, I do love your blog—love reading about Meli and love your outlook on being a Mom. I’m new-ish at this too—my little guy is 15 months.
Hi! I’ve missed you, too! But – I’ve loved your Meli posts just as much as your knitting ones. She’s a sweet little girl and I’m so happy for you.
My favorite shoes? Since I was 13 years old at the onset of grunge, Converse All Stars. I’m probably too old to be wearing them, but I don’t care. I always have a pair or two around.
And my favorite sock pattern? I’m a Monkey girl, all the way!
My work shoes are clogs from Quarks and they work great for the OR, almost hug my foot! I have been wanting to try a pair of Dansko’s.
I love Blue Moon! I want to make socks!
I love your blog, especially when there are pictures of Mellie! She is adorable. And I love handknit sox (I have boxes of them!!!) And I don’t particularly care whether I win the shoes or not.
Hi! It would be great if you posted more often, but I know how busy you are with a baby at home. My favorite shoes are Dansko Merrie’s. I wear them all the time and they show off my knitted socks the best. Particulary the Anna socks I just finished!
So, my favorite pair of shoes, at least since I’ve been knitting…have to be my pink sheep covered Converse Low-Tops. I mean, pink is my favorite color and they are covered in little gray sheep! There is one little black sheep on each heel. They really are the cutest! You can see them here. And I am absolutely thrilled that you are thinking of coming back to blogging/knitting a bit more…you’ve been missed!
Hmmm…..well, I don’t think I have a favorite pair of shoes. Unless sandals in general count? I haven’t knit enough socks to have a favorite pattern so I guess I’ll say I love handknit socks in general. 🙂
I want to echo most all of the other commenters and say that I love reading your blog and watching your gorgeous baby girl grow. Looking forward to more posts! 😀
Wow! I have missed “reading” you on a regular basis!! Love seeing your pictures and reading your adventures. Love knitting those socks, no matter the pattern –fancy or plain. They are addicting!!
My favorite shoes ever were a pair of made in Italy, olive green flats. They had pointy toes and gold trim! I was about 20 then and I could get away with it. I felt like a million bucks whenever I wore them! They had leather soles which were very slippery….and got more slippery as the shoes got older. I wore them until they were falling apart and couldn’t find another like them.
Meli is very cute in her red hat. I don’t really have a favorite pair of shoes. Shoe shopping is not one of my favorite things to do, so I avoid it at all times. Maybe if I HAD a good pair, I would like shoes more…
My favorite shoes ever were a pair of made in Italy, olive green flats. They had pointy toes and gold trim! I was about 20 then and I could get away with it. I felt like a million bucks whenever I wore them! They had leather soles which were very slippery….and got more slippery as the shoes got older. I wore them until they were falling apart and couldn’t find another like them.
I’m not sure what my favorite shoes are, but my favorite socks are my STR Inside out with monsoon! I love those ones!
I’m just saying hi.
Hi! My fave pair of shoes is a pair of turquoise Fluevog highish heels that are super comfy and very fun. But I can’t wear them with handknit socks. In fact I have pretty wide feet, and I have tried to buy a pair of shoes to wear with my handknit socks, and I can’t get anything to fit widthwise without giving me long clown feet. Very sad.
I’m in Canada, but I can get things shipped to a US address no problem (just in case that ends up mattering!) Thanks for the giveaway!
Also – Meli is so gorgeous. Enjoy her. Blogs come a very distant second and much as I enjoy reading the blog you should feel no guilt or pressure about posting frequently!
I cannot tell you how often I check your blog for new posts, so when you ask, “Are you still reading?” the answer is yes, even if I’m still reading an old post. I really enjoy your blog. I started reading about the time you announced your pregnancy and I really enjoyed all the getting ready posts and, even though you don’t have as much time now, I love seeing and hearing about your days with Meli. BTW, I do love your knitting too.
Hello and I miss you! 🙂 My favorite shoes are my Dansko Mary Janes. My favorite socks this year are the No Purl Monkeys I knit in Socks that Rock Highway 30. I wanted to make Monkeys after seeing all the cute ones you made!
My favorite pair of shoes is the one on my feet right now: Keen sandals. I have very flat feet that get tired and sore easily, and Keens have exactly the right amount of arch support. They’re the only pair I can wear all day without gigantic foot pain. Very soon I will have to find a pair with closed toes.
Also, hello! I do miss you, and your knitting tutorials, and your OCD, er, laser focus on a knitting project or pattern or technique that has caught your attention. But I know how everything else becomes inconsequential when you’re in love, and that’s how it should be.
I just totally miss you! Awesome to see ALL those comments! Kiss the baby!
My favorite shoes ever were a paid of Olafdotter clogs that I had in the 70’s. Those were the first in a long line of clogs.
Favorite sock pattern ever is definately Mata hari socks in Koigu. Yum, love me some koigu. To be honest, I don’t think I ever would have tried BMFA if it wasn’t for your blog and how you extol its joy. My LYS’s don’t carry it, and I’m not really up for ordering a yarn online I can’t see in person first. However, I took the plunge on STR lightweight and it’s the new love around these parts. So thanks!
I love my danskos. I was pulled into sock knitting by the mega marketing you did for the STR and jaywalker socks.
I DO miss you (when you don’t post for awhile) and your beautiful knitting that you shared with us. But, I have to tell – those baby pictures are beyond precious!!! She’s is darling (looks like Daddy to me!) and I am so happy for you and your beautiful family.
My favorite shoes are the first pair of Danssko’s pictured . . . MY FAVORITE EVER!!!!!
My favorite shoes are the first pair of Danssko’s pictured . . . MY FAVORITE EVER!!!!!
Woo-hoo! A chance for free shoes? Yes, please! (It might be the only way this old lady can compete with her 18-year old daughter the SHOE FREAK!)Great to see you back again! Bye for now.
I’m not sure if these are my favorites… but my first job in college, with my very first pay check, I bought a pair of Birkenstock Floridas (’cause all my cool new hippy friends were wearing them). It took my whole paycheck and I loved those shoes! I wore them until they literally fell apart off of my feet! They would have been perfect for hand knit socks……
My favorite shoes were the black patent mary janes that every little girl seems to have at some point or another. They were great for clicking around on the hardwood floors in, and if I stepped on my brother’s bare toes, that was just a bonus.
I have never worn Dansko’s or knit with STR, but I my birthday is also on January 1. I love to knit socks and always cast on for a new pair on New Year’s Day. My all time favourite pairs have been knit for my mother: a pair of purple alpaca ribbed socks, and a pair of Jaywalkers knit from Confetti self striping/fair isle. I have long drooled over STR and look forward to finally getting to knit with it.
Hi Cara! My favorite pair of socks were a pair of STR in the Chickabiddy colorway that I first saw here on your blog! I used the Cross Hatch Lace pattern from one of the sensational knitted socks book. I thought it worked really well with the STR.
Ironically, my favorite pair of shoes ever are Dansko clogs. Hard to choose exactly which pair, but they are probably my dalmatian print professional style clogs. Love them!
Hi Cara!!!! It was soooooo wonderful to see you at Rhinebeck. Your little sweetie is just so darned cute!
My favourite pairs of shoes ever would have to be:
1) a pair of cherry-red Doc Martens, which I wore to death at university (the leather eventually disintegrated) and
2) a pair of black, knee-high, lace-up platform boots. Could hardly walk in them but that was beside the point – they were POWER footwear!
Love your blog and all the beautiful pictures of Meli!
Well, currently I’m very happily sporting a pair of Keens. The only issue I have with them is that they are not clogs. I love me some clogs.
Socks… my favorite to wear are my plain jane’s. They are just the most comfy. Of the ones I’ve knit for beauty… I’m still in love with my Embossed Leaves.
My favorite shoes are the first pair of baby Nike’s that I put on my first set of baby feet! I still have those shoes– it will be 21 years ago next month.
Good lord, Cara . . . that took forever to scroll down. I have to say, I adore my Keens. I wore my Mary Jane’s today with a pair of handknit socks (from Blue Moon, of course).
My favorite Danskos are my new red professional Dansko clogs. I look down and they make me happy!
my favorite pair of shoes are my beat up pair of black and white checkered vans. they go with everyone and are super comfortable. what more could you ask for? thanks for the contest!
My favorite shoes ever were black patent maryjanes that I had when I was about 7. I wore them with lace edged “fancy” socks. The only problem was that these were the only shoes I wanted to wear EVER. My mom had to explain to everyone that I had more shoes. I just only wanted to wear these.
My favorite shoes are clogs. I have had several pairs, but I used to have a lovely pair of brown leather clogs that were sooo comfortable and they were perfect for wearing with hand knit socks. It was a sad, sad day when those shoes wore out.
Hi Cara! I always love to see you blog! And photos of Miss Meli.
I’ve been thinking about getting a pair of clogs this season. In my uber-casual job, Reeboks are my usual footwear. Some Danskos would be a nice change of pace. 🙂
And what’s not to love about STR? In fact, I recently finished a pair of socks in January One. Imagine that.
I’m still searching for the perfect pair of shoes. STR on the other hand, really does rock.
Love the blog and the pictures of the babe 🙂
My favorite shoes ever were my first shoes that were not corrective shoes. I got them in 8th grade and they were a tan suede flat with a small strap across the foot about an inch back from the base of the toes. I loved those shoes and wore them out. Sure beat the brown oxford corrective shoes I wore all my life until then.
Have you ever worn Keen? They are as comfortable as Dansko. I have a suede pair I love, love, love.
Hi Cara! My current favorite pair of shoes is actually …. my new Dansko Professionals! I just got them about a month ago, and I love them so much. I think they are such a great shoe to wear with handknit socks.
Favorite shoes? I’d probably have to say that my current favorite are my Teva mush sandals. They’re the first pair my feet head for when the weather is warm enough. Favorite handknit socks? I fell head over heels in love with Cat Bordhi’s New Pathways book and have been knitting socks constantly since! Thanks for the contest. I never win, but am off to try the Dansko contest! 🙂
My favorite pair of shoes? Bronze. Metallic. Sneaker. Platforms. 1995. High School. I was mocked endlessly in my little farm town, but I was 3″ taller and way ahead of my time. Or behind it. Way behind it. And with shin splints. (Thanks for the cool contest!)
Hi Cara… I am typically content lurking, but I have to say that I currently have a problem with my feet and the only shoes I can wear are Danskos, I lOVE THEM! I am pretty convinced that when my feet have healed that I will still only wear these shoes because, well, they rock! I love your blog tons and check it often. Good times.
I love your photography. You are so talented! Beautiful family too!
Best wishes!
My favorite pair of shoes ever were my first ‘high heels’ that Mom bought me for Easter when I was twelve. They were simple white pumps with 3/4″ heels, but they looked so stylish and fashionable to my young eyes. I can still remember how very grown-up I felt wearing them. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to revisit a fond memory, and thanks also for the contest.
I don’t really have a favourite sock pattern, but the one I use most often is a modification of Thuja to use sock-weight yarn.
Dude, there are still a LOT of us, huh? 🙂 My favorite shoes are every pair of Rocket Dogs I’ve ever owned. They are AWESOME and comfortable. I also like the J-41’s my sister got me for my 30th birthday. They’re awesome, too… so is she. 🙂
My favorite socks are my Monkeys! I would have never seen the pattern if not for you and now I have a few pair of them. Thanks!!
Shoes! Socks! Contest love! Blog love!
I love Danskos for socks too–but they’ll have to wait for the great state of employment…
My favorite pair of shoes aren’t a pair I bought for myself.
I worked at a cosmetic store with a great girl. We were both broke college students who were always struggling. My friend always wished for her own pair of dansko’s. Not only were we on our feet all day at the shop, but she also waitressed and our campus was fairly large so she was always on the go. At $8.00 an hour there was no way to afford them.
I was 2 years ahead in school so graduated and got a better job and then was planning my wedding. I asked my friend to do the makeup for my bridesmaids. As a present I bought her a pair of danskos. They were expensive and I was paying for my own wedding but I just felt like she needed to catch a break. Boy was she happy! She put a lot of miles on those puppies and she really needed them. It was one of the best presents I ever gave someone.
My favorite pair of shoes aren’t a pair I bought for myself.
I worked at a cosmetic store with a great girl. We were both broke college students who were always struggling. My friend always wished for her own pair of dansko’s. Not only were we on our feet all day at the shop, but she also waitressed and our campus was fairly large so she was always on the go. At $8.00 an hour there was no way to afford them.
I was 2 years ahead in school so graduated and got a better job and then was planning my wedding. I asked my friend to do the makeup for my bridesmaids. As a present I bought her a pair of danskos. They were expensive and I was paying for my own wedding but I just felt like she needed to catch a break. Boy was she happy! She put a lot of miles on those puppies and she really needed them. It was one of the best presents I ever gave someone.
I used to have the best pair of Tommy Hilfiger clogs – the toe was not too round and not too pointed and didn’t turn up at the end, and they didn’t have an extra buckles or decorations or anything on them. My sister’s dog chewed them up, and I made her give me the money to buy myself another pair. I wore that pair until they literally fell apart while I was on vacation in Las Vegas, so I threw them in the hotel trash. I’ve been looking and looking for another pair ever since. 🙁
WOW. Socks and shoes? Brilliant! I am almost always on the lookout for a comfortable and “presentable” pair of shoes – I don’t know how some of my coworkers do it, hobbling around in stilleto heels! It’s dumb. I have one pair of Mary Janes right now that I loooove, but the style isn’t made anymore (of course), and I want to keep my Adorable Shoe Supply going.
My favorite shoes are my woolen clogs that I got about 6 years ago from Land’s End. Or maybe longer ago. They *just* started to rip the other day and I was so desperate to keep them that I sewed the fabric up again! So far, so good.
Don’t worry about how infrequently you blog these days. Kids will do that to you. We are still here :).
I love socks with color but very plain knitting so there are no bumps around my feet. Yes the original tender foot!
I have been reading you forever (even all the vomit posts) and have missed your daily peek into your life. I have also wanted a pair of these shoes for years (since I started knitting) to showcase my socks, but I am notoriously shoe cheap.
Still here, and still reading! Do miss you, but am a parent who understands! 🙂
What fun! Okay, my favorite socks are out of handspun and have a little mohair in them. Usually just make up a pattern, but do love my monkeys.
Hi Cara,
I really enjoy your blog, no matter how (in)frequently you post! My friend recently shared a toe-up sock ‘recipe’ with me (http://www.cometosilver.com/socks/2mlsocks_start.htm) that may become my favorite way to make socks! It’s easy and intuitive!
My all-time favorite pair of shoes? A tie. My red Keen mary-janes and a pair of hot pink Chuck Taylor All-Star High tops from when I was a kid. The Keens are a current fav. How can you have a bad day when you have on red shoes? I once had such an awful day at work that I went home at lunch and put on my red shoes and came back and instantly everything was better. I wear those shoes regardless if they match my outfit or not (I’m wearing them today with jeans, a purple t-shirt and a grey sweater with elbow patches). And I knit a special pair of socks for them this Socktober to celebrate- the embossed leaves patterns from Favorite Socks in a really pretty blue-green handpainted yarn a friend made. Who says your socks have to match your shoes? My other favorite pair? The hot pink Chucks? I saw them when I was a kid and it was love at first sight. They were expensive and I know my mom really couldn’t afford them but she got them for me anyway. And I wore them everywhere with everything. I have a picture of myself in my Easter dress (blue with with lace) wearing the Chucks. At least my mom was willing to let me express my sense of style even if I was the kid with the blue Easter dress and the hot pink Chucks.
I’m a Dansko-aholic. I bought my first pair fresh out of college, when I justified the expense by telling myself it was important to my health (in a new job that involved standing all day on a cement floor). I’ve been hard-pressed to make a pair of new socks for myself recently (so many people I love just *need* handknit socks!), but I have half a pair (i.e. one sock) finished…so maybe a new pair of shoes will push me over the edge to finish them? Phew – 600 posts! Happy reading!
I definitely do miss seeing your name light up in my rss feed! I just started the Spiraling Coriolis sock from New Pathways for Sock Knitters the other day; it’s my first sock in months and I am just having a blast with it! In the book, Cat says that she could knit those socks for the rest of her life and be happy, and I can say that I agree. You should try it, it may get that sock mojo going again during the few free moments you seem to have these days.
I love my knee high socks that keep my legs warm in the winter!
no purl monkeys are my #1 fav right now. just finished a pair in str grinchy. i need a new pair of shoes to wear them with now 😉
I think my favorite pair of shoes ever were the white ‘wet look’ go-go boots that I begged and pleaded my parents relentlessly for. All that wheedling finally paid off and I got my boots with the stern admonitions from my mother that I would have to clean them daily to keep them “nice”.
I wore them to death. I still remember sitting on the kitchen floor cleaning them with the cream kitchen polish* my mother used to clean counters.
*the name of which stubbornly refuses to return to the front of my brain.
My favourite shoes were purple with lilac tassles when I was about 6 years old. I loved those shoes so much.
I love contests! Favorite pair of shoes? Hmmm, I think that would be this pair of boots I wore back in high school. See, I have pretty small feet for a grown-up, and I sometimes can get away with buying the kid’s sizes. Which is very cool when they have cool shoes. I saw these boots, made out of blue-jean material, with a back pocket on the outside and everything. So cute, and the biggest they came in was a 4. I crossed my fingers, as usually I’m a 5, but I tried them on and they fit! I felt so cool wearing those. I wonder what happened to them.
I do miss reading your blog. I miss pictures of drowsy babies falling asleep with milk dribbling out of the corner of their mouth. And I miss baby legs and thighs. And I want to know, when do chunky thighs like that cease to be adorable? Cause, well, nevermind. Please, consider me entered.
I love my Birkenstock Clogs with all may heart. Primarily because the display my socks to their best advantage.
Hi Cara! (waving!!!) I was excited to see a new blog post and I have been totally wnating a pair of Danskos so it was meant to be I tell you!!!! I hope you are loving mommyhood, even though it sure does cut into knitting-hood (for a bit, but it DOES get better in that area 🙂 ) Have agreat day!
Just stumbled across your blog (linked from Jasmin/cuteknitter’s blog) and yay–a contest! My favorite shoes are a pair of brown slip-on boots. I love ’em with jeans, they really dress up casual wear. They’re also super comfy and easy to slip on and off as I’m rushing kids out the door and back home again! Have been pining for something that would show a little sockage, though–mine are seriously lacking in that department 🙁
looks like you scared up a few readers here, eh?
my favorite shoes are the Teva “city” line sandels that have walked me all over France & Italy three times over the last 10 years- now those are some troopers!
I have a pair of handmade liberty cowboy boots with skulls on them. I LOVE THESE BOOTS!!! They are my all time favorite shoes. My DH thinks I am the BIGGEST dork but I love them. Though, I always wanted a pair of ruby slippers….
I do miss you posting more often. but i can relate. still enjoy your blog and photos tremendously.
I would have to say that my favorite shoes these days are Keens- of any style! I am addicted to them for comfort and style. Thanks for having a fun contest!
Your blog’s transformation mirrors the metamorphosis we all go through in one way or another. Reassuring. It doesn’t hurt that you went from being the knitting blog of a photographer(pretty cool in its own right) to the official blog of the Cutest Baby In The World, with knitting thrown in, too. It makes my heart feel warm watching Meli grow. (P.S. My favorite pair of shoes: lace up Charly Browns I had in 1969. So sturdy, so wide, so comfortable.)
Favorite shoes ever: Red/burgandy vinyl supershiny sneakers from my senior year in high school. Comfortable and attention-getting all at once!
I did have a pair of black heels that the puppy just chewed.
I do miss reading your blog and hearing about your knitting and of course Meli.
My absolutely most favorite shoes ever were Cherokees bought in Korea (who knows if they were the real thing or knockoffs) in 1983. They were slides with a wonderful cupped footbed that just fit my foot and the part across the instep had velcro to fit anytime…swollen feet after hours of walking and shopping or just getting up in the morning. They even saw me through 9 months of pregnancy while living in Guam!!! I looked all over the US on my return and never found any others like them. If I ever see any I will buy them on the spot…any color!!
My favorites have to be my Birks in the summer and any clogs in the fall and winter. I love shoes that do show off my handknit socks.
Hope you do come back more.
You exude happiness with every post. Motherhood suits you to a tee,
My favorite shoes – birkenstocks been wearing them over 30 years….
My favorite sock is the one I am knitting at the moment… I am easily amused.
Yeah, I love it when you post and I especially love it when the post involves a CONTEST. Tee hee.
BTW, Meli is so frickin’ adorable that I can’t STAND IT sometimes. ‘nuf gushin over the baby.
My FAVORITE pair of shoes EVER have to be my black patent leather Nine West Stilleto heeled pumps (what can I say, I’m Latina as Eva Longoria once said “I was BORN in heels”) although I have it from good authority that hubby has picked up my new fave (Ralph Lauren black leather Mary Jane Stilleto heels – swoon) and will be gifting them to me for Xmas! Be still my beating heart!
I hope I win this contest though as I have been eyeing some Dansko mary janes for my handknits as well. . . . . . Love my dansko nursing (professionals) so I can only imagine that I will love the MJs as well.
Glad to see ya back. Post when you can. We’ll be here!
Yeah, I love it when you post and I especially love it when the post involves a CONTEST. Tee hee.
BTW, Meli is so frickin’ adorable that I can’t STAND IT sometimes. ‘nuf gushin over the baby.
My FAVORITE pair of shoes EVER have to be my black patent leather Nine West Stilleto heeled pumps (what can I say, I’m Latina as Eva Longoria once said “I was BORN in heels”) although I have it from good authority that hubby has picked up my new fave (Ralph Lauren black leather Mary Jane Stilleto heels – swoon) and will be gifting them to me for Xmas! Be still my beating heart!
I hope I win this contest though as I have been eyeing some Dansko mary janes for my handknits as well. . . . . . Love my dansko nursing (professionals) so I can only imagine that I will love the MJs as well.
Glad to see ya back. Post when you can. We’ll be here!
My favourite shoes were red Roots sandals with the original negative heel, back in the early 70s. I LOVED those shoes. Just post when you can.
My favorite all-time pair of shoes were powder blue leather maryjanes I got when I was a junior in high school. The maryjane part of the shoe was a cute matching blue grosgrain ribboned bow. They were soft – like buttah! I wore them with a matching powder blue dress my mom made from a designer pattern that was polyester double-knit (what else, it was circa 1971!!). The dress had a peter pan collar, tulip shaped short sleeves, princess seaming and the hem was scalloped. I LOVED my powder blue shoes and dress and thought I was the luckiest girl in the world that her mom could sew such “cool” clothes!! The shoes didn’t last and the dress was eventually was given away but I have the pattern for it to this day!
My favorite sock to knit so far has been Embossed Leaves by Mona Schmidt in a beautiful green & purple variegated sophie’s toes yarn from an etsy shop.
Looks like the contest idea worked. I’m currently loving, among many pairs, a pair of Ara loafers in black and brown that I bought in a large enough size to go over heavier weight hand-knit socks. They work well for walking all over the city.
I actually did knit a pair of socks in October – a first since they’re my fifth pair of socks. And I’m about to start a sweater from STR.
I live in the US – Seattle, to be exact.
Just wanted to add my voice to all of those before me to show that, yes, you do indeed still have readers. (and I for one enjoy the baby pics!)
Thanks for running the contest! Oh, girl, I LIVE in my Danskos for I am a server at a local restaurant and these shoes save my feet and back and well, my life in general, most evenings. Bonus points to them because they make me taller and we who are vertically challenged do love us some leg-lengthening cute and comfy shoes!
I love your blog, and especially your frankness. I also love Dansko shoes, I am a nurse and wear them on my 12 hour shifts, and even my 12 hour shifts at home. I am only a beginner knitter, so I have never tried to knit socks. So I guess I am out of the loop there. Have a great day.
I miss you being around!
But i know that meli is a good reason to not be around as much. 🙂
my socktober (and september begun) socks are new ones that I tried with grumperina’s two-color spiraling. LOVED IT!
I saw you at Rhinebeck — turned to my friend and said, “That’s Cara from January One!!” It’s always fun to see knitting celebrities. I’m glad to see that you’re still posting. The pictures that you take of Meli are always fantastic!
Still reading here too! I have too many pairs of shoes, I don’t think I could pick a favorite, and I haven’t made a pair of socks that I really like yet, but maybe I’ll win some Socks That Rock to make some good ones!
Such a fun contest! But how will you find time to read all the replies? I really enjoy your blog, and tune in here whenever I need to see a happy baby picture to cheer my day. Thanks for that!
My favorite pair of shoes is my brand new pair of boots. I really only have designer envy for one thing – UGGs Austrailian Sheep boots. This winter it’s the Urban Crocheted boots for me (which actually have knitted details, not crocheted ones). They are deliciously warm and snuggly and for someone who walks to work in the winter in Wisconsin, a MUST.
Great contest! Thanks!
My favourite pair of shoes were a pair of brown Timberland lace-ups. They are the only pair of shoes that i put on and they felt great from the word go- all my other shoes wreak havoc and blisters are fairly constant companions. They weren’t elegant but they were cute and practical (even good for walking the dogs). I still have them- they are so scuffed and scruffy that i can’t really wear them but i can’t bear to throw them away.
My favorite pair of shoes are my mid-calf boots by Camper. Super-simple, cute, and comfortable!
My favorite shoes are my red sheep birkie clogs. I wear them so often that my students at school tease me when I *don’t* have them on! LOL
I am not actually a knitter, but I have been known to operate as a yarn-runner and am a great lover of hand-knit squishiness (and those who are kind/awesome enough to supply me with these tangible bits of love). I read your blog for the writing and the beautiful photography. My current favorite shoes are my new red boots that I bought just in time for the weather to go from the highs in the 40’s to highs in the 70’s. I know I’ll be sad to see the beautiful weather go, but I really want to wear my boots!
Hey Cara! I’m not really into shoes but goodness knows I’d like a STR gift certificate.
My favorite pair of shoes ever is a pair of Bomber Dogs, which are basically the same as Converses but they come up to mid-calf. Mine are black with hot pink trim and laces. Sometimes I feel like getting really punk, just for fun, and these are the perfect shoes for it (as I don’t own any black platforms).
Hope you and G and Meli are all doing great!
My first favorite pair of shoes were my “potato shoes.” A pair of brown saddle shoes I had in kindergarten. 2nd fave were a pair of blue suede shoes known as the “blueberry shoes.” Sure wish I had them now to wear with some cozy handknits.
Hello hello!
My favorite shoes are my Dansko Marcelles. I actually wrote an essay about them for a teaching course I took, as I call them my “teacher shoes.” Being of average height and teaching tall horticulture undergrads, having the extra two inches the danskos provided didn’t necessarily give me any height advantage, but they made me feel taller. Which I suppose is a plus. That and they have marvelous arch support, as noted above.
Hope all is well with you! Thanks for the fun contest!
I’ve been reading your blog for a while and as a soon to be new parent, it’s really interesting to read how you balance motherhood and life.
My favorite pair of shoes ever…oh it’s so hard to choose…I guess I’ll pick my pair of doc martens that I bought in college when I was in London. They have a really cool oil slick finish to them that gives a subtle rainbow look and I still have them because docs last forever.
I have never had dansko shoes, but would love to try them! They’re a bit out of budget. However I am studying to be a teacher (and subbing while I’m doing that) so any shoes that look good AND are comfortable would be awesome! As for favorite sock patterns, well I LOVE monkeys! However, I have wide feet, and every time I make them they are too small in the instep. I have modified them, increasing the pattern stitch, making the instep bigger, lengthening the foot (I do toe up only) but to no avail. However, I have a friend whose feet are smaller than mine who loves my socks. Sob…need to knit me more socks.
Wow, what amazing contests!
I’ve never had Dansko shoes, like some of the other commenters–I have huge, wide feet and I haven’t found any to try on lately.
I’m starting to think I’m weird. LOL! I like knitting socks, but I don’t end up wearing them.
My favorite shoes are my hippo printed vans! I’m just starting to get into shoes that will show off my socks. Favorite sock yarn ever is Blue Moon Fiber Arts STR!
I have never owned Danskos but like to knit socks.You have a gorgeous baby! God bless you all!Every time I read your blog you cheer me up… Gracias, Bruny
My favorite shoes for showing of my handknit socks is a pair of Maryjane Privos. And they are so comfy too. I love shoes and there is no such thing as too many shoes!
I have a pair of Camper frateral twin mary janes that I absolutely love. I rarely wear them without hearing, “Where did you get those shoes” at least once. But the best part is that they are barefoot comfortable!
I’ve given away most of the socks that I’ve knit but my favorite pair that I kept are my monkeys in a pretty varigated green/black/brown color.
My favorite pair of shoes were my black snake skin textured patent leather Danskos. Sadly I was not a sock knitter at the time, I would love to wear my handknit socks in a new pair of Danskos. PS My favorite sock yarn is Blue Moon.
I love knitting socks and I love your beautiful blog. Your photos are always just lovely. I don’t own a pair of Dansko’s….but I would love to if only to show off all the Monkey socks I’ve knit.
I love every pair of Converse shoes I’ve bought! I wear them until the heel almost becomes painful. The fabric rubs down until the canvas is showing. Ouch!
I had this pair of beaded moccasins back when I was in high school. I was inordinately fond of them and quite literally wore them out.
These days I seem to wear mostly clogs in the winter, and try to keep my feet decent for strappy sandals in the summer.
Thanks for the generous contest! I miss your knitting but I understand completely…my world revolves around my 18 mos. old, and she’s got a brother on the way!!
I may have just bought my new favourite pair shoes yesterday. They are super pretty and very comfortable. I just started a new job so I need to have fancy shoes and these make me very happy 🙂
Just FYI, I’m in Canada.
My favorite pairs of shoes are definitely my Professional Danskos (and I’m not saying this because of the contest). I love them and I love that I can wear them with my handknit socks. I even wear them in the summer with no socks. I wear them almost everyday to work – I’ve even worn them to walk around Disney and New York City.
Oh boy, oh boy – what a fun giveaway!
My favorite pair of shoes would have to be my Chaco sandals. I can never say enough good things about them – great arch support, long lasting, re-soleable, versatile. Also they have been with me through Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru – fabulous shoes.
My favorite pair of shoes? Probably the black spike-heeled boots I got for my 16th birthday (almost 27 years ago!) because they were the first sexy shoes I ever owned. That year everything was black — sweater, jeans, boots — all designed to attract the attention of the socially unacceptable boy I was crushing on, and it worked! Not future-husband material, but a great kisser!
My favorite pair of shoes? Probably the black spike-heeled boots I got for my 16th birthday (almost 27 years ago!) because they were the first sexy shoes I ever owned. That year everything was black — sweater, jeans, boots — all designed to attract the attention of the socially unacceptable boy I was crushing on, and it worked! Not future-husband material, but a great kisser!
I actually do miss you. I haven’t been knitting for a while but I still come back and check your blog because I love to read you talking about knitting (or whatever). I’m not a big commenter because I just don’t have the time to make a place for myself inside communities, as much as I might wish otherwise, but I read.
My CURRENT favorite shoes are my hot pink patent leather doc martens. People stare at them in something akin to shock and horror and I LOVE IT.
Yahoo…new shoes:) This is actually my first time reading your blog…but sign me up for new shoes…did I mention Yahoo for new shoes:) My favorite pair of shoes happen to be my RED Keens…everyone needs a pair of RED shoes, they make me smile and are sooooo comfy to boot…or to shoe in this case!
Yahoo…new shoes:) This is actually my first time reading your blog…but sign me up for new shoes…did I mention Yahoo for new shoes:) My favorite pair of shoes happen to be my RED Keens…everyone needs a pair of RED shoes, they make me smile and are sooooo comfy to boot…or to shoe in this case!
ooh, I have to admit that my favorite shoes are Dansko clogs. I was introduced to them by my mom years ago, and I’ve been a loyal customer ever since. They’re sturdy and give me a bit of lift – which is just what my short legs need to get my pants out of puddles without hemming! Thanks for coordinating this great contest:-D
I love my Dansko clogs. So there is my answer. I really didn’t know what I was missing ’til I bought a pair. LOVE EM!
Favorite sock pattern? I love Grumperina’s Rosa’s Socks pattern. I never tire of knitting that pattern.
and P.S. start blogging again. I miss you! And maybe if you start blogging again, it will encourage me to get back in the habit!
My favorite shoes are any shoes I can wear handknit socks with! I have a nice paire of Mary Jane sneakers that show them off nicely.
Favorite sock pattern are Cookie A’s Monkeys!
Thanks for the contest!!
My Favorite shoes are also Dansko. They are the original pony hair in the dalmation print. they are so well loved that there are places that now have no pony hair left but I will continue to wear them until the day they die!
I love my Snicket socks…although I didn’t love knitting them! My hardest sock pattern yet.
My favorite shoes . . . don’t have them anymore. I was a teenager and one of my sister’s friends left her shoes at our place and when I said I liked them, she let me have them, she said they hurt her feet. I took the shoes. Those were the only shoe with a heel that I liked, otherwise I wear sneakers. Kind of like a clog, but with a heel and leather front. Wore those suckers out until they were no longer wearable.
Hey! What do you know? I decide it is time to get back into blogging and READING my bloglines and lo and behold you are back, too and having a contest. Well, I NEED a new pair of Danskos!!! I have one pair, yes, I know, but that is all I can afford. I have had them for 2 years and I wear them constantly. They are just the professional clogs, but they are gold to me!!! I have entered MANY contests and never won, but this one…..this one….is actually a need, not just a want!!! I have trying to “sock” away a tiny amount of money each month to save up, but it just seems each month, something else comes up! Oh well. My fingers and toes are crossed! Welcome back! I hope to get my blog back up and running soon!
I’ve never had a pair of Danskos and would LOVE to have the opportunity to own a pair! Very exciting…It’s great to have you back!
Fun contest — I really do love Danskos! Hope you’re doing well and enjoying your adorable baby girl. I love checking out her cute poses and gorgeous hand-knits.
Some of my favorite shoes have actually been the ones I got for my own daughters when they were little. I just don’t think there are many things sweeter than a little girl’s legs in tiny sandals or dress-up shoes. So kissable!
I LOVE Cookie A patterns, and my favorite so far has been Thelonious. It is an awesome pattern, with accurate charts and instructions. I think they look better on than off the foot.
PS thanks for the Dansko thing – I love their shoes. They saved my back, legs and feet while standing for 12 hour shifts for many years. Now I sit more but have a lot of walking to do and they are still great.
I love your blog and am excited about the shoes you posted about – I’ve been looking for a pair of shoes to wear to show off my hand knitted socks.
Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I’m the 665 person to leave a comment…WOW!!
Hello and this is a great contest
What a fun idea! Also, I may be commenter 666, which would make me laugh a lot.
My favorite shoes are a pair of Fluevogs that look like what Minnie Mouse would wear if she turned to burlesque. I heart them.
My favorite socks are Hedgerows.
I llike my littel grandma tennis shoes from RiteAide. The are cheap and light.
I love my Danskos and any socks made with STR.
My favorite socks are a pair I made using Noro sock yarn. I have not been able to find STR locally here in Maine!
My favorite shoes are the ones I bought this past summer after I joined Laurie Perry’s buy nothing challenge. Okay it’s not an official challenge, but I thought I’d try anyway. Then I realized I really needed a pair of work shoes and thought very carefully about what exactly these challenge-busting shoes needed to do for me. Then I searched until I found just the right shoes for the job. Grey heather peeptoe pumps with black patent trim and they’re comfortable and look great with suits and dresses and go for work or special outings. I got rid of 4 other pairs that were redundant with these. I love them! But they don’t go with handknitted socks…
My favorite pair of shoes were blue Sam and Libby high heels with a really chunky square heel and a very square toe. I could wear them for days and they looked really good too. I miss those shoes every fall.. 🙁
My favorite socks are from Sockotta yarn. I just love that stuff. They are super simple, just a bit of ribbing up the front center. Pink, red, white, and orange. They make me smile every time I put them on. 🙂
I hardly wear them, but I love knowing that I own them.
Red shiny stilettos with a double ankle strap.
They are sexy/slutty and its nice to have that option, even if I hardly take that up.
Dansko profesional the only shoe that lasts and lasts. Comfortable no matter how many hours I am wearing them. I can wear them with my handknitted socks too.
I have decided (arbitrarily, of course) that next year will be my year-of-socks-and-mittens. Winning the contest would be a fabulous way to kick-start the year!
Blog more, or don’t–life is busy. When you do, though, we will be happy.
My favorite shoes used to be Adidas Samba. But it is almost impossible to find the men’s version in my size. My favorite boots are a pair of Frye Loggers. I have had them 5 years now and can’t see them ever wearing out.
I love looking at all of Cookie A.’s designs although I haven’t knit any yet. I have the yarn for a pair of Baudelaire’s but I am having difficulty deciding if I should knit the pattern on the instep.
Knitters have so many great things in common – and Dansko shoes are one of the best!! I Love these shoes! My Dansko stash rivals my yarn stash and i have no regrets about either! Thanks for a fun contest!
My favorite shoes these days are my Sketchers Reality Checks–love the owl and how nicely they show off my hand knit sock-os.
I really love my MBT shoes. They aren’t the most stylish, but sooooo comfy. And they’ve lasted a couple years with no major scars to show for it.
My favorite pair of shoes is a pair of Softspots clogs (actually my two favorite pairs of shoes, since I have them in black and brown). They fit perfectly, my feet never feel tired in them and they fit with my handknit socks! What more could anyone ask for? I will cry when I wear them out.
How can I just pick one pair of shoes out of all of my 60+ pair of shoes! OK I will pick the leopard print wedges, they are sassy and I get a lot of compliments on them. I did just by my first pair of Danskos and do love them a lot as well.
so, you thought noone was reading, huh? I keep reading and loving all your entries and you have inspired my knitting quie a lot. Sarting off with monkeys and going right on to BMFA. Unfortunately I have not yet found a great pair of shoes to go with my socks. I usually wear them at home or atwork, they fir quite well into my workshoes (healthy ones, like the ones nurses wear, only with steel-toe-protection, because I am a klutz and keeo hitting my toes…) So, keep wriiting whenever you find the time and space, we are still out there waiting for your posts!
My favorite pair of shoes *are* the ones you posted about on 12/31/06! I saw the photo of the Dansko Camillas in your post and fell utterly in love with them and ordered myself a pair that week. Now I own three pair of Danskos and love them all, but the Camillas are still my favorites.
wooo! makin’ it in just under the wire! typing with one hand because i’m nursing the new addition to the family, henry, who decided to come 2 weeks early, but then decided once we got to the hospital that he’d changed his mind, so we had to go c-section. so i spent a week in the hospital and have missed you and all the other awesome blogs i read! lovely pic of meli at rhunebeck – one of these days i’ll get there.
fave shoes – my doc martens (i own no danskos)!
My fav sock to date are my Lombard Street socks. Everytime I wear them I get compliments!