Claudia is at it again! She’s collecting donations for her annual MS Ride and there are many fabulous prizes to be won. In fact, just today I told Claudia I’d throw TWO $25.00 gift certificates to The Loopy Ewe into the pot. So head on over and find out all the details. GIVE EARLY AND OFTEN!

Meli on her new bike! Yay for cameraphones!
Thank you!
L, C
She looks like such a big girl! Yay for cameraphones indeed =D
Awww, all decked out in her pink helmet. She’s such a doll! And growing so fast 🙂
Enjoy the sun! Amy
Meli looks adorable! Beautiful girl.
Thanks Cara!
Thanks Cara!
Thanks for the reminder about Claudia’s ride. I’ve supported her for the last couple of years. I also wanted to pass on the link to a site I visit–she went to a Heifer International global village and I thought you might be interested in her photos, etc. This posting (and a previous) were really interesting.
OMG! What a cute no-longer-a-baby. Adorable!
Wonderful blog.
Lovely daughter.
Wonderful blog.
Lovely daughter.
Gotta love the Kettler Toys bikes and trikes! My maiden name is Kettler. When I found a little scooter from that brand while pregnant with my first child, I knew I had to buy it.